Vol. 113 – No. 31 THE TEMISKAMING Highway 11 will be closed in both directions Thursday for about eight hours. See story on page 7a. SPEAKERwww.northernontario.ca WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 $1.75 per single copy (H.S.T. included) Deluge hits Englehart Trees down, basements fl ooded in fl ash storm Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART - Englehart has been taking stock of it- self after a Wednesday afternoon storm September 5 left a foot of water in some parts of the town, fl ooded many basements and blew down several trees. A photograph appeared online showing a woman FIRST AND LAST? kayaking down one of the streets. One-year-old Lyla Rozell of Evanturel Township enjoyed the many things to see at the Englehart Fall Fair while By Tuesday, September 11, the town had obtained awaiting a fun time at the baby contest which took place Friday, September 7. She is pictured here with her engineering assistance to conduct fi eld investiga- mother Amy Matthews. This may have been Lyla’s only chance to visit the fair as organizers expect it may have tions, collect rainfall data, analyze the sanitary sewer been the last. See page 1C for more on the fair. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) system and storm drainage system, and review past reports and rainfall events. On September 6, the day after the storm, much of the water had receded but some remained in the manholes and the lagoon water levels were also very “I want answers” high, showing water still remained in many base- ments. Ethier missing person case marks 22 years Continued on 2a Sue Nielsen continue to offer information directly to law enforce- Speaker Reporter ment or through Crimestoppers. There is a team of four investigating offi cers DISTRICT — “I want answers,” said Celine Ethier, con- charged with collecting and analyzing tips and infor- cerning the disappearance of her daughter Melanie, mation that come in to the Temiskaming detachment who went missing while walking home from a friend’s concerning the case. place in New Liskeard on September 29, 1996. “The disappearance of Melanie Ethier is still being Melanie hasn’t been seen since that fateful night. investigated, we receive tips all the time and the case Missing for 22 years, the 15-year-old would have has never been closed,” said Detective Sergeant lead turned 38 this year. investigator Lisa Laxton. Celine Ethier feels in her heart her daughter is de- She has worked on the Melanie Ethier fi le for sev- ceased but she doesn’t know for sure. eral years along with Detective Constable Michael “It weighs heavy on me. My physical health tells the Audettte. tale. I am physically and mentally affected by her dis- “It is our wish to solve this case and for Celine to appearance. Someone knows something and I hope have answers. Melanie is someone’s daughter, sister they can fi nd it in their heart to tell someone what and friend. We still get two to three tips per month Chloe Raftis of Englehart is pictured here in a kayak as they know,” she said. and follow every lead that comes our way,” Laxton she tries to make her way from her home to a neigh- She has created a Facebook page called Let’s Work told The Speaker. bours’ house after a rain and wind storm hit the town, Together To Find Melanie Ethier and has 5,000 peo- “We would like nothing better than to solve this causing fl ooding and downed trees on Wednesday ple on it and she receives information from it that she case for Celine and her family and the greater com- afternoon, September 5. (Photo by Brad Disney) passes on to the Temiskaming Detachment of the munity.” Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). Police urge anyone with tips about the disappear- “I am trying to keep Melanie in the public’s eye. I ance to come forward. 2016 FORD F-250 saw a truck the other day with her picture on it and it “Even if it is something you heard from someone, warmed my heart. I receive so much support from my or so and so heard this about the disappearance, we CREW CAB 4X4 6.7 L., Diesel, all popular options. Facebook page and there is power in social media,” never discount tips,” added Laxton. $47,999 Certified Premium Pre-Owned. said Ethier. Celine Ethier would like to see ribbons on the Wabi +HST Only 85,000 kms. People have messaged her with tips about her River bridge September 29 as a visual reminder of New Liskeard, ON 705-647-4393 daughter’s disappearance and she hopes people will Continued on 3a Page 2a TEMISKAMING SPEAKER Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Some trees were knocked down and branches broken during a strong rain and wind storm that hit Englehart and area on September 5. This property’s telephone and hydro lines were knocked out when this tree fell. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) WE HELP Cancer Patients & their families With: • Support groups • Physiotherapy Deluge hits Englehart • Exercise groups • Medical supplies, dressings • Looking good program • Special chemotherapy Continued from A Front recent years. also properties where trees • Bereavement groups • Prescription drugs • Mastectomy • Lab tests Not only was there water. He said part of the system had been blown down. • Finances • Prosthesis Some of the basements saw would be viewed with a cam- He said that when the storm • Accommodations • Nutritional supplements • Specialized dental treatments • Rental of equipment sewage flow back into them. era to see if there appears to hit, the ditches filled up “and TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 10am - 1 pm Some basements had water be a problem with the line. basically overthrew our sewer Englehart Office & Box 994 and sewage in them up to four PUMPS AND VACUUMS system. Both the ditches and Temiskaming Englehart Family Health Team Hospital Room 724 feet deep. After the storm struck, the the sewer system were at the 705-544-2301 ext. 5256 705-628-8800 This week the town has been municipal staff was handing max.” Sponsored by the Temiskaming Speaker out with engineers and using out pumps to some residents He said it had been rain- cameras attempting to de- with flooded basements, but ing before noon hour and “by termine if there was anything there were not enough pumps three it was raining very hard. that could be done in the town available. The road was covered. Twenty to mitigate a future effect like The town also brought in minutes later it was clear, then $2,000 REWARD! the one experienced Septem- trucks to vacuum out the sew- 15 minutes later it was abso- Crime Stoppers, Tri-Town ber 5. er system to provide relief. lutely covered again.” On September 6, town Private contractors were also A wind then came up. Region Inc. clerk-treasurer Shawn LaCarte in town the next day, helping LaCarte said he never saw a are seeking the public’s and public works superinten- some customers and going wind like that before. assistance regarding dent Ryan Vickery had been in from door to door to see if “It was pushing the water any information on the consultation and LaCarte told their services were required by backwards through the town.... following: The Speaker, “We’re going to others. It just went right across town.” Break and Enter – Cane Township assess (and) if there was any- Apart from residences, some While the worst effect was On August 16, 2018, the members of the Temiskaming thing wrong with (the town in- town structures also were experienced in town, neigh- Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were frastructure) we’ve got to find damaged by the storm. bouring municipalities were contacted in regards to a break and enter on Highway (Hwy) 65 East in James Township, Ontario. a way or solution to mitigate it LaCarte said the town would dealing with lost culverts and The suspect(s) involved in the incident, entered the property for a future crisis.” be first focussing on helping damaged roads. sometime between August 14 and 6:30 a.m. on August 16, 2018. But it is not clear that there the residents before examin- “The surrounding areas The culprit(s) then entered the residence and stole the following items: was anything wrong with the ing its own buildings. got it pretty good too,” said • 1995 green Ford F150 town infrastructure. He anticipates there will be LaCarte. • 12 foot aluminum boat (interior painted green), no motor “As far as we can see right many insurance claims. He noted that another simi- • 1980s red Honda All-Terrain Vehicle now, there wasn’t a problem Flooded basements would lar storm occurred in the area • .22 caliber chrome 10 shot, Smith and Wesson revolver with the system,” said LaCarte. also mean ruined furnishings about eight or nine years ago, The suspect(s) is unknown at this time and the investigation is continuing. Police are seeking public’s assistance to help locate He noted that the town has in many cases. although it didn’t have as ex- and identify the suspect and locate the stolen items. been upgrading its system in LaCarte noted there were tensive an impact. The total cost of this theft is valued at $2400. If you have any information involving this theft or any other crime, please call Crime Stoppers at this toll free number, 1-800-222- TIPS (8477). The Crime Stoppers Civilian Board of Directors will pay up to $2000 for any information leading to an arrest in this case or any other serious case.
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