' DIRECTORY. J SUFFOLK. WOODBRIDGE. 443 • Heatley Tho!!. Geo. M R.C.V S Tet surgn.Thoronghfare 'Paul R. & W. Llmited, maltster!! Hesketh Gl'o F (Mrs ), aparts Lmden ho Cumberland st Peachey Charles Wilham, hair dresser, Thoroughfare Holder Ernest, baker & confectwner, Cumberland st Pearce FrederiCk W. bmlder, Quayside Hollis ElphmstQne MD ,CM surgeon to the East Suffolk Pearce Waiter, commercial trav Debengate, Ipswwh rd hospital & to the Seckford dispensary & public vacci- Penraven Allan Fredk. L D S R C S Eng. Thoroughfare nator for Woodbridge district & medical officer of Powlmg Charles, beer retailer, North hill health to Woodbndge Rural District Council, Church st Pratt C & Son, butchers, Market hill Horticultural Society (John Wllham Andrews F RH S. Pubhc Lecture Hall (J. W. Andrews & R. H. Rowland. Gordon house, Cumberland street & F. W Gobbitt, hon. ~ecs ), St. John's street Thoroughfare, jomt hon secs) . , 'Pubhc Telephone Call Office, New street Houghton Carne (Miss), clerk & sextoness, St. John's Pulham Harry C hardware dealer. Thoroughfare church, II Cal!ltle' terrace Ramsey Charles, greengrocer, ~ew street , Howe John Amos, refreshment rooms, Church street Read Henry, hawker, St. John'l!l terrace Howell John, Kmg's Head PH' Market hill Redpath Wilham M B wnd, MRCS Eng, L RC p_ Hubbard Harry, wme &; Spitit merchant, The Cross, Lond physiCian & surgeon, &; medical officer of health Church street for Woodbridge Urban Distnct CQuncil, & medical Hubbard W1lham, confectwner, New street officer to Nol!l 3 & 7 districts, Woodbridge umon. Humberstone John, Station hotel, Quay street · Cumberland house Hunt Brothers, famrly hoot & shoe makers (established Reeder Fanny (Mrs ), shopkeeper, Brook street 1836~, Thoroughfare Reeve Wllham, tailor, Market hill Hutchison James H. hair dresser, Market hill RIChardson Emma (Mrs.), fishmonger, Market hill Hyland Lilian A (Miss), nurse, Beaumont ho Chapel et Rwhardson Francis Ph1hp, tobaccomet, Thoroughfare Internatwnal Tea Go 's Stores Limited, Thoroughfa-re Richardson PhiLp James, cabmet maker, New street Ipswwh Maltmg Co Limited, maltsters, Melton hill Robertson A V & Co. y!Lcht & boat bmldere, Ship ,-ard Ives Brothers, cycle agents, Thoroughfare Rose George, beer retailer, Brewers lane Johnson Martm W. chemist, Church street Rose James, shoe maker, New street Jolly FranCis Henry, greengrocer, Thoroughfare , Rose Waiter A. teacher of music, Melton hill Kell Fred, confectwner, Quay street , Rowland Rowland Hill, furmsh1ng Ironmonger, cabmet Kell Gilbert G deputy supenntendent registrar, & clerk maker, upholsterer, house furmsher, chm• & glass to W oodbndge Sub-Committee of East Suffolk Local warehom:e & oil merchant, gunsmith & ammumtiOD PensiOn Committee, New street . dealer; furniture warehoused & remond by ro!Ld or Kell Horace Edward, msurance agent, clerk to the rail, Thoroughfare T N 1Y guardians & assessment committee of Woodbridge Sair Ahce (Mre ), pork btchr. & poulterer, Thoroughfare umon, eupt registrar of Woodbndge distr1ct & clerk Savage Wilham, draper, Thoroughfare to Woodbridge Rural Distnct CounCil & sec. to the SaTllle &; Wailer, Ironmongers, Church streert Seckford Dispenl!lary; offices, New street Scarfe & CQ boot makers, Thorougfare Kersey Edward N town crier, Market hill Scarf.fe Robert & Son, market gardeners, Drybridge hill Kimber Henry, fned fish dealer, Market hill & fruiterers, Thoroughfare Last Wllham, shoe maker, Thoroughfare Scoldmg Fanny & Charlotte (~hsses), dre!'!s m2kers, 2 St. Legg Arthur, ~yal Oak mn, 'Thoroughfare John's hill Lme Lihas (Miss), shopkeeper; Quay street Scott Ahce (Miss), costumier, see Friend &; Scott Lmgley John, supt of pohce, Theatre street Seckford Dispensary (Elphmstone Hollis M.D., C.M. Lister T. L &; Son, corn, cake, l!eed &; coal merchants, surgeon; Wllham Redpath M B Lond. coneultmg eur- ' Sun wharf . ' geon; Horace E Kell, hon sec ), Seckford street Lockwood & Co Ye Olde Mariners' Arms P.H. New at Seckford Free Library (Mm1 Harriet Churchyard~ Lockwood & Co. brewers, Castle brewerr hbrarian), Seckford etreet Loder Morton, statwner &; prmter, Thoroughfarr~ Seckford Hospital (Francis John Woodhouse Wood, clerk London Central Meat Co. Limited (The), butchere, k solie1tor), Seckford street Thoroughfare · Seckford Readmg Room & Socml Club (Col R, J. Marks Thomas W timber merchant, Theatre street Carthew J ~- pre11dent; George Gall, hon. sec. & Marshall Jame!'! Henry, meurance agent, Brook street treasurer), Seckford street Melton Corn a Coal eo. (The), corn, coal & cake Sheldnck Charles, gas fitter, St John'!'! te-rrace ·merchants, Water MJ.ll quay · T N 23 Shelley Wllham, beer retailer, &; dmmg roome,Qhurch at Middleton H. I. (Mrs ), dress m!Lker, Thoroughfare Shimmen Andrew, greengrocer, New street Miles Harriett (Mrs ), Bull commercial &; famdr hotel, Shipwrecked Fishermen & Msriners' Royal Benevolent Market hill Society (Mrs. Morton Loder, hon. ag-ent).Thoroughfare Milee William, dealer m• horl!les &; jobmaster &c. ; Shire Hall (Harry Cuttmg, keeper), Market hill ralways has a large select10n of high-clase matched paira Skmgley Arthur, msurance agent, Seckford etreet ,of carriage horses &.Norfolk cobs; also hacks &; hunli- Smith Fred & Co. eeed growers, Church street &. ers & horses & all Junds of carriages on hue at the Cnmberland etreet T N 84 • shortest notice. Telegraphic address, "Miles, Wood· Smith W. H. &; Son, news agents, Railway statwn bndge," T N a · Smith Ehzh (Miss), costumier, Regent ho Thoroughfare 0 9 Mmter George A. wheelwright & ehopkeeper, Theatre at Smith Fred, farmer, Kmgston h!Lll &; Barrack farm Morse Bras nurserymen & frmt growers, Deben nursery Smith Harry (Mrs ), watch ma. & jeweller,Thoroughfare Mortimer Thomas Limited, maltsters, Quay street Smith Robert, butcher, New atreet Moss Alfred J. baker, St John's street Smith Thomas Wilham, butcher, Thoroughfare Moyle Sophie (Miss), confectiOner, Thoroughfare Smith Walter Ingram, bmlder & contractor; Quay etreei Naunton Charles, watch & clock maker, Church street Smith Wilford G. cake, corn & coal merchant & mllt- Neale George, farm bailiff to Major Moore, Grove farm ster, Ferry quay. T N 2 8 Newell Ohver, beer retailer, Seckford street Stamp Office (Alfred Alien, distributor), Cumberland et Nwhols Jn Allan, photogphr & tobaccnst Thoroughfare Steel R & Son, market gardeners, Castle street Norman Wilham, athletic outfitter, Church street Stephenson Elizabeth S (Mrs ), apartments, Beaumont Notcutt R C nurseryman, seedsman, ftorist & landscape house, Chapel street gardener, The Nursery (T N 8); seed establishment, Stephenson Ernest Wm pnnter &; news agt Thoroughfare Thoroughfare • Stephenson Wm. statuary & marble mason, 'l'horoughfar" :Xunn Ernest R coal merchant, Quay street Tanner Soph1a (Ml'l!l ), shopkeeper & corn mer. Market hl Nunn Frederick, bmlder, Market hill TerritOridl Force Battalion (4th) Suffolk Regiment. Nunn Horace, plumber, Maiket hill (detachment of G Company, 2nd Lieut H. C. Henley; Oddfellows' Lodge (Loyal Deben), Manchester Umty, No Color-Sergt W Fmch, mstructor) ,129 (W J Naunton, sec ), Church street Terry James, saddler, Seckford street Orange4 (The) Wme Co. Limited, fruit wme manufac- 'fheobald Charles, beer retailer, Castle stree~ turers, Thoroughfare Theobald John, ~yal Wilham mn, Theatre street Osborne Thomas, Jobbmg gardener, Castle street Threadkell Arthur, tobaccomst, Thoroughfare Oxborrow Arthur Wm. chimney sweeper, 34 Seckford et Thurlow Owen, butcher, Thoroughfare Oxborrow Thomal!l, fishmonger, Market hill Thurman Edw.trd Bardwell, undertaker, St John's st Page Lucy (Mrs ), Prmce of Wales pH. Market hill ' Tncker John Steward, miller & coal mer. Theatre atree~ Palml'r Arthur, shopkeeper, CumbeTland street Turner Evelyn, plumber, Church street Palmer Henry, baker &; confectioner, New etreet Turner Wilham, shopkeeper, 79 Castle street Palmer Waiter, bakl"r, Seckford stre'et Tyler &bert, grocer, Thoroughfare Panrucker Sophia (Miss), dress maker, Castle hlll Tyler Roger H boot maker, IO St John's hill Parkes John, cycle engineer, Thoroughfare Tyson John, grocer, Thoroughfare .
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