The WA Arabian Horse Association (Inc.) presents the 2016 All Arabian Show Judges: Maria Ferraroni (Italy) Gail Iskra (Qld) March 19th & 20th State Equestrian Centre, Brigadoon “Horse Riding is a Dangerous Activity” Horse sports are a dangerous recreational activity and horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt. There is a significant risk that serious INJURY or DEATH may result from horse sport activities. By attending and/or participating in this event you knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, and you voluntarily enter at YOUR OWN RISK. You assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property damage you may suffer as a result of your attendance and/or participation in this event. Upon entering this designated area you acknowledge the event organisers and/or others do not accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to you, any spectators, participants, horses or any other person or property whatsoever. You agree to follow the directions of any event organiser or official and that any misconduct or refusal by you to follow any direction of any organiser or official can result in the cancellation of your participation in the activities and your immediate removal from your horse no matter where that may occur. You understand that any such non-compliance may result in injury, death and/or permanent disability as a result of your failure to comply. Gow-Gates Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd, Level 8, 491 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000 P:(02) 8267 9999 F: (02) 8267 9998 E: equestrian@gow gates.com.au ABN 12 000 837 785 | AFSL 245432 Rules and Conditions of Entry It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor/Ow ner to abide by all rules set out here and in associated documentation. 1. ASSOCIATION LIABILITY - The Western Australian Arabian Horse Association Inc (WAAHA Inc) or any of its Agents, shall not be liable for any financial loss or damage, physical injury or property damage suffered by any person by reason of any defect, accident, negligenc e or neglect how ever arising. 2. SHOW RULES - This show is for Arabian and Arabian Derivatives and is governed by the current Arabian Hors e Society of Australia Rule Book, and the SEC Rules and Regulations. It is the responsibility of the entrant to read and be familiar w ith the rules. The current AHSA Rule book is available online at w ww.waaha.com.au or w w w .ahsa.asn.au. 3. SEC RULES - Any persons entering the stable area does so at their ow n risk and EWA and WAAHA Inc w ill not be held liable for any injury w hich may occur to riders, horses and general public. Under no circumstances may horses be tacked or tied up in the aisles. Smoking is only permitted on the entrance road side of the main SEC pavilion – smoking w ill not be tolerated or accepted in any other area. No alcohol may be brought into the Centre. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER STABLES OR MARSHALLING AREA WITH PRAMS AND/OR SMALL CHILDREN. UNACCOM PANIED CHILDREN ARE ALSO NOT PERMITTED IN THESE AREAS. 4. MEMBERS RATES - Only current (2016) Junior, General, Family/Joint and Life members of the WAAHA Inc whose name appears on the Registration Certificate of an exhibit as the Owner or Lessee , are eligible to enter at WAAHA members rates. Membership fees must be paid before or on the close of entries. Non- members of WAAHA (Inc.) competing in Rider/Handler classes MUST pay non-member rates for those classes regardless of the horse owners membership status. 5. ENTRIES – All entries must be made in the name of the registered owner/lessee of the exhibit. Entries can be submitted online via nominate.c om.au, or via post, and must be accompanied by the correct payment and all supporting documents. Refund of entries w ill not be made after the closing date of entries. Incorrect and/or incomplete entries w ill incur an additional $20 penalty fee. By lodging an entry the exhibitor shall be bound by the terms & conditions set out herein. The signature of an entry form by an exhibitor shall be deemed to evidence acceptance of same. Ow ners of ALL Purebreds and Derivatives must be CURRENT FINANCIAL MEMBERS OF AHSA to enter their horse(s) at this show . Horses w ithout a registration number must not be exhibited. All horses must be able to be identified by their brands and/or markings in accordance w ith the Certific ate of Registration issued by the Society. ALL OWNERS MUST HAVE A COPY OF THEIR PAPERW O RK WITH THEM AT THE SHOW. The WAAHA Inc Committee reserves the right to refuse, cancel or accept conditionally any entry. Any cheque received by the organisers shall be deemed to be conditional payment only and is subjec t to payment upon presentation. Any bank fees/charges incurred by the organisers regarding dishonoured cheques w ill be payable by that exhibitor. 6. ORGANISING COMMITTEE - Reserves the right, w ithout assigning reason, to:- (a) reject or cancel any entry at any time; (b) cancel any event or class; (c) divide or combine classes; (d) transfer an exhibit from one class to another; (e) expel any exhibit/exhibitor from the competition and from the grounds. 7. CONDUCT - Competitors shall at all times behave in a proper and respectful manner to Judges, Officials and fellow competitors. Any exhibitor w hose conduct is considered to be ill-mannered, aggressive or unsportsman li k e may be issued a w arning and subsequently dismissed from the class or disqualified from the Show . Please refer to the current AHSA Ltd Rule Book for information. BULLYING OF ANY DESCRIPTION WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. 8. EXHIBIT NUMBERS: Exhibit numbers must be w orn on the back of the handler/rider or around the horses’ neck. Competitors must not enter any class w ithout their correct exhibit number displayed 9. STIRRING Shakers or any other artificial device must only be used in moderation by the Marshall/Steward or Show Official and only upon request from the competitor at the time of entry to the judging ring. Refer to AHSA rulebook for more information. Clapping and cheering of horses is encouraged however banging or stomping on seating/railing/bins is prohibited. 10. LAMENESS - Horses exhibiting any sign of serious lameness in the opinion of the Judge w ill be excused from the class and take no further part in competition for the remainder of the day. THIS IS AN ANIMAL WELFA RE ISSUE. Whip and/or Spur abuse of any kind w ill not be tolerated. 11. SWABBING - Any exhibit may be sw abbed for prohibited substances at the discretion of the Committee. Results of sw abs taken may be published. Horses returning a positive sw ab w ill be subject to penalties as per current AHSA Ltd Rule Book. 12. GROUND FEES - Are compulsory for all exhibitors w ho are not current EWA or SEC members and MUST be paid w ith the entry. Proof of current EWA/SEC members hip to be supplied w ith entry. 13. STABLING AND CAMPING - Camping fees are compulsory for all exhibitors w ho are not current EWA or SEC members. Stable fees are applicable to everyone. Please note that all stables and camp sites are to be booked as per instructions on the SEC w ebsite http://w w w .secbrigadoon.com/. DO NOT SEND THESE FORMS OR FEES TO WAAHA. 14. REGISTERED PARTICIPANT FEE This fee is compulsory for anyone w ho is NOT a current WAAHA or AHSA member (excluding WAAHA associate members) and w ho does NOT have proof of any other form of 24/7 equine insurance. Registered Participants must complete the Liability Declaration and the Registered Participa nts Application and pay the $10 or $30 per person per day. The $30 fee is for professionals w ho have accepted any type of remuneration for showing/training horses within the last three years and is compulsory unless they provide a certificate of currency of their own insurance (regardless of their AHSA membership status). 15. NON-PROFESSIONAL CLASSES These classes w ere previously know n as Amateur classes. Competitors in these classes must have an AHSA membership card marked NP or supply a declaration claiming non- professional status. A copy of the card or declaration must be provided w ith your entry. No proof = no entry. 16. DRESSAGE Where dressage classes are offered, all tests w ill be run in accordance w ith the current EA dressage rules. Horses must not compete below their official graded level or at more than tw o consecutive levels. Only one rider per horse is permitted in dressage. No horse may compete in more than three tests. Youth must nominate for youth dressage aw ards on the entry form. Draw w ill be posted on the WAAHA w ebsite (events page) prior to the show . 17. WA BRED Where these classes are offered, the sire and dam of the exhibit must have been ow ned and resident in Western Australia at the time of breeding. 18. ARABIAN PERFORMANCE INDEX Arabian Performanc e Index recorded horses and ponies are eligible to compete in any class not specified for any particular Arabian Derivative registry. They are not eligible to compete in classes listed as being restricted to Purebred Arabians, Half Arabians, Partbred Arabians, Arabian Ponies, Arabian Riding Ponies, Anglo Arabians, Arabian Warmbloods, Arabian Stock Horses or Quarabs. They may be used in Junior Handler classes etc 19.
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