.Owu1* A'» WW *$WS6SS@»W! SfWWSiW xm !OTMMV.««'»» wgjgS^ aggwwipMa^ ' '! ,r,* V . .M ^aa 'lp -Ij ,..;3(J-'j9iJCt{. IttO't : IWwV ji?| el:i -uyJte !»i.r* uui a0" M id - - . tfOJJt j "J •fjjgj 6fl» : Xi itti-iym & 'cirslb'"! >a£l!jvi'> Jii. \r»*Vi«y.> !; 'fldUjsmlsifaaa .'J r sfeafev ''Miba ;-, forf-ase! )Is«i)fi'" * •32U1A..IH ; i- K?fb •• :ia - si 3i ifoi i 10 7 ho :*$SAl4ilC3 V gfiiiiajm -fs « :i'"sia-.iri'i fjy/Ti • osstl? oid "* ?««' a! i ^ noBaisftsr/v .411 10 mspem tirte* >0 ,tanv sm/r • fetaoO M UU'A .001 Tjq i£ oohtL f ;; j j-j® : *< v ii'ft •»* tw-'iw'•-*+* •OStfii lUi'U ti'sm '•vhBcr.- a$fi->: 1: botfba.di?' '^i ih£ lafewV 4^W%; '.,#10. .- #f^-1 ' W "^5 »H- -/ve»ii( -.})wssiv fee . ..-. c:~.., ».,? >ja5"Lj«*.-Tt» ? •snhlimmMt.fMA ,fa i wwmttJi -siwa '• aw^ao tottM" itft ini! 'mit .itfi :.'.t Ismlr'rni 'aMAi-%*-XtshitA. H. BYINGTON & CO. IT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, < IN-'ADVAWCE. : PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY •Irf « fe(dr«frt|ii . ^ooiataT- V;?^! Xfttrotnrr; ^oltttper, a«iinttart^ 3^ttjiauira,^;fbe'^suta/1 <6&aratiatv°' ^Ct. ^Cr.<6«tahlisjjtfi' in" 18O0F^"i ioolV "T;3^'37fe'CSTt -ftlM taiip{ S^ac. aitJlu sifc&iisf&iS c»i ilu - iooihi: &k»..wdatlii ,-• £L •.•j7,rllgj>Sl erT ir> .-{T yr_tfin3 •« :•- ..••!. '•",•> 3lt»i O, iB i ¥, is ... -_as->0 ,;: StWi t" < v < "j VOLUME XLI.^- ^2. : ,jm I* NORWALK, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1858. V... - a - • n ...« *. -i * .)V 1* r NUMBER 563-NEF SERIES.^ •"-"v: it iiOi.L: 3103- OJ 8jail»9 91001 ':«'lts;;i q^3TT5S SOOl 06 ,Oi!liOJtl — <Ik^. ii1? Uncle Jod In Cotii^.' '^p " Have.y'ou got counsel, sir ?" the judge ters upon its carecr all life and motion, has beeu loBgj t ,tb? PflWIftgWSiPro- -jvto "flOBWAlK AMOS BVHT, COAX! COmi POETRY f'n£be tiassett. was a queer genius—-4< Tf n- resumed. flitting,about in the sca as gavly and light- pose ahjinte^p.tinj •igsuii?. - . %; : t . H. SC 3. C. RANDIiB, have been re- along QeBMralPenrimi k Patent Agent ji&e Joe"' eyerybody called him—and " Not's I knQws on," replied Joe, with Jy as a butterfly or. a s^aHovv ^kiras thro' • ceiving direct from the Mines and are iigt»vWW'j 17'the OJBe* In Wood'* New Briok Bnildiiut, Gnow prepared td otfer at the lowest market though possessing but very few of the a half foolish, half wicked look. the air. Its; first appearance is as a mi­ And Prosecutor of Claims before ; Main Street """: n • rates, the following kinds of Coal, from their 3 godds of this world, yet he. was one of " You are probably aware of the rea­ croscopic oyster cherubjawith wing like sea some' thirty miles below'fOa citjp,, ; !•('{ IJTU )!>!.' <»!.» i « 1 the several Departments and Coal Yard, East side the Bridge, via i«^ -arm „ Mm, |^nt ,belowfJ' ^ j j thW iiiost useful men in . town. If anyone son why yon have been called here," pur­ lobes flanking a niouth sijid^shoulders, un­ ^tripcndo'us lltflierne. wiff Xnvofve an ex­ mz :! *ai h. BYnrarow,* ,ooC ".^1? the'Court of*Claims, ! Spring Mountain Lehigh, ~ ^ I W^bted y odd job dotle he was ttie. man sued the court, seeming to pity the mail's incumbered with inferior crural .prolonga­ pense bf'ifoiri'dseema Ji jirti 9 W0 *' t only'wish*hut of stone, j i the only effectual remedy, and®inff^fcofc- A H.BTI.VGTON, J.B.Slls, Q.N.ELLS. •D. C. '*il ! -i« Sugar. Loaf: . do rttT. \* 'to dq.it.' 'In short, he was a sort of nni- foolishness, tions. It passes through a .joyous and 'I- «<>• Wuhii L«$« Mammoth Vein ( White Ash) rbVowW stone wftl'do,) ; ^ bti.t etiun ' -••<•_ — . versal " Man Friday," and for a consider­ " I s'pose it's for some kind o' coin- vivacious juvenility, skipping up and down' abiy Fe'feveiftriil'lfy ' Iflb great Locust Mountain do ^ i 'J7i That-lWa^ call my'own; - ' i , 1 • fur/Lii 35 Subscription Ratea. .. ation he wpuld perform any work which plaint Capt'n Lober's been a makin'." as if in mockery of its heavy 'and'immo­ bono of contention in i8 tSfi8%or- F'it Seranton do • ! ai;y And close at hand is such a one, J , /, All Sabicribers, by Carrier, kail, Po»tRMeri,tnd f!50 Council Ridge, (Pink Ash) . \ inight be called for. He was a. happy "Exactly," said Lober's counsel.— vable parents. It voyages from oyster- moiis project; Being ^fiet1ief tlftP l^^nse 00 In yonder street .thai fronts the sun^Hj f'i | , Wagoieni, per; year, • i$2 Laurence (Red do ) v% .tp i!) i ' 1 shall be bomb by 'the cit5> • Of^LoKddf^ or Attorney & Counsellor at Law t ' old fellow ; as full of fun as an egg is full "Your horse has destroyed much proper­ bed to oyslcr-licd, and if in luck'so a%, to qgsaaKgg1*'""3""""^ •» Trevor ton Semi Anthracite. •» Plain Ibbd'is quite enough for me ; ^ • S by the nation atiahge, fiport WhIcR'pbint ' if Of meat, and he could crack some very ty belonging to my client." escape the watchful voracity of the thou­ f I Cl at>» of S. or,'-mOMr :Miit to on* addre«, to lx WALL, STREET, The Lehigh, Mammoth Vein, Locust Moun­ Three Cannes ate as good as ten ; ¥ ; rs there-is' truly miioli;to <be '6ald- oh'both paid in advance, -, ^; ;$1.&0 ! t; i hard joKes without hurting anybody.— " Guess not, 'Squire," returned Joe, sand enemies that lie in wait or prowl NE^ YORK. tain, Council Ridge and Trevorton Coals, are If nature can sobsist bn three, f , sides.' f".«wo-jo esd Jgsib019703 tiiit Single copieiS eenti—inwrapper, 6 centi. Thankheavenfor three. Amen! fle oWned a little but over back of the '/'cause that's onpossiblc. My boss about, to prey upon youth and inexperi­ e- 1 :: ; ! of the first class; arid are acknowledged by a» _• •••*-— ••• •• v ; r-, a dealers to have no superiors. For fnrnases I always thought eold yictuals nice ; #Si l village, to wliiiili was attached a few acres couldn't do nosich ihjug." • r& ence, at Ietigth, having sown its oats, set­ On Sunday :w£ attended ifaetrio# at u - ? 3Dontistry as • 'ii'«u;ifi s:Aiieitiii«i Rates. and all stoves with strong draughts, the Le­ My choice would be vanilla-ice. .fjf/jtj ; of gOod in nil ; nnd beside this he had a " What do you mean by thfft?"a,4S ^ tles down into a steady, solid, domestic Westminster; Abbey^italu«igU/»iJsaa4 One Sqaare/caa intvition, 1 * ' $1 0° near, as possible ainidst thQMnoBnwlfkte in Doctors TTTTiTi 6 I high Coals caanot. be surpassed, being hard, I care not much for gold or land •' - Kl' cow, and some other items of stock. He "Why I haint got 110 hoss as is capa­ oyster. It becomes the parent of fresh 5? •; , *$* >Jtu . «>'» •/# } «'• enduring and very pure. For ordinary do­ the Poem's iGoriieri , - Th®a; bodjT);oldtho «• Give me a mortgage here and there- lived quite comfortably, aiid the impres- ble of doin' so much mischief."" j broods of oyster-cherubs; . As snch it 1)7^ JOtelfhflUl 1 *#' 4?« Sui^icali ft lOechanical mestic purposes, the Mammoth Vein,Locust ; Clwch waswreUjfiUedj lfiMliMr#iRMsed 'o «' f-r | « Mountain and Council Ridge Coals, stand un­ Some good bank-stock—some note of hand, siou had gone abroad that he had man­ " We'll leave that for others to decide," would live and die, leaving its shell, thick­ "iiDi jo ^udignqe, • or" DENTISTS, nr I-... rivalled ; burning more freely than the Le­ Or toiling railroad share,umumw ( aged to lay up some money.' said the counsel, with a very significant ened through old. age, to serve as;its mon­ and decorous Siil. .atkjtto^hi, • 7 00 I only ask tnat Fortune send \-i its pnejear,,. #13,—with paper^jsiijoTi!16 °9 high, making no clinker, and leaving less ash­ • Cnpt. Daniel Lober. wlio had recently nod of the head. ument throughout all time—a contribution gan^^lled tlle(grft9d 1 ! Office over the Store of C. J.Omman A more than I shall spend. :-.|K r t»o 34&are«, ' & ' 54?,-with paper,^4! ' W 00 es andslate than most any kind ol Coal known litO* " You own a horse V* \h toward the construction of a fresh geolog­ magnificent xnusic,i^en^gdij}fcflSyp£^ k- NORWALK, CONN. : . - settled in the town, Owned aiiue piece of in the market. Honors are silly toys, I know, land ad^t iniiig Uucle Joe's Jot, and lie was «Why—" * - '• ical epoch, and a new layer of the earth's minster some, weeks,. 1 A.HrLt. v< v'' Charles Fitch. As to the Trevorton, we can say to any And titles are but empty names ; ;Vv;,jj] "We want none of your why's! You crust—were it not for .the gluttony of ltowever, we;did no^takertg§8Tj^.of;(tha Adrertteera^ndcdpT^three ormoresqn'area,ar'ejntitled persons trying it, that if it does not- answer 'iiot long iii'rtiaking himself very disagree­ to,thejiap6r free of charge, the recommendation and prove entirely satis­ I would, ftrlutpt, be Plenipo— ;; able1 to our good Man Friday,'Vf 'ile was own a horse?" - i . man, who, rending this sober citizpn of sermon quietly I'^ivfii^wU^ Life Insnrance. Bat only near St. James; 3*' *' v j j' KlftMin n«M;'or 100 word« make a square. Fractional factory, we will take it back again if desired, a proud, selfish person, and a TiUje mean '••"•But I want to 'xplafn.
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