WITHER NET PRESS REN! FoTecMt by 0. •. Weather bareaa, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIONl {Dear U a ve e for the month of November, 1928 Rain tonli^t and Tdesdaj; pos> slbly changing to snow Tuesday; 5,237 much colder Tuesday. Bleuber of the Andit Bnrenn .of V ,/vl CircnlatJoiia , . ■ • f*-*- PRICE THREE CENT'S (dasslfled Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CiDNN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1928. (FOURTEEN PA(jp), rOL. X U II., NO. 54. Where War’s Drums Eumble in South America ' FIRST CHARTER - < s > OVER 130 SOLDIERS ARI REVISION NOTICE IS C IV ® TODAY k” ‘••s' ' ... 5 '• s' IN PARAGUAY-BOUVIA L ' ' . ' I t ' / Petition to Be Presented to Two Girls Murdered TROOPS ATTACK FORTS General Assembly— To­ day’s Notice Is Simple O nThe IN BORDER TERRITORY la w Recpiirement, Baltimore, Dec. 17— The bodies search was started. The two bodies of two 16-year-old girls, both with were found in a thicket, carefully Many Wounded— No Formal Declaration of War Made their skulls crushed in, were dis­ laid side by side with their coats covered in a field along the Anna­ under their heads. One girl had a Legal notice is today given that polis boulevard today by police. broken ankle and both bodies were But Fighting Continues— Each Side Claims Victory; a revision of Manchester's present They were Identified as Marie Stol- severely bruised. charter will be sought in the Janu­ ba and Thelma Black, of Brooklyn, Discovery of a quantity of broken ary session of the Connecticut Gen­ a suburban development of Balti­ glass on the road near the spot led Bolivia Started Fight, Paraguay Reports— Efforts Be­ more. police to believe they had been eral Assembly. The notice of the Marie and Thelma left their struck by an automobile, but an petition will be found in another homes last night for a stare a mile autopsy has been ordered to deter­ ing Made by Other Nations to Prevent Further Con­ column of today’s Herald. It reads distant and when they failed to re­ mine whether there was any ■ as­ that any persons objecting to a re­ turn, police were notified and a sault. vision of the charter must appear flicts— Diplomats W orried— Fear That Other Nations before the General Assembly the second day after it convenes for its Above is Dr. Hernando Siles, pres- , May Be Drawn Into Dispute. next session. This date vrill be T FLOOD OF XMAS BOOZE January 10, 1929. ident of Bolivia, now engaged in <?>- L e^ l Procedure a boundary dispute that threatens cillation, and it would not surprise The notice is signed by Judge war with its South American lOLA PLAZ . BULLETIN! Allyn L. Brown of Hartford County Ascunsion, Paraguay, Dec. diplomatic circles here If a favor­ neighbor, Paraguay. The Bolivian IS EXPECTED THIS WEEK able reply today to the Washington superior court and is simply le,gal 17.— Ten thousand men have capitol at La Paz, scene of anti- X , \ v j \ conference offer of good offices were procedure necessary to bring t .e applied at the Central bar­ forthcoming immediately. charter properly before the next Paraguayan demonstrations by a If Vi racks during the past 38 session of the Legislature. frenzied public, is also shown. The hours for enlistment in the Still in Committee Officials Admit They Are MARRIAGE WORLD’S army for “ active service.” NTJMEROUS FATALmES The revision of the present town map at the right shows “ the Cha­ Despite news of the fresh Buenos Aires, Dec. 17.— Reports charter is now in the hands of a co,” the disputed territory between lighting, in which the Bolivi­ from Bolivian and Paraguiyan committee named at the annual Bolivia and Paraguay. “ The Cha­ Unable to Cope With It; ans were the aggressors, the sources received here today indi­ GREAT COMPROMISE cated that further serious clashes town meeting a year ago October co” is a swampy, desolate land— country remains calm. Judge William S. Hyde who with Coming Mostly Over the (■ between troops of the two countries Raymond R. Bowers and Robert J. disputed by Bolivia and Paraguay have resulted in numerous fatalities Gorman, is a signer of the notice as for many years— which, has been in the disputed Chaco district. Buenos Aires, Dec. 17.— Unoffi­ a petitioner, is the chairman of the crossed by few white men since the > Canadian Border. Bishop McConnell Cites Ad­ Bolivian reports declare that al­ committee. No meetings have been cial press dispatches received here most 100 Paraguayans were killed days of the Spanish explorers. It held during the past summer or today indicated that more than 130 when Bolivian troops captured a is rich in forests and believed to justment of Minds as In Bolivian and Paraguayan soldiers number of wagons loaded with mu­ fall the work of revision being EDITOR’S NOTE— This is left entirely to sub-comniittees. contain oil. It was at an outpost already have been killed in clashes nitions and provisions. Many Para­ a SUNCIOT the first of two articles on the Since the naming and organization on the Paraquay river that Bolivian in Gran Chaco, the teritory claimed guayan prisoners were taken and a and Paraguayan troops clashed re­ liquor running, racketeering ternational Example. by both republics. Many were number wounded, the reports star­ of the charter revision committees and graft situation developing one member has died, E. L. G. cently, 22 of the former being killed ARGENTINA wounded. The first fighting took ed, while the Bolivian losses were Hohenthal. Mr. Hohenthal's work or wounded. ^ The inset map of In American cities, as reported place at Fort Vanguardia. comparatively slight. was relative to fire district consoli­ South America shows the scene of in advices from International A congregation that tested the According to advices from Ascun­ Reports from Paraguay on the the trouble. News Service correspondents. dation and he had made no report. capacity of the South Methodist sion, Bolivian troops attacked the other hand, asserted that Bolivian Nothing Definite Yet Paraguayan garrison in Forts Bo- troops had been put to rout, that No definite changes have been de­ By JA.MES L. KILGALLEN. Church attended the monthly union queron, Rivarola and General only a few Parai layan fatalities cided upon as yet by the commit­ BOLIVIA HAS DOUBLE New Y'ork, Dec. 17.— The eve of service of the south end Protestant Genies where the fighting lasted occurred while Bolivian losses were tee, but the public f.i Manchester THE ARMY OF PARAGUAY Christmas 1928 finds civic leaders churches last evening and listened more than eight hours. From 20 heavy, and that several forts in the will be well informed regarding all CONDITION OF in principal American cities, includ­ to 30 men were reported killed in disputed district had been held des­ BUSINESSMEN to an intensely interesting discourse proposals before the final draft of Montevideo, Uruguay, Dec. 17. ing New York, Chicago, Philadel­ the clash at Fort Vanguardia while pite determined assaults by the Bo­ — Should Bolivia and Paraguay, on “ Social Imaginations” by Bishop the charter is submitted to Ihe phia, Detroit, Pittsburgh. Cincin­ the losses In the later fighting were livians. ( LegTslature. who now appear to be tottering nati and Kansas City, wrestling Francis J. McConnell of the New heavier. A dispatch from Lapaz es­ Calls* for Mobilization GO TO RESCUE on the brink of warfare, actual­ KING GEORGE Paraguay has issued a call for with the increasingly acute prob­ York Area of the Methodist Episco­ timated that about 100 Paraguayan ly come to grips, Bolivia would lem of how to cope with booze run­ pal church. soldiers were killed at Boqueron, the mobilization of all its fit men have the advantage of an^jarBU', ning, racketeerlBg police graft Rivarola an^ General Genes. The between the ages of 18 to 29. NEW YORK L EADS more thannwice as strong as‘ afid organized crime. At its conclusion Bishop McCon­ Bolivian casualties were said to be This was announced here In a OFMMLER nell’s hearers were no longer at Paraguay’s, it was estimated New York has its mysterious Ar­ slight. communication issued by the Para^ here today. nold Rothstein’ ease which has cost any loss to understand why he has guayan legation. The communicM Bolivia’s standing army con­ its police commissioner his job; attained to the very great celebrity tion stated -that the Paraguayafl AS A SHOW TOWN JIINTSTER’S PLEDGE sist of 7,500 men. There are Many Believe Ruler Has Suc­ Chicago has kicked out high police which is his. Avoiding almost government had decided upon tb^ Believe It Disgrace to City to 230,000 reservists upon which officials wl)o seemingly could not every traditional pulpit mannerism Washington, Dec, 17.— Dr. Diez mobilization order because Bolivia the nation can also draw. stop a sensational series of gaitg- and especially the slightest trace of De Medina, Bolivian minister to the had taken the aggressive in attack­ Send Mother of 10 to Paraguay’s standing army ha.s cessfully Passed the Cri­ ster killings; Philadelphia has didacticism. Bishop McConnell United States, came before the Pan ing Paraguayan forts in the disput­ Over Half of 28 Million a personnel of only 3,000. Its overthrown a grafting police force; possesses an amazing fluency and American Conference on Concilia­ ed district. reservists total 100,000. mastery of words which enables tion and Arbitration assembled Both countries are in a frenzy Detroit is in the throes of a federal hini to express even the subtlest Amusement Tax Came Prison for Life for Selling sis ^ d is Now on Road to inquiry of an alleged $300,000 bor­ here today, and pledged his gov­ of patriotism.
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