'You're some punkin' Ms. Turano' Teacher at St. Rose's on national board By Harv Bishop Register Staff Most teachers get apples. Vicki Turano got a pumpkin. The large poster or a jack o'lantem painted and signed by her eighth grade students at St. Rose or Lima's School reads: " You're some punkin' Ms. Turano. Wow!" Turano recently was appointed to a two-year term Qn a national educators' board sponsored by the Carnegie Forum or Education. She is the only teacher from Colorado among the board's 64 members and its only Catholic school representative. She said the task or the group, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, is to find ways to prepare students to cope with science and technology in the 21st century, boost the number or minority teachers, and design standards for a voluntary national teaching certificate. Hometown kid Turano sees her herself as a hometown kid made good. " When I looked at the resumes of the people on this board I was in awe," she said. " I thought, 'Should I be here?"' She said the board counts among its members national teacher union leaders, author-educators, a state legislator, and a candidate from the ill-fated, NASA-sponsored "Teacher in Space" program. The board's first meeting was in Washington, D.C. " When I arrived in Washington I was a little afraid," she said " I had only traveled in an airplane once before. I was in Washington alone I didn't know anyone. I usually don' t have any trouble talking, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able Vicki Turano said of her students, "I think they know I like each and every one of them." Continued on page 3 !9 Science subordinate to human person Archbishop Stafford addresses new Catholic Physicians Guild Medical science and technology must remain "strictly diocesan chancellor, who delivered the homily, Father acquire a momentum of their own." subordinate" to the human person, Archbishop J . Francis Marcian T. O" Meara, the archbishop's liaison for Catholic . The . Church ·s responsibility in the complex field of Stafford told an initial gathering of the newly formed Cath­ health care: Father Edward L Buell secretary to the b1oeth1cs. the archbishop stressed, resides in prov1dtng olic Physicians Guild Jan. 14. archbishop, and Father Edward Ortega, St Anthony Hospi­ ~oral_ c~1teria for the . evaluation or medical procedures Speaking to some 100 m~ ical doctors attending the tal chaplain. and ms1stmg that medical science and technology remain strictly subordmate to the human person · dinner meeting at St. Anthony's Hospital Central, the arch­ Hospital ministry bishop said, ·Healing requires sensitive hands, but even The archbishop said the tension that arises between the more importantly a sensitvity of spirit which resonates with The archbishop said he ·welcomed the opportumt~ to difrermg methodological perspecuves of morJls and med1- respect for the lives they touch · · recogmze the witness·· the physicians· "ministry tn Catholic cme must be frankly acknowledged Without sens1tiv1ty or spmt. Archbishop Starrord said hospitals gives to the mystery of Christ among us 'The deducuve. ,tbstract and biblical approach of moral " the thousand aches and pains which flesh 1s heir to repre­ .\rchb1shop Stafford s talk, entitled · ,\ Christian Anthro­ theology, "'1th ns emphasis on the consistency or moral sent a series of techmcal problems in the function of the pology. an Address on B1oeth1cs." touched on the contem­ pnn,·1pals :ind therapeutic means, contrasts with the 1n­ human machine which require solution - but not healing.'" porary bioethical context of medical dec1s1on-mak1ng and duc11ve, concrete and pragmatic approach to diagnosis From the Christian perspective the archbishop told the the respons1b1ht} or the Catholic Church in that dec1s1on­ prognosis and dec1s1on with 1b emphasis on the estimation phys1c1ans, such sens1tiv1ty demands recognition or a di­ mak10g of probable treatment outcomes The d1stinc11on bet.,..een mension to healing extending beyond the mere application The archbishop noted that there 1s a consistent concern the two per~pectives can be particularly apparent in cases of technique to embrace an awareness or the essential that advanced b1olog1cal resear<:h and therapeutic tech v.here a prO<'edure may be Judged to be benehc1al Crom the dignity or the human person mques character isuc of modern health care threaten lo chmcal v1ewpomt, but viewed as mcons1stant with the na­ The archbishop spoke to the dtnner guests following a overwhelm trad1t1onal categories or legal, moral and social ture of human personhood and the action rrom the moral concelebrated Mass m the chapel at St Anthony's Central evaluation vit'wpomt .. " The forces or technology. he said, have tended to Concelebrants tncluded Father Edward M Horrmann, arch- Continued on page 3 What counts in life Cardinal to speak lE '• evolution LM1l•11 ....., ........ ■11,pllp IIHIIIIII Ted "'°"9 • 111111d Catholic, u,a he IIVft bJ a Cardinal JONph llefnardln of Chica90 wH1 give ....... ...., ................... c..... ...._. ,_ W. IIOt wllat JOU loN lllal counts, bul the Bishop !vane Memorial lecture at St. Thomae' la~ a lier MW lloolr ..... Calllolc •- ..... ,... ........ Seminary on "The Church in the Third MIii­ ..... c...._.d." ennium." Page 7 Page 2 - W ed., January 20, 1988 - The Denver Catholic Register IN THE The SPOTLIGHT 'WE Archbishop's Column Sister Karen Madden be~ Occupation: Administration Assistant, Colorado Catholic The virtue of Mines Oredigger Conference tea Age: 29 and holding old and contemporary map-making. The size of the Parish: Cathedral Continued fro, The long, rising, Oat country of the western plains collection is overwhelming. As I wandered through the What is it that led you go to find words ends unceremoniously at the Rocky Mountains . The stacks of atlases and maps , J wondered whether the choose your profession? " I met 0 11 contrasts a re so abrupt that one just stares and won­ young people had a chance to study the liberal arts. The The opening was here and I Catholic educ ders how and why. My previous home in Memphis has most obvious evidence of the presence_o f the hu~an­ like to help where people are another man the Mississippi River with its mile-wide, rolling, sunlit ities was a series of 1926 photos of Native Amen~ans working for the voiceless, Pope during tide to fascinate and beguile, but it doesn't compare on loan to the Mines. The faces of the elderly subJects What do you like best about it? Catholics the with the abruptness of the western topography, the revealed men and women of great dignity The ph~tos The constant variety of de­ She attend• Colorado landscape is unique - and curious. a re prominently displayed on the walls of the corridor ~ J mands. tour or the J• A winter visit to the Colo­ near the main entrance or the library. What do you like least ahout Turano sh, rado School of Mines has But the most surprising turn of events was someth1_ng L_j:,______ ..___, it? students . been high on my leisure-time else - not the displays, or the friendliness. or the size The press of time. 21st centu• interests for about a year. of campus. Ra ther it was an article appearing on the What is your most memorable experienct>? Some friends knowing about first page of the college paper, Mi~es Oredigger. It Marching with the Peace People in Northern Ireland She said I my feeling for the long pre­ revealed something of a richer humanity about_ stud~~ts What is your favorite pastime? that "comm history of Colorado had at the Mines. The headline read " American univers 1~1es Reading, classical music, theater. the 21st cent alerted me to the geologic struggling with AIDS problem". The body of the article What one person has had the most influence on your lire? " ll you ar display and museum of the was written by someone identified as part ·of the coll~ge Many persons: my family, teacher at Loretto Heights going to sa) 'em on the s, Mines. community. He begins by mentioning the grow10g Sisters of Loretto. Il was mid-afternoon when crusade for "safe sex" on today's campuses because of What is your day-to-day philosophy of life? " If you a I turned up 15th Street in the preoccupation with AIDS. The distribution of con­ Loving my neighbor as myself is a constant challenge century it 1 Golden recently and saw the doms is character istic of some college campuses, the What is your favorite word of advice to others? Turano told Mines campus for the first a uthor notes. " Despite this , ·safe sex· campaigns are Look for the best in people. Everyone does the best he or Turano co; time. Its s ize and shape sur­ "Oh God t not giving students the full sto~y abo~t AIDS .. Indeed, she can. prised me. Il is extensive with a cluster of brick and many students are arguably bemg dem~ the _m_forma­ What is the one thing that displeases you most? student had "0 .K. Wh, stone buildings: some are nicely related to one another tion that is most likely to assist them 10 avo1dmg the Drivers who are selfishly reckless. by a tree-lined quadrangle. The views of the surround­ AIDS virus ... posing a gra What pleases you most? After expl ing table-top mountains are different with each change The author then goes on to express regret that " few The beauty in people and in nature. of direction; and everywhere they surprise the walke r. campus efforts seem to be a imed at promoting the most that will be They were not the only surprises.
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