Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1930-40 The iH lltop Digital Archive 3-9-1938 The iH lltop 3-9-1938 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_193040 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 3-9-1938" (1938). The Hilltop: 1930-40. 93. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_193040/93 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1930-40 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " • • • _, • • • ' ' f.ompetition For ''A Murder'' by Stylus March I - Popular Demand April I, Theme - • Sat., Marc~ 19, College Life ' •• At 8:15 P. M; • • • • .. • HOWARD UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, n.c . VOL. XV, No. 9 ' • • • MARCI-I 9, 1938 Slogan Contest Winners Announced Wesley Foundation Has Art 'Teachers f<:x hibit Secretary ol Interior· fckes Speaks ' By Bu1 " Id"1ng , Groun · d s De par t men· t . New Branch at Howard At Howard_ Gallery At A11nt1al Ho,varll Charter Din11er Project of Eating House James A. Porter, James L. • .- Novel Rhymes . Win For Duncan Injures Foot For City Students ; P10- Wells Show Water Col- Greetings From Members gram Planned at Meeting o r s , Oils,. Linoleum Deltas Pledge frosh; · Howar"" d Students Llll'ge • Playing Cripple's Role • • Of ''8'' Classes, Skit -- • Have Party Afterward .Aw,ards of Almost $13 In singing the role of Porgy:' The newes~ organization of t he J amce-- A-. P or te r nnd Jnnfes L. - -- Remarks by President jn George Gershwin's ''Porgy and university campus 1 H o\vnrd's \\"ells, both o f \\•l1 on1 a rc ins t 1·uc­ 011 Fri<lnv cvenin!?. l\f11rc)1 ~ • Johnson Feature Affair 4, t. l1c fol lo\\"i ng girls '''er'C • Mr. E. A. Ho~, su)Jerintcndent Bess," Robert Todd Duncan, of \Vesley Foundation. This orgnni- tors of paint ing here at I~ o \v 1trd , of buildings and grounds, an- the faculty o·.f the Howard School zation is the baby of the \\resley exhibited in the llo,v:l rd Uni,·e r­ a ql liated \\"it.Ii Delta Si g m~ l ~ ·1·hc !Iono1·:.1ble Jl u. rolcl J... Jckes, • nounced this week the following of 1\-lusic is ~quired to act as a Foundations on all colJsge cam,,. sity Art Gallery the week of F eb. Tfeta Sororitv th1·ou1?h its :5cc1·l't<L ry of t he J1 it.c ri or, was the puses th1·oughout Am eri ca and 28 · Th · 11 111:1i11 s11e;1ke r at t h-c : nti;tl Chilr- priz~ winners in the slogan con­ cripple. .l\tr. Duncan, now sing- rruay . ·· e11· 'vork has ap· ylcdgec llll l"'y r1\ tn icl Clll b; 111 the only colored branch in cxis- d h 1 test which the Buildings and ing Porgy in a west coast engage- • J>eu. re in g1·o u1> ex ibi t ions bc- /! an(' l\.l 1\l'Sl111J I, Eliz11beth \\ :1rcl, tct· U11y Dir111c1· l1 cltl or1 At ii·rch 2 tence. r 1 Sa1·a h - l ~ d \v11 r t l !; , S1\1 ·q.l1 }~< I ~ " 11t. 8: 15 11. 111. Jli.'l :11! cl rl"!l s -w11: . \ Grounds Departm~nt sponsored re~ mcnt, suffered an in ju1·y duri11g a 01·e and is \veil known 1n this On Thursday evening, F ebruary ·t ' cenUy t;o encourage the residents recent perfor1l\,l!-nCe. Early i?lthe · . c1 y. \\'tll'llS, Yvon11e G1·:\ n1111111·, J c:1n p111" t of a JJ1·ogr11n1 wh ich was 17 conservation of heat, light and secpnd act, Jlifr. Duncan had an • this pioneer ' Negro branch l\1 r. P orter has ' ''01·kcd t\t Tcach- Bogc1·, J 1111 e Kcn11J, fClara b1·011dca s t. ovc1· 11 co:ist-tlo-coast l1ook-\J1)I. power at Howard University: · accldel}f \\'hjch fractur·ecl his foot. mA etd at ~ h e hTohmc of . l\l rs. T. J . er·s' Co llege, Colun1bia ....U n iv~ r s it y , :l\1ichaux, l\fil 1·ion Reicl ... Glo1·itl ' 111 Charles Lawson, 2717 Eleventh I n h ero1·c f as h'ion, th c H oward n erson. e proJec. t f or the t h c Art S ludents League in Ne'v Osbor ne, l\f arg111·ct BrO\\·n, J :\c- "c 1: ·te1· D:i)~ , co111 1nc111orating • ~ semester IS cooperative eating quely11 Pc11n, Charlotte \\1cs­ t l1e 7l st :.111niver ::><i ry of t.he found­ Street, Northwest, $f2.50; Vivian n1u Ic pi:o f essor re f use d t o s....,p . )' ork, a nd also n~ the Sor bonne f th h houses for girls who live in t he p . le)•, Lot1is<> Blackbu1·n, Al ioc ii1g of Il o\\':tr<I Un ivc1·s ity, w~s Edwards, Frazier Hall, Howard th s h ow, a n d sang on roug - . ... •'t) f h f 1n a1·1s . Jn tlie 111·esent exhibi· e 1 University, $12.50; Andrew N. ot!t !<he performance. • lie is ~ow ctoity a < or t osc ro iii out of t.i o11 he 1s sho,vi11g a nunibcr of Cl1ris ti1111 , Co r·e lisstL ll:-111 , Eli­ c..-e lebr:ttec l 011 \Vc<l1 ies(f11y, Ma·rCli 'Vhit\l, 1450 Corco1·an Street, singing \Vilh 011e foot in a cast. wn. , Mrs. Antlerson inaclc an oi ls all<! z11 bcth l''/1clps, B ~ l rb~\1 ·11 Buck·• 2, \vit.Ji '' <: haJJL•/ ti1·ogr;.1111 i11 , tt1c lllJpeal fot• rag rugs ·· and fui·ni- so nic w11 te1· Qo\o rs a11<l ncr.:.i J ose ph in e King , Dolo.1·es, n · io 1 · ~i 1 1g :t11<l t.hJ 1liririei· itl tn" Northwest, $5.00. The winning The' fact that his 1nJu1·y fits , in t th . h . Jla stc1s . Th es~ in clucle ''Boiit 011 1 0 1 F rcc111 t111, ll11l lie T ucke1·, 'J'hcl1n i1 cvc.·n1ng. slo~ans are listed below in the With the story of lh-e opera is a ure, so at gir s \V ive in the lho Seine,'' ''Sal u1·cl11y Night Mar- same order. rem.rkable . nc>· ~ e nce . Y. \V. C. A . still be able to furnish , k t ,, ''N p . 1 T ruitt, Bruce. A mos, Doris 'fhe p1·og1·a 111 f ol" \l'h ic li all Co' c 'eg1·0 ens:lnts' Cu bin,'' ar1cl K l The sto ry of the qu eer acciden_t their rooms more attractively. '' I ~ 'fl · n Before l\1 eat.'' e n ne~ l y , Do1·otl1y Dabney, n101·11i11g c l a ss e ~ \vcre suspended, ''Financial loss will be effa ced. \Vhile t he business to date wos c ectio \\.'as contained in a letter of Clar- O f h' · ' Ca1·ol)'.t1 Ra111se)', Adele Go1·­ \\':is :1t 10:30 111 Antlr'C w llankiii U all unite against heat waste.'' ~nee Jacobs, sent tfo Robert No- di scussed, Dr. Lovell, who h:is just, ne o ts p1ctu1·es 'vl1ich' has (lon, LIC\\'1111 Ne,vton. 11ncl Ecli t h l\l e11101"ia l Chqpel :1n11 fc;i tured 311 rece i~d his doctor's degree in excited much 11rru se by c1·i tics, 1s Belcher. U<ldrcss by Thacldcus J.... .- liungat.e "L' ht f t n 00 zes· Ian, president of Pi A1pha Nu. ''C0 I · J s Id ' " 'Ph ig s on, r~quen s • English, from the Universi ty of on 1a o 1er. is f igure, in On the s.a ni c evening, P hi chai r111a n o.[ t he Board of '1' ru s ~ Radio croons, money oozes.'' Jacobs, former student. of the C l "f . a red ca1> and f' againi.1': a ba ck- . Howard ?r1u sic School is also sing- a 1 ornia, ~itl_l et l up to say that Beta Sigmtt F1·atcr nity 1 ·o ~· al ly t.ees of l·Jo\vard University. Jo"'.' D . "'Power saved means dollars saved; ing in ''Porgf and Bess.'' he would be pi·csen t 1' f on JY f or .!).. t:1?1lo·othund '' s taof a red ehecke1·ed table· Jntertaincd the men1b£rs of \.Vilkin son, registrar of Howard, Dollars saved means better health; Late in l\fdt-ch, b-ir. Duncan plans short while This visit.had been· pre- Ad s on •its own f eet'' ac- Delt11 Sign111 Thct.:1 and nc\v SJ) e11ki11g on ''Firs t College Grad­ Better health-better work.'' pared for, so Effie King, vice pre s i~ co1·ding lo a c1·itic in the \Vashing- to leave with his fa_mily !or Lon- d f ton Post . plcdgce club \\"i th the members u11tcs of J·low;1rd U11iversit.y,'' rc­ .dOn, where he will sing a leading ent o the organization presented ~ of the Gamma Tau Fr:1ternity venlell interesting an(I intimate It was originally intended that Dr. Lovell in behalf of the \Ves- About twer1ty prints in addition as \vell . The cocktail party facts about these early graduates there should be a first prize role in ''Children of the River," ol ley Foundation with a-memo book to a few oils are shown by James which was held ot the Sigma a11d their doings, marks, and even 415 and a second prize of $10, a Dreyfuss production to be on which was engraved, in gold L.
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