
'From Can Frandacaf Wllhelmine, Nor. 21. For Franclsce: Lurltne,Si Nov. 24. From Vancouver: Indefinite. : For Vancouver: '. Indefinite. Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. 708 14 Evening Bulletin. Eat. 1K82. No. (018 ; PAGE8 IIONOLUtU, TKiar PBICE FIVE CENTO TO) IT m m m a w i o oo "o oo " o oo oo r. War. - TMaSs-f- cs - iiiice Item.' Wak7eir- Ff . fcfa firamms fea tarn, U. S. TROOPS ARE nu?ci8 Dfls: ARMY ilfliill; DElDLOGIl fill WIIIKG f'OT lost m :MnTEi:LiiT:silfiE:i ' GERMANY OFFICIALLY DECLARES ONE POINT OF SUPPORT! KICO Vice-Govern- or ,H. S. Martin Is ArTtu A OTHER BEIuGtHENCIuD FROM FREfJCHj BUT ' of Opinion This Confidence v i LATfcR SAY SITUATION IS UNCHA.JGED LOPJGRArJGE Ca'Is Him to Washington r ARTILLERY .il DUEL KEPL UP: FUHIOUSLY LONDON Vera Cruz Is Quiet) Bui Inhab ( jj? STRATEGISTS DECLINE TO ADMIT GERMAN VICTORY IN itants Uneasy Carranza 'BROWN BROTHERS' FEEL : ; p;- -: u. OF INDEPENDENCE P0UND :1 , Goes to New Capita Oriza-- ASSURE - ; ,: - V'"'- - ; " " - v.. :'m: " :, ' ; . ba. t but Diplomatic Corps fAasorrated Ptm aerrtca by Federal WlrniesM WarH Effect Tclt In Farthest ?i; i ; LOITDON, ITo 23f Aithouffh and! Gen. Blanco! and Sol- v England; - Berlin cxnltan South Possession, Declares over the prospect of a grcatrlctory in Poland, experts liere diers Decline to Accompany A 'Philippine Commissioner; a.- profess that the greatest significance i is attached? to today's Him Indications Mexico : : despatches City i Will Be Turned Over AThe continued faith of the nilyiuo froni Berlin acknowledging that the arrival of re? 1 ' Villa in the American people and tho inforcements for the Russian amies has postponed the decisive v ; Peacably to General promise of tne administration tv"t the islands sMIl uitlmateiy have issue cf the fiofhting in Poland.:":; ' Associated Federal Wlrecwl t Prem br Independence, Is to a. large extent in- leanwhile official despatches from Petrograd continually MEXICO CITY, Moc, Nov. 23. The strumental In tne trip now betn? ru ".9 ac- vice-govern- report that both of the Russian wings are advancing steadily, diplomatic corps has refused to by or H. S. Martin of the company Gerv Carranza to Orizaba, Philippine islands to the mainland, re- which to ' that, Vis designated new seems' indicate the outcome at the center I'f-'Nl which he has as th cording to a statement made by L..a . -- thought certain, V;VXJ capital of the Constitutionalist govern- this morning. The vice-govern- 1 ment.:; j VVi'-S-:-'':.'- , " 'X en route 'to Washington,. C. wMthen Gen. tucie Blanco, after a heated he has been called by Secretary, of argument with Gen. Ob'regon, has like- final ac- : War Garrison to remain until Berlin Says Germ Are Vrezcthir wise declined to abandon the city and tion has been taken by the osUon.il retained sufficient soldiers to ; main- legislature on the Jones bill. BesIJoi tain order. 'K.rX--- : fUllng the office of vice-govern- er Mr. Victoiy :Fror. Ai!:23, Step by Step There has been much looting by the Martin occupies a portfolio la U;j:i.i- - troops of Carranza during th past sular commission that keeps hirn clouo-l- y ! : i;.-::- BrULIir, GcnnanyNov. 23 0 situation in week...-t.- 'v.v Z ? alifed' with. the Interior departn-- t. - Jicial'The Thejndlcatlons are that Gen.' Blanco ' Washington f ri ?I . majr remain in jr Is friendly to Villa and will deliver several months. It all depends upon v;e Mexico City to him peaceably. ' ( . In UDon arb , the lime taken the debate fcrcct cf Arczne gaining ground step by " ..-- - ,..-- ;. , t9 Hi' ,i. ' Jodes bill," Btated Mr. Martin beiore Vlcp, cue point cf,. - rrcnchir; support after another fromthe , v lAasodated Prcs iy Federal WlreletwJ , ' Man- Germany'a' leading, aeronautic inventor, who ha offered hla services 9 commander Of one of hi own .tiiriaU i z.-- leaving the Pacific Mall liner : u-ation priscncri daUyvi-;;-- upon: ; i--' - , 'VERA CRUZ, Mex4 Nov. churia guest of a of ".:::h tnd taking 'I bt in an attack Great Britain,. and Zeppelin in action ,and on tha ground. :, as "the nnib?r .V'.;': of tm U. Si troops.Jrvas b.esuA at Crcmiaent' local Deniccrats at-V-r..- "in i cizza tne ngttizg continues; ncar;Lodz near Geen (ST. o'clock this morning,' according to eon arid a personally conducted tour :4Jc!:riu, r.r.d rTith cf ptor1:. ; l:c-lX-- : th plan of the administration to with about the city and its environs.'. '.- - . ' draw the soldier In art effort to avoid "Secretary of War Garrison callcl : -- of . r.u:sian forcc3.1ias postponed ?the 'de fr;ir.iue a possible cause of friction. - me to Washington to be present rt The city I quiet, but the Inhabitants the!. discussion of the'impcrtant meai-- . ' irivn rnnnnnorn are nervous. Thre hundred f them ure. - f may also serve in an advisory - ' - : ' ;; ! ELEVATE NATIVES left with the troops. capacity," he added. n " Wll Vice-govern- or Viol::! Artillery Dnsl riiutuatu r Martin also, stated Proessesl that he expected to work in connecioa Philippine ' with the. resident commis t T r P ,Ti hp I .i7nnfTj ArrfiVifi'. if HESE ISLES AiliiANMHAM sioners, Manuel Earnshaw and Man ui fine Quezon. ' The Jones bill has passed t-- a PARIS, rrance, Ifov. 23. Official K ft.: house of. representatlres and will Yesterday i fighting shortly , come before the senate: That Round-the-Worl- - IITT0 GLOOM BY i was ckaractcnrcd by a; violent . artillery fire, especially, near d; Flight Well Lohg-Tim- e Beident of iHono- Final Steps Taken Saturday In It will be a hard fought measure predicted certsinty and some doubt Yprcs, Rhcinis - " and Under Way Put; . Sum- ; Coissons.,;Vi';l;i.i;;i.u When War lulu Answers Final Organization To Rival The was expressed in . Manila before ' i of." Mr. Martin's deparLure for the United "In tho fcrest cf Argonne we have repulsed the enemy's u: An End to Plans" w- rmons in His 69th Year:; y Chamber Commerce j - final on measure very. spirited attacks, .;:, ' : States that action the e, Moses R. Counter, watchmaker and flask step toward organlza ; Tie the. ' where' ; (Continued on page three) Ties the situation! has undergone no i material as DroPOSed In COnnection With the Wti 1U t his hnme. 728 Kinau tJnn nf th Hawaiian ProteetlTA Aaao. ; : ' V : ranama-racm-c expo-- , " : v;va, opening pi at-- 3 30 morning, i recenUy ; change," ; '.v.;.', dZ 'v: ine streets i o'clock this elation. inaugurated with tAssociated Press bjr Federal Wireless! .. 8itIon at San Francisco will not be ma funeral will be, held from the "Ma-conduc- ted Delegate Jonah Kuhio Kalanlanaole as : ROCK, Ark-- , 23-- Th in accordance with the orlg-- . gcQic Temple at 3. o'clock, tomorrow president, was taken Saturday evening LITTLE Nov. nTrwnrmn T-''- amoks from 'forest is so dense . :: j '.'- - first naj plans maae a nnmoer or monus afternoon. Jvv.:"'. hundred-Hawaiia- n wt Ge . z'r when several and here and generally .throughout many mmw llLilA ago. opinion Xruck-.- . rr::.:i Ccn:u!ate Gsic CaMsjram-- ' Jn the of Arnold Born in : Devonshire England. May , Honolulu residents, of other national! man, a -- parts of the stats that afi trains in ths member of the United States 20 1846, Blr.v Counter was 68 years ties gathered in Aala park -- and listen ; commission, Pan- - ' state are running under slow orders. aeronautic for the and six months bid death.;: In early several speakers . who - at ed to outlined i D c " - JA-- f Teutono Gain v ama-Paclfl- w v com--; :clarhr Generallv exposition, who infihcy he was V: taken to i Canada, aims and purposes'ot. the' new be-- m. v , ., Ths followin?, cable hiLs.beca received by tbe German con kU4UUlS w wo a - 1U1U 25 years X llS WHO accomu-- l Tht tha HnwaHan n hmlli1vh STIJDfflWOULO Asuiate rcliab! 2 "sources ; frca vj' PM'vr'H wv we ruueu not .were seoaraxea --or-, m n HEAD iuui.aiuau: o,yearXT ..tbm " ' . .7 - uoiyro..m. ,.uvB hMht , lb ..til., f.w. otwU.k.u - wv. " f , .expected progress, - V, death union lasting 4U years, - iLa. "In France the retarded;by Jterrible . JlSr" J1 after; a vperance and i education, and that K - stems and rains ' which lasted a whole wecli None .the les? Zv,Jr-l- tneyvnaa ixaaen ;wnai ine 8flouid through cooperation, become i rilZ : JZz::Z impcrtant ains v;ere made everywhere, cspbciailyln'.the north, tccu ,u mw.csuus.rreutu caHftrf their honevmoott HID. being an vatx ha ckma hr nn. Proposal to Separate VcL where Yprcs with ancl SewerWcrks From En-A- -A British defenders is now cat off from retreat y before sad event sister 4 -- the and other local civic and commercial i to the coast. Aronnd Verdun several thousand prisoners were . iio cuuiu aiou uici niiu suv.i.coa gineering Department v.. in Germany where several airship com v taken and heavy : ::es inflicted cn the AlHeswhich to hold - ' ui coo ucuicicu vuici iiuouvs a u :. try panics promised to enter, the conrpeti- sur--! 1 A of a separate mu.-.- ,. It .is believed that Iwo brothers jj. Robertson. - ' S The creation - LIUU. .. ,V 1 1 1.1L . 1 Via i positions with !?cVefTcrts.i;;H ;A 1 UIUU.! ,J. Jl.J uu pal department for waterwork. t - nnthrpir Rnmnp.nii' Vive xim litulCT m ui flJ In order to make the Hawaiian Pro-- Th nf th w.r ? 4 1 ' - High Shreiff Given Recommen sewerworks and the naming a3 On gigantic V ' a successv - the Russian frontier a battle 'against the the early part of August resufted in f.: tective Association said the Murray, f r- n,nttL Intendent v of Harry 1 ; chl6f JusUCe' 11 U necessary dation to Discipline Thomas Russian amy is racing, estimated 03,000 men engaged;.nbt the withdrawal of many of the Euro-- ever rrivaleS' most o? ,tne supervisor and recent candidate .
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