GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL UNION THE DEAN’S NEWSLETTER VOLUME 19, ISSUE 5 FEBRUARY 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: HINDU STUDIES COMES TO THE GTU du Studies here. The first In this month of February the two courses were offered in Council of Deans and the 2015 SINGH LEC- 2 fall 2014, and two more are Academic Committee of the TURE, CARE NEWS scheduled for spring 2015: GTU Board of Trustees will & EVENTS “Philosophies of Religion: be considering proposals for India and the West” and an MA area of concentration SFTS: JOHN BELL 3 “Gandhi and Nonviolence,” in Hindu Studies and a Cer- WORKSHOP, both taught by Dr. tificate in Hindu Studies that EARTHLINGS: REL- GION IN AN AGE Purushottama Bilimoria who can be taken either inde- OF CLIMATE has been a visiting professor pendently or in conjunction CHANGE, MODERN at UC Berkeley for several with any degree program in Dr. Arthur Holder LANGUAGE EXAM Academic Dean and years. the GTU or a member school. Vice President of We are now delighted to PDP WORKSHOPS, 4 SARLO TEACHING Academic Affairs welcome Dr. Rita Sherma to Finally, on April 10 we will AWARD NOMINA- the GTU as Associate Profes- welcome Professor Anan- The study of Asian religions TIONS sor of Dharma Studies and tanand Rambachan from St. at the GTU goes back at least Director of the Hindu Studies Olaf College in Minnesota to 1971 with the creation of a initiative. For the past two who will give the annual Sur- FINANCIAL AID 5 doctoral area of study then years she has been the Swami jit Singh Lecture on Compar- DEADLINES, called History and Phenome- Vivekananda Visiting Faculty ative Religious Thought and NEWHALL RECIPI- nology of Religions (now ENTS, STUDENT in Hindu Studies at the Uni- Culture on the topic of Cultural and Historical Stud- TRAVEL GRANT versity of Southern Califor- “Interreligious Relations as ies of Religions), which was DEADLINES, PHD nia. Since receiving her Friendship: Mahatma Gandhi originally intended to focus STUDENT ELEC- Ph.D. in Theology and Ethics and Charles Freer Andrews.” TIONS on what the school catalog from Claremont Graduate Full details are available in an called “the Hindu-Buddhist IBRARY University, she has published announcement inside this GTU L 6 complex.” Over the years, NEWS, THESIS/ five edited volumes and issue of the Dean’s Newslet- courses on Hindu philosophy DISSERTATION served as an editor-in-chief of ter. and theology have been of- FILING DEADLINE the International Journal of fered on an occasional basis at Many people have worked Dharma Studies, editor of the several different GTU mem- hard to bring Hindu Studies Hinduism volume of the CJS: Friedman- 7 ber schools. But something to the GTU. We can be forthcoming Encyclopedia of Lowenthal new is happening now, and it grateful that the study of the Prize, DSPT: Be- Indian Religions, and co- is very exciting. world’s third largest religious fore-and-After founder of the Dharma Acad- tradition is now a part of this Films As announced last spring, the emy of North America wonderful ecumenical and GTU has entered into a part- (DANAM). She is currently Honorable 8 interreligious community. nership with the Dharma completing a book that envi- Mention Studies Foundation to devel- sions a contemporary Hindu op a robust program in Hin- ecological theology of the divine feminine. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 5 PAGE 2 2015 SURJIT SINGH LECTURE ON COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS THOUGHT AND CULTURE “Interreligious Relations as vice of India. Their relationship Limits of Scripture, The Advaita Friendship: blossomed quickly and remains Worldview: God, World and Mahatma Gandhi and an illuminating example of Humanity, and Not-Two: A Charles Freer Andrews” friendship across traditions. This Hindu Theology of Liberation Dr. Anantanand lecture examines the shared (forthcoming). The British Rambachan commitments that brought this Broadcasting Corporation trans- Friday, April 10, 2015 remarkable Hindu and Christian mitted a series of his lectures 2pm Reception pair together, as well as the chal- around the world. For over 3pm Lecture lenges and risks of their friend- twenty years, Professor Ram- Dinner Boardroom, 3rd ship. bachan has been involved in the floor of the GTU Library field of interreligious relations as 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley Dr. Anantanand Rambachan is a Hindu participant and analyst. Dr. Anantanand Professor of Religion at Saint He was a guest participant in the Rambachan Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Olaf College in Minnesota, last four General Assemblies of and the Reverend Charles Freer where he has been teaching since the World Council of Churches, Andrews (1871-1940) shared an 1985. A native of Trinidad, he and he is a regular participant in extraordinary relationship. From received his Ph.D. from the the consultations of the Pontifi- 1914, until his death in 1940, University of Leeds in the Unit- cal Council for Interreligious Andrews worked closely with ed Kingdom. He is the author of Dialogue at the Vatican and an Gandhi in the Indian independ- several books including Accom- educator on interfaith issues in ence movement and in the ser- plishing the Accomplished, The Minnesota. CARE NEWS & EVENTS University of California, Friday, February 6 | 12-1pm Berkeley Doug Adams Gallery Co-sponsored by BCSR Based on ethnographic research William James once de- on sacred dance and the work of scribed Pragmatism as contin- both Carla DeSola and the evan- uing the work of the gelical ballet company Ballet Protestant Reformation, ad- Magnificat!, this presentation mitting all the possibilities of considers how religious identity belief that belonged to a plu- is read on and through the danc- ralistic universe. In Pragma- ing body, and how dancers nego- tism (1907), James writes; tiate religious power structures. “We do not yet know which material beauty and divine pres- Funded in part by a grant from type of religion is going to Present Absence: ence. These 16 icons, primarily CARE, Dr. Summers presented work best in the long run. Icons from the Collection of 18th- and 19th-c. works from this work at the 2014 Society for The various overbeliefs of the Patriarch Russia, comprise the first exhibi- Dance History Scholars and Con- men, the several faith- Athenagoras tion from the collection of the gress on Research in Dance joint ventures, are in fact what is Orthodox Institute Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox conference at the University of needed to bring the evidence February 3 - May 29, 2015 Institute. Iowa. in.” This religious dimension Opening Reception, Thurs- of Pragmatism, which has day, February 5, 2015 | 5- Brown Bag Lunch “Pragmatism… she widens long been persistently ig- 7pm “Un/Catholic Confessions: the field of search for God” nored/repressed, will be the Doug Adams Gallery On Passing for Christian” Speaker: Joan Richardson subject of Joan Richardson’s Guest Speaker: Michelle Tuesday, February 20 presentation. This exhibition invites us to ex- Summers, CARE Fall 2014 5-7pm plore the paradoxical nature of Grant Recipient 370 Dwinelle Hall icons as embodiments of both VOLUME 19, ISSUE 5 PAGE 3 SFTS EVENT: JOHN BELL WORKSHOPS San Francisco Alleluias, and encourages peo- and poetry from across the Theological Seminary ple to rediscover the signifi- centuries. Center for cance of penitence and lament. SEATING IS LIMITED. Innovation in Ministry We will move from exploring John Bell – and singing songs of celebration Register at tinyurl.com/ February Workshops in - a loud blast of Alleluias - to JohnBellEarth Stewart Chapel the more meditative songs of lament. For more information about John Bell is a world-renowned SEATING IS LIMITED. applying these workshops to- liturgical composer and a wards credit in the Certificate member of the Iona Communi- Wednesesday, February in Worship Leadership pro- ty. His primary concern is the 18, 10:30am-Noon gram, please contact Petey John Bell renewal of congregational wor- God, Land & Love Thornton at 415.451.2860 or ship at the grass roots level. While ecology has not been a [email protected]. prominent topic in the work of Tuesday, February 17, 7- the great theologians, you can 105 Seminary Rd., San An- 8:30pm join us now to experience selmo, CA 94960 | Levity & Lament God's affection for the Earth 415.451.2841 | The Season of Lent temporarily through a tapestry of scripture [email protected] | brings an end to the singing of www.sfts.edu MODERN LANGUAGE EXAM THE NEXT EARTHLINGS: RELIGION IN AN AGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE February 8th 2015, EXAMINATION IS 1:00pm WEDNESDAY, Easton Hall, FEBRUARY 25, 2401 Ridge Road FROM 1PM TO Berkeley CA 94709 4:45PM IN THE DINNER BOARD Our rapidly changing envi- ROOM. REGISTER ronment has resulted in BY FEBRUARY 11 WITH WENDY radical shifts in human rela- ARCE, STUDENT tions and our relationship AFFAIRS OFFICE with the planet. What is MANAGER, the role of religion in this [email protected], new era? This conference 649-2400. will feature contributions including from the Center for Jewish Studies, the Center for Islamic Studies, the Center for Theology, and Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun Magazine. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 5 PAGE 4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: NEWS & EVENTS 1. Doctoral Council can help each other strengthen facilitate discussions. If you February 4, 2015 our confidence and our skills. In would like to attend please Dinner Board Room order to begin building this com- RSVP ([email protected]) and GTU Library munity PDP is hosting a doctoral briefly indicate your level of student teacher lunch. Students teaching experience. 2. Doctoral Student who are teaching, have taught, Teaching Conversations or will teach (TA positions, 3. CV/Cover Letter Workshop February 11, 201512pm Newhalls, Adjunct positions, with Dr. Bradley Burroughs Feb. Student Lounge etc.) are invited to participate in 25th 10am-12pm 2465 LeConte Ave.
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