NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg VOLUME 3, NO.11 • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • NOVEMBER 2011 NEWS Carroll Valley looking at 2012 tax hike Plunging revenues may compel Snow hits Mason-Dixon line Carroll Valley Borough to enact a ormally, Frederick and Ad- Brian D. Glass, owner of real estate tax increase. Page 3 Nams counties are reading Oakridge Farms off of Toms Historic Fire Heritage Center opens about occasional frost advisories Creek Road in Frederick Coun- Nearly 100 attended the official open- during the closing days of Octo- ty, stated he was concerned more ing of the National Fire Heritage Cen- ber, not significant snow events. with the weight of the snow. ter in Emmitsburg. Page 4 However, during the weekend Oakridge Farms has about 700 of October 29, the region was hit acres of farm land and also keeps COMMENTARY by what AccuWeather described livestock. “We might have to Pure OnSense as a “significant, rare October check the fences pretty good,” he Maryland Redistricting - What do snowstorm,” which moved across stated, indicating that the weight Thurmont and Emmitsburg have in common with Rockville and the area traveling out of the south- of the snow on tree limbs could Bethesda?? Page 11 west, resulting in many prospec- cause the heavy branches to fall tive Halloween revelers switching and crush any fencing beneath Down Under from pumpkin carving to snow- them. He was also concerned Our politicians still use oracles in the man making. The scene at Toms Creek Bridge was more reminiscent of deep winter about snow damage to the farm’s than mid fall during the surprise October snowstorm. hope that what they plan for and ex- The arrival of The “trick or un-harvested soy crop. pect to happen will occur. Page 11 treat” snowstorm began around Liberty Mountain Resort Emmitsburg area resident Mi- Olivia Sielaff, who along her ARTICLES midnight and lasted through 11 had a different take on the chele Brown said, “My kids are parents own the Holy Grounds The Book of Days a.m. Saturday morning. Snow snow event. Marketing Direc- in awe of the sight out the win- Coffee Shop on the Emmits- Halley’s Comet has been the continued to fall throughout the tor Anne Weimer said, “Natu- dow. They said they have never burg square, is home from col- means of dispelling many popu- day and into the evening, and rally, we at Liberty Mountain seen so many beautiful red leaves lege for Fall break. On the day of lar illusions concerning the influ- lasted into the early hours Sun- love the snow, and it gets us on the trees and so much snow at the storm Sielaff said, “I thought ence of those mysterious bodies on day, leaving behind an estimated very excited to see it happen so the same time. They are absolute- for sure that I would see my first worldly affairs. Page 13 eight inches or more of slushy, wet early. We hope it is a sign of ly glowing with excitement.” snowfall of the season up in Steu- In the Country snow. a great winter season ahead of Brian Barth, a Brookfield resi- benville, Ohio where I attend col- Barn owls are a distinct family of Thousands of storm-related, mo- us.” dent, said, “The kids’ games are lege, but it turns out that mother owls, completely separate from all mentary and lengthy power outages Bill O’Toole of Emmitsburg canceled, golf is postponed, and nature wanted to give me a wel- other owl species due to genetics and were reported in Adams and Freder- stated that the snow “will not our youngest is running around come home present.” their physical structures. Page 15 ick counties during the event. have much impact unless the the house yelling and screaming. However, she stated, “instead The snowfall proved to be an power goes out. Some have asked Meanwhile, our other two chil- of running errands and visiting as Pets Large & Small inconvenience for many around me how this jives with the Hager- Well, I have number nine. The dren have begun fighting. It is just many family and friends as possi- ninth cat in the house, but I’m not a the area, while others just decided stown Almanack. I had predicted 8 o’clock in the morning. I looked ble, I can stay at home, relax with Cat Lady - yet. Page 18 to sit back and enjoy the Christ- rain for our area, but snow only in at my wife and said. ‘It is going to my family, and enjoy little, old mas card aura. New England.” be a long day.’” Emmitsburg in the snow.” The Master Gardener A look at the herbs of Fall and how to harvest them. Page 20 Candidates discuss county issues History Memories of the old St. Joseph’s our candidates vying for three ty, and welfare of their constituents. High School. Page 24 Fpositions on the Adams Coun- Phiel added that the commissioners ty Board of Commissioners discussed should also act as “advocates and am- Cold War Warriors their concerns and visions for Ad- bassadors” in pursuing matters for the A day with the last Soviet navy leader - ams County at the October 19 fo- good of the county residents. Admiral Konstantin Makarov. Page 26 rum held at the Fairfield Fire & EMS Regarding qualifications, Qual- In My Own Words firehouse. ly said, “I believe I have the experi- This Thanksgiving remember to ap- The event was sponsored by the ence and work ethic” to serve. “We preciate the little things in life. And re- Emmitsburg News-Journal, with need that work ethic to move Adams member to take the two extra sec- Carroll Valley Borough Mayor Ron- County forward.” Phiel said, point- onds to say, “I love you.” Page 35 ald Harris and Fairfield Borough ing out his business and organization- Mayor Robert Stanley serving as al abilities, “I believe I bring proven JOURNALS moderators. and professional skills to this job in The Retired Ecologist Participating in the forum were challenging times.” cations equipment. As for any uni- technology will help our firefight- It is an article of faith with my wife county commissioner candidates Jim Kellet stated that, when it came form upgrade, he said, “The cur- ers (and not become obsolete before that a person’s moods are deter- Martin and Randy Phiel, both Re- to certain matters, such as the re-as- rent board left the final decision to it is even paid for).” Martin stated, mined by the weather. Page 14 publicans, and Democrats Paul Kel- sessment controversy, he would have the new board,” but with a poten- “You have to make sure you have the A Teen’s View let and Marty Qually. had the ability to say, “Stop. We have tial $10 to $30 million price tag for a right product (when making a pur- Differences between college life Mayor Stanley presented the as- a problem’. These are the things a new system, “We need to explore op- chase decision). This is not a light and high school. Page 31 semblage of candidates with three commissioner needs to do, consid- tions.” matter…We have to come up with a questions relating to the responsibil- er all the needs of the community.” Kellet said, given the potential cost way of financing the system.” Qually The Graduate ities of the county Board of Commis- Every day, every class, every minute of Martin said he had “extensive man- of an upgrade, “We have to get this said, “The more we delay, the more teaching is a surprise, and that’s what sioners and the candidates’ skills that agement skills” and budget experi- right,” even if it means the coun- expensive it gets. A delay is not help- makes teaching exciting. Page 34 would qualify them to hold a posi- ence, and that his forestry experience ty responders “might have to wait a ing the emergency responders.” tion on that board, implementing prepared him for resource manage- year or two. We need to make sure Continued on page 3 Simple Servings a single communication system for ment issues. Pumpkins are the unofficial symbol of emergency responders, and the coun- Regarding the acquisition of a PRE-SORTED the fall season. So for all of you pump- ty’s 2012 budget. communication system for emergen- kin fans out there, you’ve got options; STANDARD Regarding the duties of the board cy responders, Phiel noted that some get a little crazy this fall. Page 36 U.S. Postage of commissioners, all four candidates of the responders have “three or four Postal Customer PAID Complementary Corner generally agreed that the duties in- radios” in their vehicle “so they can Acupuncture and its use in pain cluded managing the county bud- talk to each other,” using the present Westminster, MD management. Page 42 get and providing for the health, safe- system of incompatible communi- Permit No. 94 2 | EMMITSBURG NEWS-JOURNAL | NOVEMBER 2011 NEWS Mayor Briggs sworn in Emmitsburg ewly-elected Emmitsburg NMayor Donald N. Briggs as- NEWS-JOURNAL sumed his new role as the munic- 1 East Main Street ipality’s chief administrator after P.O. Box 543 being sworn-in October 3 during Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 the town council meeting by state Office Number: 301-471-3306 Fax: 301-447-3057 Delegate Kathy Afzali (R, District www.emmitsburg.com and www.emmitsburg.net 4A). News, events, history, humor and culture for the Historic Toms Creek Hundred Briggs’, owner of Briggs Asso- geographical area: Emmitsburg, Zora, Carroll Valley, Fairfield, Greenmont, Har- ciates, Inc., as well as a member ney, Rocky Ridge, Detour, St.
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