E-mail ID:- [email protected] Tel ,:-06794 222105 OFFICE 0F THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER RAIRANGPUR (R&B) DIVISION,RAIRANGPUR File No WG-20 No 9209 Dtd.17.11.2018 GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA NOTICE INvlnNG QuoTATloN CALL NOTICE quDGETARY QUOTATION CALL NOTICE No EE 11 0F 2018-19 PT 17,11.20u In pursuance of decision to revise the Schedule of Rates - 2014, Sealed budgetary Quotation are invited from the Transporter/Labour Supplier and other Stakeholders in their letter head as applicable dealing with for respective items having registration/Labour license with valid GsllN of conveyance of materials (available in the office of the Executive Engineer , RE!irangpur (R&B) Division as well as in the website of Works Department) for inclusion jn the revised Scheduled of Rates in Government of Odisha to be used in different Civil construction / infrastructure works and repair works.The interested party i.e. the bidder shall qvote his price in the format available in the official website Government in Works Department. The different item of conveyance for materials and the unit for which rate to be quoted will be available in the Official website of Works Department, Government of Odisha w.e.f. 28.11.2018. The sealed quotations with all supporting documents complete in all respects will be received from 10.00 AM of dt.28.11.2018 to 5.00 PM of dt.20.12.2018 in the quotation box available in the office of the Executive Engineer Rairangpur(Ran) Division, Rairangpur and will be opened on Dt.21.12.2018 at 12.30 P.M. in presence of the quotationers or their authorized representatives who desire to be present, This quotation is invited to ascertain and assess the Rate different item of conveyance for Materials at par with lowest market rate for revision of Schedule of Rates 2014. `The quotation shall be considered only if applied in Letter Head of Transporter/Labour Supplier and other Stakeholders mentioning registration/Labour license with valid GSTIN failing which quotation shall be rejected. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject / cancel any or all quotations without assign.ing any reason thereof. Executiv Rairangpur (R&B) Division, wgmNIog.aJ.p./.neTtt.J].-.I!.`.1S.. Copy to the Deputy Director (Advertisement) & deputy Secretary to Government, I. & P.R. Deparment, Odisha, Bhubaneswar with a request to get the Notice Inviting Quotation Call Notice published in two nos. of leading Odia Daily Newspapers before Dt 28.11.2018 for wide circulation. rf,ivpr, Encl : 1) CD of this letter : 1 no. Rairangpur (R8B) Division Pg_1/3 C:\usersfro;\rmklopnglJor:moNSITRANSpomi roN Qiialation.dca NlemNo.3..a!.I.....TIt.....I.I.:.II-Ie> Copy submitted to Engineer-in-Chief cum Secretary to Government, Works department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for favour of kind information. It is - requested -_ -. -` that I the -_ ___ quotation L ____JL can notice of Works Department. alongwith list of materials may please be displayed in the website Executiv Rairangpur (Rae) Division MerroNoq3.In#f.31..tit...II:.I.I:.I.S... Bhubaneswar / Copy__I, submitted to the Engineer:in-Chief (Civil),_ Odisha, -.,. _, Nirmansoudh, ,I+--L'e- Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources, Bhubaneswar, Engineer-in{hief Bhubaneswar for favour of infomation and wide circulation. Executiv Rairangpur (Ran) Division Memo No..q.3../..9..(/ S) Dt,../.7.I.?`.:./.?. Copy submitted to the Chief Engineer, (DPI & Roads), Odisha / Chief Engineer, R.D.Q. & P (Rae), Odisha/ Chief Engineer, Rural Works-I / 11 / Ill, Odisha / Chief Engineer, N.Hs, Ouisha / Chief Engineer, P.H. (Urban), Odisha, Bhubaneswar,_ _ _ / M.D, .`._. 0.8. _ & _._____ C.C. Ltd.T_.:__.:A-/rL`:af Bhubaneswar/Chief [nnincor Engineer, Irrigation/Chief Engineer Engineer-`-a--`-_- \_(Buildings)/C-hief Engineer (World Bank Project)/Chief Corporation for favo (Public Heath)/M5, -6CC Ltd.,/CGM, IDCO/Chief Engineer, Police Housing kind information and wide circulation. Executive Rairangpur (R&B) Division MeTro No..2..EN.y...{9) Dt...I.I:.!.I:.I„?. Copy submitted to Superintending Engineer, Eastern Circle (Rae) Balasore , Superintending _ ...-. __L!__ ,r:._I_ I .,.. :-.A. / cnrvarin+anrlinn I:nninf>er.Balasore PH Circle for Engineer, Mayurbhanj Irrigation Circle, Baripada / Superintending Engii infomation and wide publicity. •; Execu Rairangpur (Rae) Division MemNo. q.a.I.f...(I) Dt..IJ.I.I..I.=.I.8„u copy forwarded to Executive Engineers, Mayurbhanj.(Rae)-. _____--_Divisi.on/Executive , I,_.:--J~ Trr:nat.inn Engineer / Baripada Irrigation Rairangpur|\\,| ,--. =r_` ,--- / `.Karanjia -`__,__ . /Baripada ` RW Division/ Executive Engineer, RairangpurI _IJ_ _--I Division/ Executive Engineer, Baripada PH Division for information and wide publ Executive E Rairangpur (R&B) Division MemoNo..f2a./.€......Dt..;`.7.`:.(!.:..I..?. CopytoNotide`BoardofthisofFicefordiiplay. Executive Rairangpur (Ran) Division Pg_2/3 C:\unrtry§Vmaprouo'unous(IR^NSpoRTAIlav Q!!olaNon.dacx ..,.. E-mail ID:- [email protected] Tel :-06794 222105 rmELunREREfifiEHEnHErmEEEEHNIFEiEiEHRIiHiEREi!|FEHi|EEiiEE±HEREEEHEEEtitiRErmmELHill FORMATFORPROVIDINGRATEFORCONVEYANCEOFMATERIALS(CHAPTER-Ill)1"NO.1.ConveyanceofMaterialsbyTenTonneTruckeincludingloading&unloading.D}S:a::.:e:ObeROughstone,Bricks23cm=250onos metal, khoa,chips,sand,surfu,quarry Bulkymaterialslike 498:;nrx::C:osfi5*tg2=%£°a%_hn3;ocksmm-300 mos400mmxl50mmx200mm=400nos400mmxl00mmx200mm=600mos300mmx200mmxl50mm=550mos300mmxl50mmxl50mm=730mos300mmxl00mmxl50mm=1100mosAllKindsoftiles=180Sqm(pertruck) Afce;h::ne:t:. §]r:;Jsheen;t rubbish, & Paint etc{per Machineries, moorum]ateritestone,washedgravel,flyash&earth{Per1cum) 1000 kg} Wood(per1.25Gum) generators,concretepl'Pe&furnitureetc[perTruck) Railwaystation Otherlaces5 1 2 Up to 5 KMEveryextra KMbeyond5KManduto50KmEveryextraKMbeond50KM 3 4 6 ITEMN°.2=L0adingintoTrucksandun]oadjngfromtr k . A''Priceexclndjn GST S].No Detai1Roughstonemetalkho Is of materials Rate a,c lps,sand,surkl,quarryrubbi§h,,¥:n°,r¥r¥is],a::gteenst:°B:te±¥::¥csr£::::%as¥:eett,CEoke,coa|twlimeetcBr].cks23cm-2500 1Cum 23 1 qtl. mosBricks25cm=2000mos 1 truckload Cement con400mmx20400mmxl5400mmxl0300mmx20300mmxl50300mmxl0oAIIkindsaft8]crete &flyash blocksOmmx200mm=300 mosOmmx200mm=400nosOmmx200mm=600mosOmmxl50mm=550mosmmxl50mm=730mosmmxl50mm=1100nosj]es=180Sin 4 u ky materla] such as3,#:am;#a:£i::ur::::ur:f as compressors=concrete mixer, ,hotmjxlantetc. 1 truckoad 1 truckload ('..War'Vztwmth`rfu'IfdyJ?an.edowanan (.a#vowag ranquue*`dma All Price excludin GST ITEM~..„v.a NO iaITlage3 Carri byBulJockcartinc]udjngLoadingand u I - noUnitadlng Rate(jnRs.) SI.No1 Distancetobecarried.FirstKMSub 1 cart load 2 sequent KM 1 cart load Pric ITEMNO.4UnloadingfromRailwa I, uul "«waywagon and loading into trucksSI.Detailf No1 s o materlals.UnloadingfromRailwaywagon andstackl.ngonplatform1.0ininclearofrailswithin15inleadaCementBjtu Unit Rate(inns ) 1 Qtl. men, coal, a]ntetcb)Steel,A.Csheet,GCISheet,etcRemovingfromrailwayplatformand]oadl.ngintotrucks iiiiiiiiiiiiiii- 2 1 Qtl. 1 Qtl. a)Cement,Bitumen,coal,paintetcb)Steel,A.Csheet,GCISheet,etc 1 Qtl. I •AII PITEMN0leConveyancebyHeadloadinc]udjngloading&un]rices excludin GSToadingandstacking iunveyance by Head load inc]udjng loading & un]oadin a d g n stackingIron,gri]]s,cement,lime,Bitumen,A.Csheet,GCISheet,pajntetc(per1qujn[al),wood{per0.125cum) Sl.No1 Distance to be carried.2 £: Distance to be camed. RoughRough stone,metal,khoa,chips,sand,Surki,quarry farubbish,moorum,Iaterjtestone,moorum,washedgravel,flyash&eartherGum stone, 3RateinRs. 4 RatejnRs. 1 U to50mtr.Beond50mtr and u fo 100 mtrBeondl00mtrandut15 23 a 0mtr All priceI exdudin GST C:lusersurpuftyowou*xpril`em[iunvI.sedQuctaLlon(:al!NdriceCovrveyanre.dun Pg_2/3 ITEMNO. 6Conve ance b Boatincludin loadin &D. ]stance to becarried. Rough stone,metal,khoachips,sand,surki,quany unloadlnBricks23cm=2500mosBricks25cm=2000mos Jron, grills,cement,lime, Cement concrete &flyash blocks400mmx200mmx200mm=300nos400mmxl50mmx200mm=400os400mmxl00mmx20Dmm=600no§300mmx200mmxl50mm=550nos300mlTixl50mmxl50mm=730nos300mmxl00mmxl50mm=1100mosAllkindofTjles=180Sin3 rubbish, moorum Bjtumen` lateritestone, A.Csheet, GC[ moorum, washed Sheet&,paintetc gravel,fly ash & [per 1 earth qujnta])wood(per (peroum) 0.125 oum) 1A. 2Rate(£n Rs.) 4 Rate (jn Rs.) Rate(inns ) ) In Rlveri)Upto5KM.ii)EveryextraKMbeyond5.00Kinandupto16KMiji}EverygxtraKMbeyond16KMa)Incanal i,up to 5 KM'ij)everyextraKMbeyond5.00Kinandupto16KMI I Ii)everyextraKMbeyond16KM Rairangpur (Rae-) Djvi5ion', Rairangpur a:llkeT"PuppDedQjxut,ItrtyuterindQwcrfuiattl:rmlNotkeCaryquneiha Pg_a/3.
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