6 THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924 with a nocturnal adoration of the TOLERATION Blessed Sacrament and a sermon ______ EAT OYSTERS· AND BE HEALTHY ------ ANCESTOR OF FAMOUS preached by Cardinal La Fontaine. In Economics, Politics and Religion ACTORS CANDIDATE ========""""""'~""""""'~"""""""aE!1Students' Crusade THREEIn Italian NationalREPORT Pilgrimage CURES to Lourdes. The invalids were assisted back to Aim of Non-Sectarian Group. FOR BEATIFICA1'ION their homes by the representatives 1~ By MSGR. ENRICO PUCCI of the Green Cross at Turin and OYSTERS Utica, N. Y., Oct. 7.-Fifty prot­ The opening meeting of St. Genoa. [N. C. w. C. News Service.) [Rome Correspondent, N. C. W. C.) FRESH SERVED ANY STYLE ALSO estants and as many Catholics of Walburg Academy C. S. M. EVERY DAY SOLD IN BULK this city met last night to formally London, Sept. 5-The 245th C. Unit was made a truly in­ Rome, Sept. 22.-The great Ital­ PRIEST SAVES ian National Pilgrimage to Lourdes THE OLD RELIABLE organize the Hamilton-Jefferson As­ annual pilgrimage to the tomb spirational affair. The chair­ BLAZING MOTORIST sociation, which has for its aim "the of the Venerable John Kemble, man, Teresa Ludwig, re­ has returned to Italy. Three cures CENTRAL OYSTER HOUSE fostering of patriotic ideals and a at Welsh Newton churchyard, called the object of the Crusade to were officially registered, and many London, Sept. 29.-Rev. Innocent J. ROSENFIELD. Prop. spirit of toleration in econ?mics, Herefordshire, created special the members, and made an earnest others reported. The latter are Cincinnati Apap, a popular Dominican preach­ 210 East Fifth Street. near Main Street politics and religion", and IS an­ interest this year, as the cause appeal to all to enter into the spirit still under observation by physi­ er, rushed to the rescue, when he nounced to be non-secret, non-sec­ of Father Kemble will soon be of the organization. The students cians for verification. saw a blazing motorcycle, with its tarian and non-partisan". considered by a pontifical then assembled in the convent Altogether 3,500 pilgrims made rider in flames. Pulling off his coat All are leading business and pro­ court of process for beatifica- chapel, where a prayer was said to the journey. The "White Train", as he ran, he wrapped it around the fessional men of Utica, the Catho­ tion. the Holy Ghost, foJiowed by the in which the invalids were (' ... rr·ied, cyclist, whose legs had already been lics being principally Knights of Co­ Father Kemble, who was Crusade pledge and the singing of consisted of thirteen cars from Tu­ badly burned. The injured man was lumbus, and the non-Catholics, ma­ imprisoned and martyred for a Crusade hymn. Election of offi­ rin. The spiritual directors, Mon­ taken to a hospital, his life saved sons. saying Mass, was a collateral cers for the year was then held, the signor Scavizzi, Father Mangag­ !by the priest's presence of mind. Former U. S. Secretary of State ancestor of Mrs. Siddons and following being named: President, notti, Monsignor Ciccone, and Mon­ Father Apap was returning from Elihu Root made the principal ad­ of Philip John Kemble, the A nna Marie _ Pilger; secretary, signor Mancini, also traveled on a sick call in the vicinity oflhe dress at tonight's meeting, and ex­ famous actors. Mary D. Willenbrink; treasurer, this train. For the first time in the Priory, at Haverstock Hill, London. pressed his belief that, by having a His name lives in the speech Rosemary Middendorf. A vote of history of the pilgrimages, the mcmbershijl equally divided between of the people of Herefordshire thanks was tendered to the retiring Blessed Sacrament was exposed on JOHN McCORMACK WILL More For Your Money -Or Your Money Back Protestants and Catholics, the or­ and Northern Monmouthshire officers of the unit, Louise Scheuer­ the train en route. Two Masses SING AT MAY FESTIVAL - ganization is assured of ultimate in such phrases as "Kemble mann, Teresa Ludwig and Eliza!beth were celebrated at two o'clock in success. Pipe" and "Kemble Cup", Meese. the morning, during the stop at • New York, Oct. 7.-John McCor­ "We have hit upon the life-giving which commemorate the mar­ Cette, and the Eucharist was con- mack will open his twelfth concert properties", he said, "the lac~ <!f tyr's dying request for a last The first recipients of ."Castle served until later in the morning, tour in America at Boston, on Octo­ THE which killed other great patrIotIc smoke before he was drawn Trophies" awarded this Fall in- so that the sick might receive Com­ ber 19, and on the following Sunday movements. We have here the two on a cart to the place appoint­ r'nded two schools of Greater Cin- munion. It is planned to make this will sing in New York. Approxi­ Cincinnati Catholic Women's Association great national bodies, the Masons ed for his hanging, drawing cinnati. They are Academy Notre a regular feature of the annual pil­ mately 65 engagements have been and the Knights of Columbus. from and quartering. vame of Providence, Newport, and grimages. At the Masses all the booked for the season, extending De.ire. Article. for a which a larger percentage of the The "Kemble Pipe" and the St. Walburg Academy, Covington. nurses, .both men and women, re­ into May and closing with his ap­ membership may be drawn." "Kemble Cup" are the last 'The award in each case was made ceived Communion. pearance at the golden jubilee of The membership is limited to 100, smoke and the last drink. for extraordinary activity in aiding Cardinals, archbishops, and many the Cincinnati Festival Association. RUMMAGE SALE of whom one-half must 'be Catholic Pilgrims to Welsh Newton the Kappa Sigma IVlu, of St. Xavier I illustrious laymen took part in the Here Mr. McCormack will sing the October 28-29-30' I and the other half Protestants, and, marched in procession down Collen'e, in its campaign of last pilgrimage. The ecclesiastics in­ tenor role in "The Dream of Geron­ if the number decreases, new mem­ the main street of the village Spring in behalf of the building cluded: Cardinal La Fontaine, Pa­ tius", Cardinal Newman's beautiful OLD CLOTHING, FURNITURE, BRIC-A-BRAC, bers must be admitted in pairs in to the churchyard, where a fund for the Crusade Castle. The triarch of Venice; the Cardinal Vi­ poem, set to music by the intern a­ the same religious ratio. At the little girl placed a floral cross Castle trophies are enlarged poly- car Pompili, and the Archbishop of tionaHy famous Catholic composer, JEWELRY, DISHES, Etc. meetings, to be held monthly, sub­ on the martyr's tomb. chrome reproductions of the Cl'U- Vercelli. The pilgrimage ended Sir Edward Elgar. jects of general public welfare will Addressing the assembly sade shield backed by a brace of Call Woodburn 43-X and Articles will be Collected. be discussed and acted upon, and there, Father Dewey said pub­ flags. They are given to Crusade the Federal Constitution will be held lic opinion had changed in its units aiding in an extraordinary up as "an antidote for the evils of attitude toward the Venerable way the re-building of the Crusade the day". John Kemble, as it had chang­ Castle. ed toward Saint Joan of Arc. Established 1849 Tel. Main 1673 The association was organized People who were not Catholics High Grade No. 401 throu!!'h the initial efforts of Arthur The Henry P. Milet Unit of St. Watches and Fred'k A. Schmidt B.ldg. now honored Father Kemble Xavier College of Liberal Arts has J. Fol~y, a K. of C., William R. Lee, as a man who suffered martyr­ Jewelry Repairing KORF S. W. cor. Sth a,nd Main October--- former District Attorney, and a ma­ re-organized for the year with a dom rather than forfeit his new set of officers. They are: son, Andrew F. Kelley, of the principles. The balance of our stock is being sold at cost, Utica Branch of the N. C. C. M., President, Earl J . Winter; corre­ and Hon. Elihu Root. It was Mr. sponding secretary, G. Edward come in and see what we have. An opportunity A nother month of Root who suggested the name, as Fern; recording secretary, Paul questions, such as sources of raw Rattermann; treasurer, John B. to secure a first quality Diamon~ or Watch at . one signifying the combination of materials and food supplies-have splendid Furniture values two groups holding. diver~~nt views. Stenz, Jr. lVIr. Winter, in addition Cost Price. I intensified this apprehension. The to the office which he holds in the The incorporators, m addItIOn to the United States falls within the class four men named, are: Michael J. St. Xavier Unit, is vice-president of A small deposit will hold anything you want No more waiting for February and August. Since the inaugu.. of countries that export certain the Cincinnati Local Conference of Larkin. Past State Deputy, K. of raw materials necessary to the eco­ C. ; William J. Wiley, superintend­ th e C. S. M. C. until Christmas. ration of our new common-sense plan for selling furniture. Cin~ nomic life of other countries. It it The organization of a special ent of the Masonic Home; James E. is the purpose of the league to ex­ cinnatians may buy furniture when they need it-more advan~ Mitchell, president of the Board of study group, in accordance with t~e tend its authority to determine what "Paladin Plan" of the Crusade, IS Education; Charles A.
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