Species Abundance √ Sp S F W PelicansPelicansPelicans __ Killdeer* ........................................ c c c c __ Thayer’s Gull ................................ - - - r Ducks, Geese and Swans __ American White Pelican ................ o c o o __ Pacific Golden Plover .................... o o o o __ Western Gull ................................. a c a a __ Brown Pelican ............................... r r - - __ Semipalmated Plover ..................... r r r r __ American Wigeon ......................... c - o c Pigeons and Doves __ Barrow’s Goldeneye ...................... - - - r __ Snowy Plover ................................. - r - - Cormorants __ Eurasian Collared Dove ................. r r r r __ Blue-Winged Teal.......................... o - o o __ Double-crested Cormorant ........... c c c o Stilts and Avocets __ Mourning Dove ............................. c c c c __ Brant ............................................ r - - - __ American Avocet* ........................ c c a a __ Rock Dove (Pigeon) ...................... c c c c __ Bufflehead .................................... c - c c Herons, Egrets and Bitterns __ Black-necked Stilt* ....................... c c c c __ Cackling Goose ............................. - - o o __ American Bittern* ......................... o o o o OwlsOwlsOwls Sandpipers, Phalaropes and Allies __ Canada Goose* ............................. a c c a __ Black-crowned Night Heron .......... c c u u __ Barn Owl* ..................................... o o o r __ Baird’s Sandpiper ......................... - r - - __ Canvasback .................................. c - o c __ Cattle Egret .................................. r - r - __ Burrowing Owl .............................. - - r - __ Black Turnstone ........................... - r - - __ Cinnamon Teal* ............................ c o c c __ Great Blue Heron* ........................ c c c c __ Great Horned Owl ......................... r r - o __ Dunlin ........................................... o - c o __ Common Goldeneye ..................... o - o o __ Great Egret* ................................. c c c c __ Short-eared Owl ........................... - - r r __ Common Merganser ..................... r - - r __ Green Heron ................................. o o u u __ Greater Yellowlegs........................ c u c c __ Least Sandpiper ........................... c a a c __ Eurasian Wigeon ........................... o - r o __ Least Bittern ................................ - r - - SwiftsSwiftsSwifts __ Gadwall* ....................................... c o c c __ Snowy Egret* ............................... c c c c __ Lesser Yellowlegs ......................... o o r r __ Long-billed Curlew ........................ u o o o __ Vaux’s Swift ................................. r - r - __ Greater Scaup .............................. c o o c Ibises and Spoonbills __ Long-billed Dowitcher .................. u u c c __ White-throated Swift .................... r - r - __ Greater White-fronted Goose ....... o - o o __ White-faced Ibis ........................... r - r r __ Marbled Godwit ............................ c c o c __ Green-Winged Teal ....................... c - c c Hummingbirds __ Pectoral Sandpiper ....................... - r - - __ Hooded Merganser ....................... - - - r New World Vultures __ Allen’s Hummingbird .................... - r - - __ Red Phalarope .............................. - - - r __ Lesser Scaup ................................ o - o o __ Turkey Vulture ............................. c c c c __ Anna’s Hummingbird .................... c c c c __ Red-necked Phalarope .................. o o - o __ Long-tailed Duck (Old Squaw)...... - - - r Hawks and Allies __ Ruddy Turnstone .......................... - r - - Kingfishers __ Mallard* ........................................ a a a a __ Bald Eagle ..................................... - - - r __ Belted Kingfisher .......................... o o o u __ Ruff .............................................. - r - - __ Northern Pintail ............................ o - o o __ Cooper’s Hawk ............................. r r c c __ Semipalmated Sandpiper .............. - r - - Woodpeckers __ Northern Shoveler ........................ c o c c __ Ferruginous Hawk ......................... - r - r __ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper ................. - r - - __ Acorn Woodpecker ....................... - - r r __ Redhead ....................................... - - r r __ Golden Eagle ................................. r r r r __ Short-billed Dowitcher .................. r o r r __ Red-breasted Merganser .............. - - r r __ Northern Harrier ........................... c c c c __ Downy Woodpecker ..................... o o o o __ Solitary Sandpiper ........................ - r - - __ Ring-necked Duck ......................... r - r r __ Osprey .......................................... o o o o __ Hairy Woodpecker ........................ - r r r __ Spotted Sandpiper ....................... r r r r __ Ross’ Goose .................................. - - - r __ Red-shouldered Hawk ................... c o c c __ Northern Flicker............................ r r o r __ Stilt Sandpiper .............................. - r - - __ Ruddy Duck* ................................. c o o c __ Red-tailed Hawk ........................... c c c c __ Nuttall’s Woodpecker ................... o o o o __ Western Sandpiper ....................... c c c c __ Snow Goose.................................. - - - r __ Rough-legged Hawk ...................... - - r - __ Whimbrel ...................................... o r - r Tyrant Flycatchers __ Surf Scoter ................................... - r - r __ Sharp-shinned Hawk ..................... - - r r __ Wilson’s (Common) Snipe ............ o - o o __ Ash-throated Flycatcher .............. r r - - __ Tufted Duck ................................. - - - r __ Swainson’s Hawk .......................... r - - - __ Wilson’s Phalarope ....................... r u - - __ Black Phoebe* .............................. c c c c __ Tundra Swan ................................ r r r r __ White-tailed Kite* ......................... c c c c __ Pacific-Slope Flycatcher ............... r - r - __ White-Winged Scoter ................... - - - r __ Willet ............................................ c - c c Falcons and Caracaras __ Say’s Phoebe ................................ r - o c __ Wood Duck ................................... - r - - __ American Kestrel .......................... o r o o Gulls, Terns and Allies __ Tropical Kingbird .......................... - - r - __ Arctic Tern ................................... - - r - Grouse, Turkeys and Pheasants __ Merlin ............................................ r r o o __ Western Kingbird* ........................ c c - - __ Black Tern .................................... r - - - __ Wild Turkey .................................. - r - - __ Peregrine ...................................... o r o o __ Willow Flycatcher ......................... - r o - __ Black Skimmer .............................. - - r - __ Prairie Falcon ................................ - - r - New World Quail __ Bonaparte’s Gull ........................... c o o c ShrikesShrikesShrikes __ California Quail ............................. r r - - Rails and Coots __ California Gull ............................... a c a a __ Loggerhead Shrike ....................... - - r r __ Northern Shrike ............................ - - r - LoonsLoonsLoons __ American Coot* ............................ a o c a __ Caspian Tern ................................ o o - - __ Common Loon .............................. - - - r __ Black Rail ...................................... u - - u __ Common Tern ............................... - - r - VireosVireosVireos __ Red-throated Loon ....................... - - r - __ Ridgway’s Rail (Clapper Rail) ........ - - r r __ Elegant Tern ................................. r - - - __ Hutton’s vireo .............................. - - - r __ Common Gallinule* ....................... c c c c __ Forster’s Tern .............................. o o - - __ Warbling Vireo .............................. - r - - GrebesGrebesGrebes __ Sora .............................................. u r u u __ Glaucous Gull ................................ r r - - __ Clark’s Grebe ................................ o r o o __ Virginia Rail* ................................. c r c c __ Glaucous-winged Gull.................... c o c c Crows and Jays __ Eared Grebe .................................. c - o c __ Herring Gull ................................... - - r r __ American Crow ............................. c c c c __ Horned Grebe ............................... o - - o Plovers and Lapwings __ Kumlien’s Iceland Gull ................... - - - r __ Common Raven ............................ u u u u __ Pied-billed Grebe* ......................... c c c c __ American Golden Plover ............... - - r - __ Mew Gull ....................................... - r u u __ Steller’s Jay .................................. - - r - __ Western Grebe ............................. o - o o __ Black-bellied Plover ...................... a o a a __ Ring-billed Gull .............................. c c c c __ Western Scrub-jay* ...................... u u u u LarksLarksLarks __ Orange-crowned Warbler.............. - - r - Abundance and other Codes __ Horned Lark .................................. r - - r __ Palm Warbler ................................ r - - - Seasons __ Townsend’s Warbler ....................
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