University Medical Associations in Japan History, Local Community Contributions, and Recent Activities of the Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association JMAJ 54(6): 409–412, 2011 Koichi KONO,*1 Hiroshi YONEDA,*2 Hidetaka TANAKA,*3 Kan USUDA*4 Introduction driving force in establishing in the North Osaka region a medical system of the highest possible The Tohoku Pacific Earthquake and Tsunami hit level in Japan. As such, in 1978, the Takatsuki the northeast region of Japan on March 11, 2011. Shimamoto Emergency Clinic was established, We express our deepest regret for the loss of life followed by the Osaka Mishima Emergency and offer our condolences to those affected by Medical Center, which opened in 1985. this tragedy. We are most grateful to all who have At that time, most of the temporary doctors kindly expressed their sympathy for the victims of these medical institutions were OMCDA of this disaster. members and dispatched from OMC. Nowadays, Akinosuke Iwata, Professor of Internal Medi- the primary, secondary, and tertiary emergency cine, along with 59 other Osaka Medical College medical systems in the north Osaka areas, includ- (OMC) medical doctors, founded the Osaka ing the Mishima area, are almost completely Medical College Doctors’ Association (OMCDA) maintained and proudly run by local citizens. in 1948 (Fig. 1). For over 60 years, under the Takatsuki’s EMS, introduced in 2006 and man- direction of each present and past chairperson aged under the leadership of the OMCDA, has and in close cooperation with other local doctors obtained national recognition.1 associations in Osaka Prefecture, the members In 2008, Takatsuki City Medical Association of the OMCDA have greatly contributed to the was entrusted with specific health examinations development of community medicine and wel- and guidance in Takatsuki City. Many OMCDA fare programs. As of May 2011, the OMCDA has members cooperated in this accomplishment and 490 active members. to date, consultation for specific health condi- tions in Takatsuki City is highly rated among History local governments. Since the 1970s, with deep commitment and a Activities pioneering spirit, the OMCDA actively partici- pated along with other colleagues in the Mishima Hokusetsu Medical Society of Four Doctors’ area (which includes Takatsuki, Ibaraki, and Association Settsu Cities) in the establishment of an emer- The current general scientific purpose of the gency medical system (EMS) requested by the OMCDA is to organize collaborations between local inhabitants. the Hokusetsu Medical Society of Four Doctors’ The contributions from the councils for EMSs Association with other neighboring medical in the Takatsuki Shimamoto area are the main associations in the Mishima area and to facili- *1 President, Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association, Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan ([email protected]). *2 Vice-President, Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association, Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan. *3 Editor-in-chief of the Annals of Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association, Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan. *4 Treasurer, Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association, Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan. JMAJ, November/December 2011 — Vol. 54, No. 6 409 Kono K, Yoneda H, Tanaka H, et al. Fig. 1 Panoramic view of Osaka Medical College (OMC) Fig. 2 Recent volumes of the Annals of the OMCDA Fig. 3 Recent volumes of the Proceedings of the Fig. 4 Explanation of the digital sound level Hokusetsu Medical Society of Four Doctors’ meter operation method by K. Kono at Association the 2011 seminar tate communication and exchange of scientific <http://www.4ishikai.jp/>. information between members. The annual gen- eral meeting of the Hokusetsu Medical Society Seminar for JMA-certified Occupational of Four Doctors’ Association is held every year Physicians in June, where 17 subcommittees present their The Hokusetsu Medical Society of Four Doctors’ achievements by organizing high-level scientific Association holds a seminar for JMA-certified meetings and medical seminars open to the occupational physicians every year in February public on the topics of diabetes, lifestyle-related at OMC (Fig. 4). The topic of the 2010 seminar diseases, dementia, psychiatry, image diagnosis, was “Work Environment and Crisis Control, respiratory disease, and endocrine imbalances, Knowledge of the Work Environment Measure- among others. The results of these activities are ment and First Aid.” Past seminars were highly published in the Annals of the OMCDA (Fig. 2)2 successful, in which its more than 150 partici- or in the Proceedings of the Hokusetsu Medical pants get one credit for update training and seven Society of Four Doctors’ Association (Fig. 3),3 credits for practical training. which are widely available on the homepage of the OMCDA <http://www.osaka-med.ac.jp/deps/ 2008 OMA Health Culture Prize Awarded to omcda/> and the homepage of the Hokusetsu the OMCDA Chairperson Medical Society of Four Doctors’ Association Under the leadership of the Osaka Medical Asso- 410 JMAJ, November/December 2011 — Vol. 54, No. 6 HISTORY, LOCAL COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS, AND RECENT ACTIVITIES OF THE OMCDA ciation, the OMCDA collaborates with other sec- in Taiwan, the Catholic University of Korea, tional associations such as colleges, universities, the China Medical University, the Faculty of area blocks, clinical departments, or hospital Medicine of Siriraj Hospital, and Mahidol Uni- doctors’ associations in Osaka in the setup of versity in Thailand among others, promoting the a council that coordinates the management of exchange of students, knowledge, skills, and labo- scientific information, hospital doctors, school ratory research and the hosting of international hygiene, occupational health, emergency medi- symposiums. The NICMC has established a sup- cine, ethics, maternal care, clinical laboratory port system for foreign researchers and students, management, vaccination, graduate clinical train- through which many of them have received finan- ing, gender equality, and communicable diseases. cial aid to partially cover their travel expenses. In recognition of these significant contributions Additionally, the Center strives to provide oppor- made to community medicine development, the tunities for international exchange of students chairperson of the OMCDA was awarded the and researchers by capitalizing on the various Health Culture Prize. kinds of support provided by the Japan Interna- tional Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Noguchi 60th Anniversary Commemorative Project Medical Research Institute, the Sasakawa Memo- Also in 2008, the OMCDA provided the Osaka rial Health Foundation, and the Japan-Russia Medical College Library with a life studies room Medical Exchange Foundation.4 equipped with liquid crystal display televisions and DVD players as a 60th anniversary com- Japan Medical Association Team (JMAT) of memorative project. As a result of this project, OMC seating at the library increased from 231 to 250 The March 11, 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earth- for the benefit of 10% of the total number of quake and Tsunami is the largest ever to occur in undergraduate and graduate students in Osaka Japan. Help from the Japan Medical Association and of 20% of students in national universities. Team (JMAT) of OMC was requested by the Since 2008, the OMCDA provides a grant of government along with other medical organiza- Y100,000= (US$1,299)*5 to the OMCDA member tions in the prefecture. Twelve days following the who serves as chairperson of international meet- earthquake, the emergency response team of ings. The 2010 grant was given for three confer- OMC was dispatched and began to provide emer- ences: the 22nd Spring Meeting of the Japanese gency medical assistance in Iwate Prefecture on Society of Allergology, the 28th Annual Meeting March 24. As of June 2011, the JMAT continues of the Japan Society of Brain Tumor Pathology, to provide emergency medicine, neurologists, and the 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese orthopedists, psychiatrists, and forensic scientists Society for Retinoid Research were selected for in the Iwate region. the 2010 grant. Remarks Concerning the Future Nakayama International Center for Medical Development of the OMCDA Cooperation (NICMC) Since the Nakayama International Center for Recently, in the Annals of the OMCDA, crucial Medical Cooperation (NICMC) was established problems such as rehabilitation, nurse educa- in 1998, OMCDA members actively participate tion, H1N1 influenza, doctors’ career support, in NICMC-sponsored academic exchanges by and gender equality have been addressed. The faculty students, graduate school students, instruc- OMCDA also has been wrestling with particu- tors of colleges, universities, research institutions, larly the difficult current problem of medical and hospitals from other countries. The NICMC crisis or collapse due to the uneven distribution has signed contracts or agreements with various of medical practitioners (especially pediatricians foreign institutions, including the Amur State and obstetricians) and overworking of healthcare Medical Academy in Russia, the John A. Burns personnel. We greatly appreciate your future School of Medicine, the University of Hawaii cooperation and encouragement. at Manoa, the Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital *5 Yen/US dollar exchange rate: 1 US$Լ77 yen. JMAJ, November/December 2011 — Vol. 54, No. 6 411 Kono K, Yoneda H, Tanaka H, et al. References 1. Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association. A memento of sixty 3. Secretariat of the Hokusetsu Medical Society of Four Doctors’ years’ history. 60th anniversary commemorative project of the Association. Proceedings of the Hokusetsu Medical Society of Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association. Kyoto: Chijinsha; Four Doctors’ Association. Vol 16. Kyoto: Chijinsha; 2011. (in 2010. (in Japanese) Japanese) 2. Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association. Annals of the 4. Osaka Medical College. College Manual 2010–2011. Takatsuki: Osaka Medical College Doctors’ Association. Vol 36. Kyoto: Osaka Medical College; 2011. (in Japanese) Chijinsha; 2010. (in Japanese) 412 JMAJ, November/December 2011 — Vol. 54, No. 6.
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