S6470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 10, 2014 Well, Julianne fell for him anyway, PROTECTING VOLUNTEER FIRE- Our bill includes hundreds of impor- and it is a good thing she did. This FIGHTERS AND EMERGENCY RE- tant provisions to authorize the activi- former schoolteacher is better than SPONDERS ACT OF 2014 ties of the Department of Defense and anyone at keeping him centered, and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- to provide for the well-being of our she has even taught students who pore. Under the previous order, the men and women in uniform and their would go on to serve on SAXBY’s staff. Senate will resume consideration of families. The bill will enable the mili- So it is really quite a partnership. the message to accompany H.R. 3979, tary services to continue paying spe- SAXBY says that the most significant which the clerk will report. cial pay and bonuses needed for re- moment of his life is when he met The assistant legislative clerk read cruitment and retention of key per- Julianne. as follows: sonnel. It strengthens survivor benefits for disabled children of servicemembers That is really something when we Motion to concur in the House amendment consider how much he loves golf. Last to the Senate amendment to H.R. 3979, an and retirees. It includes provisions ad- year, SAXBY sank a hole in one squar- act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of dressing the employment of military ing off against the leader of the free 1986 to ensure that emergency services vol- spouses, job placement for veterans, world—that is, the President of the unteers are not taken into account as em- and military child custody disputes. It United States. He has a signed flag to ployees under the shared responsibility re- addresses military hazing, military prove it. quirements contained in the Patient Protec- suicide, post-traumatic stress disorder, tion and Affordable Care Act. But golf is more than just a hobby and mental health problems in the Pending: for SAXBY. It is a way to get things military. It provides continuing impact done. More than most people around Reid motion to concur in the amendment to support military families and local here, he understands the value of rela- of the House to the amendment of the Senate school districts. to the bill. The bill includes 20 provisions to con- tionships. He is good at whipping votes Reid motion to concur in the amendment and picking up intel from both ends of tinue to build on the progress we are of the House to the amendment of the Senate starting to make in addressing the the Capitol. He works across the aisle, to the bill, with Reid amendment No. 3984 (to and he is unafraid to stand up when the amendment of the House to the amend- scourge of sexual assault in the mili- something needs to be said. ment of the Senate to the bill), to change the tary. Key provisions will eliminate the enactment date. so-called good soldier defense, give vic- That is the thing about SAXBY. He Reid amendment No. 3985 (to amendment tims a voice in whether their case is doesn’t say a lot, but when he does, you No. 3984), of a perfecting nature. prosecuted in military or civilian know it is significant. You know there Reid motion to refer the message of the courts, give victims the right to chal- is a lot of careful thought behind it. House on the bill to the Committee on lenge court-martial rulings that vio- SAXBY is a serious legislator who ap- Armed Services, with instructions, Reid late their rights at the court of crimi- proaches his role as vice chairman of amendment No. 3986, to change the enact- nal appeals, and would strengthen the the Intelligence Committee in that ment date. Reid amendment No. 3987 (to (the instruc- psychotherapist-patient privilege. Last frame. SAXBY learns things on that tions) amendment No. 3986), of a perfecting week we received the welcome news committee that would keep anyone up nature. that the number of incidents of un- at night. It is a grave responsibility. Reid amendment No. 3988 (to amendment wanted sexual contact in the military But SAXBY is perfectly suited to it. He No. 3987), of a perfecting nature. is down and that more incidents are has always stood proudly in defense of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- being reported so victims can receive our Nation. pore. The Senator from Michigan. the care and assistance they need and We are going to miss his sharp wit, Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I am perpetrators can be brought to justice. his integrity, and his judgment. pleased to join with Senator INHOFE, With the enactment of the legislation I know SAXBY’s staff is going to miss the ranking Republican on the Senate before us and the commitment of mili- him, too. Some of them have been with Armed Services Committee, to bring to tary leaders, we hope to build on these him since his days in the House. Well, the floor H.R. 3979. This is the agree- trends. the Senate’s loss is the Chambliss fam- ment between the Armed Services The bill provides continued funding ily’s gain. Committees of the Senate and House and authorities for ongoing operations I know SAXBY is looking forward to on the National Defense Authorization in Afghanistan and for our forces con- spending more time with Julianne. I Act for Fiscal Year 2015. The House of ducting operations against the Islamic know he can’t wait to trade the title of Representatives passed the bill last State in Iraq and Syria called ISIS. Senator for a new one—Big Daddy. It is week by a vote of 300 to 119. If we suc- As requested by the administration, what his grandkids call him. He can’t ceed in the Senate, it will mark the it authorizes the Department of De- wait to see more of them. They are the 53rd year in a row that we have enacted fense to train and equip vetted mem- reason he works so hard here—to build this bill that is so essential to the de- bers of the moderate Syrian opposition a better future for them, for the next fense of our Nation and to our men and and to train and equip national and generation. women in uniform and their families. local forces who are actively fighting SAXBY will have plenty of stories to I thank all the members of the staff ISIS in Iraq. It establishes a counter- share when he leaves, such as when he of the Senate Armed Services Com- terrorism partnership fund that pro- hit that hole in one, when he threw out mittee, especially our subcommittee vides the administration new flexi- the first pitch for the Braves, and when chairs for the hard work they have bility in addressing emerging terrorist he made the cover of Peanut Patriot done to get us to the finish line on this threats around the world. In addition, Magazine. bill. I thank Senator INHOFE for his the bill extends the Afghanistan Spe- So SAXBY has obviously had a long close partnership. Before this Congress cial Immigrant Visa Program, pro- and interesting career. He deserves I had been fortunate to serve with a se- viding for 4,000 new visas, and address- some time to focus on his family. We ries of Republican chairmen and rank- es a legal glitch that precluded mem- thank him for his dedication to this ing members, including JOHN MCCAIN, bers of the ruling parties in Kurdistan body and to the people he represents, John Warner, and Strom Thurmond. from receiving visas under the Immi- and we send him every wish for a re- They understood and appreciated the gration and Nationality Act. tirement filled with joy and happiness. traditions of our committee and the The authority provided in this bill to Mr. President, I yield the floor. importance of the legislation we enact train and equip local forces in Iraq and every year for our men and women in Syria to take on ISIS is particularly f uniform. That is what this is all about. important because our military leaders JIM INHOFE, our ranking Republican in and intelligence experts have uni- this Congress, has upheld that tradi- formly told us airstrikes alone will not RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME tion of bipartisanship and dedication to be sufficient to defeat ISIS. American The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- enacting this important legislation air power has changed the momentum pore. Under the previous order, the through particularly challenging cir- on the ground somewhat and given leadership time is reserved. cumstances. moderates in the region an opportunity VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:31 Dec 11, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10DE6.005 S10DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE December 10, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6471 to regroup, but ISIS cannot be defeated spond to the serious threat posed to maintains that the Army should be without an opposing force to take the U.S. interests by cyber attacks. able to achieve needed savings and fight to it on the ground. To do that, With regard to military compensa- meet mission requirements without our Arab and Muslim partners must be tion reform, we adopted a number of transferring Apaches from the Reserve in the lead because the fight with ISIS proposals to slow the growth of per- components to the Active Army. is primarily a struggle within Islam for sonnel costs in fiscal year 2015, as need- Our bill establishes an independent the hearts and minds of Muslims.
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