• ess 1 e Vo l. x, No.1 Monda y, September 5, 1955 15 Cents W~at~ :J~ e Be.t move? Conducted by Positi"n No. 168 ROSSOllMO RUSSELL CHAUVENET """...-,;-;;;; END solutions to Position No. S 16A to Russell Chauvcnct, 721 Gist Avenue, Silver Springs, Md., WINS OPEN by October :;, 1955. With your . solution, please send analysis or reasons supporting your choice as Reshevsky Second on Median Points, "Best Move" or moves. SoluTion to Position No, 168 wUl ap­ Byrne Third, Then Evans and Turner D~.ar in th.. Or . ... h .. ~ ~ I h. 10~ t I ...... Wllh the aWllrding or II Buick Cllr, donated by t.he Cn mpbell 13uick NOTE: Do 110/ pia" sol",io,1I /0 /71'0 Co. of Long Bcach. Ca liL.. to U.S. Open Champion Nicolas Rosso iimo, onc poSif;OtlJ 0 " ""t (a,d; be ture 10 ;"dicate of the greatest of U.s. Open Tournaments became a page of chess history. correct ",.mba of posit jon being wived, In winning Rossolimo made a brilliant reversal of his disappointing rcc­ and give the full name dnJ atlJTell 01 ot'd at Milwaukee in 1953 and ugain dcmonstrated that his l~IDE-awa rded the JO/vu to aHiSI in propn 'rediting of so/ulion, distinction of Grandmaster was well deserv~d recognition of his ability. Black to play In scoring 10-2, the new Open Champion l~t no games but conceded hard fought. draws to Donald Byrne, Samuel Reshevsky, Peter Lapiken (an up­ YARMAK TAKES SONJA GRAF WINS set), and Anthony Saidy. Among the victims of his powress were former CAROLINAS OPEN U.s. Chllmpion L:trry Evans, James T. Sherwin, anrt Irving Rivise. WOMEN'S TITLE In second place with equal score of 10·2 by h aH a Median point came Pv t. S'llll Yarmak pf ~~t. Belvoir, The title of U.S. Women's Open VII " former U.s . •Junlo l' Champion, Grllndmnsler Snmuel Reshevsky who also lost no games but conceded Champion went to Sonja GraI· dt'aws Peter Lapiken (somewhat a giant-killer in this tournament), Donald l'Ion the North lind South C<lfolinas Stevenson with a score of 6-6, as Byrne, Rossolimo, and Laf!'y EVllns. Among those who succumbed to his Open title at Asheville wit'h 5%-% ranking woman player in the U.S. skill were Anthony Saidy, James T. Sherwin, and Karl Burger. ill !l 35·pJa } ('~ ~\'Ii~s. drawin1 with (lorn at Leng B "'~\r r. 0ther women runner-lip Don Burdick. Burdick oI players in thc event were Kathryn 'l'hinl place weilL to 1953 Opcn rat~d in popul.ar rt:gard. lost game;; Huntington, W.Va. scored 5-1 {O!. Sinter. who also scored 6-6, Olga Champion Donuld BYl'lle with 91h.- to Ivan Romanenko und Anthony second, also drawing with C. C. Crit­ Hi ggi ns with 5·7. K·n thcrinc Mc­ 2 1f~ sco re. Byrne lost one gume to Saidy, while drawing with Louis tenden. Thit'd Hnd fourth on S-M Gregor and Jacqueline Piatigorsky Larry Evans and drew with Hosso· Levy and Arthur W. Dake. points with -4% -1% clleh werc Dr. with 31;2·8112 each, :lIIel Mrs. P. Mc· lim o, Reshevsky, and Sherwin. The tournament in all respects S. Wel'thammer, also of Huntington, Kenna with 2Jh-9lh. The entry or I"ow·th and fifth on Median points lived up to its advance notices, and and Stanley Wysowski 01 West­ wpmen players this year did not with equal 9-3 scores were 1954 aside from the Buick car as first brook, Conn. Fmh to 8th with 4-2 compare with the very strong Open Open Champion Larry Evans and prize, $5100.15 were distributed to each were .I. G. Sullivan, Wm. C. and Zonal Tourney at New Orleans A. A. Turner. Evans lost one game thitty·fivc other prize-winners, in· Adickes, Dr. N. M. Hornstein, and in 1954 largely because of the fact to Rossolimo anel drew with Albert eluding the special $50.00 prize C. C. Crittenden. With 3112 ·2lf.l each that the U.S. Open elates were so Sandrin, Allen Kuufm:m. Herbert awarded to l'IIrs. Sonja Gmf-S teven­ were E. O. F'awcett, Robert C. Cove. close to tbe dates lor the U.S. Wom· Seirtm.<ln, and Reshevsky. Turner, son as U.S. Women's Open Cham· you, R. K. Salisbury, O. C. Hutaff, ep's CbampionSlJip now being con­ \.\;hosc showing in this event gives pion with a score of 6-6. out·ran,k­ and Albert Margolis. tested in New York City. Faced bnsis to the 'claims of his follow- ing all other women players in the The tournament drew contestants with the necessity of a choice be­ ers that he bas been grc:ltly under· (Please turn 10 page 7. col. 1) from Connecticut to Florida on the tWee n events, ranking women play­ Eastern Seaboard with entrants ers lik~ Gi.~eJa Gre.~ser. Mona Mar from Co nnecticut, New York Vir­ Karff, Irene Vines, Willa White ginia, West Virginia, North and Owens, Nancy Roos. and Lucille South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kellner prcfereel to participatc in Tennessee and Ohio. the U.S. title event, although strong plavers eli ,gible fOr the t.itle con­ test like Mrs. GraI-Stevenson. Mrs. NEW YORKERS TIE Piati):!orsky. and Mrs. Slater pre­ SAN DIEGO OPEN ferred the U. S. Open contest. William Lombardy. James Sher­ win, and Abo Turner tied with (;th­ Ph for first in the 8·rd San Diego VINES LEADS Open held at the Manor Hotel in San Dicgo. Tied for third with 5-3 WOMEN'S CHAM P were A. Spillcr, Gustave Drexel, After five rounds, Irene Vinc~ of Mark Eueher, and Charles Henin Nt~w Orleans lead~ the U_S. Wom­ Tied at 41,2·3 % wcrc D. Fischheim: en's Chamnion~hi o wlt.h 4-1, n lone er, W. Grombacher, Dudley Hosea 1M3 to Mrs. Willi a White Owens, V. PafnutkII, Dr. n. Schmidt. Bor: USCF Vice-President of Avon Lake. is Garfinlwl, W. Shirey and Albert Standings Sandrin. 1. M,.~. Trene Vines .............. ... ......... ..4 _1 2. Mrs. Gisela Gr"sser ........ ~1s- ~ In novel arrangement the first 3. Mr~. wm ~ Owens ... .............. 3 ~. 1 ~ 4-rds served as a tourney also of 4. MI.'IS 1 . u ~!1Ie Kellner .......... ~~.TiI which the winner was Larry Evans !I. Mr~. Nancy Roos .............................. ~&-l& with 3% --% , Viktor Pupols second, 6. Mr8. Jnc~ ue l!n .. Plntlgorsky ........ 3 .2 7. Mlu Mona M. KArH ........................ 2~ .2 i Nicolas ROlSolimo (lr/I) r~ai,, ~s /he congratulations 0/ the rt prut "tali"t s 01 and Sven Almgren, DOll Robey, and R. Mr~. Lenl\ Cr\1ln~Uc ........................ 2 .2 tht Campbell B"ick. Co., 1881 American .umg Blach, Calif. on his "ic/ory. Robert Brieger. Imre Konig was di­ 9. j\fr". Mnrv Selen<kv ....................... 1 •.3~ A"~ ",,t, rector, while John Alexander was 10. MrR. Rosalie de Serrano.. ... H·3! Tht Il"i,k., first pritt in t he U. S. Opm Chumpions},ip. ",as donattd by the the financial backer. 11. Miss Kate Henschel ........................ !.4i Campbtll Buick Co. 12. M!s..~ Wally Henschel ... ... ........ ........ 0 oS Photo: Dick Tolbert Finish It The Clever Way! SOULES CAPTURES PDS;(jOIi No. 119 Position No. 160 SO CALIF EVENT V.n Der Hoek ¥s. Euwe Bilek vs. Keres GeOft'e .:;owes 01 Sncrman Oaks Rotterdam, 1942 Hungary vs. USSR, 1955 won tue ::,outAtrn Cailiornia .lo.:x. C/'~.ofl/e ,----;,--,---, pert CIID(liaalCs 'l'ournament span­ By Willa WhU. Owens .sorea 0)' lIle SoUtncro (;aillornia t..:ncss J.A::a¥ue. ,:,owes scored 8-! in Addres, new. Uem. lind InquirieS me U-pJaycr ~I'o· w. losLng one on Wom... ·s Cnen I. Mrs. Will. White Ow. nl, 124 South POInt Drlv.. Avon game to runner·up William Mel' Lllklt, Ohl• • ~'onn OJ V liD NlI,Y&. Melwood t.a1. T~ USCF Opm ..t Lon, Bu<h ..iU lieu '(14 0 Hz, Josing a game to Dan­ &trr bun lini.hct/ ..~" lhi, (oIM"'" .~ Iel n.urpuowsky ana urawing wiUl ,Url, .nJ li",,1 JCOltl .,iII bt ;" Ol~r vcorge !t.UOm. Thua and fourth on sections of CHESS UFE. HOlW'lrr, ., o>d Wltb 5!h·;j!h each were Karpi­ this ...,ilinB 1M, tIT' still pl""I .. , .nil I iowsky ana Latry .l"rembling. wolle (dTI onl,. s&'rt .,ith )'<1M the 10110";11, nt .., liItb to clcvcntb wj tb 5-4 each came Irller /rom MrI. K.lh..,,, SI.ur, TM.-r !JOnalU Young, George Rubin, l'au! mllli h~ ",mrlhi", .bout the Iu",tin, 1'" . 1II1eJ.sen, Davia Elliott, Leroy John· Imion lh.a m"~t ' prop/t t hi n ~ .n" u · SOD, Larry Wew, and Eric Johans­ press them/clus i" • most ort/rrl,. m<l'" son. irvmg .ttiVISC directed the ner, lor Ihil Ifll", In from bti", "'d, · event. ,nI" <I' thr ."Ihor c/"ims, um, to me 10 be: <II YlCd! .s • b.ldMt" cht dl. booIt.. N Position No. 159, a 4,·moyc combination brought about White's resig· Dear Willa: I naUo n, as he was l aced with the loss or tbe Queen. Bill Hamilton suggested that The finish to the game, Bilek vs. Keres, has been called sensational Allen H. DuVall and Jobn F. pick up a little informatiOD on the In Position No. 160, Keres had just played Q·Kt3?, instead of QCB4)-K4, Hurt., with 5~·1'h ellcb, shared the women in the Open for your col­ which would have give n him.
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