All-College Outing Baseball, Tennis Teams Ends Spring Weekend The Beacon Home Tomorrow Rocky Glen Sunday - Athletic Field - 1 p.m. WILKES COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY VoL XXVI, No. 25 WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA FRrDAY, MAY 11, 1962 Cinderella Defies 'Midnight' Spell Glass Slipper Fits; Tickets Available for Queen Crowned at Ball All-College Outing Will Reign for Weekend Meal and amusement tickets for To every girl who has ever the All College Outing at Rocky read the wondrous tale of Cin- Glen may be obtained today from derella, tonight will have a spe- 12 to 1 p.m. in the cafeteria or on cial meaning. For the Saturday night at the Spring Car- age-old nival. legend, tinged with fairy-tale unreality, will spring into life The outing is being sponsored by at the stroke of twelve as a the School Spirit Committe and Wilkes coed is transformed into handled by members of the Eco- queen of the Cinderella Ball. nomics Club. Giving the legend a new twist, Students and faculty members Cinderella's kingdom will be a Tea- must purchase their meal tickets house of the August Moon created by Saturday night, since meal from gold and orange crepe paper, tickets will not be sold on Sunday. bright lanterns, and opaque, flower- bordered screens. An oriental Day students will be charged $1 rock garden, encircling an ebony for a lunch ticket and $1 for a tree laden with yellow lanterns, strip of twenty amusement tickets; will dominate the central position dormitory students will be charged in this Oriental paradise and com- only for amusement tickets. Two plete the regal setting. free amusement tickets will be All will watch given to each student. with bated breath Pictured above are the eleven candidates for Cinderella, 1962. At the bewitching hour of midnight as a procession of eleven potential Buses, provided by the School tonight, those members of the faculty and student body who attend the Student Government's annual Cinderellas march through the midst of this Spirit Committee, will leave from Cinderella Ball will know the results of a campus-wide ballot taken almost two weeks ago. They regal setting shortly are, before the magic Chase Hall at 12:30 and 4:15 p.m. standing, left to right: Nancy Tinklepaugh, Louise hour. The pag- Gatto, Patricia Riviello, Rachael Altavilla, Ruth eantry, narrated by Joe on Sunday. Ann Boorom. Seated: Judy Butchko, Estelle Manos, Jones, Marsha Hefferan, Glanville. Shambe Arline Joyce and Mimi Milson, will lead up to Jerry Moffatt, chairman of the the "magic moment" when her outing, reminds students to bring royal majesty will be presented to their activity cards to be admitted her anxious subjects. The tri- to the 6 to 9 p.m. dance Sunday umphant sovereign will then ac- evening. Activities Director Takes Leave of Absence cept her royal duty and lead her subjects in the quest of pleasure Mofi'att is being assisted by as they cavort Richard Hohn, tickets; Tom Toma- to the tunes of her To Pursue Graduate Studies majesty's "royal musicians" led by us, activities; Ron Pohala, dance; at Penn State Gene Dempsey. Bill Klein and Bill McIntyre, food. by Mary DiGiuseppe his graduate studies so far, but As delegates of her majesty, Al Summer is a time of change for that the further he got into it, the Kishel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor- college students - when they leave greater his interest became. In a Dr. and Mrs. John Doane, Mike Opportunity Remains their books and take up summer characteristic statement, he went Mr. and Mrs. John Doane, Mike jobs. This summer will also mark on to say that he feels he owes Bianco, and Gail Roberts will form For Students To Name a change for a non-student member future Wilkes students all the a receiving line to greet all visi- of the college, but in a slightly re- knowledge and experience he can tors. Dean Ralston and Mr. Mor- College's Athletic Field versed order. Mr. Robert Morris, command to aid them in overcom- ris, as royal chaperones, will see Administrative Assistant t o t he ing the problems and complexities that justice and order prevail in Students still have the opportu- President and familiar figure at of a college education. the kingdom. nity to submit a name to be used Chase Hall, will vacate his desk It will be a long, hard pull to Royal commissioners in charge in the permanent naming of the and exchange i t f o r another at the end of the road, but he will of the affair, Gail Roberts and newly - completed college athletic Pennsylvania State University. have his family his wife, Patri- James Walters, have on - proclaimed field. This field is located the On June 13 he will depart for that cia, his son, Jeffrey, and his daugh- that tickets for the ball are now of former home o e site the f t h campus, where he will spend a ters, Pamela and Susan, who are on sale in the cafeteria at $2.50 per Wilkes-Barre Barons - Artillery fifteen-month leave of absence going with him to cheer him couple. Assisting them in their Park in Kingston. working toward his doctoral degree along. In fact, he reports that royal duties are Harvey Rosen, The Board of Trustees has de- in education. they are looking forward to the Bonnie Jenkins, Louis Coopey, Ted cided to give the student body this By now the university is a fami- trip with enthusiasm. Begun, Richard Burns, Catherine chance to name a part of the col- liar sight to Mr. Morris, for he has Taking over as Administrative DeAngelis, Joseph Shambe, James lege's expanding physical plant. spent much time there during the Assistant to the President during Jones, Virginia Mason, Fred Smith- There is still some time remaining past three summers compiling cred- the absence of Mr. Morris will be son, Patricia Ropetski, and Jeff in which students can submit the its for his Master's degree. And Mr. Arthur Hoover, a memier of Gallet. would like see the "creditable" credits they have been, the Commerce and Finance Depart- Spring Carnival name they to co-student field bear. too - most of his marks have been Mr. Robert Morris ment and sometimes Mary Lee Vannoy, her majesty's H's or honorables, equivalent to 4's with him during his summer ses- press agent, has announced that Ever since the Barons left the under our marking system. Mr. ta, a fraternity whose members sions at Penn State. the coronation will have radio and area, the field had been neglected. Morris modestly disclaims most of are graduate students in education. television coverage - proving that The college obtained the rights to the credit, attributing his success As such, he will be responsible for not even this Far Eastern kingdom use the field under the terms of a to the excellent general training directing the social and academic Jaycees Elect Officers can remain untouched by modern long-term lease which include care- in gathering research material he activities of the group, an office At Tuesday's ICG meeting, elec- technology. taker services and a general im- received at Wilkes. for which his position at Wilkes tion of the club's officers was held. Continuing in this festive vein, provement in the physical appear- High marks were not the only has amply prepared him. Chosen by acclamation to lead the royal merriment will prevail at ance field. of the distinction he achieved during his Specifically Mr. Morris will be group was Fred Smithson, a sopho- the Spring Carnival tomorrow eve- more political science major. Jeff ning in Parrish Hall Parking Lot. The area will be used as a com- summer study. The last summer working for his Doctor of Educa- he was on the State campus he tion with a major in College Per- Gallet was chosen to act as the Two huge clowns at the entrance bination baseball diamond, grid- club's representative the region- to the lot will welcome entertain- field was elected vice-president and pro- sonnel Work. He will spend the fif- at iron, soccer, and hockey and ment-seekers to a world of con- to gram chairman of Iota Alpha Del- teen months he is away taking al level as Student Chairman. in addition will be available the Sheila Kernis is the new vice-presi- cessions, variety acts, refresh- community during the summer courses mainly in higher education and psychology. The actual writing dent and Carol Rhines, the new ments, and open-air dancing. The through the Recreation Associa- treasurer. Pat Rossi was elected variety of concession booths rang- tion. ICG Elects Officers; of his doctoral dissertation will come later. by acclamation to serve again as ing from a rat race to a wheel of After a suitable number of sug- Two Win by Acclamation secretary. chance and presided over by cam- gestions has been made, the Board At a recent meeting of the Commenting on this disserta- Also chosen by the club mem- pus organizations, will be available will meet and decide on the name Jaycees, Paul Heagy, B.S. in Com- tion, Mr. Morris brought up an in- bers was the senior member who for the amusement of students of to be given to the field. To aid in merce and Finance major, was teresting point in regard to his had done the most for the organ- all interests. this selection, the Board has re- elected president of the organiza- campus job as a reviewer of Na- ization.
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