BROADWALL GOLDEN LASS 08910 BROADWALL GOLDEN GIRL 08911 We ride our Morgans for pleasure and enjoy them . W e at Broadwell Farm w ish all our Morgan friends a very M erry Christmas and a very prosperous Morgan New Year. Eclida~Greeiings ~nmr Int 111nrms Morgans and Saddle Horses "Tim" White Ft. Lauderdale,Fla. SPECIALFEATURES Feed My Sheep. by Ern Pedler . 8 Whither The Morgan Horse . 10 What Others Think Of Ua . 11 Why A Morgan Cutting Horse . 12 Winter Relaxation for the Show Horse . 13 Mid-States Morgan Horse Club Field Day . 18 So Your Morgan Ia Leaving Home . 19 So A Morgan Ia Joining Your Family . ... ... .. .... ·.: 19 Huge Crowds Attend Green Meads Weanling Sale . 21 Dear Sir : Morgans Put on a Top Show at the Penn. National . 23 Justin Morgan Assn. Trail Rfde . 23 I am rath er late in writing this letter, New York Morgan Horse Trail Ride . 25 but in your June issue ( 1963) you have Morgan Horse VersaUllty Show ... .... ·. ·.. ... ... .. ... 30 a picture on Page 35 of our mare 0 -At­ Horse Science School Plans for '64 Announced . 32 Ka Rosa Lee No. 011146 AMHR and Archie O . 59 Results New York Stale Morgan Horse Show . 60 No . 75 CMHR, owned by Graham Bockus, "Colbrook Morgan Farm", REGULARFEATURES Foster, Que. She is now 3 years old but Letters to the Editor . 5 the pictur e was taken when she was Horses . Horses, Horse :. 15 Jes' Hos:;!n' Around . 17 2 years. The picture is incorrectly cap­ So. Eastern News . 25 tioned having the name Mystic Melody. New England News . 27 North Central Assn. 28 I have lo,aned some of my back is­ Mid-Atlantic News . 29 sues of The Morgan Horse Magazine Morgan Breeders and Exhibitors Assn . 31 and now I am unable t6 get them back. Justin Morgan Horse Assn . 32 I was wondering if you might have a Mid States News . 33 Mississippi Vall ey News . 34 copy of one or each of the following Penn-O hio News . 35 that I might be able to purcha se as I Northern California . 36 am having the magazines bound . Indiana Morgan Horse Club, Inc. 37 July 1955 and Jan.-Feb. 1959. Morgans ln The Land of Enchantment . • . 38 New York News . 55 Yours truly, Buckeye Breeze . 56 Morgan Horse Assn of Oregon . 57 Mrs. Graham Bo.ckus Ask The Doctor . 58 Colbrook Morgan Farm Rocky Mountain Morgan Horse Club . 58 Circle J. News . 58 Foster, Que. KYOVA Morgan Horse Association . 59 Southern India na Morgan Exhibitors . 62 De.ar Sir: Officers of The Morgan Horse Club Enclosed find my new addre ss, as President . • . • . J. CECIL FERGUSON I certainly do not want to miss readin g Greene, Rhode Island one issue of our Magazine . But also I Eastern Regional Vice President . MRS. ROGER E. ELA Wayland, Mass . have another reason for contacting yo.u. Mid-West Regional Vice-President ........ MRS. WILLIAM W. BARTON My husband, son and.I I have just Rockford , Ill. moved to Virginia. We have been Western Regional Vice President . .... ... .. .. .. DR. HENRY P. BOYD San Rafael. Calif. ( Continued on Page 85) Treasurer . • . CHAUNCY STILLMAN 230 Park Avenue , New York, N. Y. Secretary ... ... .. ..... .... .. ..... ... .. .. SETH P. HOLCOMBE P. O. Box 2157. West Hartford 17. Connecticut OUR COV ER The Morgan Horse Magazine Our cover for this Christmas issue Vol. XXIII December. 1963 No. 11 brings back childhoo.d memories of A Monthly - The Official Publication of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, lncorporotod sleighing parties and caroling from the Secretary 's Office , P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Conn. Please send all correspondonco regarding subscriptions and advertising to publlcotlon depth of robes and blankets in the old office: The Morgon Horse Magazine, Leomlnstor, Moss. - Dlol KEystono 4-6506 . family sleigh. With freezing breath and Publisher . Otho F. Eusey Editor . Bernice Anderson jingling bells we skimmed over the Special Features . Ern Pedler sparkling white in those good old days Circulation . Rosalie McGuire when the, horse played an indispensible CONTRIBUTING EDITORS part in the holiday celebrations . Joyan Hills Olllo Moo Dansby Renee Page Barbaro Niemi Judeon Borwood Doris Hodgin Joanne Mohl Dr. Albert Lucine Pullin g the old "one horse o.pen loulso Bockloy Dorothy Lockard I. G. Morgoroldgo Pauline Zoller Lorrayne Byers Peggy McDonald Eve Oakley Holen, Zimmerman sleigh" on our cover is a Morgan horse Dorothy Colbum Coleen Meloan Coco Olson Dorothy Olson of course - a Lippitt Morgan from the Barbaro Colo Charlotte Schmidt Ayollon Richards Pamela Leach Ruth Rogers Pot Hamilton Natalie Webber Gloria Jones Lippitt Morgan Farm of by-gone days Ellene Sullivan Pot Crookhom Harriet Ulery in Randolph, Vermont. The Publisher and staff of The Morgon Horse Magazine and The Morgon Horse Club, Inc. o re not respons ible for op inions and statements expressed In signed art icles or paid ad ­ We hope yo,u can have your sleighing vertisements . These opinions ore not necessar ily the opinions of the staff of this (oumo l. party this ye.ar, but if not, we present SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year S4.00 Two Years $7.50 Three Years $10.50 this scene for your Christmas dreams. Canada $4.50 Foreign Rates $5.50 per year And from our stable to yours comes a The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January by THE MORGAN hearty Christmas greeting and a wish HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary 's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Conn. Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominste r, Moss. Second class postage pa id at Leominster. that you and your Mo,gans will have Moss. Closing dote for copy and advert ising 1st of month preceding dote of publication Copyright 1963 by The Morgon Horse Club, Inc. a happy and healthy New Ye.ar. ( I -------- J To P>ENNINGTOH : ~ \ \/ER.MON!_- - - - \1 ----- --- TUftNPlt<E" CONNECTICUT HUDSON VALLEY- BERKSHIREBREEDERS Come visit the Farms and see in one day over 100 of the finest MORGAN horses anywhere . BLUE SPRUCE FARM - Altamont, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Plauth GREEN MEADS FARM - Richmond, Mass. GREEN MEADS FARM Mr. and Mrs . Darwin Morse PETALBROOKFARM - Wappingers Falls; N. Y. --- . - - -- - - Mr. and Mrs . Philip Jackson ' ' VOORHIS FARM - Red Hook, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Voorhis 'Lite Cf)re"iaent," eorner By J. 1:. IL F ERG O There ha b en ome talk and petitioning against the rule a pa ed by the Board of Dire tor of the organ H r e lub In . ne h uld remem­ ber it i ju L :i mu h the dut of the director and officer o( our lub t protect and pre erv the t pe :ind natural chara Leri ti of the Morgan Hor e that ha made him the Prid and Produ L of m rica a it i for a profc ional to do eveq•thin po ible to hav hi hor e win for its O\ ner. The trouble is that in pre enting the Morgan Hor e our pre enc rule are fo.rgotten. For chi rea n more dcfjnite rul h d co be made oth rwi e the natural anima­ ted moti n of the Morgan w uld 0011 b lo t. Morgan are n .w being judged on how high the can pick up their front feet and e er thing 1 i di r gard d. If the pre entation and judging o( I rgan c ntinuc in thi manner th breeding of lor ran will be limit cl for how purpo only and the final re ult\ ould b a few high priced anim 1 and o.ther , ould go b gging. Th rabian and ppal a have kept th ir hor e n:itural with the re ult that the regi tcring of their horse ha wa beyond th r and their a crag pric have b en high. The forgan i a family hor e· friendly willing and ambitio.u and b k eping him natural th mark et for M rgan i unlimited. Both amateur and proCe ional hould try co ho\ hi hor e to the be t f hi bility to further th popularity f the bre cl. How ever we hould not go o far a to hange Lhcir natural characteri tic and their trappy way of going. o one i going to be hurt by th new rule and I inccrel h pc ever hibitor will do hi or her be t to abide by them. from Sonfield , shown with retiremen t ceremony a lso from Leo, Louise, w reath when 28 .. St. Pat , and Linda Beckley , and Royal Don , Mont ey Vermont The Tony Aranas at the a nd the 3 2 ma res at Beckridge . ranch. Fall had been long and clear and he had ridden down into the west val­ and listened to the wild, rough lang­ mostly bright, moving away from sum­ ley, long miles, just to make his threats uage, an echo of his o,wn over all the mer's heat thro.ugh quiet days. Hay because he had found a few stray sheep years. For there is something about a was up and roundup over and beef east of the divide. It was the. one un­ wild, hard life that is apt to show up shipped. For a month the mountain reasoning meanness in him . Tradi­ in the vocabuJarly. He listened to their face had looked like a great deep car­ tion said a cowman hated sheep and longings , and their hal f lonesomeness, pet, with flaming colors giving way to the men who owned them, and within brought on by a loo.k into the open fire.
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