A Bibliography of Books and Articles About UNIX and UNIX Programming

A Bibliography of Books and Articles About UNIX and UNIX Programming

A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and UNIX Programming Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 02 July 2021 Version 4.44 Abstract General UNIX texts [AL92a, AL95a, AL95b, AA86, AS93b, Ari92, Bou90a, Chr83a, Chr88, CR94, Cof90, Coh94, Dun91a, Gar91, Gt92a, Gt92b, This bibliography records books and historical Hah93, Hah94a, HA90, Hol92, KL94, LY93, publications about the UNIX operating sys- LR89a, LL83a, MM83a, Mik89, MBL89, tem, and UNIX programming tools. It mostly NS92, NH91, POLo93, PM87, RRF90, excludes networks and network programming, RRF93, RRH94, Rus91, Sob89, Sob91, which are treated in a separate bibliography, Sob95, Sou92, TY82b, Tim93, Top90a, internet.bib. This bibliography was started Top90b, Val92b, SSC93, WMP92] from material in postings to the sunflash list, volume 46, number 17, October 1992, and volume 57, number 29, September 1993, by Samuel Ko (e-mail: [email protected]), and then significantly extended by the present Catalogs and book lists author. Entry commentaries are largely due to S. Ko. [O'R93, Spu92, Wri93] 1 2 Communications software History [Cam87, dC87, dG93, Gia90] [?, ?, Cat91, RT74, RT79a] Compilers Linux [DS88, JL78, Joh79, JL87a, LS79, LMB92, [BBD+96, BF97, HP+95, Kir95a, Kir95b, MB90, SF85] PR96b, Sob97, SU94b, SU95, SUM95, TGB95, TG96, VRJ95, VRJ96, VJR96, VRJ97, VRFJ97b, VRFJ97c, VRFJ97c, Database Wel94b, Wt95a, W+95, Wt95b, WK95, WK96, Ygg94, Lin94] [Rod90a] Dictionaries Manuals [MP93, Ray91, SD93, WC93] [?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?] Document preparation and Networking and typesetting communications [BR87, BBM85, Geh87a, MM90a] [ACH91, CB94, Gil93b, HH94, KW89, See also the extensive bibliographies about Kro92, NS94a, RR95b, RW92, Ste91, Ste90b, the TEX typesetting system available via TD91, TO92] anonymous ftp from ftp.math.utah.edu in See also the extensive bibliographies in pub/tex/bib. [Bee93a, Bee93b, Qua93]. Editors Portability [CR91, CoL92b, Fin91, Hew90, Lam90, [Jae89b, Lap87a, Top90a, X/O88c, X/O88a, RB92a, SBA92, Sta93] X/O88d, X/O88b, X/O89b, X/O89c, X/O89a] See also entries in the POSIX section below. Electronic Mail and Netnews POSIX [FA89, FA94, Har95, LP95] [BMR94, CG95a, CLJC95, DDLL94, Eck91, FGP+91, GL91, Gal95, IEE86, IEE88, Graphics files KMKO92, LL93a, LL93b, LL95, Lew91, Mee95, QW93, RAMP94, Rze93, Woo94, [BS94, Lev94, Mv94] Zlo91] 3 Programming Programming languages: Perl [Ame89, AKW88, Ber92, Cam87, Cop92, Cur90, Dou91, ET92, ES90, HK82a, HS84, [DP95, Ger92, Qui95, Sch93d, Til95, WS92] HS87a, HS91, HS95, HS87b, Hor92, Hun85, Jae85, Jae86, Jae89a, Jae89b, Jae91, Jae93, Jae94a, Jae94b, KP84a, KR88, Lap87a, Programming languages: Lib93, Lip91, OT91, Oua91, Paj92, Pla92, RS90, Roc85, Sch91a, Sch91b, Sch94b, SR95, Tcl and Tk Ste92b, Str86b, Str91, TG89, Val92a, Van88, [Ame95, Inf95, Lib94, Ous94, SSC95, Wal95c, WP90, WS92, War85b, Yag91] Wel95] Programming languages: Security Awk [Arn93, Cur92, Far90, GS91, HM91, HR91, RG91, Sto89, WK85] [AKW88, Dou91] Shells Programming languages: C [AA86, Ari92, Art90, Art94, BK89, BK95, KW90, Olc92, Ous94, Ros91, Sou94, Val92b, [Ame89, Cam87, Cur90, Dar88, GSN90, Wel95] HK82a, HS84, HS87a, HS91, HS95, Hor90a, Hun85, Jae85, Jae86, Jae89a, Jae89b, Jae91, Jae94a, Jae94b, KR88, Lap87a, Lev94, Lib93, Solaris Oua91, RS90, SGN88, Sch91a, TG89, Val92a, Van88, WP90, War85b] [BMS95, Coc94, GGM93, Gra95, HG95a, HA93, KLM92, Led94, Lei95b, OH93a, OH93b, OK94, Pew93, SSC93, Sun93b, Sun93a, Sun93c, Sun93d, Sun95, Tut93, Programming languages: Win93a, Win93b] C++ [Cop92, Eck93, ES90, Jae93, Lev94, Lip91, Standardization Ope94, Sch91b, SSC93, Str86b, Str91, You92a] [Ame89, IEE86, X/O88c, X/O88a, X/O88d, X/O88b, X/O89b, X/O89c, X/O89a] Programming languages: System administration Icon [?, BS91, BMS95, BB93, Coc94, CAR93b, [GG86, GG83, GG90] Cur92, FHS91, Fox85, Fri91, Gli92, HG95a, 4 Hun92a, HH91, Kir95a, Kir95b, Lou90a, 0 [Ano16b, Hid04, Koh06, Lyc74a, Sch04, MP92, Mui95, NSS89, NSSH95, Ram94, Sta07b, Tho05]. 0-13-101415-3 [Hid04]. Win93a, Win93b] 0-13-144853-6 [Tho05]. 0-13-167984-8 [Sta07b]. 0-596-00482-6 [Sch04]. 0-7821-4428-4 [Koh06]. '03 [ACM03]. 046 UNIX internals [Sav11]. '05 [MS05]. [Bac86a, GC94a, Gra95, LMKQ89, MBKQ96] 1 [Jen05, LPLF91, The91, She03, Wil83a, Wil83b, ZRB+93]. 1-59327-036-4 [Jen05]. 1-GHz [Ano03c]. 1.0 [Coc01b]. 1.1 [NS94a]. 1.x [KGG00]. 1/2 [Kri84a, Kri84b]. X Window System 1/2-inch [Kri84a, Kri84b]. 10 [Cal06, Cal08, Cal09, DWV06, JDB09, MM07, [Ado93, AS93b, AS90, Bar91a, Bea93, Ber91, MMG07, SG06, San07, Vea10, VSC+10]. Bra92, BM92, Fla94, Gra94, Gre92b, Har94a, 10.x [Pon96]. 1003.4 [GL91]. 11 Hel90a, Hel90b, Hel91a, JR89, JR92, JR93, [Bor14, Cod86, Ern11, JF12, Kar83, Pog17, Joh92, Jon89, Kel90, Kil94, Kim95, Kob91, Ros78, SHLR80]. 11.x [Pon99b, Pon99a]. Lee92, Man93a, Man93b, McM92, McM93, 11/44 [Tuo82]. 11/45 [LB75]. 11/780 Mik90, Mik92, Mil90b, MP92, New92, Nye88a, [Tuo82, Cod86, SHLR80]. 11i [Pon05a, Nye88b, NO90a, OT88, OQL88, O'R90b, TOML04, CM04, Pon01, Pon03, SRW04]. Ope91a, Ope91b, Ope94, Par93, QO90, Rei93, 11th [IEE94c]. 12-step [Mil01]. 12th RR92, Ros90, Ros93b, SGN88, Sch89, Seb94, [MS05]. 1394 [Ale00]. 15th She93c, Smi92, Sou94, Wom94, Yag91, You89, [NIS92, USE01a]. 17 [Jos19]. 1984 [NB84]. You90a, You90b, You92a, YP92, You95] 1989 [Ame89, Ass89c]. 1990s [MvT+90]. 1991 [Poo91]. 1992 [Won92]. 1999 [DFG99]. 19th [ACM03]. 1st [MM06a]. 1Z0 Title word cross-reference [Ern11, Sav11]. 1Z0-046 [Sav11]. 1Z0-821 [Ern11]. + [GS99, Ste01e]. 1 [HBH18]. 2 [HBH18]. 2 [Com00, Com03, Gab07, Ger92, Goe07, $24.95 [Ano95b, Ano00a]. 3 [PH87]. $39.95 Har93, Jos97, LMOT02, MK04, Pon05a, [Sch04, Ano96b]. $44.99 [Sta07b]. $49.95 Pow84a, Pow84b, SAS94b, Tho03, TNY94a, [Jen05]. $49.99 [Hid04, Tho05]. $59.99 TNY94b, Wil11, Woo94]. 2-inch [Koh06]. $89 [Gra88]. = [Ste01e]. TM [Kri84a, Kri84b]. 2.* [OH93a, OH93b]. 2.0 [FPG89]. µ [BS90]. φ [Cap87]. × [Hun99]. [BF03, B¨ol01, Coc01c, Koc09, McN99a, Swe01a]. 2.0.1 [ISO05]. 2.1 [CV00]. 2.1.5 * [JN88]. *BSD [Den99]. [Ano96c]. 2.2 [Ano00c, Bra04, VBD00, VBD01]. 2.2.6 -Compiler [PKP05, PKP05]. -dienste [Ano98a]. 2.3a [Bee86a]. 2.4 [Cal00a]. 2.6 [WF03]. -fully [FPG89]. -me [Daw86]. [BS05, PTS+14, TCM07]. 2.x -star [HBH18]. -System [BS90]. -v [Pik83]. [HG95a, Gra95]. 20 [Bee87]. 200 [Cal08, Cal09, SG06]. 2000 /AIXtra [AIX91]. /dev [Kam02]. [Bru02, FGP+91, Har00, MYH00, Sha00a, /etc/passwd [Hoo83]. USE00a, War01, Wit01]. 2003 5 [ACM03, Ano03e]. 2004 [ACM04]. 2006 [Mat97]. 5.7 [dR15]. 50-and [FJPR93]. 500 [MM06a]. 2011 [Ano11, Gre11]. 202 [SG06]. [WLHC84]. 5L [Mly09]. 5th [USE95a]. 21st [IJ98]. 21st-Century [IJ98]. 22-26 [McK97b]. 23360 [ISO05]. 24th [Mil84b]. 6 [Hon06, Lef81, Sch04, Sha81, Tho05, TU06, 26th [Mil84b]. 2D [GL06, Tho06b]. 2e Web95]. 6.1 [HS99, NS94b, SPS95]. 6.2 [Str94]. 2nd [Mat07a]. 6000 [Cer96, CMR+90, CBH+92, [Ano86, Ano00b, USE98a, Wei93]. Kel96, Lei96a, Tip92]. 622 [Lev98, RRW84]. 64 [Ano00d, Ano00f, Gig06]. 64-Bit 3 [And09, CC07, Gra05, HBG+06a, [Cha06, Ano03c, Var96a]. 64-Way HBG+06b, Hid04, ML09, TV04, Wal95b, [Ano00d, Ano00f]. 64Bit [Ano96e]. 66 Zuc83b, Zuc83c]. 3-7908-0700-1 [Wei95]. [FJPR93]. 66-MHz [FJPR93]. 681 [Hol75]. 3-D [Wal95b]. 3.0 [ER01]. 3.1 [HHV05]. 3.5 6th [Ano95h, Lio96]. [Lei98]. 3100 [Edd90]. 32-Bit [Ano02c, Ano98a, Che94, Cus92]. 32/27 7 [HS00, Hon08, Neg01, Rob99a, Rob99b, [Ble83]. 3220 [RW81]. 370 [Eyk86, FMM84]. Hag00, Win99, Ano00a]. 7.1 [Bar01c]. 7.2 37th [IEE04]. 390 [Ano97b]. 3D [BW02]. '76 [MAT85b]. 77 [Mei84]. 771 [Gla92, Rul96, SML06]. 3rd [USE99a]. [BG97]. 780 [Cod86, SHLR80]. 7th [Ano93-31, Gue87]. 4 [AH11, Ano16a, G+06a, Jen05, Koh06]. 4.0 [Ano02b, Ano03g, CBB+91, Kni92, Mat07b, 8 [Ano03a, Bus02, Gre02, Neg02, Rov78, MF99]. 4.1BSD [CQ83a, CB83]. 4.1C Smi99, Sob03, Sta07b, Wat02, Win01]. 8.13 [CQ83b, Lar83]. 4.2 [Cod86, Daw86, Kir84]. [CSAJ04]. 80 [Cox83]. 819.188 4.2BSD [BH86, CKM85, JTUB85, KM83, [McK91, McK92a]. 819.209 [Swi91]. Kri84a, Kri84b, LKM84, MK85, McK84, 819.235 [McK92b, MK96, McK96b, O'D83a, QSP85]. 4.3 McK97b, McK97a]. 821 [Ern11]. '86 [CTJ99, Kri91, LMKQ90, McK91, McK92a]. [Ano86, BBJ86]. '87 [BSK87]. '89 [ACM89]. 4.3-BSD-Unix-Betriebssystem 8th [IEE83]. [LMKQ90]. 4.3BSD [GZ89, KM86c, LMKQ89, LM91, MKL85a, MKL85b, MK88, 9 [Bai96, Cal03, Doc03, Gan08, Goo90, MKB89, MKB90b, QSP85, Tre88]. 4.4 MGK+03, Siv03, Sko98, WN02, Win02a]. [Ano98a, Hus92, McK92b]. 4.4BSD 9000 [Pon05a]. 90s [Hun92d]. '91 [IEE91b]. [Com94b, Com94c, Com94d, Com94e, 911 [Kir84]. '93 [ACM93]. '94 Com94f, Com94g, MTY01, MKS+90, [Ano93-33, IEE94c]. 95 McK94b, MBKQ96, PW94, PM95]. [Don95, Fos96, Fre98, LBSL97, Mer97, WS96]. 4.4BSD-Lite [PM95, Com94b]. 4.a [Gal93]. 95/NT [Fre98, LBSL97]. 978 4.x [Siv03]. 4/95 [Poz83]. 40 [Ano93-33]. [Ano16a, Ano16b]. 978-0-12-805105-4 40-Year-Old [Ora21]. 400 [Ano16a]. 978-1-59327-601-0 [Ano16b]. [DuC94, HR94, Tay96]. 44 [Tuo82]. 440 '99 [DFG99, USE99b, USE99c, PKP05]. 9X [R+02]. 45 [LB75]. 48-Bit [Rob82]. 486s [Ano95a, GMB93]. [FJPR93]. 4BSD [JLSG84, Lan84]. 4M [CJ94]. 4th [Sch04]. = [Ano92j, RB08]. 5 [Ano02b, War05]. 5.2 A* [LR95]. A/UX [Mea88]. Aaron [Sch04]. [Hab01, JH00, Lew01, MNN04, P+08]. 5.5 abound [Too11]. Abraham [Ano16a]. 6 Absolute Adapter [ZST+07]. Adapting [Luc02, Luc03a, Luc08, Luc13a, Luc18a]. [JAV86, Rob84b, Wat88]. Adaptive [AS93a, abstract [ATS94, Hol82, LGJS91, Str82]. AS95, AS97, HK89, SJP+09, XWRZ19]. Abyss [WF01]. academic [Ano95a]. Addendum [FG80, Mat80,

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