FfljBBpwC3gpi?C?2 \ ‘ . ■«0 — MANPHESTER HBRALD. Thura., Aug. 1». 1»C Fonda cremated Two city women Unknown leads SAVI as he wished now firefighters GHO after one t ... page 15 ... page 7 Q> . page 9 Mostly sunny, ManChester, Cpnn. warm Saturday Friday, Aug. 13, 1982 — See page 2 M rra lh Single Copy 25(p OB Cease-fire holds; Habib Luilabye' 3 OuraAj|)> 1 7 9 ^ • » » i-mi talks again .CoofdlnM ii )magln« baby, By John Moody 10 wounded, Israeli military com­ of datightftit, a w e e t'^ ^ f S w ^ p l^ p a ^ t' United Press International mand said. The White House said a •piiiowea9«,o«rtt*B.i:;w-/^;;.^W - r" '” r".rr:,"T.:=^ U.S. envoy Philip Habib resumed "shocked” Reagan complained the • Lap Pads, (Pkfl of 3K Rob, 9.79-2ii84 aNewbom 3-Pc." talks today with Lebanese officials bombing halted Habib’s negotiations on the evaluation of Palestine just when they were at the point of Liberation Organization guerrillas success, and told the Israeli prime from Beirut and the 11th ceasefire minister: “1 want it to stop and to of the Lebanese war held. stop now.” The Israeli Cabinet overruled The latest attaCks were initiated hard-line Defense Minister Ariel by Sharon on his own, without Sharon in a heated session Thursday Cabinet approval, political sources and halted Israel’s 10-hour air, land said. b w 'T 7 . ” ,”.77 7 . S j 0 1 U ,‘7 Reading pays off and sea bombardment, the worst of Reports in the Israeli press today the war, that forced Habib to break said other Cabinet ministers were so • Quiitad Btankit^ ;' ; ; |4 1 off his peace talks. unhappy about the heavy bombing Reading has its rewards, and for youngsters enrolied in, the Palestinian officials said 500 peo­ and other unilateral actions taken • Bunting l^ > Otir'Ragi^^, 7 summer reading program at Mary Cheney Library, one of the ple were killed or wounded in by Sharon the defense minister may ; - amiHari.AafyHe rewards was a party in Center Park this morning. The party- Thursday’s bombardment, whiCh hit be deprived of a major role in «ZlpparQuilt,Rag. 13.99 . ...10.49 goers in the foreground at top are Tarvis Hibler, Mark Howard, every part of the besieged sector in further negotiations. •Infants* 4-Pc. and Jennifer Burr. At ieft are Samantha Aiiaire, and her mother, the fourth straight day of intensive “The negotiations over the future A * Bunipar Pad, i7.99 . i Rag. .13.49 r -awwtertegginas. , m ^ * ^ * - Fieming Aiiaire. Beiow are Patricia Woffard and her children, Israeli attaCks. of Lebanon, with the Syrians and the Kai and, at right, Qiona. An angry President Reagan called United States, are so delicate we Israeli Prime Minister Menachem cannot leave them in the hands of an Begin Thursday and demanded to elephant,” a senior political source know why Isre al's warplanes was quoted as telling the Jerusalem savagely bombed Beirut for 10 hours Post. (lok/Vl*Ol4 when the PLO appeared ready to In an explosive meeting in ® baby Corn bow to Israeli demands and leave Jerusalem, the Cabinet roundly con­ starCh Lebanon. demned an angry Sharon for the U With Habib in the renewed bombings, and ordered the air force sessions were Lebanese President to end the attaCks. Elias Sarkis, Prime Minister Chefik At one point Begin was said to Wazzan and Foreign Minister Fuad have told Sharon to ‘'keep his voiCe Butros, government sources said. down” and to “bear in mind who is The new Cease-fire — the 11th of running the affairs of the state.” the 69-day war — held early today Both Israel television and the despite exchanges of small-arms state-run radio said Sharon was fire in eastern Lebanon and "extremely bitter” at having been G .Johnaonja B^^^otton,^ guerrilla squads were pushed baCk overruled but asserted he would go (16oz.)OurRag.4i7 ; ........ ,' si^-'• P lB lIa. from Israelicontrolled areas, Israel along with the government decision. with P a d d ^ said. Before the negotiations halted, •Johnaon’a Baby Wash - Despite the resumption of Habib delivered three Israeli Ciotha («0’a) Our Rag.2M....... 1 »q 9 ^ ^ . negotiations, diplomatiC sourCes demands to the PLO via Lebanese said plans to start the evacuation intermediaries: •Johnson’s Cotton $wabs' “ this weekend had been set back and . A list of the 12,000 PLO (300*a) Our Rag. 2.37.................-. an agreement probably Could not guerrillas to be evacuated. The list fC|i| >H| \ take effect before next Wednesday. would include 7,000 mainstream The joint command of Palestinian PLO fighters and 5,000 troops of the ■*Johnson*8 Baby Com . ^ nurnanaoM and leftist Moslem forces estimated Palestine Liberation Army, a force 4 »' i % ' -"SiV' ■>. ^ .v '/a ^ 'i S ta rC h 9 01.) Our haa* i*89............9 9 ^ i ^ ’ 300 people were killed or wounded in of Palestinians in Lebanon under the JUVENILE NOT IN RIVER8I0E Thursday’s bombing attaCks. But other Palestinian officials said there Please turn lo pane 10 were at least 500 casualties. They *P“ Herald photos by Torqulhlo also said 800 apartments were IB destroyed, most in Palestinian refugee camps. Boyle's trial One Israeli soldier was killed and Producer Price Index Percent Chenge Wholesale inflation moderate goes to city %• From Prevloue Month inside Today Index lor July WASHINGTON (UPI) - Slum­ 5.7 perCent, the most since March of represents a only 3.6 perCent rise The trial of Edward F. Boyle, 21. UP 0.6% ping food prices held wholesale in­ last year, the department said. over July of last year, while in the 20 pages, 2 sections who is charged with eight Counts of _______ ^ 4 lor on amlual Inllxtton rata of 7.1% flation to a moderate 7.1 perCent an­ The new figures, added together year before that the Increase was 9 first degree sexual assault, seven MINOLTA nual rate in July, the Labesr Depart­ with earlier reports for this year, percent. AdviCe .......................................... 14 Counts of first degree kidnap- ‘X-700’ 3Smm SLR Cantam ■ ment said toi^y, alt|x)WlL.ia8oUne mean the overall annual inflation Another key indiCator of economic Business......................................... 20 ping, four counts of first degree with f/2.0 Lens a n u fi f and oil prices' were 'Shi^ly higher. rate a t the dealer’s level for finished performance released today, the C lassified...............................18-19 robbery and one Count of first ♦.4 1 . The department’s ProduCer PriCe goods has been only 3.1 perCent. All Federal Reserve Boajxl’s measure ComiCs.............................................8 degree burglary, was transferred Our Rag. 2 « « 7 . .y ^ |& O w _ l _ ■ Fully pioflfammad;»aiacta both 1 . 1 Index for the month moved up only figures were adjusted for routine of factory production, showed a Entertainment ......................... 11-14 this morning to Hartford Superior 0.6 perCent, refleCting enormous seasonal trends. deCrease of 0.1 perCent in July, the Lottery.............................................2 Court. CorreCt anutler a p w and ffatoo.. ? l l 1 ■ Ha* nnanual full metarad Control ,c ^-53 I t t l I I 1______ one-month drops in tte price of. Deputy White House press 11th decline of the past year. Obituaries ...................................10 Boyle appeared this morning in t t t t I I I l - l l l some of the most heavily purchased seCretary Larry Speakes said the However, the latest industrial Opinion............................................ 6 ManChester Superior Court. His II foods like beef and wheat. figure "seems to confirm we are production report showed the most Peopletalk....................................... 2 case was continued to Aug. 25 in IliliBwggy A<MM< a . Food prices dropped 1.5 perCent making progress against inflation. improvement since the recession Sports ....................................... 15-17 Hartford. -.2 It is an indiCator that does show began, exCept for February’s Television......................................12 . Manchester Police said Thursday J J ASONO JFMAMJJ overall in July, with wheat prices 3 down 11 perCent and Cattle prices off progress.” rebound from January’s especially Weather...........................................2 that Boyle may be linked to as many 1981 1882 4 percent. But energy prices shot up Speakes noted July’s figure l•lea».•-lurn lo puge 10 20 rapes. See story on page 3. iiliNOLTA'Hi-Matloi , Bryan Farms to stay in town MINOLTA W in l Atttofbetp Oatnera *XQ<A’ 3SmmSLR By Paul Hendrie petitioned,. We’re over the SO per- organized drive by town political Kleinschmidt — a CritiC of the drive "I imagine if they (the pro- inCorrectly said that homeowners’ with fl2A Lens Herald Reporter . Cent hurdle.” figures who oppose the distriCt’s to link Bryan Farms to the Eighth annexation forCes) submit their insurance rates are higher in the , OurRag.i99Jrr .n. * 159 , Staye said rougUy 110 signatures annexation of Bryan Farms. DistriCt who has threatened to work petition (to the distriCt), we would Eighth District than in the town fire A petitkHi has surfaCed in the are required before the petition can "It’s her right as much as mine to for consolidation of the distriCt with probably get together then,” said distriCt. Bryan Farms area, Calling fhr the bh presented to the Eighth District petition," said Staye. "But it didn’t the town if the drive is successful — Kleinschmidt. Weiss and town Fire Chief John C. neighborlnod to remain within the for Consideration.^ strike me as being very well in­ said the counter petition must be an . Staye said petitioning is a slow Rivosa — who supplied Weiss with FREE FUJICOLOR12 EXP PRINT FILM PLUS DEVELOPING t^ J l O % W F ^ R a a town Fire Department’s jurisdi9- Any area in the north end of town formed.” independent effort.
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