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Patent Apr . 23 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 52 US 10 , 265, 349 B2 ooooootruturarteanUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DC Mast Cell ILC2 ILC2 oooos FIG . 1 atent Apr . 23 , 2019 Sheet 2 of 52 US 10 , 265, 349 B2 . ITIM(Y->Mutationmice:4raF709IL- GainoffunctiontheIL-4R IL-4Ra )IL-4Ra PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP FIG.2 (IL-4 IL-4and13Geneexpression mi OO JAKU OUT Proliferation Differentiation yor are : STATO TypeIIL-4R: STATG Nucleus atent Apr . 23 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 52 US 10 ,265 , 349 B2 Temperaturedrop -OVAspecificIgEserum -MastcellscountsSI (5mgOVA) -TotalIgEserum Challenge -MCP1 (250ug/10ug) 3 FIG.3 OVA-SEB WeeksOS DOOR 2x Y MY poo Www DOOR toooo w DolgoDOG DopoCOOR . WTmice PEN 89103 tent Apr . 23 , 2019 Sheet 4 of 52 US 10 ,265 , 349 B2 OVA SEB SEB Let PBSOVA PBS LPF/ cells Mast Nbr )ml / ug ( 1 - MMCP 114raF709 OVA SEB OVA SEB AWT PBS PBS )ml / ug ( IgE Total )ml / ug ( IgE- OVA FIG.4 114raF709+OVA-SEB Time(min) 6050403020100 WT+PBS SEBOVA-WT+O #114raF709+PBS ) °C( Temperature A U . S . 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