107 Years O ld Public ILegal . and N EW Notices Every Thursday Pages 3 and 8 OCEAN GROVE & NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURS., SEPT. 16, 1982 (USPS 402420) TWENTY CENT*; Greek Orthodox Church Celebrates Cynthia J. Horden Statement B y Brodwater-Little Engagement Told HOPE Announces David J. Dupre ' Blessing of the Waters Sept. 19 The Mayor ' Retreats In Grove Wed; September 11 NEPTUNE TWP. Mayor Jo­ OCEAN GROVE — The G r e a t ASBURY PARK — The annual seek the Cross.' The one who re­ seph M. Pepe expressed support FLORIDA — . Cynthia J o a n Auditorium this weekend will be religious celebration of the Bless­ trieves it receives a goid cross and of the position of Bradley Beach’s Horden, daughter of Mr. and the scene of a Women’s Retreat a blessing from the Metropolitan. Mayor; Leonard W. Riley favoring ing of the Waters will be celebrat­ Mrs, .Lawrence Horden, Clearwe- arranged by the People of HOPE, Following the Celebration of the the' States a'ssuming title to the ed by. Hierarchs of the Greek Or­ ter, formerly o f Ocean Grove, N.J., reports Fr. Jim Ferry, overall di­ Divine liturgy Inside, Convention various shore Jakesj under th e thodox Archdiocese' of North and and David . J. Dupre, son of Mr. & rector, A Men’s Retreat Weekend ' Hall, His Excellency, Metropolitan constitutional amendment of Ri­ South America, dignitaries of the Mrs. Joseph Dupre, Warwick, will be the following weekend of Silas of New Jersey and ail th e parian Rights, j '.' - State of New Jersey and an ex­ Rhode island, were married Sep­ Sept; 24-25:26. pected crowd of 12,000 people at Clergy; dressed in richly embroid­ tember 11, at Wi^dows-on-the- iti assuming th e'title to t h e Each Retreat begins on the Fri­ Convention Hall on Sunday, Sept. ered liturgicai vestments of gold, Worfd, World Trade Center, New lakes, the State would -also' be as­ day night and will conclude late 19, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. silver and orange silk, will’ lead a York City, New York1. United Na­ suming the maintenance' which in­ procession of Clergy a n d Laity Sunday afternoon. "Holiness and The Celebration, uniquely signi­ tion? Chaplain Dr. Melvin Haw­ volves dredging, biological ' con­ the Cross’" is the theme for the ficant to seafaring Greeks, is the from New Jersey’s 22 Greek Orv thorne, performed the daubl e trol, and those eoits related to; thodox Churches. The Holy Cross Retreats. A retreat. is often de­ convergence of ethnic tradition, re­ ring cpremony. A reception at bulkhead and ocean flume cot! fined as a time apart or set aside ligious devotion and love toward will then he’ .cast into the waters Windows-pn-the-World followed. structlon. of the Atlantic. from daily routine, a time to help America, the adopted country of 3 Mayor Pepe outlined, however,: the Christian examine a h d im­ The Blessing of the Waters cele­ million Greek-Americans. that although this, would appear to prove his life. It’s a time to re­ brates the discovery of the Holy The highlight of this colorful relieve the adjoining local Munici­ new basic beliefs a rid commit­ Cross, by Saint Hetent. the Mother ceremony, which was inaugurated palities of those related mainten­ ment. Both weekend retreats will of Constantine, the Great, outside by the Late Archbishop Athenagor- ance costs, local officials must include teachings, sharing, times Jerusalem in 325 A.D. as in 1947, is the casting of the consider the State's .Department of of praise and worship, as .veil as Holy Cross in the waters of t h e To Greek Orthodox Christians, Transportation announcement last individual personal time for pray­ Atlantic Ocean a* the' South Side the Cross is a holy symbol of love, year that they could no longer af­ er. Program plans are not yet fin­ of Convention Hall. This is done peace, repentance and hope. ford to maintain New Jersey State alized but include Eucharistic ad after the Blessing of the Waters, All friends a n d neighbors are Highways thus leaving grass over­ oration and Stations of the Crass Young men from all the churches invited to attend this glorious cele­ grown and debris Jncollected. As a Catholic covenant commu­ bration. in New Jersey dive in .the surf to Mayor Pepe, who serves as Nep­ nity of prayer and evangelization, tune's representative to the Deal the People of HOPE are known in Lake Commission, made' up of the this area for events as t h e Festival Of Clowns, October 3rd five municipalities adjoining D *.a I "Gathering of Believers" Confer-, Lake, has been unsuccessful in ence last fall in Ocean Grovo, the • Along Asbury Park Boardwalk getting either Monmouth 'County" . NEPTUNE — a n d Mrs. ed Kutztown Slate College, Kutz- "Catholic Gathering” at t h e' or the New Je rse y Department 'o f Charles W. Brddwater, 509 Moore town, Pennsylvania, She is (Continned on page 4) ASBURY PARK — Haul out The Asbury Park Festival of Environmntal Protection to join the Rd.V announced the enngagement ployed by the National Commt your white face, dust off your red Clowns will begin <st;noon October local effor to improve the condi- of their daughter, Carol .Jean, at Bank,' Wa|l Township. rubber nose, & mark your calen- 3rd with a . make-up session and tions of the lakejor assist in the a dinner party at their home on Her • fiance is a graduate of ■dar. Sunday, October 3d is the 'As­ demonstration in Convention Hall. yearly maintenance^ program. August 29 with 40 friends and rel Neptune High School and attend- Thomas W. Davis bury Bark Festival of CJowns on Skits wili .be performed and clown The Mayor vieWwj. t H e State's atives in attendance. Her fiance ed Glassboro State College, Glass- the Asbury Park Boardwalk. Spon­ make-up will be available' for move to take .over jalt. Riparian is Mark'Douglas Little, sou : f boro. He is empoyed by the Deal Dies At Age 6$ sored by the Greater Asbury,Park nominal; fee. All individuals '-Who Rights as another .-instance where, Mr.-and Mrs'.;Wa|ter H. ■ Little, Pharmacy, Deaf. Chamber of Commerce. and the are participating In the competi­ the action of the Sfate has not an­ 16 Worth Road. \ The wedding will be held April City of Asbury Park, the Festival of tion may register and dhfeck-in -at- OCEAN GROVE — Funeral ser­ ticipated all the financial ramifica­ The bride is a graduate of 2, 1983, at the West Grove United downs will include a clown par­ this time. However, participants vices were held yesterday for tions; . i ■ ■ Neptune High School and attend-1 Methodist Church, here. ade, a coloring contest,, arid an are encouraged to ‘pre-register, by Thomas W. Davis, 68, who had re­ opportunity for. kids of all ages to contacting the - Chamber of 'Com­ tired as the owner-operator of the compete for prizes for the best merce at 775-7676. Pathway Market for 18 years and trie Loraine Hotel for: eight years- clown make-up and costume. JttK“ A ■Baggy-pants Stroll’ on-the Car Inspection Final Payment He died fastt Saturday after a len­ten- Special guests-at the event will Boardwalk will follow at jl "p.m. gthy illness. be'VAP^PO snd 8UFFY, this 10-foot The parade will cover the Board­ D erby tall clown. Both Vappo and'Buffy walk between the' Casino and Cpn: Mr. Davis : are v^f-known-to Monmouth Coun­ vention- Hall.' arid • will Include a Ni-PTUNE ^ ---tfftipecfion ^ p e c tio n . for active in ty residents and have performed Ragtime Band. The highlight of cars entered in the Amerfcaf' Le- commuhity af­ : at ths county fair, charity func­ the day will proceed the. parade - gion Coaster- Derbyerby. will be . held fairs. He w a s tions and shopping areas through­ the . judging of 'the:the best clown *;m , to> 2 P.M. on Satur- a former mem­ out the state. Most, recently they make-upmake up and costume in various 18, behind the Shark ber of the Nep­ performed at a New Jersey Cos­ categories. First, second a n d Hills Fire House, Brighton tune Township- mos half time show at the Mea- board of educa­ third prizes will be awarded to . The bride, given in imarriage by Avenue. .In case of. rain the In­ dowSands. Vappo and Buffy expect spection Will be held on -Sunday, tion and the.- contestants in categories: of Work- her father, wore an authentic Mex­ cloWris from all over the state of ing Clowns, Amateur Individual Sept 19. I ■township com-, ican wedding dress of tucked voile mittee, a charter member and , New Jersey to participate in the Clowns, Kiddie-clown- andid Senior Contestants who cannot make Asbiiry Park Festival, performing lace, over a hoop skirt.. She leader in the Ocean Grove Busi­ Clown. ■■ her grandmother's pearls and it to the Inspection should contact skits, competing fos prizes and en­ Co-Chairman h William ■ Krayer nessmen, Inc., a past president tertaining amateur clowns a n d In conjunction with the Festival carried her great grandmother’s of the Ocean Grove Hotel AssodjL' of Clowns,. the Chamber of Cprr,- Bibte. with a garden 'bouquet of ‘(774-0791) or Marcel-Judge (922- spectators. The competition has 4221) to make other arrange­ tion, a member of the E. H. Sto-v received special designation from merce will hold a coloring'contest. mixed wlldftowers.
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