v • < . A« ■ I* 5 READ THE u ■ Ir3 NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST IN YOUR Negro farmers from Fayette and Heywood counties told ¿ A MB Mw » CA‘1 >TANPAR,B - U OU FV the dramatic story of harrassment and economical pressure being WORLD applied by white citizens of the two counties "because we are attempting to becoming registered voters," said the farmers dur­ ing a mas$ meeting in Memphis at Clayborn Temple AME Church, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 64 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1960 PRICE SIX CENTS last Friday night. More than 200 “oppressed farm­ ers” from the two counties attend­ ed the spirited mass meeting. NAACP Needs Workers 1 Most of the farmers appeared calm as they told the audience of the harrassment, false fines, denial For Membership Drive of bank credit and credit from mer­ chants, dismissal from Jobs, denial More volunteer workers for the ing a meeting of his division. He of gas supplies and evictions from current 1960 NAACP membershipheads................................ the Walker Homes-Levl" divis­ farms. Despite of the lack of emo­ ion. The area meeting was held in drive of the Memphis chapter Is 1: tion In relating the human suffering urgently needed, revealed Mrs. Ma­ the Southside Baptist Church on the farmers displayed a dedication xine A. Smith, membership cam­ Ford Rd. last week. to obtaining the right to register paign chairman, earlier this week. Persons wishing to volunteer as and vote. Their dedication was close­ Mrs. Smith said that she was de­ a NAACP campaign worker should By UNITED PRESS ly akin to a religion. lighted over the work that has been call the NAACP office at JA. ALABAMA STATE done In obtaining membership so 5-60511. STUDENTS PROTEST COME SOUTH far but "we do not have enough Students at Alabama State Col­ A Rev. Wells said: “This has been volunteer workers to cover the city lege started their protest Monday a long fight. It is similar to the sit­ as we had planned. We have de­ over the expulsion of their fellow uation that.the Children of Israel cided that 590 workers will be need­ r < students for demonstrations over ra­ suffered. We are not afraid, we will ed to obtain our goal of 5,000 mem­ cist laws and customs in Montgo­ stand together firmly.” Added “the bers before the drive ends.” She J- mery. Their moves followed the'po- fillerbuster being conducted in the added: “We want to obtain 1,000 by 11 lice block of scheduled prayers On U. S. Senate by Southern senators every Saturday (report day) until the steps of the Alabama State Cap­ in an attempt to deny us the right the drive closes." itol Sunday. Tho prayers were, said to vote is the most damnable thing The campaign chairman went on 'l at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, I’ve ever heard. We ijaye fought to explain: “We have urged every wars together. Why cant we vote division captain to hold "Worker's I not far from the Capitol, together.” Meetings" in his immediate ward. An attack by youths armed with Rev. Wells continued: "Our presi­ Workers are more than likely to A driver of a farm-labor bus clubs on a Columbia, S. C., drive- in restaurant brought four new. ar­ dent, Elsenhower, Is in Squth Ame­ readily agree to attend a meeting (transporting cotton-pickers to and rica talking about freedom (or all in his Immediate neighborhood than from work) claims this week that rests Saturday to add to more than a local court awarded him only 400 charged in a month-long dem­ people. He needs to come south on to come downtown." $400 in a damage suit when his onstration in protest of segrega­ a tour and talk about freedom." The first Worker’s Meeting was hospital and medical bills were $• ted eating facilities in the South. A teacher, called ’’Prof. Yancey," held at Mt. Olive CME Cathedral more than $900 as a "direct result The fresh incident at Columbia told how he Is "advising my people last Tuesday night, Mrs. Smith of injuries sustained when a driver marred a day of relative' quiet in to register and vote." . ■ ■ • ' - 1 ■ , • . ' ' . ■ . ■ said, "they were very enthusiastic. of a local bakery truck plowed into the turbulent new assault on the John MoFerrin, who appeared In About 150 persons attended." NEGROES REGISTER TO VOTE-Negroes stand in line to register the rear of my bus." region’s segregation pattern. The The next report meeting Is sche­ I Washington, D. C., before a Civic to vote In Somerville, Tenn. Negro leaders had called tor a The man, identified as Bishop lunch counter demonstrations are duled for 1 p.m. Saturday (March Rights Commission hearing several "march” of 1,000 members of their race to register, but far Laird, 2515 Staten Ave., said he attacks on customs rather than weeks ago, told the audience how fewer showed up. About 75 whites (one of whom is shown 12) at the NAACP headquarters, and five passengers were Injuried laws. j.; 236 S. Wellington St. the lines were segregated when they leaving the building) and 75 Negroes were registered. Ne­ on Dec. 9, 1958 at the intersection appeared at the county courthouse Rev. J. T. Freeman, a division Students from Allen and Bene­ groes claim that the county primaries are for “whites only.” of Castex and Ingle Sts., when a dict Colleges were involved In lunch in Somerville last week to register. captain, was the first to report hold- driver of a Hart’s Bakers truck counter protest demonstrations du­ He termed his brief speech "We rammed into the rear of his 1947 ring the week. An Allen source skid Want.To Be Free.” Dodge bus about 6 o’clock In the V white teen-agers had thrown-bricks TO-BE FREE morning while he was transport­ on the campus and had set fire to McFerrln said that "some white Fund To Defend ing the workers to pick cotton. a Ku Klux Klan-type cross In people took a newspaper with my Laird said he was transporting 36 » •< front of one of the university passengers. photo In it and placed it In the U. ?■ buildings. The march op the drive- The highest amount awarded by 8. Post office so that all white JQ ipvag sasmr) in was apparently in retaliation.;'. citizens could see it and recognize tho court for Injuries went to Mrs, Sympathy demonstrations him IT'S NOT JUNE-IN-JANUARY . but it was Tennessee State me. They also put -my. name and Mattie Wright, whose injuries popped up in several regions out­ Grief of a mother, who attended Funerei arrangement were in­ NEW YORK - Profoundly caused her baby to be born dead the nairle of other persons who re­ shocked that the State of Alaba­ University president, Dr. W. S. Davis', turn for the first dance side the deep South -Xentor/OL the funeral of her son, last Thurs­ complete at thè T. H. Hayes and prematurely. She was awarded $2,- gistered on a list which was passed ma has Indicted Rev. Martin Lu­ with charming Miss Charm, Chicago's Joan Casey, at the Miss Houston, Tex., and New York City day, caused her death Saturday Sons Funerei Home. 100. And her husband was award­ around town to al lmerchants and ther King for perjury, Negro lead­ Saturday..Saturday. night. ed $600 to cover medical bills. Charm-Mr. Esquire Ball on the campus last Friday. Count Basie so that .we will be denied ers from six cities came together In banks Mrs. Jennie P. Moore, of 579 Pon- The other four persons who sus­ supplied the mu$ic-maklng for the annual University Ball. Some 460 persons, both white and '■■■■^dit au^^^s,:2^•su'■^M•d^- New .York last week and established Negro, picketed jjthifttfbit'rS®’ totob* AVe:,'Stented the funeral of tained injuries .wero-awarded ,|iqo •rAy-fa",--- ---■’.¿m.——-------- *a Committee’ to Defend MartinMarl Lu- 'M“ worth’s atpse' In • crowded midtown ’ • Nffi^ctad¿a“Wfe^V^BIbgíh.■ 'her son, Isaiah J. Graham, princi- -■[less. They were: ;>’ Sof a Shelby County School jn ther King. The Commit« Faking.. Miss Viola Hicks, Manhattan,tprutp,hour anda half s, last Thursday afternoon. Tier nounced that It has set the .. port S the’fmchcouptet sitdowna ; Two students from the Mississippi Ira Lee Brown lin'd Mrs. Addle B. aro^nd town to all merchans and two daughters, Mrs. Carrie Bell raising $200,000 budget to defend Blvd. Seventh-Day Adventist Church "Pete" Williams. , “AllWe Want Is To Be Free.” Sof Chicago, Ill.; and Mrs. Rev. King In the state and federal Laird said he was hospitalized as in the South, There.,were, no dis­ School won the Bible Quiz cham­ courts, and to aid the Southern turbances arid nb arrests, police . Rev.. jmw Dowdy said: ’I fe"l oia C. Pope of New York City pionship for the state of Tennessee a result of the injuries sustained that it is my right, tow Able to Christian Leadership Conference in said. had left Memphis enroute to their held at a Youth federation In to his back, side, left knee, at E. H. veto. We want to,. work ;0t$ some­ their mother difed. its drive to register a million new Crump hospital from Dec. 11, 1958 CHURCH SUPPORT home«, when Nashville on Feb. 27. thing so we cm have good relations Negro voters in the South this year. to Jan. 1,1959. He said the accident AMERICA HAS MANY FACES files In An Age of Challenge". The demonstrators in the South Winning out in a contest against wlththt white people in the county.
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