CIRCUS Price, 10 Cents. Volume XVI. No. 4. CINCINNATI, JANUARY 23,1904. Per Year. $4.00 J. ALBERT YOUNG, Manager Chase's Theatre* Baltimore Md. TH£ BILLBOARD George C. Olancy, manager of the Bben Hold- ley. Th« will leavM to Mm Je*el« T. 8yk«i en Company, and Mrs. Isabelle Walker, a mem- three-fourths of the estate, and the remaining ber of the same company, were married re- fourth to his brother, Albert Sykes, of St. cently at Louisville, Ky., and spent their honey- James, L. I. moon at St Louis. Mr. W. B. Patton will next season :be. seen aa Mabel Tallaferro, who has long been known John Hale in his own peculiar play, The Last as one of the best child actresses on the stage, Rose of Summer. He is also author of The and who recently acted her first "grown-up" Minister's Son, The Little Homestead, A Sly part, may be a star. If she Is, Clyde Fitch Old Fox, Royal Rags and a number of Eastern will write a play for her. successes. The tour will be under the personal was previously a vaudeville house. The theatre The cast of When Louis XI. was King reads: management of J. M. Stout, who has been asso- WEBER <H FIELDS' PA1T1 CONCERT. was burned in the early part of October, and Frederick Harrington, George C. Denton, Wil- ciated with Mr. Patton for the past four sea- after It was rebuilt Mr. Fawcett assumed the lard Reizman, Jeanne Lewis, Jeannette Lou- sons. Libel Suit Filed by Robert Grau Co. management. don, W'm. Greenway, J. W. McConnell, ET. Owing to the illness of several of the princi- The Robert Gran Incorporated Co. "entered It is said that Seymour and Levenson, man- Tucker, Peter Doece, Harry L. Hays, Joseph pals of O. J. Ashman's Ninety and Nine Com- •nit against Weber & Fields In New York dtp agers of the Empire Theatre, Philadelphia, Kelly and William Owen. pany, which began a week's engagement at the on Jan. 9, for alleged libel, and demand from where they have a stock company, are nego- J. K. Murray is singing two new songs in Lyric, Baltimore Md., Jan. 4, the company was Weber & Fields $50,000 in damages. The pe- tiating for the management of the Oriole. Arran-na-Pogue, words and music of which are forced -to end its engagement on Wednesday tition of the plaintiff cites: Mr. Fawcett will establish a stock company by Clare Lane. He opened the season Christ- evening. Business was good and the manage- That on or about said November 27, 1903, the at the Bijou Theatre, Richmond, in the early mas Day at Fall River, Mass., and is making ment was loath to close, but the circumstances defendants falsely and maliciously and with in- spring, and will have a stocK company in St. a big success in Irish comedy, closely following made it impossible to continue the perform- tent to injure the plaintiff in its said business, Paul during the summer. Arrangements are Andrew Mack in this line. ances. stated and published that by the agreement * * * now being made for the organization of the-e The Great Richards is playing the title role Margaret Anglln has signed a contract with S5.000 was guaranteed to said Adelina Pattl for companies. In the Sweet Sixteen Company to applause all Weber & Fields whereby these managers agree her appearance; that up to two o'clock on the The Oriole Theatre has been ordered to cjose along the line. In New Albany, Ind., the to look after her tours for the next five years. afternoon of said November 27, 1903, the Hale by the building Inspector until certain improve- Under, the contract they are to handle all of of tickets for said concert aggregated onlv ments can be made which will make It safer Miss Anglln's business, and in addition must $8,200; that said Patti had refused to appear for public assemblages. present her each season in New York and Lon- unless the sum of $5,000 was first paid to her; don. Her play at present is not known, but that there was nothing to do except make goo<l DRAMATIC. it is said Miss Anglln has a vehicle which will the deficit, which the defendants thereupon did. be suitable to her use. That the defendants had paid $500 for a box, Henry Irving's reception is an enthusiastic Little Puck, in which Frank Daniels appeared which sum was included in the said sum of one in every city. a dozen years ago, is to b* produced in London $8,200 realized from the sale of tickets; that, Boyd Nicholson has closed as advance agent next spring by Bert Coote, the American actor, counting the advertising, the concert was a most of the French Spy Company. who has made quite a comedy hit 1Q England. expensive venture for the defendants; that with Annie Russell canceled several dates owing Coote first cabled an offer for The Office Boy, their families they occupied the box which hftd to the death of her mother Jan. 7. in which Mr. Daniels Is now* appearing, but wa« cost them $2,300; that it cost the defendants Kilroy & Brltton's An Aristocratic Tramp unsuccessful, because Manager Charles B. Dil- $25 and a fraction for every one of the ninety Company is meeting with great success. lingham is reserving the English rights to The minutes, or $2,300 in all, for the privilege of Trlxie Friganza, of the Prince of Pilsen Office Boy for Mr. Daniels himself. managing said concert, which lasted one hour Company, is seriously ill at Evausville, Ind. The American Dramatists Club urges to all and a half. Ole Olson will soon produce another play of its members, those especially who have any W-hereas the plaintiff declares the receipts under the management of Sydney Ellis. Influence or friends in the legislatures of the were in the neighborhood of $4,000, and the Business has been and is excellent for Frank various states, to try and secure a" passage of agreement with Weber & Fields was that they W. Mason's When Women Love Company. the laws as now in force in New York, Penn- were to stand one half the deficit if the re- Col. J. H. Bernard, late of the Girl from sylvania. Louisiana and Oregon. Actors, man- ceipts failed to reach $5,000, which amounted Sweden Company, has joined the Thelma Com- agers or any one in the profession can secna to only $500.00. pany. copies of these laws by applying to Mr. Chaf The plaintiff alleges that by the circulation of Miss Louise Garnott has joined The Missouri Barnard, secretary of. the club, 114 W. 40th Sm the story, which they say was spread broadcast Girl (Eastern), replacing Miss Elizabeth B. From preliminary announcements made for over the country, through all available channels Chester. next season the classic drama will be offere of news, the business of The Robert Grau In- The latest additions to Creed's Coined! us by E. H. Sothern and Miss Julia Marlowe, Her corporated Company was injured to the extent are Charles Hllston and John and Rena Sanders bert Kelcey and Miss Effie Shannon, Louis of $50,000. for specialties. James and Frederick Warde, R. B. Mantell, Joseph Gray, manager of Faust, reports that Miss Marie Wainwright, Charles B. Hanford, TWELFTH NIGHT MERRIE MAKIN3 IN business this year has been better thun he has it. D. McLean and Miss Odette Tyler, George ever experienced. Fawcett, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Fiske. The NEW YORK. Mr. Frank Newberry, of Warren, O., recently last-named ladies will essay the role of Lady There were 300 members and guests of the joined the James Boys Company and will take Macbeth. Twelfth Night Club in all at the Berkley Ly- die ;>art of the negro. McFadden% Row Of Flats is one of the very ceum, New York, Jan. 6, which showed that Very little if any effect on the attendance at few companies that has not been affected by not one of their quaint invitations had been the Cincinnati theatres has been felt as a re- the general depression in theatrical business. refused: sult of the Iroquois fire. The tour of the company has 'extended through Good Friend—Ye are hereby bidden to ye Quinc-y Adams Sawyer is now being presented the South and West and the East is now being yearly merrie making of oure club on Twelfth by three companies. Everyman is being pre- Invaded. At the Bijou in Pitfeburg tb* 're- Night, ye sixth day of January, in ye yeare of sented by three companies. ceipts have nearly equaled these of fornKi onre Lord MDCCOOIV, by request of Mistress Will H. Harder reports that the Myrkle- years. While the cast compares favorably, .with Edward Arden. H'arder Stock Company has been doing a very proceeding seasons, the chorus and cos^ianjes Miss Alice Fisher, president of the club, Mins large business this season. One of the factors which is helping to make are pronounced the feature. ". Blanche Bates, Miss Ethel Barrymore, Mrs. Her- George Osborne, of the Desperate Lord Har- The Wizard of Oz (Western) successful is Mrs. LeMoyne, who closed her season wven bert Lincoln Aldrieh, Mrs. Robert Mantell, Ml s rington Company, died at Detroit, Mich., Jan. Miss Isabel D'Armond, whose portrait appears tfeeks ago in Lady Berinthia's Secret. 1ms l-.een Amelia Bingham and Mrs. Oharlfs Henry Rio- 12, of a complication of diseases.
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