I English exarn flags 175 freshmen By LARRY GAVlRDI Eiaht\< student> amona 130 failed pn!paratory dass for students plan­ The question asked dealt with the · By virtue of a uniform Enllish the retest os ~I , Guimond said. ning to take the retest. intellectual impltcations of discrimin­ 100 final """"', about 175 _ "We (the Enalish department) are "Student> should attend the _­ ation. Strom said many students .~udents ... "'" eli,ible to _ the ensurinl'.tt.. into eYervone lOin. shop sessions to let themselves out thought the essay dealt with racial Qext lew! in Enallsh Composition 101 is on the same level," Guimond of lif!lbo," Strom said. "It's soin. disaimination. because 0( failina arades on the said. to demand some maturity." Strom December final . The exams were graded by the One freshman Enalish major, who added that the woritshops are faculty in teams of three. Bias was · Last _, ihe En,iish depart­ did riot want his name disclosed conducted every Tuesday at 10:20 reduced by having faculty members ment bepn a new policy of livinl . and who passed the final exam, and at 12:30 in . Fine Arts Room other than a student' s instructor all En,lish 100 student> the same differed with GuilOOnd. 373, and again every Thursday at grade them exam, Guimond said. sort 9:10 in FA 339. final exam as of an entrance "Some people ,;00 were fine A number of students oomplained and Ex­ examinaUon into Research Enalish students failed the test, . According to a memo to all at this methcd of grading, suggest­ said position, Dr. James Cuimond, while others not as good passed the students enrolled in last semester's ing that the graders' style of chairman 0( the department. test and moved onto the next English Composition 100 sections, writing and instruction did oot · Guimond said 255 student> out 0( Enllish Comp undeservingly/' the students were lectured by their necessarily match that of a stu-­ approximately 700 failed the final student said. Instructors the last week of classes dent's instructor in English 100. exam in "December. Of those 2SS, Guimond said there will be as preparation for the exam. The Strom disagreed with this claim. thirty-seven had their grades retests again in April and November students were given a oopy of three " We v.-ere look'ing for a basic chanced to passing marks on a for those students who still haVe .essays to study in advance and skill, not a particular style. Students semnd reading. Guimond added that not passed the exam. ·He added Were told that one of the essays who took and failed the exam twice theA! was a Jan. 17 retest available that Susan Strom, adjunct instructor would be the subject of the had 12 different graders," Strom for tIM, others who failed . in English, will be conducting a one-question final exam. said. (continued on pg. 6) Tbe Rider News Vol . L No. 11 LAWRENCEVILLE, NJ PHONE: 896-5256 or 5337 February 13, 1984 'A time Spirit Semester gets of.tinjty ._ off to running start ....... ' ... ... .. - . By HELEN-. SZKOROPAD • ~ter Approval aoMd, which is -alr(J~lctve ~ '~ " - Spirrt Semester is off to a good made up of two members each from start with plenty of activities and RHA, the Interfraternity Council, the By JOHN MoRRIS enthusiasm, ac:mrding to Jennifer Panhellenic Coundl, and the Asso­ Black History t.ionth is "a time Marcello, Residence Hall Associatk>n ciation of Commuting Students and at unity· anc:L ~ love," said Kim president, and Joe O'Rourke, Stu­ one SGA seat, will award points to Washincton .0( the Minority Pro­ dent Government Association presi­ units whose activity ideas are .r.vninin.-: c:ommrttee at the annual dent. approved. · Celebration's opening oeremooies on awarding of points according to The units wi ll have many chances Tuesday niaht. grades earned for the Fall of '1983. to participate, and the 5750 prize is The C2femOOies incl~ speeches Each unit will be awarded one a big incentive for participation, by several student> and Col .' Doug­ point for each Dean' s List ~ber , added O'Rourke. lass HaJI, assistant dean of students two points for each member earning and equal. ,opportunity prl)Iram di­ a 4.0 and then the units with the Many activities will be planned on rector, who spoke on the proud ' top three C.P.A.'s will be awarded we ~kends to attract people who history and culture of blacks, was ten, seven and five points, respec­ would usually go home. Activities held at the Studeni Genter Theater. tively. will also be planned during the The purpose. of Black 'History Another event is participation of week to accommodate commuters, t.ionth is to enlighten all people to the units at the first men's home Marcello explained. the history and culture of blacks, basketball game of the semester, One of the objectives of Spirit Washington said. which takes place Feb. 25. fv\em. Semester is to get residents, greeks Hall delivered an inspiring ben are asked to wear shirts and commuters to participate togeth­ speech. " We have made progress. designating their unit, and the more er and break down any stereotypes You can make some more,." he told members participating, the more associated with each group, 1Y\arcello the audience of 100 students. points awarded to the units. added . Emphasizina that blacks should Other activities in the YoOrks are continue to strive for unity with one a campus-wide Almost Anything 1Y\arcello said the idea of Spirit another, Hall said,. "If "" are' lucky . Goes, a banner contest, a blood Semester started a few years ago at enou'" to aain freedom and educa­ drive and a dance marathon. Points the University of Maryland. Because tion, then "" should go back and Col . Doualass Hall expresses the will also be awarded for senators of that school' s size, it was done help _ less fortunate." need for black pride and unity at attending senate meeting and for only among the residents, but has For more on BID HistorY Month Black History Month's openina cere­ partidpation in intramurals. beaxne a tradition there because of its success. ~ page B. lOOny on Tuesday. O'Rourke said that a Spirit Se- I A taxing .Tuition Black A note to job 2 climbs 3 History E3 our readers "The Rider News" staff would In an act of both aood will and Once again, the Board of Trustees February is Black History Month, like to apologize to readers and self-improvement, 31 accountina stu- has voted to increase tuition and a time to observe the history, past advertisers for the lateness of this · ••dents. .......offerioa . free ·. f!Icorne tax·.·• . room and board .costs, this time by achievements and current status of issue. Because of productton diffi­ ret.... help at the Quaker bridae 10" Percent for the 19i14-l15 academic Black Americans. It is also a time culties, ~ were unable to publish · ·.. Mall . · . ~ -: · part 0( ·the · IRS VITA '. year. to educate all people about black Friday. The next issue of _the • . IJ<C)IrOm. culture. " News" will be Friday. Accoun' . ngrn rs donate tax expertise "The whole _ram· has been set By D" VID VOlZ up around the studenrs schedules, ""","ntinl students beaan offer­ aa:ordinl to time and location ing free inmme tax return help on prefereooes," Sumutka said. Wednesday at the Quakerbrid8e Students will be at the mall 00 Mall as part of the l-.w Wednesdays from 2 to 8 p.m., _ue SoMa!' s national Volunteer Inmme Tax Assistance pf'OIram. Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thirty-<>ne students will man and Sundays from ooon to 3 p.m. booths in the mall 00 15 dates· They will also be at the New State Library for _ Sat... - bet-... Feb. 8 and March 11, to _ Jersey advise lower inoome and elderly days, Feb. 25 and March 10, from . taxpayerS how to prepare federal 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each student and state forms, and help an_ ~ onoe a week, and voiunt-. any questions that milht arise. approximately 15 to 20 hours durinl Approximately 100 hours ' of servia! the first week proaram. will be volunteered. AaDrdinl to Alan Sumutka, asso­ Students help others ciate professor of aa:ounting and director . of the program, VITA will with their taxes and be advantageous for the students, as well as for the rommunity. get good experience "One of the benefits they will get is increased knowledge of federal in return , taxation," he said. "We have looked at ' this as being a suppli· On Wednesday, 10 students ser- ment to classroom learning." . vi~ 29 taxpayers during their six-hour stay at the mall. Thirteen The program also familiarizes the Federal and 13 State forms were students with New Jersey' taxation . prepared, as well as many questions ' " At Rider, we do not teach New answered. ' 'I'm excited, and the Jersey taxation. In the program they students . are doing an excellent learn this," Sumutka said. The job," Sumutka added. students were, taught New Jersey Senior accounting major Lisa tax return procedures by state Kinsley is also excited with the taxation representatives. program. " I f ~ lt glad that ' J could Additionally, Sumutka said the help these people with tax credits RENEE CAROLLA program will help increase t~ that they were unaware of . It's a , student's ' marketability · in' 'the -field good opportunity to get experience." Acoou'nting student Gary Potts, left, helps Thomas !-loHman of Trenton of acoounting, as well as aid them " It's fun, " Kinsley said.
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