Journal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Volume 53 Number 526 The Lifeboat Winter 1993/4 Fast lifeboat plan complete Bronze Medal services Raising the funds Please note-: All sc.-vi.-n prints are now very li>\\ in numbers due lo very popular early demand. \\ e ad\ ise you to order quickly to avoid disappointment. About _>5 artist proofs ol each print are HISTORICAL EVENTS IN TIME being released. Please state 'proof should you require any - add .110 to each print tor a 'proof. EXCLUSIVE OFFER TO ALL OUR READERS A series of seven artist signed and numbered tine art prints \vith embossed stamp of approval and authenticity certificates. LIMITED TO ONLY 200 IMPRESSIONS EACH bv Michael T. Whitchand HUMBF.R SHIPPING 34" X 26" THE RESOLUTION 23" X 19" A lar>-i' Ix-autiliil prim, (.:ipt.iin Cixik.s ship 'Hit' WWii/ldi; prrp.iri". l.imiu-il lu 200 artiM M^nccl 459.95 Ic, \v-j\c Whilhy Yorkshire Ji.49.95 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER 11" X P" THE BOSTON TEA PARTY 11 "• Tin- Anu'rii'dii l:l(/x still flit's (is the Royal An I'xni.i I'lviil in lirilisb I'.S. bislor \tiry haiiilxirels l-'ort Mc/h'i/ry. llnlliniun: Si'>/i'nibcr l-ith /<S'/ /'. .1 i9.9S. UNCHARTED SEAS 24" X 19" DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 34" X 26" Columlnis - Voya^i" <>t Dixovcry Thf tirM lixilfall uf Columlius on THE MAYFLOWER 2 V X 19" l.imik-cl in 2IM) :ini.sl Mun«l A-i').9S I.ill M/I-.S with whin-border) .short- of ihr Ni-w World 449.91) /iceiiitifnlly ckpicliiifi, the lciii(liiif> of I he \1ii h.ifl James W hilt-hand A in.iriliiiR- .irli^l ut growinx world ri-nowri i-xhihils .is t.ir .ihcld .is Hu- Is .iml I .m.til.i .IN wt-H as tht- 1 K nif>riin rallwrs in the .\cu- \\orlcl. .i I9.9S Kt-ii-nlK his SI^IK-I| .mil iHiinlK-rcil prints luvc ^n»\\n in \.ilui- In Jo- " or niori.- pt-r \i_-.ir Mis Kill lor painting llu- si-.i and ships pl.m-s \Iu 11.if I l.uncs S\ hilflianil as i UK- ol iht- liiu-si li\ 111^; pamu-rs ol scastajtt-s ol our linit-. ORDER FORM To: MARINE PRINT OFFER, "LUMWOLD", STATION ROAD, CARTON, (tick boxes) I>RIFHI-U>, YORKS Y025 OEX TEL 0377 241074 n The Star Spangled Banner X49.95 CUKQt'KS MADK PAYABLE- TO MARINF PRINT Remember, these beautiful line art prints by Michael J. Whitehand n The Boston Tea Party .t-i9.95 are limited to only 200 impressions individually artist signed and numbered. D The Mayflower JM9.9S Name Each print is supplied with an authenticity certificate guaranteeing each limited edition. n Humber Shipping XS9.9T Addnw D The Resolution £49.95 These exclusive prints are not available in shops, stores or galleries and as always our D Uncharted Seas £49.95 prices are much less than similar prints with the same limited number. ..Tel:. G Discovery- of America £49-95 Note: An ideal special and unique n The l-'ull Set .1250.00 i. No . tor .i i-ntloMAl presentation gift for office, birthday or special occasions. ACCC96 (Save £109.65) orVBANo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Allow 14 days for delivery Marine Print, "LUmwold" si a lion Road, Carton I >r if field. Yorks YO25 OEX. Tel: 0377 241074 5. Overseas £7. Signature Kxpiry Dutc The Winter 1993/94 Lifeboat Royal National RNLI News 110 What's happening in and around the Institution Lifeboat From the Director 112 Institution Plans for the future and 1993 in retrospect The End of the Beginning 113 Contents Aldeburgh's new Mersey displaced the last traditional lifeboat Volume 53 in November and there are now fast lifeboats at every RNLI station. Lifeboat Services 116 Number 526 Notable launches around the coast Chairman: Your Letters 120 MICHAEL VERNON Your views on all aspects of lifeboats and related subjects Director and Secretary: Past and Present 121 LT CDR BRIAN MILES RD FNI RNR From THE LIFEBOAT of 1969 and one of today's lifeboatmen Membership News 122 The year reviewed, enrol a friend, Storm Force plans Editor: MIKE FLOYD Assistant Editor: GILL MACE Ceremonies 123 Editorial Assistant: MARY GYOPARI New all-weather and inshore lifeboats named and dedicated Lifeboat Services 129 Advertisement Manager: June and July 1993 BARBARA TROUSDELL Classified Advertisements: The Lifeboat Fleet 131 MARION BARDSLEY The lifeboats at every RNLI station Bookshelf 135 Books of RNLI and maritime interest reviewed Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, The Fundraisers 136 West Quay Road. How some of the money is raised Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ. People and Places 141 Telephone Poole (0202) 671133 Around and about the RNLI Telex 41328. Registered Charity No. 209603 Next Issue: The Spring issue of THE THE LIFEBOAT: THE LIFEBOAT is pub- COVER PICTURE LIFEBOAT will appear in April 1994, and lished four times a year and is sent free of by Campbell MacCallum news items should be received by 18 Feb- charge to RNLI members and Governors. The Mersey class lifeboat Her Maj- ruary 1994, but earlier if possible. For further information on how to join the Institution as a Member or Governor contact esty The Queen taking part in the Lord All material submitted for consideration with a view to publication should be ad- the Membership section at RNLI Headquar- Mayor'sShowon 13 November 1993. dressed to the Editor, THE LIFEBOAT, Royal ters, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 Among those aboard her are the BBC National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay 1HZ. Subscriptions are also available - con- TV's 'Blue Peter' presenters and the Road, Poole, Dorset BH 15 1HZ. tact the Editor at the same address for details. young winners of a recent Storm Photographs intended for return should be Force competition. accompanied by a stamped, addressed enve- Printed by the Friary Press, Bridport Road, lope. Dorchester, Dorset 109 NEWS NEWS THE ANNUAL MEETINGS - 1994 Walking together The RNLI is to link up with another major charity during 1994 AGM and APA News for its first national joint fundraising venture. The Institution's Annual General Meeting and Annual Presen- Members of the RNLI and of the National Trust will be tation of Awards will, as usual, take place in London at the invited to take part in a series South Bank Centre, this year on Tuesday 10 May 1994. of sponsored walks on 5 June Last year it was necessary to hold both meetings in the same The vital 1994 _ which will take the par- hall, but for 1994 the AGM will once again be held in the Queen ticipants between National Elizabeth Hall at the normal time of 1130 and the APA in the legacies Trust properties and RNLI nearby Royal Festival Hall at 1445 (15 minutes later than nor- The RNLI is fortunate in that it lifeboat stations. mal). receives a number of legacies and Eight walks have already Governors should find their application forms for both bequests each year, which enables been arranged: from Bulmer meetings enclosed with this issue of THE LIFEBOAT - if not please it to meet its fundraising targets to Seahouses lifeboat station contact the AGM office at RNLI headquarters. and maintain and improve the (north east), from Newcastle The AGM is restricted to Governors of the Institution, but the lifeboat service. lifeboat station to Newcastle afternoon presentation of A few of these legacies are (Northern Ireland); from NEWSPOINT awards is open to all - mem- quite substantial, but the major- Dunster Castle to Minehead bers, supporters and other in- ity are of more modest size and do lifeboat station (south west); The End of the Beginning terested parties are cordially not make the national headlines from Scarborough to Filey An organisation the size and invited to attend. Tickets are like the recent record bequest from lifeboat station (north east); complexity of the RNLI will al- available on a first-come, first- the late Roy Barker. from New Brighton lifeboat ways be developing and pro- served basis from the AGM However it is the smaller be- station to Heswell (north gressing, and in doing so pass- office at headquarters. quests which provide the regular ing milestones in its history. But west); from Rhossili to Horton Individual seats will not be income which helps the RNLI to and Port Eynon lifeboat sta- the completion of the 'fast life- allocated for the APA and boat' programme at the end of plan for the future and which are tion (Wales); from Southwold 1993 is perhaps even more sig- stewards will assist with of such vital importance. lifeboat station to Dunwich nificant than it appears. seating arrangements on the The Institution has a special Heath (East Anglia) and from Quite apart from being the day. pack to help anyone who is con- Dover lifeboat station to Deal culmination of many years of Contact the AGM Office, sidering naming the RNLI as a (south east). intense effort to meet a specific RNLI Headquarters, West beneficiary under the terms of Further details can be ob- target it is also a tangible repre- Quay Road, Poole, Dorset their will, and this can be ob- sentation of the increasing tained from: RNLI/National BH151 HZ for tickets or further tained simply by writing to Trust Walk, RNLI, West Quay speed of response and modern details. thinking which can be traced Central Fundraising at RNLI Road, Poole, Dorset BH151 HZ back some 30 years to the first Headquarters, West Quay Road, - but if none of these walks are high-speed inshore lifeboats.
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