SOME HETEROPT ER A NEW TO BRITISH COLUMBIA G . G. E. SCUDDER ' During the course of the past three torms a nd those from Penticton are years, collecting in Bri tish Co l urn bi a pale. Ashlock records A. eoriaeipennis and examination of existin g collec­ rrom California, Oregon, Washington, t,ions have produced a number of Nevada, Utah and New Mexico: Utah Heteroptera not recorded from the specimens have been taken on Juneus Province. Whilst a revised a nnotated baltieus. check-list of Heteroptera for British Columbia is in preparation, it is evi­ Kolenetrus plenus (Distant) . West­ ient that it will be some time before wick Lake, Cariboo, 1. viii. 1959 (G. G. this is complete ; it seems worthwhile E. S.) , a single brachypterous male. to record now some of the more inter­ This species was originally described esting new records. 1'rom Guatemala and Bueno ( 1946) records it from Massachusetts, Con­ Family PENTATOMIDAE necticut, New York and Arizona: (1950) it Sciocoris microphthalmus Flo r. Moore records from Quebec. BOllchie Lake, near Quesnel, 31. vii. The Westwick Lake specimen was 1959 (G. G. E. Scudder): Wycliffe, B. taken by searching among Juneus vi. 1961 (G. G. E. S.); Cranbrook, B. tufts at the edge of the lake. When vi. 1961 (G . G. E. S.); Sullivan River , fIrst captured, I mistook the specimen Big Bend Highway, 10. vi. 1961 (G. G . Jor an Aeompus, not only due to its E. S.) - abundant on ftower h eads of appearance, but also because this is a Yellow Dryas (Dryas .. drummondii frequent habitat for Aeompus in Bri­ Rich.); Westwick Lake, Ca riboo, 23 . tain. However, dissection revealed vi. 1961 (G. G. E. S.). that spiracles on abdominal segments II, III and IV were dorsal indicating that the specimen belonged to the Fa mily L YGAEIDAE Myodochini; further study indicated Arphnus eoriacipennis (Sta!.) . Van­ that it belongs to the genus Kolen­ couver, 21. ix. 1921 (W. Downes); etl'Us. It seems to be conspecific with Penticton, 22 . ix. 1921 (W. D.) ; near 1( . plenus (Dist.); this latter species Olalla, 6. viii. 1959 (G. G. E. S.) ; has the fore femora markedly in­ Vase ux Lake, 4. vi. 1961 (G. G. E. S.) . erassate and with two spines. Ashlock (1961) h as recently synon­ Since I at first thought the speci­ ymised A . tristis Van Duzee and A. men to be an A compus, I considered projeetu s Van Duzee under A. coria­ t hat others also might h a ve made the cipennis. He indicates that there ap­ same mistake and that perhaps the pear to be three colour forms of record of Acompus from British Co­ coriaeipennis, ones with head and lumbia might really refer to Kolen­ pronotum black ( ~ A. tristis ), ones et1·us. Barber (191B) recorded Aeom­ with head and thorax brownish ( o~ A . J' '/1, S rujipes (Wolff) from British coriaeipennis S. str.) and ones which Columbia. His record was based on are quite pale ( = A . pro/eetus). At the two specimens in the United States moment it is not possible to state National Museum. These were from what callses these colour variations. the collection of P. R. Uhler and one The specimens from Vancouver, Va­ had the data 'Victoria' and the other sel.1X Lake and near Olalla are dark 'N.R.R.', which Barber (loc. cit.) con­ sidered to refer to Northern Pacific or 1 Department of Zoolog,'t, U ni versity of B ritish Columbia . V Hllcoll vcr 8,_ B.C. Canadian PaCific of British Columbia. Through the kindness of Dr. D. M. Seattle, Wash. In Vancouver and on Weisman and Dr. Gates Cla rke of the the University Campus, M . chiragra United States Na tional Museum, I in 1959 was very a bundant on boule­ have been able to borrow and exa m­ vards. It is possible that this species ine the specimen from 'Victoria ' \Vas introduced in to the area in ba l­ m entioned by Barber: Dr. Weism an la"t (see Lindroth. 1957 : Scudder, ( in litt.) informs m e tha t h e is unable 1958): I was in error (Scudder , 19 60 ) 1;0 trace the other specimen in the in stating th a t Sla ter & Sweet (1958) Museum collections. suggested that this was the mod e of Exa mination of the 'Victoria' speci­ in t roduction of M . hiragra in the men, a female, shows that this is not ~ aste rn United States. Acompus rujipes and belongs neither Most of the British Columbia ma ­ to the genus Acompus Fieber nor to t(; ria l seems to be r eferable to M . Lh e genus Kolenetrus Barber. It is in chiragra sabulicola (Thoms.) and fur­ fact a representative of a new Aus­ th er to the nominate form of this tralian gen us of which I h ave seen a wi th both the second a nd the third number of specimens from New South a n tennal segm en ts usually pale in t.h e Wales. Thus I think it is safe to con­ basal h a lt ; for other notes on this dude that the 'Victoria' specimen is complex see Bueno ( 1946). We may 1rom Victoria, Australia a nd not from nott: h ere that there does not a ppear British Columbia, Cana da. Acompus to be a significa nt difference in the r ujipes is therefore here removed dimensions of the scutellum in the from the list of Reteropter a from B.C. various Nearctic a nd Palaearctic pop­ ulfttions, when the difference in wing Ligyrocoris latimarginatus Barber. development a nd consequent thoracic Goldstream, 15. ix. 1927 (W. D.). A changes, are taken into account. Mea­ Pa cific coast species recorded from .<: urements made a re listed, the ratiO California, Oregon a nd Washington. scutellum len gth scutellum width be­ in g given with the standard error of M eg alonotus chiragra (Fab.). I the mea n : chiragra chirag1'a from h a ve already noted (Scudder , 1960) Southern Engla nd .~ 1.28 + 2.49 . Y t. hat this species occurs in British 1.27 2.65 ; chiragra sabul{cola from Columbia, but have given no details. + Specimens examined a r e as follows: J ersey , Channel Islands ~ 1.29 3.23, Dunca n , !. x. 1932 (W. D.); Welling­ ~) 1.40 (only 1 specimen studied ); ton , 14. iv. 1949 (R. Guppy) ; Salt chiragra from Vancouver. B.C. ) 1.28 Spring Is., 25. vi. 1949 (G. J . Spencer) ~ 3.46. ? 1.32 -\ 1.72. --on strawberries; University Cam­ S tygnocoTis p ed es tris (F a 11 en) . pus, Vancouver, 14 . viii. 1958, 22. ix. Ma lahat, 20. ix. 1950 (W. D.); Cultus 1958, 18. iv . 1959 (G. G. E. S.); Vernon, Lake, 2. ix. 1959 (G. G . E. S.); Lions ;) . viii. 1959 (G. G . E. S.) ; Cultus Lake, Bay, Squamish Road , 16. x . 1960 (G. 'J . v. 1959 (G. G. E. S.) ; White Rock, J . S .). This species was first recorded 7. iii. 1960 (G. G. E. S.) ; West Vancou­ in North America by Barber ( 1918) ver , 18. v. 1961 (G. J . S.); Creston, 7. trom specimen s ta ken in Nova Scotia vi. 1961 (G. G. E. S.); Sica mous, 11. ilnd New York. It is recorded from vi. 1961 (G. G. E. S.) ; Pavilion, 30. vi. Quebec by Moore (1950). 1961 (G. G. E. S.) ; Essonda le, 25 . v. 1961 , l. vi. 1961 (W. Lazorko) . I have Fami ly TINGIDAE :1.1so seen specimens in the Canadian Gargaphia opacula Uhler. Dog La ke Na tional Collection from Victoria (G. (Skaha La ke) , 29 . viii. 1946 (W. D .) ; S. Wa lley) , Mission City (W . R. M. Vaseux La ke, 4. vi. 1961 (G. G. E. S.); Mason) and Oliver (J. R. McGillis) , 8 mi. N. of Oliver, 18. v. 1958 CR . & A. a nd specimens a re a t ha nd from Howden) (Can. Na t. CoIL) . Also taken :: 8 ,'",,, . " 'TII"' " .. SO,. r:"IT. CUI.L\I!:I .\. YIII.. ~ 8 (1!J61). DEL 1. 19(11 by the late W. Downes on Purshia Family NABIDAE tridentata D.C. at Oroville, Wash., l. stalia rnajor (Costa). University of vii. 1927. B.C. campus, Vancouver, 20. x . 1949 T eZeonernia nigrina Champ. Agassiz, (Orchard); Brighouse, 15. x. 1944 (1. 16. vii. 1933, 23. vii 1933 (W.D.). Kosin) . Possibly introduced in ballast. According to notes left by the late W . Family MIRIDAE Downes, these specimens were taken Pronotocrepis clavicornis Kngt . on Pensternon rnenziesii Hook at 1,000 Rock Creek, 30 . v . 1958 (Forest Insect it. and on P. rujicola and P. ditJusus Survey, Vernon) - on Ribes sp. Des­ DougL in rock gardens. !Tibec1 originally from specimens M elanorho]Jala clavata Stal. Boit­ taken at Ft. Garland, Colorado. ano Lake, Cariboo, 30. vii. 1959 (G. G . Dichrooscytus sus]Jectus Reuter. E. S.); Westwick Lake, Ca riboo, 23. vi. Elko, Twin Lakes, viii (F.r.S. V.) ; 1961 (G. G . E. S.) . Soda Creek , vii (H. R. MacCarthy) ; DictyZa labeculata (Uhler) . Cache Otterhead River , viii (F. 1. S .: V) ; Creek, 18. vi. 1959 (G. G. E. S.). This Vanderhoof, vii (F. 1. S.:V) - on species, formerly listed in the litera­ Picea; Topley, vii (F. 1. S.:V) - on t.u re as Monanthia labecuZata Uhler, White Spruce (Picea glauca) . now must be placed in the genus D eraeocapsus jraternus (Van Du­ DictyZa StaL since it has been shown zee). Revelstoke, 17. vii. 1925 (A. A. t.hat Monanthia Le Peletier is a syn­ Dennys) ; 4 miles N . of Moyie, 28. viii. onym of Copiurn Thunber g (see Drake 1942 (F.
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