_ii __i----- a . iihJlhh- ul I!J_ .- ii?bjj0 6950Okt Libi'.3r Rllcg, '7tES I111j8 PUBLICLi 6Ou RARY lcsnEEF ES . 60648 May of OnNew Jr. CollegeTrustee Choices committee sod other interested Raynond Nelson. zens tntereSted1seltherChoo citizens with the hope of fisd- Our aloi is cosse they in torn wiil he sers- jog or becomtsg oseofeves to seek. out those candidates, by at feast 50 voters who re- the new Nifes- log a messo by whichto eo Ing so as trusteen." frustecSfor dorse the most qoallfiodcao- introduce them to thecommun- side within the cammùaity col- olne cotnmUsity college,iII ity, describe their qualifica.. loge district, and filed at the didate5 seekisg to becometrss- -,Nomination petitions for he- 0 held Tueoday May6 at. 8 teesio. the election oo June .tiobs, sod support them In the county auperioteodent'soffice olectioo. coming a trustee may be oh- ..m. ¡n the lobby of Nfleo West 21. - tamed at the office of the Cook between May 7 and May 29, 1gb school, Oakton and Edens p.m Coanty Saperioteodent of kokie. We bave been informed thät 'Werealize thattheflrstcol.. Schools, room 407, Chicago Civ- To become a trustee, one mast The meetisg bao bees called a good nomberotpeopje have lege hourd will set the tone for it Center, - be a U$. citizen. 21 years of by membérs atthe former 000ght petitions ofatitidacy." oorcommunity-college.wewaot agç - or Over, and a resident .to he of service to them be.. ?f the college district for at Nifes - Maine Juniorcôllege eoplaised. fofmer cb-chairmìn The petitIons mOst he signed (Largest Circulation in Golf-Mill,East Matite, Morton Grave & Nifes Ares). Review Of Ballots Shows Serving The VHIage Of Nues Judes Accuraté Delivered To Over 17,000 Homes io Nilea, Morton Greveand East Maine - t? PesóleIs - 9042 N. Courtland Ave., Nilei, III.. (At 9100 4. Milwaukee Ave.) Trustee WinDer. Al a re-convening of the Board of Eiection Commissioners, Who . of Election - 10 PER COPY VOL 12 NO. 45 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, MAY1, l96 Commissioners - are the present village hoard of- Monday nightnewly-elected trastees, canvassed the vote of trastee Pete Pesolewas ret- the 28 -polls. Their canvassing as the daly elected vil- was the rqcordleg of Ike offIcial Stevenson iage trustee, resalting from the totals sahmitted by the clot- IFrom The. L April 15 election. lion judges in each of the pro- ft Hand ciocca. Within 5 days alter the By David Besser. To Dedicate canvassing a candidate who lost Editor & Publisher the election by 5% sr less of the Ar a.kasJ inve5tlgatiOiSnotw:rranted," total vole can petition the cInc-- Electjo5 Ieft..oVet....... tion comminsionero, Efe tkeutan - Niles' 1969vIllage election, choose any 25% of the precincts After seeing the ballets of T precInctswhich were being re- Adlaf E, Stevetison III. State. otated by defeated village tras- malthe hailotsareall re- coasted Monday night- we'ge.s meanage for Nifes., , there's aTreaoorer of - illInois, will be tee candidate jack Lenhe. chocked. Thinwas the procedore great somber of DUMB vaters is thiscommunity, There were malar uPsetter at the dedl.. which took piace Monday night. - Voters wño yoted ter every Mayor- caodidate;. : ènd Stvesnbn: Aeske Who fsgtfo Puholb-! - voted .fo 4 and S- trustee candidates, 'fliers Wrevoters wits5chOol 9(100. Capitol Drive,vDes leSoElisa 5% of dtvote Cast LokAho precicl, placed checb.- marks Instead of X'sin thplaces before the can... 508, le hsnor d hin fathut for th& third trusteeoeat pu- Mllwanite ave.;precinet9,7328 didates' sumes. There Breen; precinct .i4, 8117 Ozen- were voters who voted for a 5traltt . titimned the commisslosero for ticket and then voted foradditional independent teuntee cat dedication ceremony will a 'petitios of discovery" which am; precinct 20, 9141 Milwau- didotes, There begin were a lot of dombies on April 15 und we think at 3 p.m. os Soeday, . is a review of 25% of the pre hoe; precinct 22, 8633 National; sisee this is your tewn-ypz've May 4. precinct 23, 8200 Greendale s right to bese about lt. - electo' belloto. After cbecbig d - precinct28, if An opes house will be held each ballot Is the aelected7 9201 Maryland, checked the vete tataln of 2 weehaago you might haiefrom 2 . p,m. to 3 p.m. daring precincts (from the total 28) Based -on the totals re-counted IF soticed there were 8.983 votes cantfor villageclerk. in the Ma-which time visitors may tour lt woo band the officialcount by Lenke and his attorney, Gobe yoro siomae roce 8,635 votes were recorded. inthe trustee - the modern team leaching, non- of the Judges won Berrafato, Lenke lost as eddi- ILS accurate. - races 25,833 VOten were counted. But ifyou divide the oamher raded uchool which oses multi.. The receont showed Leskelost Usual6 voten In precinct f. by 3 only 8,444votes were recorded for three openings, sr 539 -groupings to teeth I ndividual 1 additional Vete, which placed while Peoole lost 5. Is precinct Votes leso than thooe cast for village clerk.- studento. Leshe 46 votes behind Pesais, 9 Lenke lout 4 whIle Pesöle - - - Thè fòrïñhfdedlCitldh ce- who received the third highest lost I;in 14 Leske gained- 1, -- remous wIll abo ioclode a wel- number of votes among thetrun- Pessle gaieed 3; in 20 the coont tome by Hugh E, li4cGuigaii tes caudidaten, - 0os correct; io 22 Lenke gained Just au there are dumbvoters so there are aiso-dash news- superinteodent of schools; cous I Sibilo Pesale's total wanter- popers. If yos live fu Nifes last weekyuu read half of the Morton rect;is y3 Lenke gaited 2 mento hyjock Cjutor, priecipal: After the election the Board - Grove Left Haqd celumu hryour Nifes Bugle-paper, And if yoo'rCintroductionof Adlai E. Stev- Coetieaed on l'ace 23 from the Golf Mill-East Malosares you read the Nileucolamu-conos fil byMro, Sylvia McNoir, 00 its front page, board member; oud the formaL :- - - dedication of the schoolhy WO- - We have a sounding gag In our efficewhesever there's ou error110m Gurolnich, president of the to billing or in our - ado we blame ltou "the girl in the offire."board 0f edatation. Weil, We blew last week'scolumn Oud we're- afraid we have to blows "the guy in the efflce" The Golf-Moine Civic Asso. the one whose same In atop thiswill present a lithograph to the column, since he's the lautune to_see it before it is locked op sr - the press, Stevenson School.- - Mr. Arlen- - - - - Schar, president. will make the SET n - - - n - e - presentation. - - Mosleal selectiopswillhe Leff-svrn from last week whichyoo didn't get to read inclodedpreformed by the East Maine - - this wrep..ap 0gthe cIncelas: - - - High schoofltaod. - _ast MaIne School District Cries of maHnpuMcsuutsfrs No. 63 au elementary district - comIng iota the village and Wsrkisg the cells,were heard all day and into the sight of the alus leciodes. East MaIne Jonior election by thelosing casdidates in thIes, Abo heard Were theHigh school and eIghtother towoship politIceswere sticking their noses into the village,elementary schools,BoUàrd, whtck io mare anathema dsrisgvillage elèctious. Melzer,Nelson,00h,Mark Twain, Washington, Wilson and usI In Nibs lonersAug Marchenchi and Marge Lieskewere stroogest Nathansou. at the pollsat St. Betiedictn, Greunon Heights und Notre Dame. Sut 000e of thesçpolls had the overwhelming margins-Blase aitd ivtlestjttS.... his friendsh8d-1nBlake'n home area of Park -Lane, as well au at the north Corn. Loafs Schreiner pretiocte cud atChenterfleld Gardens. - - moving to North Car. io Dee- Blest won by 1700 vutOs. In these 6 polls he rolled up a 3 1/2'emher....Nest ph. electionis 't'flcket" For Mss Gobor 1971will Intiade Eagao od to i margin, - - Recipleof of the first ticket tu the Nifes SuUivao oeats,,.,Eledtric - vs. Pulicemen'sßafl io gao refrigeration for ice rink Zsa Zsa Cabot, Prseo1iug the licketto Miss-Oskar la Sgt, Ered While Gracawaldwan the top vote-getter is Ms trastee rate Topp, chairman 0f this year's affair, On hetrailed is now being debaiWd.,_Blda for- the opposite side uf Misa the ap - uf Mb ticket ist23 of 28 paIls, Setood high o.ri. fieldbosae and Ballard posi Gabor io Officer Thomas Ferraro,president et the Nifes 'POtrei.. tDiotee candfdatKeith Peck topped hIs Mayor candidate in 25 mes's Beoevoleut Associatios which upetied at Ist wk. in May... spoosurs the bail. The bell- uf the yg Third winner Pete Pesule topped Blase lo 2 uf will he held -Satarday, May --17 the 28 There píaying musical stores at the Chicago Marclôti Mdtoi' -while loser Jack Lenke. who trailed Peoole by 45 listel, Headliolog the affair wili bePrankie Masters and bin 12- votes. foppodhisMayar catididate in- 24 of 28 poils. Plith high atOskton aodlvliiwaskee..Fore- piece orchestra, Jerry Marad's Hao'tnosicatn, most Liquors maven arusod the and -the eeteninin.. Vote_getter Ralp)t-Bast fajlgd tu tp the head et hin licketIn uy - -jog Caroevales. Tickets - are 92.50 each, -Allprgceedn are- used - corner lots-the TopValae store. - tosrchaue life insdraoca for the meiilteru. Farther - - -- Infurisatlön Continued on Page 23 - - - Sara Loe moves intooremsst, man be obtained bu cullino the Nitos -- - / a?lr L U S \ I , íHHiI Thehagle, Thmsday, May 1, 1969 p LETTERSto EDJTO r :/e':r MlssjonaSisters oftheSac ss red He Co . - .. rcbased the property at 9450 GdIf rd Des r ....I Plaines, fromDorothySchra . Successf E - der Ør$85.00Oit was a Wiles_Days - L_!° Commiee Days Csmmjttee flsunCed in the latestmoetMy Nues lllnojs60648 hasOUtliVed .: its Usefulness . Mathe townshipreal estate to the0mw I i De thgeneral,After the . Members.. trsfer repart tram Cosn tnof the Yosth cocer Recorder Sidney R. Olsen. Conwr fol_ ; lowed by the .
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