VOLUME NUMBER 2 5 Published Every Month “IF WE CANNOT RECONCILE ALL OPINIONS, LET US ENDEAVOR TO UNITE ALL HEARTS.” NEW-HARMONY, (IND.) JanuaryFebruary 1, 2020 2016 DR. DAVIDBRIDGE L. RICE, TALE! OBITUARY willAfer start military with theservice, plan thathe taughtreceived in thethe Conferenceit’s former Alumniglory as Award,a public Rotary thorough- Civic By DanEXCEPTS Barton, FROM Publisher smallestpublic schools allocation of Wallace, of State Indiana, money. while Us- he Award,fare, but Boy have Scout been Distinguished disappointed Citizen time THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN ingpursued the old advanced rule, “putting degrees theat Purdue. least first,” Awardand time and again a Sagamore by the timidityof the Wabashof our Our Harmony Way Bridge was 85 INDIANA RELEASE! we Beforebegin joiningwith the the UniversityHarmony ofWay Southern Pe- conferredelected officials by Indiana and their Governor inability Robert to do years young on December 26, 2015. No destrianIndiana, BridgeDr. Rice Project. was on the faculty and D.what Orr. Roy An Clippinger Evansville andnative, his OrrExecutive signed celebration, no fireworks, no happy Dr. David L. Rice, 90, founding and frst served Jim asSpann, director owner of research of the atNew Ball Har- State intoCommittee law the didbill increating 1930 whenthe University they built of Harmonists dancing in the street. Bear- president of the University of Southern monyUniversity Soap in Company Muncie, Indiana.and current While presi- on Southernthe Harmony Indiana Way on Bridge.April 16, You 1985. can bet ing silent witness to the passage of time Indiana, died at 7:10 p.m. (EST) Wednesday, dentfaculty of leave the fromNew BallHarmony State, he Business was vice thatIn $550,000recognition dollars of washis Universitya lot of in our fair town, it stands in mute testi- January 15, 2020 in York, Pennsylvania. A Associates,president with has the been Cooperative in the forefront Education of leadership,money in boththose the days Faculty but theSenate men and who the mony to the failure of more modern native of New Market County, Indiana, theResearch idea toLaboratory reuse The in IndianapolisHarmony Way and USImade Alumni up that Council bridge endowed committee scholarships had the Dr.society’s Rice wasinability born toApril modestly 1, 1929, imitate to the research coordinator in the Bureau of in his name. In 2016, to honor Dr. Rice on Bridge as a Park, Bikeway, Hike-Way imagination and wherewithal to see it latethis Elmerachievement J. and Katie of generations Tate Rice, onepast. of 14 Research for the U.S. Ofce of Education in his 87th birthday, the David L. Rice and and Cart-Path since the inception of the through. children. But there is good news of a sort. Washington, D.C. Betty Fordice Rice Presidential Scholarship idea. In the depths of the Depression they Part In of 1967, the Dr.$84 Rice million and hisdollars family allocated came to An energetic and dedicated citizen, Endowment was established. Te University Jim first mentioned and circulated built a functional piece of architectural Evansville.by Governor He Mikewas the Pence’s, frst dean “Regional appointed Dr. Rice gave leadership to many eforts Library was named in his honor and both he literature about using the bridge for art that still rivals any bridge in Indiana toCities,” lead the economic Evansville initiative campus hasof Indianafound to improve the communities in which he and Mrs. Rice received honorary doctoral recreational and tourism purposes more for its beauty and length. Stateits way University, to New two Harmony years af ander its someopening. of lived. He was president of the Board of degrees from the University. than a year ago. The idea seemed to Now the main concerns for the Park/ Inthat 1971, money he wasmay named go to president the Harmony of the Commissioners of the Evansville Housing Upon retirement from the presidency of catch on. Previously, Committees and Bridge are whether or not the matching campusWay Bridge. and then, Southwest in 1976, Indiana Statehas Authority and chair of the Governor’s USI, afer 27 years of service, he and Mrs. Civic Groups were formed to rehabili- funds can be raised and if the Park/ Universitybeen designated also named as one him of a thevice threepresident re- Citizen’s Committee for Title Twenty Rice moved to New Harmony, Indiana in tate and reopen it as a public thorough- Bridge idea can generate the income to ofgions the in main our Statecampus to benefitin Terre from Haute, this of the Social Services Act. A founder 1994, where they became active in historic fare but this approach ran into obstacles take care of maintenance and pay the Indiana.initiative. ByThis 1985, region under will his receive leadership, $42 of Leadership Evansville, now called preservation and community restoration. at both the State and Local government liability insurance costs. Also, what themillion Evansville dollars andcampus New evolvedHarmony into will a Leadership Everyone, he also served as its Dr. Rice undertook many of the town’s levels, so Jim has changed the mix to entity can receive the State funds that separateget $500,000 state university, of that portion,the University as has of president. In 2009, he and his wife Betty preservation eforts. He led the campaign Southern Indiana, regarded for its excellent somethingreceived the that Leadership seems toEvansville be more Lifetime popu- andare beingoversaw allocated. the physical restoration of been reported from Indianapolis. educational programs and innovative lar.Achievement Award. Dr. Rice was general the TheRapp White Owen County Granary, Bridge now Commis- a center Four projects have been highlighted regional outreach projects. When he retired chair By of adopting the Fund thisDrive new of the Park/Bridge United Way forsion historical decided toand close cultural the Harmony events in Way the as recipients of this grant: 1) The WMI, in 1994, it was noted he was one of a handful approachof Southwestern an immediate Indiana, chair financial of the board re- community.Bridge in 2012 As a forcommissioner perceived forsafety the Maclure Conservatory, Farm toTable of contemporary university presidents with wardof WNIN has been Channel gleaned. 9 Public The $95,000 Television, is bi-stateconcerns Harmony after inspection Way Bridge reports (White indi- program will be receiving $150,000 for a 25-year tenure at the same institution. aexplorer match chairgrant of funding the Buf andalo Tracemoney Council will Countycated that Bridge some Commission) areas of the between bridge Newhad reuse of the abandoned New Harmony During his tenure, enrollment grew haveBoy Scoutsto be raisedand president dollar forof thedollar Indiana be- Harmonya loss of structuraland Illinois, capacity. he was Since an ardent then School. 2) The Odd Fellows Hall lo- from 992 students to 7,443, and the master- forePublic the Broadcasting funds can Society.be used. He It also was served an- advocateseveral studiesfor state andand inspectionsfederal funding have to cated at Tavern and Main Street is planned physical plant on the 1,400-acre nouncedon the board that theof firstthe Evansvilleuse of the Museummoney stabilizebeen conducted and improve by variousthe structure. state offi- (Dr. slated to get $107,500. 3) Maclure campus had capital investments of $45.2 couldof Arts, be History, to provide and forScience; inspections the Indiana and Ricecials madeand bridge an impassioned engineers. appeal These athave the Square at Church and Main will receive million. He oversaw the expansion of seeBusiness how muchModernization work must and be Technology done to Augustindicated 2014 that specialthe bridge public is inmeeting need ofof $147,500 and be turned intoThe Main curricula from limited two-year degree reopenCorporation; the bridge the Chamber for the publicof Commerce and a Poseyrepair Countyand continued Commission, maintenance hoping forto Street Extended Market & Pavilion. programs with other universities. Under studyof Southwest to determine Indiana; exactly Te Villages, how it canInc.; Posey1improve County its present to take condition. over operation of hisAnd leadership,number 4)USI The became Harmony the Wayfrst Youth Resources of Southwestern Indiana; the bridge that had been forced to close in be used to pay its way and insure suc- The inspections pointed out that baccalaureateBridge has been institution granted in $95,000. Indiana to have Evansville Coalition of Adult Literacy; 2012.) Although Dr. and Mrs. Rice moved cess. In using the Park/Bridge concept, some elements of the bridge should a degree-transfer Many people herearticulation in New Harmonyagreement and was active in Rotary. In 2013, Dr. to York Pennsylvania, in 2014 to be close to the Harmony Way Bridge may also be eventually be replaced or repaired, such withhave Ivybeen Tech instrumental Southwest, inpaving the successthe way Rice was inducted into the prestigious their daughter, they maintained their home eligible for other types of funding as the road bed, the expansion joints, forof ourall Town’sof Indiana being to abledevelop to receivea statewide this Evansville Regional Business Hall of in New Harmony until 2017. For many through other State and Federal agen- the side railings, new metal deck drains communitymoney. Way college too many system. to be mentioned Fame. He chaired former Congressman years, they were members of the Howell cies. Both Evansville and Mt. Vernon and cleaning and painting to allow the in Dr.this Rice article earned and his this Bachelor small of paper,Science atin Lee Hamilton’s Southern Indiana Rural United Methodist Church in Evansville and received several million dollars from bridge to be brought back as a public Agriculture,this time. Surely and his the Master success of Science that ourand Development Project. In professional later Johnson United Methodist Church in Indiana State Department of Natural thoroughfare. There are those who Doctorfriends ofand Philosophy neighbors in Education,have achieved all from so circles, he served the Indiana Conference New Harmony. Resources to build a similar type of would like the thoroughfare option re- Purduefar, has University,it’s own rewards.
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