Rough Fescue (Festuca scabrella Torr.) in Washington Item Type text; Article Authors Hodgkinson, H. S.; Young, A. E. Citation Hodgkinson, H. S., & Young, A. E. (1973). Rough fescue (Festuca scabrella Torr.) in Washington. Journal of Range Management, 26(1), 25-26. DOI 10.2307/3896876 Publisher Society for Range Management Journal Journal of Range Management Rights Copyright © Society for Range Management. Download date 23/09/2021 08:35:38 Item License http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/ Version Final published version Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/647330 Rough Fescue (Festuca scabreUa Tom.)in Washington HARMON S. HODGKINSON AND ALFRED E. YOUNG Highlight: In Washington, rough fescue occurs primarily north of the 47O latitude Columbia to Newfoundland; from eastern and east of the Cascade Mountains. There are two large, well-represented areas. Other Washington and eastern Oregon to North locations are represented by small areas, some containing only scattered plants. Rough Dakota; and in Michigan, Wyoming, and fescue is very palatable and should be managed as the key species when it makes up Colorado (U.S. Dep. Agr., 1937; Hitch- more than 15% of the total plant composition. To maintain or improve good stands, cock et al., 1969). no more than 50% of the annual current year Sgrowth should be removed. To the north of Washington, in British Columbia, McLean and Marchand (1968) In Washington, where rough fescue leaves and stalks. It has also been called reported rough fescue as a dominant to (Festuca scab&a Torrl .) occurs, it pro- “buffalo bunchgrass.” Rough fescue was abundant species in the floristic compo- duces abundant, palatable forage for live- the main winter forage for the buffalo of sition of the bluebunch wheatgrass stock and big game and has an extensive the northern Great Plains. The buffalo (Agropyron spicatum)-rough fescue site fibrous root system for holding soil. summered on the open mixed prairie but and an abundant species in the ponderosa Rough fescue occurs only in certain moved with the onset of winter to hilly, pine (Pinus ponderosa) site. locations, on the loamy and shallow range partially wooded country now classed as In Montana, the range of rough fescue sites. When it makes up more than 15% of the fescue grassland (Johnston and coincides with the mountainous areas of the total plant composition, it may be- MacDonald, 1967). the central and northern parts of the state come the key species for management. Rough fescue is a widely distributed (Stickney, 196 1). Rough fescue is an erect, tufted, per- species occurring in Canada from British D aubenmire (1970) found rough ennial bunchgrass with stalks (culms) 1 to 4 feet high and basal leaves usually 4 to 12 inches long (U.S. Dep. Agr., 1937). In N \JAStiINGTON eastern Washington, annual leaf growth has been measured up to 22 inches long t on healthy plants. Although rough fescue usually grows as large bunches often measuring 12 to 14 inches in diameter, Johnston and Cosby (1966) report rhizo- LOCATION HAP matous (creeping-rooted) forms in British Columbia, the Prairie Provinces, Montana, North Dakota, and Newfoundland. This plant is commonly called “rough m Large and well representedarea8 fescue” because of its rough (scabrous) of F. scabrella 0 Small areas to scattered plants The senior author is a range conservationist of p- scabrclla with the Soil Conservation Service, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Okanogan, Washing- ton. Alfred Young was formerly a range con- servationist at the same location, but has since retired; his present address is Chattaroy, Wash- ington. Manuscript received April 14, 1972. ‘Botanical names of species are according to Hitchcock et al. (1969). Fig. 1. Approximate locations of rough fescue (Festuca scabrella) in the State of Washington. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT 26(l), January 1973 25 of 7.5, 5.8, 4.9, 1.8, and 0.6 with 0, 20, 50, 70. and 90% utilization. res-oectivelv. The forage production yield decreased is grazing became heavier, and plant litter largely disappeared under the very heavy (90%) grazing. They also found that under the very heavy grazing, the char- acter of the soil changed. It became drier, and lighter in color and had higher soil temperatures. Moderate (50%) grazing maintained a high proportion of plants, encouraged early plant growth and, with the presence of litter and mulch, in- creased available moisture absorption. In another study, Johnston and MacDonald (1967) found close grazing in the winter did not kill plants or appreciably reduce their summer vigor. This research confirms observations in Washington. In Ferry County, rough fes- cue, managed in a deferred-rotation graz- ing system and with moderate grazing, showed an increase in size and vigor. Encouraging vigorous healthy plants in fescue associated in the Fesruca millefolium lanulosa), arrowleaf balsam- this way will result in higher usable forage idahoensis-Eriogonum heracleoides, and root (Balsamorhiza sagitfata), western yields. In northeastern Okanogan County, Fesruca idahoensis.Symphoricarpos albus hawkweed (Hierncium alberrinum) and an area ungrazed for several years and habitat types while studying the steppe silky lupine (Lupinus sericeus) in open dominantly rough fescue yielded 2,400 vegetation of Washington. To some ex- grasslands (Fig. 2). When extending into pounds air dry forage per acre. tent, it is also associated in the Pinus ponderosa pine and/or Douglas fir Ranchers and range managers in Wash- ponderosa-Symphoricarpos albus habitat (Pseudotsuga menziesii) woodland areas, ington should recognize rough fescue, its type (Daubenmire, 1968). it is associated with pinegrass (Calamag- growth characteristics and requiremenis In Washington, rough fescue occurs in rostis rubescens) and scattered shrubs and then manage to maintain or increase several areas primarily north of the 470 such as: snowberry (Symphoricarpos sp.), its forage yielding ability for meat pro- latitude and east of the Cascade Moun- rose (Rosa sp.), serviceberry (Amelan- duction and soil and water conservation. tains (Fig. 1). Two large and well- chier elnifolia), and redstem ceanothus represented areas of rough fescue are in (Ceanothus sanguineus). northeastern Okanogan County and Rough fescue is very palatable and Literature Cited northwestern Ferry County. A third is in relished by livestock and big game Daubenmie, R., and Jean B. Daubenmire. southeastern Chelan County. Small areas, throughout the grazing season. It should 1968. Forest vegetation of caster,, Wash- some with only scattered plants, are in be managed as the key species when it ington and northern Idaho. Wash. Agr. EXp. Whitman, Spokane, Ferry, Okanogan, produces more than 15% of the total sta. Tech. Hull. 60. 104 p. Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, and Yakima forage yield in a grazing pasture. A key Daubenmire, R. 1970. Steppe vegetation of species usually has a relarively high graz- Washington, Wash. Agr. Exp. %a. Tech. count,es. Bull. 62. 131 p. In Okanogan and Ferry counties, ing preference and generally provides Hitchcock, C. Leo, Arthur Conquist, Marion rough fescue occurs on the loamy and more than 15% of the readily available Ownbey, and J. W. Thompson. 1969. shallow range sites. The soils are black, forage within a given area. Vascular plants of the Paciiic Northwest. medium or moderately coarse textured, Locationed at higher elevations, rough Univ. of Wash. Prsss, Seattle. Parts l-5. Johnston, k, and Hugh E. Cosby. 1966. deep, well drained, occurring in glacial till fescue is grazed during the summer Rhizamatous form of Fesiwa mbrella. and outwash materials. Ash content or season. Overgrazing during this time can Can. J. Plant Sci. 46:*11-212. pyroclastic material is high. Soils are greatly damage the plant, and 2 to 3 years Johnston, A., and M. D. MacDonald. 1967. classified as Mollic Vimndepts, frigid, or of heavy use can remove the species from Floral mltlafion and seed production in Festuca seobrella. Can. J. Plant Sci. Typic Haploxerolls, frigid. The major soil the pasture. This is because of its erect 47571-583. se~les names are Molson, Chew,, growth habit enabling livestock to graze Johnston, A., J. F. Dormaar, and s. SlImlick. Hunters, and Koepke. close and remove most of the photo. 1971. Long-term *zing effects on fescue Elevations range from 2,000 to 6,000 synthetic tissue. For this reason, it has grassland soils. J. Range Management. ft. Precipitation ranges from 14 to 22 been virtually eliminated from many 24:185-18X. McLean, A., and L. Marchand. 1968. Grassland inches per year. Slopes are 0 to 65%. ranges where it once was important. ranges in the southern interior of British Exposures are generally cool and moist. Johnston et al. (1971) found at Columbia. Canada Dep. A& Pub. 1319. 28 The growing season is cool and short. Stavely, Alberta, the percent basal area of P. Rough fescue is associated with blue- rough fescue reflected grazing history. Stickney, P. F. 1961. Range of lough fescue (Festuca scobrello Ton.) in Montana. Proc. bunch wheatgrass, Idaho fescue (F&m They report after 17 years of continuous Montana Acad. Sci. 20:12-17. idahoensis), bluegrasses (Poa sp.), needle. summer (May 15 to November 15) graz- U.S. Dep. .+ 1937. Range Plant Handbook. grasses (Slipa sp.), yarrow (Achilles ing, rough fescue had a basal area percent Forest Service, Washington, D.C. 26 .
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