MILTON KEYNES BUS STRATEGY (DECEMBER 2008) Milton Keynes Local Transport Plan 2006-07 to 2010-11 Milton Keynes Bus Strategy December 2008 1 MILTON KEYNES BUS STRATEGY (DECEMBER 2008) CONTENTS Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 2 INTRODUCTION 5 Context and Background 5 Bus Patronage in Milton Keynes 6 The Challenges: Growth, Demographic Change, Public Perception and Legislation 9 Strategy Aims 11 History of the Milton Keynes Bus Strategy 12 Consultation and Review Process 12 Existing Situation 13 Accessibility 14 The Need to Influence Travel Behaviour and Manage Demand 15 3 THE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES AFFORDED BY GROWTH 17 Milton Keynes Growth 17 Medium Term Growth to 2011, Long Term Growth to 2031 17 The Role of Development in Sustainable Accessibility 19 4 VISION, OBJECTIVES, AIMS, TARGETS AND MONITORING 22 Vision 22 LTP Objectives 23 Aims of the Bus Strategy 23 Delivery of the Bus Strategy Aims 23 Targets and Monitoring 27 5 DEVELOPING THE NETWORK - GENERAL 29 CAGoT Recommendations 29 Commercial Bus Services 29 Contracted Bus Services 30 Publicity, Promotion, Bus Stops and Shelters 31 Real Time Passenger Information 32 Fares and Ticketing 33 Travel Planning 34 Park and Ride 34 Coachway and Coach Travel 35 The Need for Bus Depots 36 2 MILTON KEYNES BUS STRATEGY (DECEMBER 2008) 6 DEVELOPING THE NETWORK - URBAN 37 The Long Term Public Transport Vision - Route Hierarchy 37 Central Milton Keynes 40 Transport Interchanges in Milton Keynes 41 7 DEVELOPING THE NETWORK - RURAL 44 8 CONCESSIONARY TRAVEL, COMMUNITY TRANSPORT HOME TO SCHOOL TRANSPORT, PARKING POLICY 46 Concessionary Travel 46 Community Transport 46 Home to School Transport 47 Parking Policy 48 9 PARTNERSHIPS FOR DELIVERY 49 Operator Partnerships 49 Stakeholder Partnerships 52 User Groups 52 Neighbouring Authorities 53 10 ACTIONS TO DELIVER THE BUS STRATEGY 54 MAP 1 - existing bus services in Milton Keynes (Urban) 59 MAP 2 - existing bus services in Milton Keynes (Rural) 60 MAP 2 - Core (level 1) and Secondary (level 2 or 3) bus services 61 APPENDIX A Bus Services in Milton Keynes (November 2008) 62 APPENDIX B Milton Keynes Rural Parishes and Current Bus Services (November 2008) 65 APPENDIX C Consultation Responses: Short Summary 67 APPENDIX D Consultation Responses: Full Comments 69 APPENDIX E Action schedule from 2003 Bus Strategy 138 3 MILTON KEYNES BUS STRATEGY (DECEMBER 2008) 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 This Bus Strategy covers the period of the second Local Transport Plan from 2006/07 to 2010/11. It is a separate requirement of the Transport Act 2000 that a Strategy is produced. However the Council brings together its strategic policies and plans over the whole range of transport provision through the Local Transport Plan, the Bus Strategy, the Bus Information Strategy and the Rail Strategy (both still to be written). In addition to the relatively short term of the current LTP period, the Bus Strategy aims to present a clear foundation for the medium and longer term. 1.2 The key elements of the Bus Strategy are: o To develop a network of fast, frequent, high quality cross-city core routes o To support this network with services that provide good access to estates and rural areas but which may be less frequent o To support this vision with strong investment in the network to provide bus priority and real-time information o To recognise the particular needs of those with mobility difficulties by providing an enhanced community transport service o To ensure information and publicity is clear and helpful o To develop strong and effective partnership and user group arrangements o To develop other council strategies, such as the provision and management of parking, so that they support the vision of a high quality, commercially viable bus service accessible to all 1.3 This is to be achieved working within the challenges presented by: o The view that Milton Keynes is a car dominated city o The significant growth that Milton Keynes will experience both within the Local Transport Plan and Local Plan period to 2011 and through the Core Strategy, which sets the spatial planning framework up to 2026. o The perception that bus services in Milton Keynes are unreliable and of poor quality o The fact that no single organisation is responsible for all the factors that determine the quality of bus services (although there have been important changes in the last 5 years to the legislative framework within which bus services are provided, the principles of the deregulated approach in the Transport Act 1985 remain) 1.4 The Milton Keynes Bus Strategy therefore aims to increase transport choice by developing the bus network, its facilities and infrastructure, in a partnership between the Council, the bus operators and other stakeholders, to meet the needs of both existing bus users and to encourage modal shift from the private car. 4 MILTON KEYNES BUS STRATEGY (DECEMBER 2008) 2 INTRODUCTION Context and Background 2.1 This Bus Strategy covers the period of the second Local Transport Plan from 2006/07 to 2010/11. It is a separate requirement of the Transport Act 2000 (section 110) that a Strategy is produced. However the Council brings together its strategic policies and plans over the whole range of transport provision through the Local Transport Plan, the Bus Information Strategy and the Rail Strategy (both still to be written). 2.2 This Bus Strategy, the second for Milton Keynes, is of primary importance in ensuring the vision of improved accessibility for all sections of the community, as identified in the council’s Community Plan and in its accessibility strategy submitted as part of the LTP2, and supports the wider transport strategy articulated in the Local Transport Plan. In writing this strategy reference has been made to the Guidelines on Preparing Bus Strategies produced by the Department for Transport (DfT) 2004, together with examples of best practice from other authorities in the UK. 2.3 This Bus Strategy draws upon detailed technical studies and other reports that provide analysis and an evidence base to ensure that the strategy is relevant, deliverable and affordable. These studies include: o Public Transport Long Term Vision Stage 1 Report (PTLTV1 - published 2003) and Stage 2 Report (PTLTV2 - unpublished) o Bus Strategy Review Group, Final Report - 2003 o Bus Strategy Position Statement - 2003 o Bus Information Strategy - 2003 o Community Transport Review - 2005 o Voluntary Quality Bus Partnership with MK Metro - 2007 o The Milton Keynes Accessibility Strategy - 2006 o MK Metro Bus Strategy 2006-2011 o Local Transport Plan 2006-07 to 2010-11 o The Transport Strategy Review o Report of the Milton Keynes Citizens’ Advisory Group on Transport (the CAGoT Report) 2.4 Although the Department for Transport (DfT) is likely to meet its target of achieving 12% growth in bus and light rail use in England by 2011, this is because bus usage is increasing in London and the provision of free concessionary travel for disabled and older people. Outside London, bus use is generally continuing to fall and it is unlikely that the growth target will be achieved in every region. 5 MILTON KEYNES BUS STRATEGY (DECEMBER 2008) Bus Patronage in Milton Keynes 2.5 Milton Keynes is an exception to the declining trend, with, as Figure 2.1 shows, bus patronage increasing by nearly 40% in the six years to 2007/08 - way ahead of the government’s target for 2011. Figure 2.1 - Growth in Milton Keynes Bus Patronage and Population 10,000 500,000 9,217 9,000 450,000 8,236 8,000 400,000 7,268 7,011 7,000 6,889 350,000 6,512 6,472 6,374 6,000 300,000 Bus Patronage 5,000 250,000 Population 4,000 200,000 227,800 Population 224,760 221,400 218,730 216,870 214,940 212,710 3,000 203,880 150,000 Bus Patronage (000s) 2,000 100,000 1,000 50,000 0 0 8 /01 /02 /03 /04 /05 /06 /07 /0 4 00 01 02 03 06 07 20 20 20 20 200 2005 20 20 Year 2.6 The bus patronage figures shown here are those reported as the Councils submission for NI177 Total Bus Patronage (previously BVPI102) - this is the total number of bus trips originating in Milton Keynes in the financial year shown. Originating trips mean that a trip from Milton Keynes to Bedford would be included, but a trip from Bedford to Milton Keynes would not. The council is required to collect this data which is based on returns made by the bus operators. 2.7 There are a number of possible reasons for this growth: o Introduction of free off-peak travel within the borough for the elderly and disabled in April 2006, with the extension to free off peak travel anywhere within England from April 2008. There is evidence of increased number of free bus trips as result and also anecdotal evidence of some shift to bus from other modes as a result of this. o Improved marketing - MK Metro point to growth in patronage on the core routes (1, 4, 5 and 8) following the door to door distribution of their “key routes” card. o Ongoing investment by the bus companies in new buses - increasing numbers of DDA compliant low floor buses are now in service, which makes travel easier for most groups of people, not just those who are disabled. 6 MILTON KEYNES BUS STRATEGY (DECEMBER 2008) o Investment by the bus companies in improved service frequencies which makes the services more attractive. o Falling real cost of bus fares - although MK Metro increased fares this year, this was the first increase for two years.
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