. 'V' I -li IMP : l • "S *% ■ : , ':.“ tJ5^ -W ' ■:. ’ r -I TH U W AT, MABG^ H i W 4 Average Dally Chreulatlon PsriwiH of C. a. V,en(u*r Manchester Evening Herald r*r tk* M«>nth o f Pskranry, 1945 ^AGB ?PUBTBBB Fair tonight oneept fa* eo In coastal soctions; eoatinn* X ing David Lodge of Odd Fel­ tha two weelcs fStow tag Bto S r- 9,116 Mnturdny fair nnd warm. The Womeit a Home League will Eight U rge carton* xof peed cus disaster last Jniy. clothing were shipped toda^sby the lowa will confer the second degree ICember of Iks AndK be in charge of; the annual Iriah Nurses’ Aides 'The training o f these AldeA ■<> local branch of the British 'W ar on a cU m od eandktoUn at Ma tea party and program thia evening Important in the nursing emergen­ G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. Bei'cna o f Otoealattoas About Town Relief aocicty. Thia will be the laat meeting in Odd Fellown hall to­ Mancheoter— A City of ViHage CHarm in the Amtor hall o f the Salvation cy now, to another of the pro­ to bi sent to Britain unUl May. morrow ovonlng at 7:45. Record Made Army. Major J. H. Sweet will be grams toward which your ccotrt- T Notice received from tha head- Lumber of. All Khtda (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS lln. I#wU HMkiM of Wdf* chairman ^ the prograip. A light butlon goe# when you give to the MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1945 Quarteaa to New Tork to to th* ef- Arthur Hutchnson. well known Red Cross War Fund drive. Give Adacrtlslnt on ragn 19) ■tiM t who hu been gravely HI at auppar e f Iriah aoda anM other authority on home gardening, in­ Mason Supplies— Paint— Hardware V O L . LX IT ., NO . 14t» home made breada and cake, tea feat tkat all ooliections be omittod National Enrollment Is now; give all you can; remember » ______ tb* llamorlal hoopltal unlTT after the nation-wide drive troduced Dr. H. W. Hochbaum, De­ Manchester’s minimum Quota is mid ooflee will be aerved. David Bahwin Wool IpBulatioM fix waelu, waa reported today to for uoed clothing for war oufferara. partment of Agriculture lecturer Highest Yet; Orer 150 $41,600. and that SO per cent of be aomewhat better. X »d y heada the entertainment In High school hall TVieoday eve­ Active Aides Here. what 1* collected here , remains Yanks Across Rhine oonmMtee. The dectoion of toe Judge* In th* ning Instead of Wilbur T. Little. here to carry on the work of the lir e Jamea Jaator o f R a m o ^ Mr. Ltttto cloaed the meeting with COAL COKE OIL i|Lengthep East Rhine anoay contest aponsored by Clay­ local chapter. ’The committee Reds Attack Nazi SiSMet Hahakah Lodoe an- Cal., haa aretoad fo r an extended ton Hansen, proprietor of Hansen'a remark*. An all-time national enrollment j hopes that cont ibutions will be IUI T- another hMitary Whlat viaK with her parenU, Mr. Md 1 Restaurant has been deferred until record of 10.631 volunteer nurses’ $2 or more per person. 2 Main St. T d . S U S gar Monday evening at *:1B In Odd Xfi«. George Ferrell of M Center Uarch 24 due to the Urge number aides for February has been re­ street, and other relativee In tow^ Fellowa hall. Mlaa Emily Klaaman la the arrangementa. The of contributions. ContestanU were St. Patrick’s Event ported by Mrs. Walter Lippman, Lines Along Oder; lira. Jeater, who waa the fo rmer asked to write on the subject. uaual playing and door priaee will chairman of the nurses’ aides i Holdings to 13 Miles; Lottie Ferrell, haa not beea ■ How I Woiild Uke Mancheeter To program for the American Red CARPENTER WORK Vaat for the pam. alx yeara. be awarded and refreahmenta aerv- At Italian C^liib ad. A brief buaineaa meeting of the Be After the W ar." Cross. The new aides now are in AND REPAIRS ledge Ir called for aeven o'clock eUsarooms throiighout the nation, Cut Trap in Half Private First Class John .1. • taking an 80-hour course to Quall- aharp. Bror.owski has been awarded the Commlttee groups frpm the jy them . to aasi..t overworked R. CHAMBERS Bronr.e Star for valorous conduct a\ixiliary of the Italian-American nursea In local hospitals. F.nch Tel. 2-0772 New Offensive Rolls LECLERC in action against the enemy while club have been busy since Mon- addition to her 80-hour fighting with the Third Infantry Drumfire Barrage rUNERAL HOME day In preparing for Saturdav a ingtruction course, must be on ^ft Big Three^s Oil Burners Division of the Seventh Arm y in St. Patrick’s Day event at the; least 150 ho\irs annually, • IWC MW MiaMCpT • • lowed by Masses Aiiieriraiis Fight Within )]| Main Street France. His mother. Ann Broiow- club house on Eldridge street. | since the program waa started and skl. resides at 70 Birch street. Decorators have seen that the I in July 1941, by the Red Cross ANY MAKE » ANY MODEL Tanks and Infantry; Nerve Center | Unity Hopes 200 Yards of Virtual­ PfcMM S M 9 Auto Collision Pact Faces Manchester. traditional green will predominate | and the Office of Civilian Defense, Reds Announce Sev­ Furnaces in toe hoH and table decoratlbfia.decoratlbfis. I the blue-clad aides have given JUST PHONE 5191 . ^ ly Severed Super-High­ All persons planning to ittcnB A spei iai men\i has been aarranged rra n g^ I service in civilian, military and Body, Fender en-Mile Breakthrough Quick Test Of Nazi Army For Chinese way; Advance 2 Mile* A Few Still Availabie. the Mtlitary Whiet for the benefit for the diners and appropriate ] ypterens’‘ hospitals: In clinics, at OUR BUYER WILL CALL! of the Red Cross, sponsored by the music for th«i dancing. ] di.sasters, and wherever they To Baltic Lagoon. RACKLIFFE OIL CO. Manchester Teachers’ Club, to be Work and Drop Lower Into ' Koenigswinter; ASHES and RUBBISH As a special attraction. toe we're called to as.sist in the car? Under Attack he4d next Wednesday. March 21. 8 Creation of Commis­ REMOVED TW. Hartford committee ha.s secured the eerv-1 of sick or injured persons, London, March 16.— (/P)— | ^ ____ Seventh Army Drive— M Maple Aveaoe — Hartford p. m.. In the Masonic Temple, are ices of Merlin, a professions an-i Here In Manchester. 12 classes Painting asked to make reoervations with 1 The Russians have opened a ' sion- on Romania Ap­ On 50 - Mile Front; TELEPHONE 8962 tertaincr, who will put on a nov-1 of Nurses’ Aides have been train- American Heavy Bomb- Little Chance Is Seen Mlaa Ruth Bonney. phone 2-0830. elty act which is described to ed and graduated since the pro­ SOLIMENE & BRUNNER’S I violent new attack against pears Possible Over Nazis Already Fleeing. GAVELLO A E. SCHULZ press notices a.. ”a nifty little In-1 gram started, ami there are now the last German positions erg Smash Headquar­ For Consolidation of timate night club novelty, tailored i over 150 active Aides giving aerv- ^0 OAKLAND STREET OPEN "TIL 9 P. M. Red-Controlled Rule. ALICE CO FRAN east of the Oder in the Stet­ ice of th* greatest value to the! ters'Biiilfling, Rows of Rival Croups in Time Bulletin! (Known An Qneen Alice) to today." FLAGG, INC. SPRING Tt is annoutued that prepara- Memorial hoapltal. where they tin Qrea with a drumfire bar­ Seventh Dnnghter o f n Seventh Son To Aid Yank I^mding. Paris. March 16.—.(A*)— CLEANING NEEDS! tion.s have been made for a large served 16,689 hours last year. 634 Center St. Tel. 5101 rage followed by masses of Washington, March 16—(P)— Barracks in Assault. MOTH PREPARATIONS Bora WKb n Veil aUendance. expected becaua# of Thirty-one Aide* served more Creation of a Big Three commis­ The First Army cut the Bendinga Dally, toclading Sunday, tanks and infantry, the Ger­ WAXES AND POUSHE8 than 275 houre in Hartford during 'London, March 16—<iP)—Am eri­ kuhr-Frankfurt auperhigll-. DON WILLIS • A .M . t o 9 P . M. Or By App<iint- the extra attraction. mans reported today. In East sion on Romania appeared possible By Jobs M. Hightower .4s*oclaled Prea* Dlptomstle, Arthur Dm * Stores menL In the Service of the Peo­ Prussia the Russian* announced a today after a United States, call can heavy bombers smashed sev- | way east of the Rhine In MS Mala St. Tel> MOS New* Editor GARAGE ple for N Venr*. •even-mile breakthrough to the for consultation over establish­ era! headQuarters buildings and two places today and extend­ SPRING SPORTSWEAR Washington, March 16.—(<0 — Omplete Auto Service SPOUTCAL MEDimi shore of the Frisches half, a Bal­ ment o f a Communist-controlled rows of barracks in yesterday’s { ed the bridgehead to at least IW Chnrch Street, Hartford, Conn. NOW ON SALE AT OUR RETAIL SALESROOM tic lagoon, which divided the rem­ American hopes for real unity in I ? 18 Main SL TeL 8085 government in Bucharest. 650-plane attack' on Adolf Hitler’a j 13 miles in length. Phono d-tOM * AT FACTORY PRICES! nants of the 200,000 defenders of • F iv* . American soldiers, their pack* on their hacks, advance through the town of Honnef, Oer- China have hit another gloomy the Koenlgsber-: zone into two The American move, it is under­ Army staff headQuarters at Zos- | FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS many, on the east bank of th* Rhine river, during action on March 12.
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