www .lhenewsenlerprise.CDm EWS- E Henry Morrison Meade County baseball senior 80 Wilson recovers from il1iury setback last season is Monday's Man SPORTS, 81 PAGEA10 i UiOH APRil 23, 2012 SE RYIN G HHIlIN C(lUNTV SI NCE 19H • UACH SUBSCRIBER SERYICES AT (H6) 5»5-1710 50 Glnll Reality TV star visits E'town City joins Amy Roloff speaks about nationwide challenges with dwarfism hunger lly AMBER coucru aco,.Jt~r @ lh ....w ..n~rpriM ."" m • • Amy Roloff knows competItIon about (halleoges. She stands chest-high to most women she meets, which has been the basis Elizabethtown could win of social and workplace discrimination in her life. $1million with residents'votes She didn't used to keep posteI'! on her walb or By AMBER COULTER look through magazines. aroull<'l@'hene..... nlml'ri... oo rn ~ I never wanted to look at anything that I never Eluabet.hto\\ll residents have the chance to earn thou· could become,w she said. sands of meals and S I million to fight hunger locally. \Varking to become The dty was selected by the effort Fighting Hunger comfortable as a little per­ Together as one of 200 communities across the nation lIOn has given her an ap­ with high unempl oyment rales thai might increase the preciation of the chal­ number of residents who are unsure about where tlleir Icnges others faced. meals will come from. ~To my world, every­ A December report from the U.S. O:>nference of one is big, ~ she said. Mayors listed unemplo}'lnent Il$ the leading cause of The star of The Lear­ hunger ill American cities, ning Channel's ~ Little f-ighting H unger Together was launched by t'ccding Poople, Big World" has a America, Walmart, the Walmart Foundation, General special interest in encour­ Mills. O:>nArgra Foods, Kraft Foods and Kellogg aging women and children Company cooperating in a national hunler relief effort caught up in abuse and planned to provide more than 42 mi lion meals to neglect. hungry families nationwide. She spoke Saturday at Tum to HUNGER, A7 Grace Heartland Church as part of a fundraiser for the SpringHaven Inc. do· mestic violence program. She talked to a crowd of more Ihan 100 people about the challenges she has faced and what she has taken away from them. Amy Roloff, star 01 televl.Ion·, ~ uttle People. BlI Wor1d,Wand U.a Holmes. exeeutl~e Roloff remembers director of SpringHa~an Inc .• draw door prlzel at a benefit for SpringHa~en 'l domestic ~loIenc:e JHogram. Roloff spoke about the challenges she faced during her life, throwing a lanlnun as a 5· year-old at home on her she would make friends. because the way she It was difficult hearing first day of school The most important thing looked made them un· people say she could not ~ I didn'l know I was lit· he told her was God does comfortable. do certain things or not in· tle, I was just Amy.~ she nOI make mistakes. Through all that, she vite her to social events" said. Her younger brother continued 10 believe there such as prom. Roloff panicked about once fought a boy about were goOO things in the fu­ Some people Il$ked what the Otller children five years older who used ture for her ~ause God Roloff and her husband would think and if she to follow Roloff home docs nOI make mistakes. New Highland Elementary School ,tlldentl Hnt ItIVen plulh when they dec::ided to have monst&r toys around the c:ountf)' ill part of a cl_ prOject. would make friend!!. from school, verbally abu· "The one thing thai has children why Ihey wanted Her father told the db· sing her. helped me through all of tTaught girl some people Later, employers dis· my challenges is my faitht to have children who might make fun of her. but criminated against Roloff she said. Torn lo ROLOff. A7 New Highland sends 'Monsters Woman continues search for lost dog after 4 years Around the World' Yates, 73, Ihinks her full·blooded First graders learn geography AMBER Chihuahua was stolen for breeding COULTER because he hadn't through traveling plush toys been neutered. She doesn't think By KELLY CANTRAl.L the Worldt Fon Knox srORIES FROM TIlE HEAltTI.AND he could have es· ke>.nltldJ@lhc ......... nt.rpri"'.con> Federal Credit Union pur· caped his chain, and cha&.-d seven toys in the In the ~ Io st" section of 11Ie NruJJ· he retumed home A first·grade class at likeness of ~Sully, ~ a char­ Enterprist classifieds is a nondescript within a few hounl the one time he New Highland Elemen· aCler from the fibn ~Mo lI · item advertising the loss of a tan and tary School has unleashed white ChihuallUa weighing about 10 Charlie the Chihuahua has been mini", did slip lUlIlOtiCed Oul an open door. sters, In c." At the begin. for four years. monsters on America in pounds named Cha.-lie. Yates alld her friends searched ning of spring break, the the name of education. The onJy thing that sets the ilem chain in her yard while she was the area for him every day for toys began their/·oumeys weeks without success. aprut from the others is the next working in the garden. Plush monster dolls ac· WIth a vanety 0 people, Since then, she has been adver· sentence, which says the dog was It was a hot day, so Yates had companied travelers including drivers with toslJune 27,2008, in the Tom tied Charlie up in the shade with tising in the classifieds. around the United States Keyboard Carriage tmck· Brown Estates area. water while she went to pick green A woman met Yales a week and and students are tmcking ing company, employees Mattie Yates, who lives near beans. When she returned for him, a half al,'O with a dog thai malched their trips on a map as part wilh an airline and Fed Vine Grove, has been advertising he was gone with the clasp of his his description she found wandering of a geography lesson. Ex, as weJl as vaCatiOlll"lS for the return of her dog since he chain open. the street, but the small, underfed tor a project the class in Iowa and the Bahamas. went missing one Thursday from a uGod, I can't I,'CI over it,~ she said. Tum lo DOG, All calls "Monsters Around Tum \0 MONSTF.RS, Alt INSIDE WEATHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED TUESDAY A88V ...............A8 NEIGHBORS ." .. AS Billy Blanton, 73 Viola M. Clark, 90 Results of Sunday's The NruJJ-Enler· CALENDAR .... " .A4 06ITUAR IES ." .. A4 prist online poll, as of 7 p.m.: CLASSIAEDS ".B5 OPINION " """ .. A6 DorisJean Garmon, R6 COMICS ........ 8U PUZZLES ....... 810 Douglas Allen Stark, 56 QUESTION: Should there be special HElOISE. .......810 SENIOR LIFE .... AS • COMI'l£Il: OBITUAAIES, U penalties for teens who drive while LonERtES ____. _82 SPORTS _____. _._.81 impaired by drugs or alcohol? MOYIES ......... B10 TV ............ 89-810 YeS, more severe: 63 pen:ent MONDAY'S MAN .... A10 Yes, more lenient: 4 percent PARTLY CLOUDY Follow us: No: 33 percent YODAY'S QUESTION: Have you eVer 58/38 lost a pet? learn how to make fni the poll QI,lCStion ~the .opn;on' meru at • OOMPLEl'E REPORT. A2 ,,-,~e.prI&e.com bruschetta A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE MONDAY. APRil 23, au LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON 1lI1S DATE IN 1618, En­ LARUE COUNTY glish pod and dramatist Deadly 2010 crash William Shakespeare, 52, PrinCipal appears died on what has been tradi­ tionally regardl:d as the an­ on KET tonight nill of his birth in 1564. Paul Mullins, principal ~89 , PresidenH:Ject s repairs of laRue County High George W",shinglon and his 1-65 School, recently was inter· wife, Martha., moved into lhe By ROGER ALfOIW proved a road oonstruction plan The National Transportation viewed for flf'S1 exeo:;utive mansion, the TIt., A!OO<iOtod Pro .. that caUs for about $80 million Safety Board concluded the truck a special Franklin House, ill New York- more to continue the work over driver had becn distracted by hi~ t e levision IN 1954, Hrutk Aaron of the FRANKFORT - One of Ken­ the fo llowing four years. cellphone. program Milwaukee Bmves hit the fIrst tucky's deadliest highway crdShes For Rep. Michael Meredith, R· The tragedy brought chanb'CS about valu­ of his record 755 major-league cemented the Legislature's resolve Brownsville, the improvements beyond the widening project. Fol­ ing teachers - home milS. to widen a rural stretch of Intel" can't come soon enough. lowing a lengthy investigation, the in Ke ntuc- IN 1992, McDonald's state 65 that's poised to re~eive opened illl first fast-foud ~We had done the averages, federal agency recommended ky schools. $100 million wonh of improve­ It is sched- restaurant in the Chinese ments in the next two years. and over the past six years there truckers be hafTed from using cell· capital of Beijing. had been II fatalities a year,~ Mer· phon~ while driving. uled 10 air MUWNS The spotlight was focused on statewide at the dangers of the heavily traveled edith said. ~ There had been 1-6;; nms from Louisville in the IN HARDIN COUNTY around 150 injury accidents. In all, north through Bowling Green in 9 tonight on KJ:.l. route in March 2010 when II peo­ Mullins and Rita Mura­ 30 YEARS Aoo. Brig. Gen. ple were killed in a single crash, it averaged oul to be almost one the south, slicing through a largely James Dozier made his fIrSt accident a day for the last six rural landscape.
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