MOST URGENT COVERNMENT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION'ASSAM KAHILIPARA "T+i cuwAHAT|-19 No.PC/HE/SOPD/9/20I9/24 Dated Kahilipara the 26u Septemb€r /2019 From Smti. C. Phukan, ACS Director of Higher Education, Assam Kahilipam, Cuwahati- I 9. To, I. The Rcgislrar, Gauhati University, Guwahati/ Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh,/ Bodoland University, Kokajhar/ Cotton Unil'ersity. Guwahati/ Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskil & Ancient Studie; University. Nalbari/ Bhaltadev University, Bajali /MadhaMev University, Ijfayanpur/ Kabi Guru Rabindra Nath Tagore University' Hojai ,"/. The Principal (all), Govt. and Provincialised Colleges ofAssam in hostels in Sub Regarding submission ofproposal for subsidy on mess dues ofthe boarders StaG Universities and Cort. Colleges, PDUAM and Provincialised Colleges' Ref. 1. Go},t. O.M. No.AHE.793 12019 13, dtd.02l08/20 19 2. This offioo letter No. PC/HE/Plan-24/20121206' dtd 19/0812019 & Sir, In inviting a reference io the Govt O.M. and this oflice letter mentioned under reference' I would like state lhat the proPosal for subsidy on mess dues of the boarders in hostels have not yet been tmder received from all stale univcBities and Govt. colleges, PDUAM and Provincialised colleges lhis Directorate. You are therefore, once again requested to subEit the otrlitrc propossl on me3s dues of the boarden in hostets as called for in prescribed format vide this office earlier lettel No. PC/HE/Plan- 24120121206, dtd.l9/08/2019 within 7 (S€ven)days of issu€ of this letter' The list of institutions who have submitled proposal so far for subsidy on mess dues of the via boarders in hostels is enclosed herewith for their confirmation and to intimate the undersigrcd mail. if any. Plesse note that selffinancing courses and non-Provincialised stream are not included' Onty the State Univenities and Provincialised/Go!'t Colleges with hostel may respond' The matter may please be treated as Most Urgent Yours Faithfully, 1 Director ofHi Assam laKahilipara- cuwalati- I 9' /2019 Memo No.PC/HE/SOPDtgl2Olg/24-A Dated Kahilipam the 26" September Copy'i. to :- The Joint Secretary to the Govt. ofAssam, Highe! Education Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6' Director of Higher Education, Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati- I 9 LIST OF UNIWRSITIES AND COW., PDUAII1 & PROVINCIALISf,D COLLEGT,S SUBMITTED PROPOSA-LS FOR SUBSIDY ON MESS DUf,S trOR HOSTEL BOARDERS A. T'NTVERSITI ES 5l Name of Name of Universities Nos. of Hostels NO Drstrict Boarders Remarks Eoys' Girls' Total Kamrup (M) GauhatiUniversity Not submitted 2 Dibru8arh Dibrugarh University Not submitted 3 Kokrajhar Eodoland University 45 193 238 4 Nalbari Kumar Bhaskar Varma Not submitted Sanskrit & Ancient Studies University Kamrup (M) Cotton University Not submitted 6 Barpeta Bhattadev University, 63 14S 208 Bajali 7 Hojal KabiBUru Rabindranath Not submitted Tatore University 8 Lakhimpur Madhabdev University 27 65 92 B. GOVT. , PDUAM & PROVTNCIALISED COLLEGES st. Name of Name of Colletes Nos. of Hostel5 No District Boarders Remarks Boy< Girls' Total 1 Not submitted Balcsa C,oresswar College 2 15 15 Baksa Barama College 1 Not submitted Baksa B.B. Kishan College 4 Gyanpeeth DeSree 31 31 Baksa College 5 28 28 Baksa Salbari College 6 Not submitted Barpeta M C College 7 u 102 185 Barpeta B H College 8 20 Barp€ta Nabaiyoti College 9 Not submitted Barpeta Bapujce College 10 38 3E Barpeta Bamagar College 11 23 45 68 Barpeta B B K College t2 Not submitted Barpeta M K College 13 Mandia Anchalik Not submined Barpeta College 14 31 31 Barpeta Barpeta Grls' College 24 24 Barpeta B.H.B. College 16 35 36 Barpeta N H College 11 Not submitted Barpeta North Kamrup College 18 Bhawanipur Anchalik l7 29 Barpeta College 19 27 21 Barpeta G.L.Choudhury College 20 Not submitted Barp€ta Uttar Barpeta College 2\ Not submitted Barpeta Luitparia College Not submitted Barpeta S.S Madhab College 23 Not submitted Biswanath KalabariCollege 24 Not submitted Biswanath Chatia College 25 9 87 96 Biswanath Bisu'anath College 25 Not submitted Biswanath Behali Degree ColleSe 27 11 43 Bongaigaon Abhayapuri College 28 16 73 BonBaigaon Bongaingaon College 29 24 24 Bongaigaon Biihora College 30 R.G.Memorial ColleEe, Not submitted Bongaigaon Lengtisinga 31 Manikpur Anchalik Not submitted Bongaigaon College, Manikpur z Birjhora Kanya Not submitted Bongaigaon Mahavidlaya 33 Not submitted Bongaigaon M.G. College 34 Not submitted Cachar C. C. Collete 35 Not submitted Cachar Radhamadhab College 36 Not submitted Cachar Janata College 37 Not submrtted Cachar M C Das College 38 35 35 Cachar Cachar College 39 Not submitted Cachar Nehru College 40 Women's College, 27 Cachar Silchar 41 Not submitted Cachar west Silchar ColleEe 42 Not submitted Cachar S. R. College 43 Not submitted Cachar Silchar College 44 Not submitted Cachar J.N. SinS College 45 Not submitted Charaideo Sapekhaiti College 46 09 49 58 Charaideo Sonari College 47 SonariCommerce Not submitted Charardeo College 4A Borhal BPB Memorial 13 13 Charardeo College 49 28 79 to7 Chirang Janata College 50 05 L2 t7 Chirang Biini Colege 51 Not submitted Chtang Basugaon college s2 61 61 Chirang Bengtal College 53 72 Darlan8 Mangaldai College 54 39 39 Dalran8 Sipajhar College 55 Not submitted Darrang Kharupetia College 3 56 DeomomoiDegre€ Not submitted Darrang College 57 Not submitted Darrang Mantaldoi com college 58 Not submitted Dhemaji Dhemaji College 59 11 11 Dhemaji Silapathar College 60 31 4t 72 Dhemaji Moridhol College 51 Dhemaji Commerce 63 63 Dhemaji College 52 Not submined DhemaJi Gogamukh College 63 11 39 Dhemaji Murkong Selek CoIIege 64 Machkhowa Degree Not submitted Dhemaji College 65 Not submitted Dhemali Simen ChapariCollege 66 11 11 Dhemali Dhemajr Girls' College 67 Not submitted Dhemaii Silapathar Town College 68 Not submitted Dhemaji Purbanchal College 69 15 15 Dhemaji Jonai Girls' College 10 Not submitted Dhemaji Sisi Borgaon College 1l 35 94 179 Dhubri B.N. College 72 Not submitted Dhubri A. R. College 73 24 24 Dhubri B asipara College 74 Not submlned Dhubri P. B. College 75 27 118 145 Dhubri Sapatgram ColleSe 76 05 08 13 Dhubri Ratnapith College 77 Not submitted Dhubri Chilarai College 7a Not submitted Dhubri Halakura College 79 Not submitted Dhubri PragatiCollege 4 80 Not submitted Dhubri DhubriGirls'College E1 Not submitted Dhubri Hamidabad college 82 54 120 L74 Dibrugarh D HSK College 83 DHSKCommerce Not submitted Dibrugarh College u 38 Dibrugarh MD K Girl's College 85 Not submitted Dibrugarh Dibru College 86 Not submitted Dibrugarh D D R College a7 Not submitted Dibrugarh Tengakhat Colleg€ 88 Not submitted Dibrugarh Tin8khong College 89 Not submitted Dibrugarh Khowang College 90 Not submrtted Dibrugarh Naharkatia College 91 Not submitted Dibrugarh Duliajan College 92 13 13 Dibrugarh Namrup College 93 Not submitted Dibrugarh Duliajan Girls' College 94 Not submitted Dibrugarh Pithubar Girls' College 95 Nandlal Borgohain Ciry 37 37 Dibrugarh College 95 45 42 87 Dima Hasao Haflon8 Covt. College 97 Maibong Degree Not submitted Dima Hasao College 98 Not submitted Goalpara Goalpara College 99 34 92 726 Goalpara Dhudhnoi Colle8e 100 Not submitted Goalpaia Habraghat ColleBe 101 Not submitted Goalpara Bikali College to2 Not submitted Goalpara Lakhipur College 103 Not submitted Coalpara West Goalpara College 5 104 Not submitted Coalpara Jaleswar College 105 Dolgoma Anchalik Not submifted Goalpara College 105 Not submitted Golaghat D. R College LOl Golaghat Comrnerce Not submitted C,olaBhat College 108 101 101 Golaghat HPBCtul's College 109 15 29 44 Golaghat Furkating College 110 24 24 Golaghat Joyagogoi College 111 Not submitted Cotaghat IDSG Cotle8e 172 18 18 Golaghat Kamargaon Collegc 113 Not submitted Golaghat D K D Colle8e t74 27 74 95 Golaghat Sarupathar College 115 Not submitted Golaghat Komarbandha college 116 Not submitted C,olaB,hat C.N.B. ColleSe 717 Not submifted Golaghat Barpathar College 118 Not submitted Colaghat Marangi Mahavidyalaya 119 Not submrtted Golaghat Melamara College LZo Not submitted Hailakandi S S College 121 Not submined Hailakandi Lala Rural College 122 Not submitted Hailakandi A. L.Choudhury College 723 Mainul Hoque Not submitted Hailakandi Choudhury College 124 Not submitted Hailakandi S.K. Roy College 125 Not submitted Hallakandi S.C. Dey College t26 19 19 Hojai Lumding College r27 Not submitted Hojai Lanka Mahavidyalaya 6 L28 09 09 Hojai Haji AnIor Ali College r29 Not submitted Hoiai Hojai Girls' College 130 Not submitted Jorhat J. B. College 131 138 138 Jorhat DCBGirls'College 732 08 08 Jorhat Jorhat Colle8e 133 C K B Commerce 35 Jorhat College 734 04 40 44 Jorhat C K B College 135 t2 12 Jorhat Moriani College 136 Not 5ubmitted Jorhat Bahana College 137 21 21 Jorhat Kakajan College 138 Jorhat Kendriya 35 35 Jorhat Malavidyalaya 139 2a 2a Jorhat N N Saikia College 140 Not submitted Jorhat Borhola College 141 Not submitted Jorhat Dr. N. B. College L42 19 19 .lorhat Cinnamara College 143 Not submitted Jorhat Sorboday College 144 Not submined Jorhat Na-Kachali Colege 145 B.R. M. Govt. Law Not submitted Kamrup (M) College 146 K.K. Handique C,ovt o7 14 21 Kamrup (M) Sanskrit College 147 Not submitted Kamrup (M) Arya Vidyapith College 148 60 60 Kamrup (M) B. Barooah College 149 111 111 Kamrup (M) Handrque Girls' College 150 Not submined Kamrup (M) Gauhati College 151 Gauhati Commerce 59 69 Kamrup (M) College 7 152 63 63 Kamrup (NO Pragjyotishpur College 153 50 100 160 Kamrup (M) Pandu College 154 50 50 Kamrup (M) L C B College 155 Not submitted Kamrup (M) KRBGirl'sCollege 156 Not submitted Kamrup (M) R G Baruah College 157 Pachim
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