BILL TO OPEN GOTHAM SUNDAY GAMBLE LID HITS SHOWS SENATORS INTRODUCE EIGHTY CORPSES LAND IN SO. DAKOTA OF THE Y. M. C. A. THOUSAND NEW BILLS FOUND; 500 MAY 4-4 ^>♦4 ^ Measure At. 4- 4 Senator introduces KLAW-ERLANGER CUT Fulton Plans Further Curb of HAVE PERISHED 4 OUT SHOW, DUE TO 4 fecting Standing Rock and 4 SUNDAY LAW RAIDS. 4 Railroads in Rate 4 Reservations. 4 Cheyenne 4 Kansas City, Dec. 11.—Klaw & 4 Making. Heroic Rescuers Now Withir 4- Erlanger iast night notified the 4 4 manager of the Willis Wood the- 4 1,500 Feet of End of One 4 nter that they would not permit 4 WITH REDS 4 the Mines. NO AGREEMENT 4 their company of seventy-five Washington, Dec. 10—Nearly a thou- oj 4 Moul- 4 persons, headed by Frank sand bills were Introduced In the sen- 4 an and Lillian Herri, to present 4 ate in one All were referred to 4 Pixloy & Luders' comic opera, 4 day. 4 the more 10 to 111 .'Necessary, But an Inspector Will Takf 4 -‘The Grand Mogul," at the the- icommfttees. Among import- Monongah, W. Va.. Dec. Up removed! 4 nter last night, as they did not 4 ant measures were: toda--, sixteen bodies had been ths Measure to the In- Fair- 4 wish to subject the members of 4 By Senator Fulton: Amending rail- from mines No. 6 and 8, of the Americana. dians, Neverthe- 4 tlie company to the embar- 4 road rate law so that a change of tar- mont Coal company. Four 4 rassment of before a 4 iff cannot go into effect until declared About bodies have been less. appearing eighty to 4 criminal judge to answer the 4 .fair by the Interstate Commerce com- altogether, but only sixteen brought 4 charge of violating the Missouri 4 mission. the aurfaee. 4 law which forbids labor on Sun- 4 By Senator Dick: Administration The rescuere are now within 1,WU and they Washington, Dec. 11.—Senator Gatn- 4 day. The company was billed to 4 'measure Increasing pay of members of feet of the end of the mine, 4 of about ible has introduced a bill to open the 4 begin a week's engagement at army, navy and marine corps. are in two parties working hour. lands of the Standing Rock and Chey- 4 ihe Willis Wood last night and 4 By Senator Burks: For teaching of eighty each, with reliefs every of tho mining enne Indian reservations in Schuasse 4 the management filed vigorous 4 agriculture In normal schools; free President Watson, that ev- ■county, in the northwest part of South 4 protest against the attitude of 4 postage on reading matter for the company, stated this morning 4 will be made Dakota. 4 Klaw & Erlanger, but without blind; prohibiting telegraph and ex- ery possible investigation the cause West of the Missouri about 1,000,001) 4 avail, and last night the Willis 4 press companies from transmitting of the disaster to ascertain 4 acres are covered, in the western part 4 Wood was dark. The management gambling returns. and fix the responsibility. of the two reservations. The bill pro- 4 announced last night that the 4 By Senator Nelson: Extending free vides for three commissioners to ap- 4 theater will be opei. on Sunday 4 delivery service to all towns having a Dec. 4 W. Va.. the lands and make a classifica- 4 in the future. postal revenue of $8,000. Monongah. the praise to t.,e aurfaee during tion of them. must qualify in 4 All other 1 heaters except the 4 A ship subsidy bill introduced by Sen- were brought ; They washed and made as pre- twenty days after appointment by the 4 Majestic, a burlesque house, were 4 ator Galllnger, provides for Increases of ; night, were 4 4 as by a dozen under- and the work with- open yesterday, but the perform- the mall-carrying rate for 16-knot ships sentable possible president complete this and surrounding in four months. 4 anees were not altogether satis- 4 iplylng on the Pacific and the South At- takers from 4 towns, and placed In one of the min® The bill carries an appropriation for 4 factory to the patrons at some lantic to an amount not exceeding the was converted Into & of 4 of the where the man- 4 rate to first-class vessels. The buildings which the payment for the school lands houses, paid dawn of 4 few as 4 morgue. With the $.5,000, which are to go to the state, agement used as actors Is designed to meet the ideas set temporary .bill there began a heart rendering and additional for expenses of 4 possible. 4 forth on ship subsidy In the president’* day $20,000 march and down the alBles along, appraisement and any allotment of 4 4 'message. up 4444444 444444444-4444444444 which the bodies laid, by sobbing wives, work Senator Galllnger nlso Introduced bills necessary. mothers, sweethearts, orphaned chil- The senator has had the matter un- prohibiting the sale and transportation dren and strong men, each seeking a. der discussion with the interior depart- New York, Dec. 11.—Result of the of poisonous foods; providing for a near relative or beloved friend. ment for some time and an in- monument In to expects closed Sunday in New York: Theaters Washington private of the town are stunned soldiers of the and The people spector will be sent to take it up with army, increasing had re- and concert halls closed. 50: penny by the catastrophe. They long the Indians, to an agreement in * pensions for total deafness. looking garded these mines as practically Im- line with the bill’s provisions. and nickel arcades closed, dance ~~ ^ Two single statehood bills were Intro- 400; k ing mune from dangers so common to th« The act could be "the late os^^. duced, one by Senator Teller, for the passed independent halls shut, 500; clubs and societies coal mining Industry. The plant of th® of but it is thought best to kept admission of New Mexico, the other by agreement, company is provided with every device secure the Indians’ consent. affected, 50; entertainments postponed, Senator Stone, for the admission of life and the not and his were for the protection of equip- If bifl the lands will like^ foreseen, early years Arizona. the passes 100; lectures off, at- KING ment Is considered the most modern, put 25; probable OSCAR, SWEDEN’S devoted to the pursuits of a Swedish ly be opened next fail or early in 1909. Senator Culberson reintroduced two outfit used In the tendance at concerts, 10,000: probable country gentleman, to literature and to complete production The lands are highly desirable for agri- bills—one to make dealing In futures of bituminous coal. attendance at esti- IS DEAD art. He had already attained a repu- cultural purposes and grazing, and lie theaters, 75,000: RULER, illegal, the other to provide penalties tation as a and an author of real Strong Men in Tears. along the Milwaukee’s extension. mated visitors to all arcades, 120,000; poet against railroad companies that fall ts when the chance of men total persons deprived of Sunday merit, death called furnish cars to shippers. I>ast night hundreds of stood him to the throne. His new vocation of the two PROUT\ RENOMINATED amusement, 350,000; loss to actors, em- about the entrance mines. and esti- left him little leisure to woo the muse, They said nothing, but when ap- ON COMMERCE COMMISSION ployes musicians, $75,000; Washington, Dec. tl.—The + CANNON PREDICTS SUCCESS mated loss to amusement interests, but his gift for oratory came into fre- and asked questions they ♦- president today sent the follow- ♦ IN WORK FOR WATERWAY! proached Washington, Dec. 11.—The house was quent play, and he became noted for would give way to their emotions, often, $150,000. telegram to the new king of -f In session only a few minutes today ing his real eloquence as well as for his Washington, Dec. 10.—Speaker Can to tears. the few wom- Sweden. ♦ During night and until Thursday. of of non received a committee of the vice but all adjourned New York, Dec. 11.—New York, which with ♦ felicity expression. The details en were to be seen, day yes- sent to the sen- ♦ "I deeply sympathize of the The president today can usually be depended on to provide kingcraft he easily mastered, and his presidents rivers and harbors terday the women were the chief actors your majesty and with the peo- ♦ ate the following nominations: new and reign has been of a character to win congress, who*presented resolutions In In the most heart something sensational, yester- of Sweden in the loss of your ♦ pathetic, rending Envoy extraordinary and minister treated its millions of residents and pie him the love and of all Swe- behalf of thirty-six states "urging the scenes. crowded the sides of the day honored father and venerated ♦ loyalty They plenipotentiary to Nicaragua and Costa tens of thousands of week end den. American congress to adopt at Its pres- hills overlooking the 111 fated mine, and sovereign. ♦ Rica, William L. Merry, of California. visitors of a the Swedish court is most ent session a plan for the Improvement cried aloud In their agony of to the novelty thoroughly "Theodore Roosevelt.” -f Though grief. Interstate commerce commissioner, “blue the and ceremonious, the old had the In the next ten years of all the truly I As the day advanced they became al- Sunday.” first, probably ♦ ♦ king gift Charles A.
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