University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 5-1-1912 Sandspur, Vol. 17, No. 04, May 1912 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 17, No. 04, May 1912" (1912). The Rollins Sandspur. 2358. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/2358 THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR 1 • Stick to it. ,. D YKE DET,NO W ETHERII,L ........ ... .. .... .. .... Editor-in-Oiiq ;~i:~£:;i;t~~~;J }·· · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · • •• • • • ... ... .. .F awlty Editors M ABRL E L IZA DA IELS EMMA J ANE L IITIE l CH ES1' ER FRA KLI M CCARDELL · · · ·. · ... ..... .. ...... Student Editors ARTHUR ARNOLD PRENT.I S GE 1,GE co RAD BucHER Business Man ager D EAN HERMA P I KE .... Assisia·nt Bitsiness Manag er PRICE, PER YEATI, $1 .00 SINGLE COPIES, 15 CENTS THE ROJ.LI NS 'ANDSPUR i publisl1ed monthly d uri11g the college year by the s tudents of the college. On sale at the Treas urer's office, Carnegie Hall, TrovilJion's Drug Store , and at Curt is & 0 ' Neal's and \ V. S . Branch's store in Orlando. All comm. unicat i ns sh ould be addres ed to THE 'ROLLINS SANDS1'UR, Carnegie Hall, W inter Park, F la. Entered as seco1 1d- c1ass mater March 2r , 1 9 12 , at the post office at Winter Park , Florida, under the Act of March 3, r 79. VOL. X II. MAY, 1912 No. 4 CONTENTS PAGE Editorial Boa rd .................. ..... .. .. ... ... .. I President William Fremont Blackman ..... 2 College ews ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. 3 College Locals . .. .. 13 Former Students .. :: .. : .. :.::.:.::; ... ,. ,, ... ..... .. .... ............... .. ..... , .. ..... .- .. ,... .. ... .......... 14 President William Fr mont Blackman THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR COLLEGE NEWS May I. Miss Julia B. Reed entertained the ~t ruck 011 t by young ladies of Cloverleaf very pl asant] y un­ ba lL· o ff R , 4 der the pine in front of t he cottaoe, in bonor of Miss Irma Williams. 1s R eed rendered a number of her fa vorite reading , and ice­ May 9. t 6:30 there occurred another of cream was served. the recitals by the pupils of the School of Mu­ May 8. The first game of the series be­ sic, in the audi toriu m in Knowles H all. T he tween t he Red Peppers and the Ginger nap program wa intere ting in that it was the first was played in the afternoon, resulting m a appearance of a number of the pupils, who victory for the Peppers by a close core of did creditably considering their :fi rst appear­ to 2 . R omeike pitched fo r the winners, and ance. The program : Rose for the loser . R ose had all t he better 1. Tri. of the argument, but received fOOr su pport. Richa rd Mallory H owever, the game wa close and intere ting. :Z. 0 H u.· h-a-b.,e, Baby f la1/lett The box score follow Ma rjori \r°\ ilk in. inger ·•n ap ·. ' . B. R. H. P. 0 . A. E. 3. n Robert , , .... 4 1 1 .Jobn Branh am Waite, 3rd . 4 1 0 4-. 1 L OY Boyer, 2nd . 4 0 1 1 1 LJond Porter, c . 2 13 3 0 J . E tefan i 1. f. 4 0 0 0 () 'mjth Blackman, 1. ·t . 4 1 0 ,) ,5. F A. nfar MilHair A d,er Dun on, r. f.-c. f. ') ) ~ 0 0 () ath d ne at . l nman, c. f. 2 0 l 0 0 () W eth erill , r f. .. 1 0 0 0 nt 1/etrnl Ro.· , p. .. ... 4 0 0 0 0 Eliza th Branham 24 7 6 i . L al' Ian holi De .J / 1J .'il Red Pepper. R ,', eo M r an a hing on c. 4 lJ ( I a) hl m in Denz ll R meik e p ... ... 4 0 1 0 'w i.e ' a ruder Prat t, 1. i3 ( ( 0 2 Lopez, 2nd . 4 0 () 1 H. ~larch from F a1vt (,"o ,m od Lee, 3rd . ;3 > 4 0 Bolt ou ::.Vlal lor P ren is. , :'. 2 0 > 1 . A ight in Jun ;pen/r s Moreman , 1 f. 3 1 0 0 B at ,'on tone c. f . ..... 1 0 0 Lillian Eldridge Lainhart, r. f . .. 1 11. 0 {Ri · an l 0 . i ri. 1/ o~arf 29 3 1 27 10 2 13 rk 1 y Ja k man Gi ng r 'nap -0 1 , 1 O- · i . mane L iebiing Red P epper -0 0 0 0 *- P au] \ arner 4 THE ROLLI S D P R In the evening at 7 :30 o'clock, the Phi Al­ Re l P epper - 1 0 0 2 1- 4 pha Fraternity entertained a number of their in O'er ' n ap -o O 2 3 2 3 0 3 *-1 alumni and guests from among the faculty and St ruck out. b R m i ke ;-3 by Prenti . l by L ee 1, b R o 4. Ba. e. on ball otr Romei ke 1, off student body at the President's House, by L ee 1, off R o e 4 't.ole n ba Rob rt , B oyer 4, courtesy of Mrs. Blackman. Former mem­ B lack n1a n Inman, Lee \ a hin ton Loi z Har­ bers of the fraternity present were Vincent H . ris. Two-be e k it .· v, a ite L ee, P ren t.i. ·, Ro e. Green, Donald A . Cheney, Leon B. Fort, and May 11 . The recital by the more ad anced W. D. Rogers of Orlando, and F. Ellison Ad­ pupils of the School of Mu •ic which was given ams of Maitland. The evening was devoted on this evening in the auditorium was an in to an informal dauce, the music being furnish­ dex of the quality of the work done by this ed by a Victor-Victrola ; after this was over department. The performers were Miss Ag­ an enjoyable little supper and ice-cream were nes M. Hill, pianist; Miss E va McQuaters, served by the members of the chapter. This soprano; and W. Clay Inman, baritone. Miss entertainment brings to a close one of the most Hazel F. Coffin and Miss Mabelle O' eal successful years in the history of the fraterni­ played the accompaniments exceedingly ac­ ty, and it is the determination of its members ceptably. The work of these three pupils is that next year will see a further advance in known to all those who have heard any of the the direction of strength and prosperity. concerts of the School of Music, and the pro­ May 10. The second game of the Red Pep­ gram given below will indicate the difficulty per-Ginger Snap series resulted in an easy of the numbers rendered by them. iss Hill victory for the Ginger Snaps by a score of r played her numbers with fine technique, and to 4. Rose for the winners held the opponents a wealth of artistic feeling ; Miss McQuaters from hits when hits meant runs, and his sup­ sang clearly and well, her numbers being ar­ port was better than before, while the Ginger ranged to allow every phase of vocal expres­ Snaps drove Romeike and Prentiss off the rnb-· sion; and Mr. Inman was in the rare form ber, and were materially aided by the thirteen which has made him the reputation of the errors of their opponents. best baritone who ever studied at Rollins, and Red Peppers. B. H.. H . P. 0 . one of the best e er heard in the state. The Lee, 3rd-p. 5 3 4 1 ;{ 1 entire evening was an enjoyable one for the Prenti. s, .-p-.· . 4 U 4 4 4 hearers. The program follows : Romeike, p- s.-: d 5 0 0 2 2 Prelude in ' harp minor R aclznianinojj Pratt, 1 ·t . 4 0 1 10 0 l Mi · Hill 'v ash ington, c. 3 U u 7 1 1 Lope~, l. f. .. .. ;) O 1 0 0 1 octurn e Harri ·, 2nd . .. ... 3 0 0 1 1 2 Allah ' Lone, c. f. .. 4 u 0 0 0 Gay Little D andelion C!tad- ick .Lainh art, r. f. 3 1 1 Th ou rt. , o Lik" a lower ~I he anza 4 ~A l ~ 13 ~I" · M uater · (ii uge r ' uap ·. \Yho i ' lvia chubert Robert , 6 4 :L 2 I n the Time of R o. e.~ R eichardt \ · aite, Brd. 5 .:2 .:2 ;{ 0 ~I r. Inman Dun~on, J. f. .... :2 1 0 1 Boyer, :2 nd . 4 3 2 1 To a Wild Ro el Toa Water Lily Blackman 1 · . 6 0 1 1,1 0 2 McDowell The Brook Porter, c. 4 H 2 u 1 J. E ·tefani, r. f. l u 1 The agl ill Inman, c. f. 4 .:2 1 u 0 ' renade Roe, p. 6 0 3 0 0 Sc/iu,bert H a rk H ark t h L a rk 44 1 ) 16 ·n 14 6 . s Mc u ater TH R LLI NDSP R 5 Three ng. from ~i. ht in ai h apur ~ . B. R. H. P. 0. A . E. /If a.ry T. alter Rd Pepper,· . Long, Long Ago Lee 3d .
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