1 VIDEO/DVD FINDER This is an ALPHABETICAL listing of all of the videos and DVDs in the Learning Support Services collection. If a translation was available, both the original and translated titles are listed. If a title belongs to a multi-part series, each title is listed separately as well as being listed under the series title (e.g. “The Rise of Nationalism” from the series “Africa: A Voyage of Discovery” is listed under both “Rise of Nationalism, The” and “Africa: A Voyage of Discovery : The Rise of Nationalism.” Ignore initial articles such as a, der, des, el, l’, la las, le, les, los, the, un, una, etc. (e.g . look under “B” for “La belle et la bete.”) 2 Guide to Call Numbers AF=African MS=Medieval Studies AN=Anthropology MT=Meteorology AR=Arabic MU=Music AS=South Asian NO=Norwegian BL=Bulgarian PE=Persian BO=Biology PG=Portuguese BU=Burmese PH=Physics CH=Chinese PL=Polish CM=Chemistry PO=Psychology CZ=Czech PS=Political Science DA=Danish RU=Russian DU=Dutch SB=Serbo-Croatian EC=Economics SC=Scandinavian Studies ED=Education SD=Swedish EN=English SG=Sociology EW=Ewe SH=Swahili FL=Folklore SP=Spanish FN=Finish TA=Tagalog FR=French TH=Thai GG=Geography TK=Turkish GL=Geology TM=Tamil GR=German UB=Urban Studies HA=Hausa WS=Women’s Studies HE=Hebrew YO=Yoruba HI=Hindi HS=History ID=Interdepartmental IN=Indonesian IS=Islam IT=Italian JA=Japanese JO=Journalism KE=Korea KR=Krio LI=Linguistics MA=Math MG=Mongolian 3 September 5, 2019 $10 HORSE AND A $40 SADDLE, A FL1.020 10 To 11 (DVD) TK2.063 100% Arabica (DVD) FR2.059.211 100 Jahre deutscher Rhein (DVD-requires region free player) GR2.106.392 100 YEAR OLD MAN WHO CLIMBED OUT THE WINDOW AND DISAPPEARED, THE SD2.052 101 Dalmations (Disney) GR2.106.247 101 REYKJAVIK (DVD) IC2.004 1000 Rupee Note (DVD) HI2.073 11 FLOWERS (DVD) CH2.099 12 (DVD) RU2.020.199 12 Angry Lebanese (DVD) AR2.070 1492: Conquest of Paradise SP2.073.360 1492: CONQUEST OF PARADISE (DVD) ID2.175 16 Minutenfilme (DVD-requires region free player) GR2.106.392 1789, partie 1 FR2.059.076/1 1789 FRENCH PLAYS FR1.042.022 1789, partie 2 FR2.059.076/2 1900 (DVD) IT2.007.131 1994 CAMPAIGN COMMERCIALS PS1.022 1996 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY COMMERCIALS PS1.025 2 Autumns, 3 Winters (DVD) FR2.059.404 2 Days in Paris (DVD) FR2.059.245 2 oder 3 Dinge, die ich von ihm weiss (DVD) GR2.106.375 2 perdidos numa noite suja (DVD) PG2.0 15.070 2 States (DVD) HI2.080 2 YOUNG (DVD) CH2.069 20th century: the History of the Chilean People (DVD) SP2.097 200 Pound Beauty (DVD) KE2.009 2000 YRS: THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY: HERESY, WAR, AND THE BLACK DEATH: CHRISTIANITY IN THE 13TH AND 14TH CENTURIES MS3.048 211: Anna (DVD) RU2.020.205 24 City (DVD) CH2.088 24 Days (DVD) FR2.059.414 25 anos despues...Memoria abierta (DVD or non-NTSC video) SP3.053 2501 MIGRANTS: A JOURNEY (DVD) SP2.073.540 4 28 UP FL1.138 200 Pound Beauty (DVD, requires region free player) KE2.009 3 IDIOTS (DVD) HI2.052 The 3 Penny Opera (DVD) GR2.106.386 The 33 (DVD) SP2.073.682 4th Man, The DUTCH FILMS ON VIDEO DU2.001.002 (DVD or VHS) 400 blows FR2.059.040 (DVD also) 5 BROKEN CAMERAS (DVD) HE2.053 5 Stunden Parsifal in 90 Sekunden (DVD-requires region free player) GR2.106.392 5x favela agora por nos mesmos (DVD) PG2.015.123 5x2 (DVD) FR2.059.228 6IXTYNIN9 (DVD) TH2.007 7 Soles (DVD) SP2.073.570 7e l’8: Ficarra&Picone (DVD, requires region free player) IT2.007.151 8 Women (DVD) FR2.059.215 8/15 Pt. 2: At the Front GR2.106.290 8/15 Pt. 3: Back at Home GR2.106.290 8 ½ (DVD or VHS) IT2.007.013 8/15 Pt. 1: In the Barracks GR2.106.290 9 Rota (DVD) RU2.020.206 9TH COMPANY (DVD) RU2.020.206 90 Millas (DVD) SP2.073.446 A propos de Nice FR2.059.131 A nous la liberte FR2.059.023 A esli eto liubov' (And if it's love) RU2.020.012 A bout de souffle FR2.059.010 A que le tiras cuando suenas mexicano SP2.073.190 A Zori Zdes' Tikhie, part 1 RU2.020.028 A More IT2.007.048 A Zori Zdes' Tikhie, part 2 RU2.020.029 A2 (DVD) JA2.096 Aakrosh (DVD) HI2.030 Abhiyum Naanum (DVD) TM2.007 Abismos de pasion (Wuthering Heights) SP2.073.008 Abluka (DVD) TK2.064 ABOLITION: BROKEN PROMISES AF2.090 ABORTION CLINIC ID2.029 5 About Elly (DVD, requires region free player) PE2.095 Abre los ojos SP2.073.352 Abschied von gestern (DVD-requires region free player) GR2.106.392 Absolute Giganten (DVD-requires region free player) GR2.106.389 Abuelo, El (DVD) SP2.073.324 Accatone (VHS or DVD) IT2.007.053 Aces AFRICAN FILMS ON VIDEO AF2.072.041 Acqua e sapone (Soap and water) IT2.007.065 Acquiring the Human Language “Playing the Language Game” HUMAN LANGUAGE SERIES,The Part Two LI1.025.002 ACRATAS SP3.043 ACT OF CONGRESS: HR 6161 PS1.007 ACT OF KILLING, THE (DVD) ID2.199 Actas de Marusia (Letters from Marusia)SP2.073.057 Actor, The (DVD) PE2.023 Actress (DvD) GR2.106.479 ACTUALITIES VIDEOS I & II FR1.075 Adam's rib (no subtitles) RU2.020.063 Adam’s Rib (w/subtitles) RU2.020.091 Addiction, The (DVD) SP2.073.545 Adio Kerida SP2.073.461 Admiral (DVD) RU2.020.239 Adonde van nuestros hijos SP2.073.168 Adonis XIV (Glasnost Film Festival) RU2.020.091 Adorable Lies SP2.073.317 ADVANCED SPOKEN JAPANESE: TONARI NO SHIBAFU JA3.010.01 Lessons 1-9 ADVANCED SPOKEN JAPANESE: TONARI NO SHIBAFU JA3.010.02 Lessons 10-18 Adventures of Cheburashka & Friends, The (DVD) RU2.020.188 Adventures of Felix (DVD) FR2.059.353 Adventures of TinTin, The (DVD) FR2.059.336 Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, Vol. Three: The Years of Change (DVD) ID2.177 Affaire Blum (The Blum affair)GR2.106.006.015 Affirmative action vs. reverse discrimination CONSTITUTION: THAT DELICATE BALANCE, The PS1.002.012 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: THE HISTORY OF AN IDEA ID2.070 AFFLUENZA ID2.089 AFGHAN STAR (DVD) PA2.001 L’Afrance FR2.059.423 Africa (Nature/National Geographic) AF2.095 6 Africa Dreaming (INCLUDES: ; The Gaze of the Stars ; So Be It ; Sabriya) AFRICAN FILMS ON VIDEO AF2.072.027 Africa Dreaming (The Last Picture) AF2.072.061 Africa Dreaming (Mamlambo) AF2.072.062 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: Different but equal AF2.028.001 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: Mastering a continent AF2.028.002 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: Caravan of gold AF2.028.003 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: Kings and cities AF2.028.004 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: The Bible and the Gun AF2.028.005 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: This magnificent African cake AF2.028.006 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: The rise of nationalism AF2.028.007 AFRICA: A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY WITH BASIL DAVIDSON: The legacy AF2.028.008 AFRICA (Nature/National Geographic series) AF2.095 AFRICA: CONTEMPORARY CHANGES IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AF2.062 AFRICAN RECOVERY AF2.042 AFRICAN ART AF2.091 AFRICAN FILMS ON VIDEO AF2.072 AFRICAN AMERICAN ART: PAST AND PRESENT (3 VOLS.)AF2.050 AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007 AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.001 The nature of a continent AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.002 A legacy of lifestyles AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.003 New gods AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.004 Tools of exploitation AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.005 New conflicts AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.006 In search of stability AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.007 A garden of Eden in decay AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.008 A clash of cultures AFRICANS: A TRIPLE HERITAGE AF2.007.000 Global Africa Afrique, Je Te Plumerai (VHS & DVD) AF2.072.002 AFRIQUE EN FRANCAIS, L’ FR1.074 Afro@Digital (DVD) AF2.072.073 Afroargentines ID2.145 After Life (DVD) JA2.030 AFTER THE HUNGER & DROUGHT AF2.064 After the Storm (DVD) JAs.090 After the Wedding (DVD) DA2.021 Against the Government (DVD) AR2.047 Agan-Ale (Night Barren) YO2.002.009 7 Agata and the Storm (DVD) IT2.007.132 Agata e la tempesta (DVD) IT2.007.132 Agbara Nla (5 pts.) YO2.002.014 Age d'or, L’ FR2.059.080 Age of Beauty SP2.073.218 Age of Gold, The BURIED MIRROR (Eng.) SP1.109.003 Agronomist, The (DVD) AF2.100 Aguirre: the wrath of God (DVD and VHS) GR2.106.001 Agustina de Aragon SP2.073.351 Ahmad Shamlou: Master of Poetry PE2.014 AHMEDABAD: THE LIFE OF A CITY AS2.016 AIDEN ELLING (DVD-requires region free player) NO2.013 AIDS: WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW ID2.028 Aime Cesaire: Poete et homme d’Etat FR3.063 AIME CESAIRE: UNE VOIX POUR L’HISTOIRE FR2.123.001 L’ile Veilleuse (the vigilant Island) AIME CESAIRE: UNE VOIX POUR L’HISTOIRE FR2.123.002 Au rendez-vous de la conquete (There the edges of Conquest Meet) AIME CESAIRE: UNE VOIX POUR L’HISTOIRE FR2.123.003 La force de regarder demain (the Strength to Face Tomorrow) Aimee & Jaguar GR2.106.323 (DVD) Ain't gonna shuffle no more (1964-72)EYES ON THE PRIZE II HS1.003.005 Ain't scared of your jails (1960-61)EYES ON THE PRIZE HS1.002.003 Air Crew (DVD) RU2.020.167 AIR DE FAMILIE, UN (DVD) FR2.059.322 Air Doll (DVD) JA2.066 Aita MOROCCO, BODY AND SOUL AF2.036.003 AJABUA DANCE AND DRAMA AS2.014 Ajami (DVD) AR2.041 AJAX: A TRAGEDY BY SOPHOCLES ID2.096 Akounak Tedalat Taha Tazoughai (DVD) ID2.217 Al Karnak (DVD) AR2.048 AL-KITAAB AR1.022 AL-KITAAB PART II, LISTENING PASSAGES TO ACCOMPANY AR1.026 Al otro lado (DVD) SP2.073.474 Aladdin (Disney) GR2.106.244 Aladdin (DISNEY) FR2.059.110 ALAMANNEN, Die GR3.018 Alamar (DVD) SP2.073.548 Albaniles, Los SP2.073.186 8 Acuarelista, El (DVD) SP2.073.675 Aleijadinho: paixo, gloria e suplicio, O (DVD, requires region free player) PG2.015.107 Aleksis Kiven elama (DVD requires region free player) FN2.003 Alesha Popovich I Tugarin Zmej (DVD) RU2.020.245 Alexander Kluge: Samtliche Kinofilme (multi-set DVDs) GR2.106.392 Alexander
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