Country Report 95 Social studies in Denmark A country report Mogens Hansen Keywords: Social Studie!, citi'en!(i%, curriculum, didactic!, conce%t! of democrac* - Social Studie! in Denmar+ i! a !e%arate !u, ect on all level! in t(e educational !*!tem. " .(e !ub ect contain! element! fro) economic!, %olitic!, !ociolo/* and international %olitic!. " .(e !ub ect i! co)%ul!or* on a ,a!ic le-el in t(e lo0er !econdar* !c(ool and u%%er !econdar* !c(ool. - .(e !ub ect i! o%tional on (i/(er level! in t(e u%%er !econdar* !c(ool. " .(e !ub ect i! i)%ortant in t(e develo%ment of !tudent1! +no0led/e a,out !ociet* and develo%ment of citi'en!(i%. Purpose: .(e %ur%o!e of t(e article i! to /ive a !urve* of t(e !tatus of Social Studie! in t(e Dani!( educational !*!tem. .o dee%en t(e !urve* t(e article al!o 0ill contain !ome reflection! of t(e content! and didactic! of t(e !ub ect. Design and approach: .(e anal*!i! of t(e content! and didactic! 0ill focus on t(e de!cri%tion of t(e curriculum and t(e e2amination !*!tem. .(e a%%roac( 0ill %rimaril* con!i!t of reflection! on ,a!i! of te2t anal*!i! of curriculum, e2a)%le! of oral and 0ritten e2am and ,a!ic conce%t! of citi'en!(i%. Findings: .(e main findin/ in t(e !tud* i! t(at it i! i)%ortant to under!tand t(e teac(in/ in Social Studie! ,ot( 0it( re/ard! to content! and didactic! a! an i)%ortant %art of develo%in/ t(e !en!e of citi'en!(i%. Research limitations: .(e main focus 0ill ,e on 0ritten material and t(e official curriculum. It 0ould ,e of /reat value to do )ore 3ualitative re!earc( amon/ !tudent! and teac(er! a,out t(e %ractice of teac(in/ in relation to t(e official o, ective! of t(e SSE !ub ect. J 1 !"ROD$%" #! Journal of Social Science Education 4Samfund!fa/5 (Social Studie!) 0a! e!ta,li!(ed a! a !e%arate !u, ect in t(e educational Vol. 19, No. 1 (2020) DOI 10.4119/ !!e-1581 !*!te) in Denmar+ in 19601!. 7efore t(at civic or %olitical education 0a! mainl* %%. 95-117 inte/rated in t(e teac(in/ in (i!tor*1. Corresponding author: 8o/en! 9an!en, 7re/entved :lle 11, 2820 ;entofte, Den)ar+, E")ail: )o/en!(an!en052@/)ail.co) Social studies in Denmark 96 .(e Dani!( 8ini!tr* of Education tran!late! 4!amfund!fa/5 to Social Studie!. It i! i)%ortant to e)%(a!i'e t(at t(e content of t(e !ub ect i! different fro) (o0 t(e ter) i! used in e./. t(e >.S. 0(ere Social Studie! include! /eo/ra%(* and (i!tor*. It i! not t(e ca!e in Denmar+. Samfund!fa//Social Studie! in Denmar+ con!i!t! of a!%ect! of %olitic!, economic!, !ociolo/* and international %olitic! (!ee ,elo0). :not(er %o!!i,le tran!lation could ,e Social Science! in order to e)%(a!i'e t(at t(e !u, ect i! a mi2 of different !ocial !cience!. In t(i! article 0e follo0 t(e official tran!lation from t(e 8ini!tr* of Education: Social Studie!. Social Studie! a! a !e%arate !u, ect 0a! fir!t e!ta,li!(ed in !ome %art! of t(e u%%er !econdar* educational !*!te) (!tudent! fro) 16 ? 19 *ear!) ,ut it 0a! not ,efore 19901! it ,ecame a co)%ul!or* !e%arate !u, ect in t(e la!t *ear in t(e 4fol+e!+ole5 (lo0er !econdar* !c(ool ) ? (1# ? 16 *ear! old %upil!) (Fre(r, 1999A B(ri!ten!en, 2011A Ca%%ort, 2006). In t(e ne2t %art! I 0ill de!cri,e t(e c(aracteri!tic! of t(i! relativel* ne0 !ub ect 0it( t(e main focus on 4fol+e!+olen5(lo0er !econdar* !c(ool) and 4alment /*mna!ium” (/eneral up%er !econdar* !c(ool), One of )* main conclusion! i! t(at Social Studie! funda)entall* and in man* 0a*! (a! t(e !ame core and t(e !ame c(aracteri!tic! in t(e different %art of t(e education !*!te) even t(e !*lla,i can ,e formulated in different 0a*! e!%eciall* in relation to didactic!. .(erefore I a) !ure t(at t(e con!ideration! ,elo0 co-er! t(e !ituation for t(e !u, ect in all %art! of t(e education !*!tem in Denmar+. .o !tart 0it( I 0ill de!cri,e t(e !ituation for Social Studie! in t(e 4al)ene /*mna!ium” (/eneral u%%er !econdar* !c(ool) ,ot( ,ecause it in-olve! a ,road introduction to t(e !u, ect on t(e (i/(e!t level (:-level) and ,ecause it o%en! for !o)e /eneral con!ideration! of t(e nature of t(e !u, ect coverin/ all level! in t(e education !*!tem. :fter t(at I 0ill al!o (a-e !ome !%ecific con!ideration! a,out t(e !ub ect in 4fol+e!+olen5 (lo0er !econdar* !c(ool). & S#% A' S"$D (S ! "H( )A'M(! *+M!AS $M, -*(!(RA' $PP(R S(%#!DARY S%H##'. >% to 200# t(e co)%ul!or* %art of t(e !ub ect (B-le-el) in 4almene /*mna!ium” (t(e /eneral u%%er !econdar* !c(ool) 0a! a %art of t(e teac(in/ in (i!tor* ,ut t(e !tudent! (ad t(e %o!!i,ilit* to c(oo!e it a! a !e%arate !ub ect on (i/(er le-el! (B- and :-level). The Danish Educational system Bo)%ul!or* education in t(e 4@ol+e!+ole5 la!t! 10 *ear! and include! %rimar* and lo0er !econdar* education. If *oun/ %eo%le 0ant a 4Studentere+!a)en5 (>%%er Secondar* Sc(ool Deavin/ E2amination) t(e* can c(oo!e ,et0een 4:lment /*mna!ium” (;eneral >%%er Secondar* Sc(ool and t(e 4Er(-er-!/*mna!ium” (Vocational >%%er Secondar* Sc(ool). From 200# t(e !u, ect (a! ,een a !e%arate co)%ul!or* !u, ect on a ,a!ic level (B"level) in ,ot( t(e 4alment /*)na!ium” (/eneral u%%er !econdar* !c(ool) and t(e 4er(-er-!/*mna!ium5 (vocational up%er !econdar* !c(ool) 0it( almo!t t(e !a)e content. In t(e /eneral up%er !econdar* !c(ool t(e !tudent mi/(t c(oo!e Social Studie! at ,ot( 7" and :-le-el. :-level e2i!t! onl* in t(e /eneral u%%er !econdar* !c(ool 0(ile !tudent! in t(e -ocational u%%er !econdar* !c(ool mi/(t c(oo!e t(e !u, ect on B-level. In t(e commercial %art of t(e vocational u%%er !econdar* !c(ool t(e !u, ect onl* e2i!t! on B-le-el. In!tead t(e !tudent! can c(oo!e eit(er international econo)* or ,u!ine!! econo)*. No0 a da*! %ac+a/e! 0it( Social Studie! are t(e )o!t %o%ular in t(e /eneral u%%er !econdar* !c(ool (in 201& a%%. 4#E of t(e !tudent! (ad c(o!en a %ac+a/e 0it( Social Studie!). Since )o!t of t(e teac(in/ in Denmar+ i! not or/ani'ed in 4traditional5 le!!on! it i! ,etter to /et an i)%re!!ion of t(e !i'e of t(e !u, ect ,* co)%arin/ t(e (our! for teac(in/ in Social Studie! to t(e Social studies in Denmark 97 total amount of (our! for t(e teac(in/ durin/ t(e t(ree *ear! in t(e up%er !econdar* !c(ool. Social Studie! on B-level (a! a !i'e of &# (our! (FE), B-level 200 (our! ($E) and :-level F2# (our! (1FE) of a total of 2600 (our!. .(e !i'e (a! ,een almo!t t(e !a)e durin/ t(e *ear!. 8o!t of t(e !ub ect! in t(e Dani!( /*mna!ium are co)%ul!or* for all !tudent! (Dani!( Litterature, 9i!tor*, Bla!!ical Studie!, 8at(ematic! (:" or B-level), G.E. etc. ). But ,e!ide t(i! all !tudent! (ave to c(oo!e a %ac+a/e of t0o ? t(ree !u, ect! t(at /ive! a certain le-el of !%eciali'ation. .(e %ac+a/e can con!i!t of !ub ect! fro) t(e natural !cience!, lan/ua/e! or !ocial !cience!. In relation to !ocial !cience! t(e !tudent! in t(e /eneral u%%er !econdar* !c(ool can c(oo!e a %ac+a/e t(at con!i!t! of Social Studie! and En/li!( on :-le-el or Social Studie! and 8at( on :-level. In t(e tec(nical %art of t(e vocational up%er !econdar* !c(ool, t(e !tudent! can c(oo!e %ac+a/e! t(at contain! Social Studie! on B-le-el and ,usine!!" or international economic!. On t(e ,a!ic level in t(e lo0er !econdar* !c(ool and B" and B-le-el in t(e u%%er !econdar* !c(ool t(e teac(in/ mainl* ta+e! t(e !tartin/ %oint in current Dani!( affair! 0(ile international %olitic! i! an e!!ential %art of t(e teac(in/ on :-level.
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