Published for All Former Students of Rice University "111111111111w VOLUME IXX — NUMBER 6 HOUSTON, TEXAS SEPTEMBER, 1963 Orientation Program Provided This Year For 33 Foreign Students Entering Rice "Grass roots diplomacy" is the programs with Rice faculty mem- Japan, Peru, Austria, the Philip- way Mrs. Harvin C. Moore ('38), bers. pines, Pakistan, Canada, England, chairman of the International Hos- On the lighter side, they were Mexico, and the Netherlands. pitality Committee of Houston, de- guests at a Chalupa Party given The on-campus orientation was scribes the host family program at by the World Affairs Discussion directed primarily by Dr. Higgen- Rice. Group of the Committee and at a botham who is dean of students. The purpose of this program is Texas barbecue, where they saw He and President Pitzer will be to provide a continuing relation- an exhibition drill by the Harris hosts for a reception at Cohen ship between a Houston family County Mounted Posse. House on October 1 for the some and a foreign student. At least Of the 33 new students, 18 are 85 foreign students who are doing once a month the family invites from the Republic of China and graduate work at Rice. the student to a dinner at home, the remainder are from Greece, (Continued on Page 11) a cultural event or a social outing. This program has been in prac- tice for the past 10 years, and this History Series Made Possible year added an orientation week from September 5 through 14 for J. Roy Sulik J°ins the 33 new foreign students who By S1,800 Lectureship Grant will begin their graduate studies Rice University has received a The grant will be used for a Rice Alumni Staff at Rice this fall. Sperry and Hutchison Lectureship series of three lectures entitled The alumni office has a new The orientation, planned by the Grant in History. "History, Diplomacy and Politics: addition to its staff in the person International Hospitality Commit- President K. S. Pitzer and The Role of History in American of J. Roy Sulik, '62, who has ac- tee which has a membership of Chancellor Carey C. Croneis of Foreign Policy in the Twentieth cepted the position of Assistant some 800 Houston families and Rice University were presented Century." The lectures will be con- Executive Secretary effective May, the Host Family Committee for with the $1,800 grant by C. C. cerned with three periods: The 1963. Rice under the direction of Mr. Cyprus, Zone Manager of the First World War, the Second Mr. Sulik will be directly re- and Mrs. Malcolm McCants, was Sperry and Hutchison Company, World War, and Contemporary sponsible to the Executive Secre- designed to give the new students distributors of S & H Green World Crises of the 1960's. Dates tary, John Evans, and will work a better understanding of the cul- Stamps. of the lectures to be given during mainly with the Fund Drive and ture around them and of the uni- the 1963-64 school year will be alumni services, especially through versity itself. announced later. the alumni club organization. The students who participated 3 Students Win Rice is one of thirty-three col- He is a native Houstonian, grad- in the orientation lived in Houston leges and universities to receive uating from St. Thomas High homes during the period. Many of Humble Grants grants from the company during School. While a student at Rice, the families that hosted the stu- Three students have been grant- the academic year 1963-64. The he was a member of the Baker dents for this new program were ed the Humble Oil and Refining awards committee, headed by College Cabinet and served on the also their host family for the year. Company Fellowships for 1963- Dean William E. Buckler of New social committee. Alumni who shared their homes 64. They are Thomas Nelson Dix- York University's Washington After graduating with a bache- with the incoming graduate stu- on Phillip Henry Heckel, and Square College of Arts and Sci- lor of arts degree in biology, he dents included Frank Austin, Mr. Roderick K. Watts. ences, considered 444 proposals served briefly with the Marine and Mrs. William P. Hobby Jr., The recipients of the graduate for leadership grants before se- Corps before being discharged lecting the grantees for the year. Mr. and Mrs. James N. Erwin, study grants were screened from • last spring. and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ward. a long list of applicants. The new position of assistant Each morning the foreign executive secretary-is -ef particular stu- Watts, son of Mrs. R. K. Watts Masterson Resigns dents met in the Fondren interest to Mr. Sulik because he Library of 6134 Lake Street in Houston, Lecture Lounge to discuss Humanities Position has always felt "a great pride in topics was named the Humble Fellow in ranging from how to use Rice and an obligation to it." He the li- Physics. He received his BA in Dr. W. H. Masterson, professor brary to the is living at 979 Chamboard. differences between physics at Rice in 1961 and his of history, dean of humanities, and American universities and those in MA from Rice this past June. master of Hanszen College, has other countries. Dixon was named the Humble asked to be relieved of his aca- They visited the Police demic duties in connection with omecoming Admin- Fellow in Chemical Engineering. Jl istration Building for an explana- After receiving his BS in Chemical his deanship effective with the be- Reunions for Classes ending tion of laws that may affect stu- Engineering in '62 from the Uni- ginning of the spring semester. in "3" and "7" will be held dents, heard about routes and versity of Cincinnati, he came to President Kenneth S. Pitzer this Homecoming which is set schedules of Houston's buses, tour- Rice as a graduate assistant fellow said the request by Dr. Masterson, for November 8 and 9. The ed a downtown bank and a sub- to begin work on his masters. who has been Dean of Humanities plans will be detailed in the urban shopping center, and saw Heckel won the Fellowship in since 1959, was made in order next Sallyport, but plan now a movie explaining the game of geology. He received his BA in that he might devote more time to be on hand for the Rice- football after watching a team 1960 from Amherst and since then to study and research in the his- Arkansas game and celebrate practice session. has been working on a series of torical field. with members of your class. The students also had special National Science Fellowships in Dr. Masterson will take a sab- conferences about their academic geology at Rice. batical leave this spring semester. Dr. Dowden to Head SETS COACHING RECORD English Department Neely Receives "Mr. Sportsman" Award Dr. Wilfred S. Dowden, a mem- "Mr. Sportsman of 1963" is the Since 'Neely has been coaching ence players. .. a veteran in ma- ber of the Rice faculty since 1948, newest title bestowed upon Jess the Owls, they have won or shared jor bowl competition and a host has been named chairman of the Neely, Rice's football coach for the four Southwest Conference cham- of other major post-season events, English Department effective with past 23 years, by the Interfaith pionships and have taken part in such as the East-West Shrine this academic year. Charity Patrons of Houston. six major bowl games. game and North-South Shrine Dr. Dowden holds bachelor and game . popular lecturer at The award was presented to This year as he enters his 24th master of arts degrees from Van- countless coaching clinics .. past him at the fourth annual banquet consecutive season with Rice, he derbilt University and received his and now Trustee of the August 17 which was co-sponsor- sets a record for longevity among president PhD form the University of North American Football Coaches Asso- ed by the Knights of Columbus Southwest Conference head coach- Carolina in 1949. ciation and former member of councils and the B'nai B'rith es. Only one man in the country In 1952-53 Dr. Dowden was NCAA Football Rules Committee lodges of the greater Houston area. has longer tenure in that position, awarded a Fulbright Lectureship Dr. Eddie Anderson of Holy Cross .. and so on. at the University of Vienna, and Previous recipients of the award who has a total of 37 years as head "Neely was a star end and half- to England in 1958 on a grant include Morris Frank,Bud Adams, coach. back for Vanderbilt under Coach from the American Philosophical and Jimmy Demaret. Neely is an outstanding admin- Dan McGugin in the 1920's. Society. Presenting the award was a istrator as well as a coach. In the "He graduated with an LLB He has had numerous books, long-time personal friend and grid- early 1950's, the 70,000 seat foot- and in addition to his head coach- articles, and learned papers pub- iron foe Leo R.(Dutch) Meyer of ball stadium and field house were ing assignments at Southwestern lished as a result of his special re- TCU who recently retired as built at a cost of more than $4 of Memphis from 1924 to 1927 search in 19th Century English Horned Frog head coach. Princi- million, and in less than ten years, and Clemson College from 1931 literature and English-German lit- pal speaker for the evening was the athletic department completely through 1939, he was also an aide erary relations. another good friend, Frank paid off the indebtedness and now to Wallace Wade at Alabama for He is a member of the Modern Howard, who succeeded Neely as turns funds back into the school's three years (including a trip to Language Association, South-Cen- head coach and athletic director at general fund each year.
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