Einstein's Religious Paderewski Is No. of Catholics Bishop Set Free On Concert Tour In Egifce World To Raise Ransom Missionaries Suffer In This Country Is 311,430,0000 For Co-Workers i Views Utter Nonsense, <* f»9 St Vatican O Kov. 21.—Ht;\Iis- Greatly From Raids „ Nfevv voKK.-ign»cc PaderewsKl hsii tics coiujile*i seinl-oSicialiy but CAjnX)N~«l» Urdfthij) the^Bt, He*. M wrathrretf. spvpijt years^unci ts j,tjjH,_ poiifcid^ed.tjr .Hie.4Viie.au-as snb-- staniiaiiy coil 0Mt«no MlKimnl, O. M., condjuto* Says Dr, Fulton Sheen ~able" to •entruHc?''*""* _" " t. show thai at the bishop of th« Vic- music lovers Tl« end of V92fl 2 »rl»t« Apoatollc numbered $ Gl|c» iu tin* world, By Communist Bands grcut pianist has o t Kiantu. XI- just bettun an­ (>f these »,©!)? miti weie In »ngil, Chin»_JB«t- Catholic University Educator Says HLs . "Cosmica!'' other concert North, Cvrtt,: ifeBiL-iuiiuli 3tmiic„ r«<;«i>tly captured • * o tt r ,-r f the "ie'ot. KurofH CJiiiiHiilctj number- by oomnuml«t« Twenty.Ei*ht Are Still Held Captive By Ban^t Gr*W -—-ThroiyShontet Have Letter "S" Eliminate* From It V n 11. e cl Siittes fit 20&.8&2,© J. with 14 prieeM The red ptsons Asiatic Cst ioljea tiMitJiH'ri-d ia,- axid 10 KluUtra ol With threats of Death it Ransom %~H$r4»tt^ V; —Calls It the Sheerest Kind of Stupidity, accorded bun are r»:ii;.'juu. Ate ahs f».:<;tu.«oo, Aus­ b.t» »ic»ri»t«. H« »8 enthushiiitic as tralians 1.581 00$. - Boldness of Eavages by Omll^^im^'^ Unworthy of Attention be aver received WlMT«l*Mtd With v Music critics re­ P'~ OJD« of th< prleeta In Mahy Places in China » f H: port that he hap to Hour* • Doll- tion dollur nut- •w f CARDINAL HAYES TELLS TEACHERS lost none of the join for th« free* touch, the Are dam of t n • THE FLAG NEEDS THE CROSS BESIDE IT that long ago otJifri. Tliu» far IF THE COMMUNISTS ARES0GCBSSltt*., - •~^"irr>J' * stamped him os a he ha« not b*w* IT WILL MEAH DEATH fOldSSt0» genius Hts ex- •—.. „__,,„,c,„. able to r«lw the New York, Nov. 21.—Einstein's religious views are "the perlcnces In the t*0£MWSKI Mia. -— nwuwy, and. Ihe policies of Poland did not epp i-.iit.lj wmmunhtU nav« curb his love (or or mastery ol the tferenUned e»rlj sheerest kind of stupidity and nonsense," the Rev. Dn Fulton J. Jcntn unlew their demand* are met. (Ktde. Serrto*) • . .;'•', ••:»4*«« • .Sheen, professor at the Catholic University of America in Wash­ o • .. Vatican City, Nov. 21.-—China'H ilmt—iry 4wta ington, D. C, told 1,200 members of the Catholic Teachers' last seven ywr« roae to fl with tat ewww»W«> i Association at their annual Communion Breakfast in the Hotel Kiangsi province. FoJlowIn* Uia cwitiiia^ -Commodore in this city Saturday morning. Einstein's religious Churches Plan Nun Is Rescued year, the boJdnewt of the outlaws~vm ctiaMtxari t» views were -published in the New York Times on November 2d, one Nshop, six pritits, and 10 nam, aad ta« ._,..., „. and Dr. Sheen referred to this article in his talk. priests of the same territory alraa^r rffejrt«4. Will %> i bharp Criticism a 'ihlnh-. Men an willing to die. for United Action Under Wreckage of Bishop Gaetano Mignai>C ~__ "The twentieth century is asking what we call 'the milk of human r.r a new xelijrion, l«tst Smiclsr tl,.- irtrtTittrKs:—hut "wlio" in" tTiiV u.>rid" is tolfc of Kia\nfuTTfiaitai, and one wise and distinguished X, \\ v«i« willini to lu> down his life Cor the ransom reported at $10,000,000 Mex^ tao total ef Times degraded itself to t,he IMIM'C.I Milky Wav ' Tin if i» oiii.v «ne fault To Of anjyalanctie sionariet of China in caatlrlty is now 18, six t'on of au article by Fliiht.-iu on u- with hi* (•OHUlJ.cal.-t'ollKlwit. he fmt ligioh. If I contributed a scientific an extra letter In the word—the wtill in communlat haada in other parta of tke eoejatrr. ;.iticlo manifesting as little knowl­ letter '«.' " Part of Mountain Slid Into The BloodkM* Section Tk« Dftaa of OailiotW edge of science as His did of religion. Protestant, Catholic and With the murder of th* two Ohl» The Times would widely r<fu..e it ("nnllnal Hu.ve* Talk* Jewish Representatives City of Lyons, France- ne«o pricstn of Klanfu Vicariate and elude.: r*ihera M*BM "Because Efnetein knouM a great —..Cardinal Hayes told the- teacher*, the reported. Murdor of rather Henry Kdward Barbate, Aattoay " deiflabout mathematical physics it whose organization provides rt- Hold Preliminary Confer­ Nun Buried Under Eight­ Von At% of Nanehanir vicariate. In, and Parlae, oigat ; i doesn't follow that he known about Unions instruction for Catholic chil­ the Province of Ktaniwi taket the an- aad tea aiaa—-fl religion He is beins very dogmatic dren mteiiilinx the public school* ence in Washington, D. C. een Feet of Debris, Saved, envUbla poaltlon of the bloodleet Slater Maria Lepart, 4B>A taTailaii'aa BKia^^ "~' when he represent* his rostiiloal re­ that "I thank God everv day from r aectlon- of modern qhlna,-»t!rprJ«ati ligion without riocmris or. church. the bottom of my heiirtior_.wliai_.tou-- ~~7CybjrisyNovT 2l7^i8to' BIorhavlnt? - met their death within ita mm}~H^»7Mi ,.. ,... Religion Ts something -we---iwut- a nVeldnToKll \V!.hi>.ta, -service- to file Washington, Nov, 7217 —A dine, asleep on th& top floor ot a hotindnrloj. Qlwiely followInK th(» Vlnoemt lUiie^. |H<tlff >9ttt)&&t ri«»u io understand, and we have u entire country anjone Is dojng wlio preliminary conference lias been province are thoie of Mongolia and Roinont aat ite otoa^ftaaeTSjB contributes to the sanctity of the building in the Hue ffamassac, Hupeh with nre death* each, The rl(,'ht to understand him when he held here by representatives of was swept with the building: in­ aataiYMIiere ^la» «M_|K nay* that we have passed the Humo home " Protestant, Catholic and Jewish remainder of the *t tntaUoaary tra|- l «t a religion of feat and morals. to the ruins and wreckage of an edlew are Mtfeatl fairly well from •^r^a^'afw^™ x ei^^^wj|e^^^^a^. _v^o^^w •xfr£ He iiointed to tlie increase in di­ churches, for the purpose of avalanche into -the city of north- to wirth-tlffOttilnismtlriT aM Sitys fotfmical„ ShouldjDrnj' ••,>$• j vorce m this country and jKaid It wng eastern proriace*, tate;^the«: "no- wnnder^tnat Iher'- fs a erf hie org'anizing-a-nation-wide united Lyons one night last we«k and "He Is talking the sheerest kind wave when the very- sanctuary of movement among the churches buried under 18 feet of debris. The aauoataiity; of the rietime of of stupidity and nonsense. He is the mother, father and child Is to help the unemployment *itu- Jeered at, polluted^ d.f'SrAded." „He- - SbrtttHBloudiiW »*!*p*d4n»ltYnt ther^D*lei( e^tT BeTgUn,; asking us io accept souu-thing that ation.- It was decided "tcr calFa death because of « peculiar neie, four It«llati», three Americana, Chaagteh ^WfiiiTjr.jytn love,: -The—tesr oT genei'al meeting in Washington, formation of tho stone and roof three French,' two OermaUi, one love b the willingness to fi.e-ht for (f'ontitiued on Page .Five) January 26 and 27, to nuike SwiitH, one Spanlnh and one IrMh re Left to Church beams which hemmed her in. and llglotmi _„_...--. - (Coeuaaea ea >Ui* ••)k definite plans. thus saved her from becoming Among those attending the 0r$t crushed in falling debris. New Yorlc City Del elates meeting w"re James Myerf of N'evv York, industrial secretary of the Fed­ By Chicago Man Itesciicxl I'lihaniieti eral Council of Churches; Ihe Rev. Sister Hlondlne'n crieg attracted Bishop O'rlcrn Is H. Dr. W. L, Darbv. rerireMeiiting the the attention of workmen who Im­ To EucLaristic Congress Federal Council Of Churches, the Wealthy Candy Manufac­ mediately began tiitioellng through Rov. Dr. W. I. Darby, repfeKeutlag eighteen feet of building wrcckup —By ike Gatkoiit; Hiei*ftricKy the Fedi-ral Council of Cliutches, turer Leaves Total of In whicli she was buried. After two To Charter Special Steame the Rev Dr, P. O Gavaii ami the hours of work four workmen finally Rev. Dr John A Rvan of the Nation­ Nearly Two Millions to succeeded in reaching tho rellglouH al Catholic Welfare Council. Rabbi Churches and to the Dio­ finding her In a vino of stone and Bishop Dunn Is Chairman of Committee of Priests- Abram Simon and Maurice Disgyer iron. Of the Jewish Welfare Uonrd, and cese of Chicago* The avalanche carried many Head of Rochester Diocese Is Elected Member of Impor­ Bishop O'Byrne of Queensland Writes Rev. Dr. William- Knowlpn Coopl-r. houses from the "Moving Mountain former general secretary of the of Lyons" into the city, and ft caused tant Committee—Annual Meeting . of the Event Washington V M. C A,, and Frank Chicago, Km. 17.—An estate death to nearly 100 people and In­ Morrison of the American Federation of $2,000,000 is left almost en­ juries to many mora. Was a Great of Labor, The latter did not attend Slater* CHUKII! An 0r*sh in his official capacity, but as a tirely to Catholic organizations Nuus occupying the cohvent cdn Dublin,, Nov, 2.1. — The Rt. coiirle.sv and lto*i*ilality thev Will church worker.
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