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IN CELEBRATION OF ARMED FORCES DAY SATURDAY MAY 21 Did you know that for as little as $25 per month (plus $50 start-up fee) you can belong to the Fitness Exchange? To ensure our members the best workout in the least amount of time, we DRINK SPECIALS FOR NO COVER tailor a program to meet your needs, and supervise you on our double line ALL MEN IN ARMY, AS ALWAYS of Nautilus Equipment. NAVY. MARINE 8i. Available also are SunTana sun systems, Free Weights, jacuzzi, sauna, AIR FORCE juices, great music and more. UNIFORM JOIN NOW AND GET 3 MONTHS FREE!!! COME RY DURING THE 6TH STREET ART FESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND \ HOURS: MON-FRI 6AM-10PM SAT IOAM-8PM SUN NOON-6PM Memberships reciprocal between Dallas and Houston. DALLAS HOUSTON 2615 Oak1awn {§)fIT~ 3307 Richmond SUNDAY 25¢ DRAFT at Maple at Buffalo Spdwy. 526-1220 ~XCIHrAlI1Se 524-9932 611 RED RIVER AUSTIN 476-3611 NAUTILUS FOR MEN WI) /MONDAY ~ CONTENTS Beer 9pm till closing -...........SUNDAY, / ; Beer Bust 9pm till? 11 TWTNEWS _ SMU Uproar, Drinking Age Bill, HGPC Board Elections 17 COMMENT _ Public Forum 21 PERSPECTIVE _ Austin Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus Critique 23 BOOKS _ Treasures on forth Reviewed by David Fields 28 MOVIES _ Doctor Detroit Reviewed by Joseph Michael Somethrq Wicked This Way Comes Reviewed by George :~Iein Tender Mercies Reviewed by Harry Deutsch 36 SHOWBIZ _ Motown's 25th Anniversary by Jack Varsi 45 ENTERTAINMENT - TEXAS _ Strand Street Theatre, The Joy of Hex, by Rob Clark 50 ART _ limited Editions by Mitchell M, Bartlow 53 HOTTEA _ Mr, Dallas, Intl N«. Leather, Miss Gay Beaumont, by Chuck 59 SPORTS _ Women's SoFtball Closes by Cheryl Chamberlain 62 SNAPSHOTS -------------------- Austin Splash Day at Hippy Hollow Photographs by Scott Taylor 67 STARSCOPE _ New Moon by Milton von Stern 73 CLASSIFIED _ Want Ads and Notices 87 CALENDAR _ Special One-Time Only & Non-ProFit Community Events 91 THE GUIDE _ Texas Business / Club Directory COVER _ Tom Cox at Hippy Hollow, Austin Photographed by Scott Taylor TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, tnc., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) 3912-14 Cedar Springs • Dallas • 522-9611 527·9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year; $40 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1983 by Mon- trose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute, PAGE 6 TWT MAY 13 . 19, 1983 TWT MAY 13 - 19, 1983 PAGE 7 ,LUXURIOUS 1 BEDROOM CONDO $36,500 NO CASH DOWN 13% FIXED INTEREST Mortgage Payment Under $400 Monthly ($1,500 per month income will qualify you) • All Adult • No Cash Down on • 2 Pools Selected Units • West Loop • Non Qualifying Mortgages Location .13% Fixed Interest • Full Security • Landscaped Courtyards • Fireplace • Spacious Floorplans Brick Walls 10 minutes from Galleria, Montrose, Medical Center, Sharpstown, Downtown $36,500 Purchase Price Galleria o Down Payment Westheimer SWFw;< $383.45 Monthly ......- ___ Oelloire ~ L Mortgage Pmt. ~,~~\ >- ~ .~~ Mcditerr8I1c8I1 Villas "Reflecting Your Lifestyle" 5625 Bissonnet Houston 666..4440 Sales Office open lOam till dusk, 7 days a week PAGE 9 TWT MAY 13 - 19. 1983 \\W \\DII THIS WEEK IN TEXAS t NEWS Weekly Circulation: 20.000 HOME OFFICE 2205 Montrose ALAMO KLAN Houston. Texas 77006 (713) 527-9111 MARCH FIZZLES DALLASOFFICE SAN ANTONIO - The scheduled 3409 Oak Lawn. Suite 206 May 1 Ku Klux Klan march in this city Dallas. Texas 75219 fizzled, Alan Gellman of TWT NEWS (214) 521-0622 reported. Few people attended, and the PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick FEATURESEDITOR Blase DiStefano gay community shied away, heeding ad- TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark vice to "not honor the Klan with our NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsi presence." NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick Similar advice in Houston averted in- SPORTSEDITOR Cheryl Chamberlain ASSISTANTTO THEEDITORSDennis Walker juries during an early-April Klan march. POETRYEDITOR Art Tomaszewski Marion Panzer (I). owner of Just Marion and Lynn's, and Ignoring the Klan in San Antonio also CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Walter Strickler, owner of The Barn-newly-elected grand resulted in no injuries or violence. Jim Boone. Susan Collins. Harry Deutsch. marshals of Houston's 1983 Gay Pride Parade, scheduled David Fields. Weldon Grahame. Christopher Hart. for Sunday, June 26. KKK grand dragon, Charles Lee, told Paul Herrera. Hollie Hollister. Harold Hove. TWT NEWS photo by Greg Havican reporters he was filing a class action George Klein. Dean Malone. Joseph Michael. w.J. Quigley suit against the San Antonio Police ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow TEXAS DRINKING AGE Department because they had kept all ASSISTANT AD ART DIRECTOR Thom Bisping crowds at least a block away from his GRAPHIC ARTISTS.Frank White. TO STAY AT 19 Mardi Coleman. Fred Hinton. Cherokee march. Lee vowed that the Klan would TYPOGRAPHERSw.J. Quigley. Leslie Holmes AUSTIN - TWT NEWShas learned return to the Alamo City to march again. STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Ell Guklch. from Pat Cramer and John Calkin, co- Scott Taylor. Greg Havlcan. AI Macarena. Jim Hamilton. J. Robert Araya. Tom Davis. chairs of our gay lobby on Capitol Hill, HOUSTON'S NEW SEX Carl Neil. Oscar Mendiola. Blase DiStefano. known as the Lesbian/Gay Rights Advo- Michael Galatis. Hollie Hollister SHOP ORDINANCE ACCOUNTING Doug Felix cates (LGRA), that the drinking age RECEPTIONISTTracey Springer minimum for Texans will most likely not HOUSTON - When City Council- SALES be changed-at least not during this member George Greanias spoke to EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER session of the LegiSlature. Thus, 19 GPC members recently, he addressed Jim Veteto years of age will remain the law for two the subject of Houston's proposed new Advertising rates are available on request by tele- more years, as lawmakers meet only sex shop ordinance. For over a year, phoning the salesperson In your nearest city. from 10am-Spm. weekdays. every other year. meetings have been held with the pub- DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: It had been heavily speculated at the lic to obtain feedback in the form of Friday. one week priar to publication. outset of this year's session, in Janu- dialogue on what Houstonians want or AUSTIN ary, that Mothers Against Drunk Drivers don't want from sexually-oriented busi- Scott Toylor . (S12) 926-0253 (MADD) and other anti-youth drinking nesses. DALLAS COllectives, would force the lawmakers Richard Rogers. (214) 521-0622 When asked by TWTNEWSwhat the FORT WORTH to raise the drinking age to 21. Such will summarization of public testimony Jerry Cassidy. (817) 335-0742 not be the case, however, as the Legis- revealed, Greanias stressed that "most HOUSTON Jim Veteto. (713) 527-9111 lature makes its eleventh and final people are concerned about clustering SAN ANTONIO thrust at the end of this month. -a lot of the same-type businesses in Alan Gellman. (512) 734-3233 Efforts to quell the issue have suc- the same neighborhood." The new law CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS ceeded. The proposed legislation most will most likely address that subject, he Houston-Cheryl Chamberlain Houston Assistant-Leslie Holmes likely will not even reach the floor for said. Dallas-Chuck North a vote. "The public is also concerned about ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. At best, Texans can expect stiffer safety and distance. We may see a 500- The Corporation PRESIDENTJames D. Cagle laws, fines and penalties for OWls and foot or 1,000-foot separation between VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURCharlesER M. Patrick other driving infractions, an inside these businesses and a church, school SECRETARYJim D. Chappell source revealed to TWTNEWS. or residence-whatever is fair." PAGE 10 TWT MAY 13 • 19. 1983 TWT MAY 13 • 19. 1983 PAGE 11 Fairness is what the new ordinance ner at which an antl-qay speech was should lose heart ... [as] here in Hous- ton, a major research effort has been will strive for. And, the new ordinance given. should be available for public inspec, Theology students even sent a letter undertaken." tion soon. After the initial draft has to SMU president, L. Donald Shie'lds, re- Mayor Whitmire was referring to the been scrutinized by citizens, a final vote questing an investigation into charges recent formation of an AIDS Working by council will come. of foul play by the administration. The Group, sponsored by the City Health Asked about priorities of public con- Daily Campus reported receiving hun- Department.
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