Early Land Owners, Marion Co.,TN. EARLY LAND OWNERS Marion County, Tennessee Source: Deed Book A. 1819-1826 Hist. Records. Penelope Allen.1938. Deed Book Name Page No. Year Discription of transaction. AKE, John (p53) 1821 from Moses Fisk(1803) 2nd Dist.100 acres. @ Crow Crk.,Wm Ake, I.McMahans. AKE, John (p54) 1822 land joins Sanders McMahan and William Ake. 2nd Dist. Crow Creek. AKE, Joseph (p52) 1820 frm G. W. Campbell 5A 2nd Dist.& Waters of Crow Creek & Cumberland Mtn. AKE, O.B.H. (p174) 1823. To Washington & William Wood. Lot No. 69 town of Jasper. AKE, William (p54) 1822.& Sanders McMahan. 2nd Dist. 200 acres on Crow Creek. AKE, William (p151) 1823 to Sanders McMahan 150 acres E.side Crow Crk joins John Linch, Samuel Hayes. AKE, William, (p142) 1823 to Crow Creek, James McRinch, Bunch Creek & Sanders McMahan. 50 acres. nd AKE, William. (p53) 1821 land in 2 Dist. Crow Crk & I. McMahans. ALEXANDER, George (p215) 1822 land joins Alex. Stone, Ludell Stone, Crow Creek and W. Crabtree. ALLEN, John, (p35) 1821 land 3rd District.@ N.E.side Sequatchie River & Amos Griffith land. ALLISON, Ben. J. (p118) 1820 from James Mitchell 100 acres on SW side of Sequatchie River. ANDERSON, George. (p139) 1823. To Richland Horn 57 acres. 2nd Dist. on Crow Crk. joins J. Roberts. ANDERSON, George.(p70) 1815 land joins Walter Milihan. 2nd Dist. ANDERSON, Sam (p123) 1819 to Thomas Tab. 32 acres in 3rd Dist. Fiery Gizzard of Battle Creek. ANDERSON, Wm .P. (p51) 1818. NW side Seq.river/Griffith Crk.3rd Dist. ANDERSON,William (122) 1820 from William Henry 70A Fiery Gizzard @ BattleCk ARCHER, William (p.142) 1822 . fm Absolom B.Bailey.37 acres. Crow Creek, Ridman McMahan, Alex Suiters. ARNETT, William (p164) 1823 to Fred Belcher Lots 37 and 38 in town of Jasper. ARNETT, William (p179) 1821 to Thomas Shirley Lots No. 55 and 85 in town of Jasper. BAILEY, Absolom B (p144) 1822 from Alexander Senters. 30 Acres on waters of Crow Creek @ Wm Stephens line. BAILEY, Absolom B.(p.44) 1822. to Wm. Archer. 37 acre at Crow Creek. Joins McMahan, A.Bailey, & Archer. BAKER, James (p58) 1822. fm Jo. Dauforth. 100A.@ J. Hickens, J.Barker. BAKER, James (p69) 1821 from Josiah Dauforth 100 acres joining J.Hickies & J.Barker. BARBEE, Mathew (p224) 1821 land joins Geo.Lowrey Cherokee Reservation on Battle Creek @ George Gordan. BARKER, John (p58) 1822 land joins James Baker & John Hickens. BARKER, John (p69) 1821 land joins J. Hickies, J. Baker, & J. Dauforth 1 Early Land Owners, Marion Co.,TN. BASKINS, Walter (p57) 1820 land joins Aaron Higginbothan . 3rd Dist. BEAN, Jesse (p160) 1823 from Robert Bean. 30 acres on waters of Battle Creek in Sweetens Cove. BEAN, Obadiah (p158) 1823 from Samuel McBee. 80 acres on waters of Battle Creek in Sweetens Cove. BEAN, Robert (p159) 1823 to William Bean. 40 acres on waters of Battle Creek in Sweetens Cove. BEAN, Robert (p160) 1823 to Jesse Bean. 30 acres on waters of Battle Creek in Sweetens Cove. BEAN, William (p159) 1823 from Robert Bean. 40 acres on waters of Battle Creek in Sweetens Cove. BEEN, Thomas L. (p195) 1824 to John Townsen. 99 acres SE side Sequachie river. Joins J. Hickey, E. Wells. BEENE, Robert Jr. (p225) 1823 land joins Henry Gotcher, Thos & John Maxwell, S. Burnett, R.Beene, & Brock. BELCHER, Fred (p164) 1823 from William Arnett. Lots 37 and 38 in town of Jasper. BENTON, Joseph M.( p38) 1821 land @ Tennessee River. Ferry, Battle Creek @ George Foster BLAKLY, Lavina (p170) 1823 (and hus. John P. Blakly) deceased father (John Brown) real estate. BLEDSOE, A. (p233) 1824 land joins west fork of Crow Creek @ foot of mtn, & John Stewart, J.Mathis. BLEVINS, John (p119) 1818-1821 from Drury Jones lease 100 acres for 49 years. BLEVINS, Steven A. (p229) 1823. Sells lands joins David Nichols, at Halls (Hales) branch. BOUY, Redman D.(p44) 1811-1820. 3rd Dist. North Side Tennessee River joins Woodlee land. BRADFORD, Alex B. (p168) 1824 to Daniel McClain. 101 acres on SE side Sequachee river @ mouth Rains Spring. BRADFORD, Alex.B (p148) 1823 to Isaac Standifer 100 acres NW side of Sequatchie River joins John Milsap. BRANNAN, Ephriam (p173) 1823 frm. Wm. Brumlly. 86 acre @ Looney Mill Ck.,Hudson, Dianiels & Wm Brannon. BRANSON, Andrew D. (p154)1822 fm William Standifer. 160 acres. BRANSON, Jarrard (p180) 1823 from Alexander Coulter 54 acres on west side of Little Sequachee river. BRANSON, John (p51) 1822 fm L. Hendrix. 111A. L.Seq.river/Polly Cox. BRANSON, Jon (p155) 1822 fm Polly Cox. Land. BRIDGEMAN, John (p220) 1824 land north west side Seqatchie river joins T. Hopkins BRIDGMAN, Jno (p138) 1823 to Jno Jackson. 134 acres joins Wm.Kelly, James Mahors, & William Mitchel. BRIGGS, George (p215) 1822 from Alexander and Ludell Stone 100 acres Crow Ck, joins Crabtree, Alexander. BRIGGS, George (p59) 1820 land joins Wm. Crabtree in 2nd Dist, @ Crow Creek & Buck Creek. BROCK, George A. (p225) 1823 land joins Thos & John Maxwell, S.Burnett, R. Beene, H. Gotcher, &R McDowell. BROWN, John (p150) 1823 deceased. Sale of his real estate by daughters Polly Deakens & Alice Roberts BROWN, John (p165) 1824 Deceased. Appt William Brown attny. fathers estate. by brother Peter Brown. BROWN, John (p170) 1823 deceased (Knox Co.,TN) real estate to dau. Lavina Blakly (John) BROWN, Peter (p165) 1824 to brother William Brown, as Attny for John Brown, deceased. Fathers estate. BROWN, William (p165) 1824 appointed attny deceased father John Brown on fathers estate.brotherPeter Brown. 2 Early Land Owners, Marion Co.,TN. BRUMLY, William (p173) 1823 to Ephriam Brannan.(Jackson Co.)86 acres @ Looney Mill Crk, Hudson, Daniels. BURGESS, John (p190) 1824. For eight acres east side Little Sequachee river. @ Halls Branch, & Alex. Coulter. BURGUSS, William (132) 1822 Land @ Battle Creek joins B. Trussel BURNETT, J. S., (p.9) 1819 Sequatchie Valley (Crow Crk) 20,00 acre joins J. Dauforth. BURNETT, John S. (p177) 1824 to Adrew Stile160 acres tract land in Territory Illinois.(Acts. Of Military Bandities) BURNETT, Samuel M. (p225) 1823 land joins Henry Gotcher,Thomas & John Maxwell, S. Burnett, R. Beene & Brock. BUSHLY, John. (p70) 1815 joins land of Walter Milihan. 2nd Dist. CAMPBELL, GeorgeW.(p52) 1811-1820 (now 2nd Dist) @ head water of Crow Creek & Cumberland Mtn. CAMPBELL, James (p197) 1826 from Roswell Hall. Five lots in town of Jasper. CARROLL, George (p191) 1822 land joins John Burgess, Alexander Coulter. CARROLL, William (p207) 1825 to John Hale 12 acres on Little Sequatchie. McCalls, joins Alex. Coulter line. CARROLLS, Daniel (p190) 1824 land joins Halls Branch, John Burgess, & Alex Coulter east side Little Seq. River. CARTER, Loudon (p60) 1820 from Loudon ,Elizabeth his widow & Heirs. @ J. McIver,Seq. river & Brush Ck. CHADOWIN, James (p165) 1823. Town lots No. 78 and 80. CHAUDIONS,James (p.121) 1822 from Luke .Standifer. 40 acres joins Betsy Pack Reservation @ Town Creek. CHAUDOINS, James (p43) 1820. 50 acres 3rd Dist. NW Sequatchie river @ Kilgore Spring. CHILTON, Richard, (p27) 1811 land Sequatchie River joins A. Street. CHURCHWELL,G.W.(p169) 1824 from Luke Vickey rec. tract of land from N. Carolina services. CLARK, Col Thomas .(p139) 1823 land joins John Smith & Clarks Ferry. Deed to Wm. H. McLaughin. CLARK, Thomas C. (p163) 1821 power of attny from Josiah Howe and John T. Harlin. CLARK, Thomas N, (p30) 1812 land in now 3rd Dist. @ Sequatchie River. CLARK, Thomas N. (p32) 1820 to Luke Hendrix 3rd Dist. 125 acres @ Little Sequatchie river. CLAYTON, Samson (p234) 1825 from James Drain. Land south side Cumberland Mtn & Draine Mill Shoal Spring. CONDRA, John (p48) 1821 fm Josiah Dauforth 101 acres on the Sequatchie River. COOKSEY, Townby (p115) 1823(Tomby) fmWm. Standifer 50 acres.NWside Seq.Rvr., Hendrix,Branson,Cox lines. COOPER, John (p162) 1823 deceased. Wife Margaret Copper. Daughter Isabell Coper & children. CORNELIAS, John Cowhorn (p122) 1820 land jonins William Anderson 3rd Dist. Fiery Gizzard of Battle Creek. COSBY, James, (p44) 1822. TN rvr/B.Seq.Crk/Walden Ridge toA Ferguson. COULTER, Alex. (p190) 1824 Eight acres east side Little Sequachee river @ Halls Branch & John Burgess. COULTER, Alexander (p180) 1823 to Jarrard Branson 54 acres on west side of Little Sequachee river.@ Hendrix. COULTER, Alexander, (p13) 1820 land @ Luke Hendrix. 3rd Dist. at Sequatchie river. COX, Molly (p30) 1820 land next to Luke Hendrix in 3rd Dist. @ Sequatchie river. 3 Early Land Owners, Marion Co.,TN. COX, Polly (p155) 1822 to Jon Branson. land. COX, Polly (p51) 1822 Land adjacent L. Seq. River @ John Bransons. CRABTREE, William (p215) 1822 land jons Alex Stone, Ludell Stone, Crow Creek and Geo. Alexander. CRABTREE, William. (p59) 1820.Land 100 acres in 2nd Dist. @ Crow Creek & Buck Creek Joins George Briggs. CRATHER, William (p54) 1822 land joins Sanders McMahan & William Ake. 2nd Dist. @ Crow Creek CROW MOCKER (p213) 1824 joins 640 acres James Lowrey Cherokee reservation on North side Tenn river CUNNINGHAM, John (p212)1823 to John Tate 60 acres. 3rd. Dist. north west side Sequachee river & John Kelly. CUNNINGHAM, John (p224)1814-1821 3rd Dist. 114 acre on BattleCreek joins R.C.Gordan, M.Barba, Lowrey Res. DANFORTH, Josiah, (p47) 1795 Patent No. 283. To Alex. Ferguson. DAUFORTH, J.(p9) 1820 @ Walden Ridge joins A. Wakefield. 45 Acres. DAUFORTH, Josiah (p48) 1821 of Blount Co. to John Condra 101 acres on the Sequatchie River. DAUFORTH, Josiah (p15) 1819 Sequatchie. Valley(Crow Crk) 20,000 Acre DAUFORTH, Josiah (p17) 1820 257 acres at Looney’s Mill joins J. Hickey DAUFORTH, Josiah (p47) 1820 to Howell Mitchell 187 acres on north west side of Tennessee river. DAUFORTH, Josiah (p58) 1822 To James Baker 100 acres joins John Hickens and James Baker. DAUFORTH, Josiah(p69) 1821.to J.Baker 100 acres joining John Hickies & John Barker.
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