BELLINGDON AND ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL AND RECREATION GROUND CHESHAM ROAD, BELLINGDON CHESHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HP5 2XU CHARITY No. 1087494 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2012 BRIDGESON& CO (ACCOUNTANTS) LIMITED 31a HIGH STREET CHESHAM BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HP5 1BW BELLINGDON and ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL and RECREATION GROUND Committee of Management (Trustees) Report for the year ended 31 March 2012 The Trustees present their report along with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 March 2012. Governance Under a Scheme approved by the Charity Commission, the charities previously known as Bellingdon & Asheridge Village Hall and Bellingdon & Asheridge Recreation Ground were merged on 23rd May 2001 and are now known as Bellingdon & Asheridge Village Hall and Recreation Ground. Trustees (Committee of Management) - during the period President Louise Stephen Chairman Alf Field Vice Chairman Hugh Griffiths Treasurer Don Baker Appointed 18.5.2011 Secretary Jules Eyles Appointed Secretary 18.5.2011 Booking Secretaries Chris Hood Appointed 18.5.2011 Julie Hood Appointed 18.5.2011 Other Trustees Andrew Barratt Appointed 23.8.2011 Richard Carr (Ley Hill CC) Appointed 23.8.2011 Nick Ellender (Longbow Archers) Appointed 23.8.2011 Andy Davies Resigned 4.1.2012 Sue Bourne Resigned 5.7.2011 Eanne Russell Resigned 5.7.2011 Carmel Botwright (former Secretary) Resigned 18.5.2011 Sam Butler Resigned 18.5.2011 Jennie Stroud Appointed 18.5.2011 Resigned 4.1.2012 Bankers Lloyds Bank plc, High Street, Chesham, Bucks Independent Examiners Bridgeson & Co (Accountants) Limited, 31a High Street, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1BW BELLINGDON and ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL and RECREATION GROUND Committee of Management (Trustees) Report for the year ended 31 March 2012 Objectives The object of the charity is, in the interests of social welfare, to improve the conditions of life of the inhabitants of the area of benefit without distinction of political, religious or other opinions by the provision and maintenance of a) a village hall b) a recreation ground for the use by the inhabitants of Bellingdon & Asheridge Review of the year INCOME The Committee of Management are pleased to report that there has been a wide use of the facilities. Clubs and activities are shown in the financial statements attached, with a gross income of £5,838 (£4,834). An increase of 20% We were sorry to see the closure of the Youth Club and Zumba Dancing during this period. The clubs all progressed and income from Dog Training increased as a result of a new class. Hire of the Hall & Equipment, primarily to private hirers, has a gross income of £4,711 (£3,650). This is an increase of 29%. The committee continued to hold a fete with the dual purpose of providing a day out for the community and generation of funds for the charity. Net proceeds being £5,175 (£5,892), from which the committee had agreed to provide a sum towards the playground project as described below. During the year a successful Bingo/Beetle Drive event and coffee morning were held which provided further income of £687(£672). Overall the gross income for the year was £17,043 (£15,286). EXPENDITURE Normal running and maintenance costs for the year were £6,527 (£4,561). This increase in costs was due a range of maintenance items and the cost of maintaining the fire protection system. Total expenditure was £6,904 (£15,438) and after deducting from the gross income for the year this left a surplus of £10,139(-£152). Recreation Ground There is an agreement between the Charity and Ley Hill Cricket Club whereby the cricket club have use of the recreation ground for some matches in exchange for maintenance of the field. The grounds are also used by three different football teams. Funds received from the football teams are passed on to the cricket club after deduction of costs incurred for the football activities. FUNDS RESTRICTED FUND Playground Development After many years of planning and uncertainties with the Government Playbuilder Funding an award of £50,000 was approved. The balance of this funding of £40,000 was received during this year. The playground was completed and formally opened on 10th March 2012. The total of grants and donations for this project was £59,951 of which £57,566 has been spent on the development , leaving a balance on the restricted fund of £2,385. In accordance with undertakings given by previous Committees to allocate funds from the fete a further transfer of £2,000to General Playground Reserve has been made. This brings this fund up to £4,000. FUTURE The trustees aim to provide the hall for use by private hirers at costs that are comparable with other local halls. By ensuring that the standard of the facilities are maintained the trustees believe this will help to build the hire income. They also aim to encourage as much use of the facilities by the community in a wide range of activities at affordable costs. The fete for 2012 is already planned and look for new members of the community to participate in the programme of events. The committee are aware of a number of projects that need to be addressed: a) New toilets and changing facilities for sports users of the Recreation Ground. This would eliminate the problem of dual use of the hall toilets by hirers of the hall, who expect exclusivity of use, and the uses if the sport field b) Upgrade to the kitchen c) Change of electrical distribution to provide better structure and safety d) Alternative heating system to include removal the noisy heater in the kitchen. e) General upgrade to the hall toilets and redecoration of the hall The committee, which is appointed to represent the community, are voluntary and thank all who have contributed to the overall running of the charity. This amenity which has been given to the community, requires volunteers to run events to generate income, maintain the facilities and control costs. They would welcome new members since the continuation of the facilities is dependent on members of the community being involved. Signed on behalf of the Committee of Management (Trustees) on.....12th June 2012 Alf Field – Chairman Don Baker – Treasurer BELLINGDON and ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL and RECREATION GROUND STATEMENT of FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES for the YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2012 Unrestricted Fund 2012 2011 £ £ £ £ INCOMING RESOURCES Clubs and Activities Hire Art Class 384 372 Dog Training 904 360 Horticultural Society 170 153 Ladies Club 228 280 Longbow Archers 193 200 Pilates 1,185 917 Short Mat Bowls 1,913 1,667 Table Tennis 560 388 Youth Club (Kings Church) 230 350 Zumba Dancing 71 147 5,838 4,834 Football Income 1,350 Less Pitch Marking Costs (130) Playing Field Maintenance (LHCC) (1,220) Football Net Income - - 5,838 4,834 Hall & Equipment Hire Meetings 430 226 Private Hirers 4,281 3,424 4,711 3,650 Other Income Donations 577 25 Annual Fete (Net) 5,175 5,892 Coffee Socials 40 83 Social Events 687 672 Sundry Income - 120 Interest Received 15 10 6,494 6,802 TOTAL INCOME 17,043 15,286 BELLINGDON and ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL and RECREATION GROUND STATEMENT of FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES for the YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2012 Unrestricted Fund 2012 2011 £ £ £ £ RESOURCES EXPENDED Premises Expenses Cleaning Costs 1,160 1,241 Electricity, Oil & Water 1,490 1,233 Hedge & Grass Cutting 480 120 Insurance 833 899 Rates 222 213 Repairs & Maintenance 1,554 619 Fire Protection 788 236 NORMAL RUNNING COSTS 6,527 4,561 Floor Renovation - 2,000 Entrance Renovation - 3,713 Windows & Doors - 4,811 EXCEPTIONAL EXPENDITURE - 10,524 6,527 15,085 Other Expenses Printing, Postage, Stationery & Newsletters 223 146 Independent Examiner’s Charge - 144 Licences & Subscriptions 90 40 General Expenses - 63 Playground Opening Costs 64 - 377 353 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 6,904 15,438 NET INCOME/(DEFICIT) 10,139 (152) ===== ======= BELLINGDON and ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL and RECREATION GROUND RECONCILIATION AND MOVEMENT OF FUNDS for YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2012 2012 2011 £ £ £ RESTRICTED FUND New Playground Fund Balance brought forward 1.4.2011 11,039 6,000 Grants & Donations Received Chiltern D.C (playbuilder fund balance) 40,000 - Chartridge Parish Council 1,000 - Other Donations 951 Total Received in the year 41,951 12,000 Funds Available 52,990 18,000 Expenditure Total Costs in the year 50,605 6,961 Balance at 31.3.2012 2,385 11,039 ====== ===== UNRESTRICTED FUNDS General Reserve Balance brought forward 1.4.2011 General Reserve 15,713 17,865 NET INCOME/DEFICIT for year 10,139 (152) Transfer to General Playground Fund (2,000) (2,000) Balance carried forward 31.3.2012 23,852 15,713 ======= ======= General Playground Fund Balance brought forward 1.4.2011 2,000 - Transfer from General Reserve 2,000 2,000 Balance carried forward 31.3.2012 4,000 2,000 ==== ===== BELLINGDON and ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL and RECREATION GROUND BALANCE SHEET AT 31 MARCH 2012 2012 2011 £ £ £ £ FIXED ASSETS See note 1 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors – Hire Charges 564 667 Prepaid Expenses 632 457 Accrued Income 750 - Bar Stock 230 - Stock of Heating Oil 760 1,310 Cash in Hand 20 63 Bank Current Account 1,599 3,672 Bank Deposit Account 29,232 25,319 Total Current Assets 33,787 31,488 Less CURRENT LIABILITIES Hire Deposits & Charges received in advance 1,528 1,209 Accrued Expenses 1,979 1,575 Total Current Liabilities 3,507 2,693 Net Current Assets 30,280 28,795 ===== ====== FUNDS Unrestricted Fund 23,852 15,713 General Playground Fund 4,000 2,000 Restricted Playground Fund 2,385 11,039 Bellingdon Youth Club 43 43 TOTAL FUNDS 30,280 28,795 ===== ===== The financial statements were approved by the Committee of Management (Trustees) on....12th June 2012 and were signed on its behalf by: Alf Field - Chairman Don Baker Treasurer BELLINGDON and ASHERIDGE VILLAGE HALL and RECREATION GROUND Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year ended 31 March 2012 Note 1 FIXED ASSETS a) Land & Buildings The Land Buildings were originally provided solely for the benefit of the villages of Bellingdon and Asheridge.
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