Mostly cloudy and cooler today with chance of some rain late In the day. High temperatures 75 to .80, around 26 Celsius. Cloudy tonight with chance 0aurIipatpr lEitpiuiig l^pral^ of occasional rain or drizzle; lows near 60. Periods of rain likely; cool-wlth high temperatures 70 to 75. A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 Chance of rain 30 percent today, 40 percent tonight and 60 percent Friday. Outlook: chance of yain Home delivered copy 15 cents Saturday; fair Sunday and Monday. National Vol. XCVII, No. 276 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, August 24,1978 Newsstand copy 20 cents weather map: Page 17. y V it» e Inside today] Mancheater Prisoner Swaps Senior Citizens hear Rep. ! William Cotter, IH^nn., explain his support for expansion of the . federal Medicare program to in- ' i ciude prescription drugs. See ; Set in Nicaragua page 2 . I j Battling black snakes, I j overgrown woods and unpleasant we will be ready for any even­ their captors threatened twice ‘weather is part of the job of a ' MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) - tuality,” the guerrilla leader said. Wednesday to shoot the legislators— CETA crew working to improve ’The government today bused scores The Sandinistas shot their way into they erected a firing-squad wall to the town’s water. See page 3. of political prisoners to Managua air­ port to exchange them for 40 to 60 the palace Tuesday as the (liamber demonstrate their seriousness — un­ government officials held hostage by of Deputies was meeting, and took 40 less the government met their East Hartford terrorists at the National Palace, to 60 of the legislators hostage. demands. witnesses said. __Jn'the proceM they killed at least “Zero,” who said he was 42 andltad Police charge Clemens Wawer ’The witnesses said the buses con­ six soldiers, wounded 10 civilians, spent half his life as an active foe of with unauthorized sale of food to taining the political prisoners were and trapped over 1,000 people inside the Somoza dynasty in Nicaragua, senior citizens from the Mt. heading toward the airport but there the four-story structure — govern­ said the Sandinistas with him were Carmel HaU. See page 8. was no word of how many prisoners ment workers, .relatives vlsitihg organized as the Commando The Republican town chairman were being released. them at lunchtime, citizens who were Rigqberto Lopez Perez — named charges thaCthe investigation into “Zero,” the leader of the guerrillas in the building to pay their taxes, and after the assassin who shot and killed a traffic accident involving the who overran the Palace ’Tuesday, others. Somoza’s father, Anastasio Somoza police chief is a "sweet cover- said earlier today that the govern­ About half of the trapped civilians Garcia, in 1956. up.” See page 8. ment had surrendered to all his .have escaped or been set free, bum demands — freedom for political prisoners, payment of a hefty ran­ Connecticut som and publication of a lengthy lef­ Lt. Gov. Robert Killian says tist manifesto. Vote Today Key Gov. Ella Grasso is trying to con A government spokesman con­ taxpayers into thinking she can ■ firmed there had been a “com­ obey the oourt order on school ! promise” agreement with the finances without raising taxes. terrorists, and said 83 prisoners To Postal Strike See page 8. would be turned over to them. The A jormer professional gambler : manifesto, a bitter, 80-minute-long says^am bling syndicates still ; diatribe against President Anastasio WASHINGTON (UPI) - Chances Service promptly contacted both have influence on jai alai betting : Somoza ^ b ay le and the Somoza of a nationwide strike that would bog sides and asked them to meet with in the state. See page 15. j family dynasty that has ruled down the mail system hinged in large him separately “as soon as possible Nicaragua for more than 40 years, part today on the outcome of a con­ to discuss what steps should be I. < already has been broadcast twice tract vote by the biggest of four un­ taken.” New England over the national radio. ions representing 600,000 postal Reporters repeatedly asked Vacca TheKuKluxKlaniscurculatlng ' John Hovey, left, add Dennis Armstrong dig while others ’The government also said it wouid employees. at a news conference whether he anti-black pamphlets and | watch Wednesday’s repair of a sewer line on Oakland Street. A pay a ransom — sources said it yrould The 280-thousand member would set a strike deadline — as is American Postal Workers Union, mandated by his union’s constitution recruiting - white teen-agers in ' town crew had the sewer line, which had broken, repaired,by 5 be closer- to 3500,000 than the $10 Boston, where sdnols are due to i million demanded — and allow the 21 representing postal clerks, finished — if the Postal Service refuses to open soon under the four-year-old p.m. Hie problem occurred near the intersection of Oakland guerrillas and the freed prisoners to balloting at midnight Wednesday and resume negotiations within five days. desegregaUon order. See page : and Woodbridge streets. (Herald photo by Pinto) leave for Panama. officials were expected to announce “On the advice of counsel, I am not 16. i In a telephone interview with UPI, the results of the ratification vote going to comment on that provision the soft-spoken leader of the San- late today or Friday. of the constitution,” he responded dinista Liberation Army brigade an­ The National Association of Letter each time, almost as if he were on The Nation Sewer Break Fixed, nounced his guerrtlia band pianned to CqrrierSi second largest of the un­ the witness stand. James Lapenta, secretary of the ,Tbe Senate narrowly defeats an | release the 40 to '60 Nicaraguan ions, already has voted by a 4-to-3 legislators and government officials margin to reject the proposed three- . bargaining coordinating committee . amendinent which would hhve ■ they have held since Tuesday in the year contract. But leaders of that un­ * for the three largest postal unions, outlawM court-ordered school' W at# Waits National Palace in Managua. ion indicated Wednesday they would explained later; ‘"They’re waiting to busing for racial desegregation A sewer line that broke in Monday, Jodaitis said. await the APWU vote results before see what the big union (the APWU) . unless there was proof of . In their place, “Zero” said, Manchester has been repaired, but Tlie wooden water line that leads Archbishop Miguel Obando Bravo of deciding whether to set a deadline for does.” ' deliberate attempts to deny equal ; work on a water line problem will not from the Buckingham Reservoir is Officials were reluctant to predict opportunity. See page 15. Managua, the bishops of Leon and an illegal strike next week. start until at least Monday. leaking, despite recent repair work Granada, and the ambassadors to Letter carriers President J. Joseph how the APWU would vote, par­ The sewer line on Oakland Street done by the town. Nicaragua from Costa Rica and Vacca said he notified Postmaster ticularly in light of pressure on the The World near the Woodbridge Street intersec­ ’The line services 250 Glastonbury Panama have volunteered to escort General William Bolger of the rejec­ postal workers from President tion had a collapsed section. The customers and also provides water to the guerrillas to the airport, 10 miles tion vote Wednesday and asked him Carter and White House economic The conclave to choose a new ; problem was spotted earlier this Manchester from the reservoir. away, where a Venezualan transport to re-open negotiations by next Mon­ adviser Barry Bosworth to ratify the Roman CkithbUcp(q)e willmix ar­ week, and a town crew spent The town is checking the line to see plane is standing by. day. contract, and from AFL-CIO Presi­ cane ritual dating back almost 1,- Wednesday repairing it. if it can pinpoint the present ’There, the Sandinistas say, they Bolger said in a statement he was dent George Meany to reject it. 000 years with the latest In elec- : ’The work started before 8 a.m. and problem. Town officials have es­ will be joined by the 83 political “naturally disappointed” by the 78,- APWU members have been among tronic counter-espionage was completed by 5 p.m., Frank timated that between 500 and 1,000 prisoners whose release they won 288 to 58,832 vote, but would not say the most disgruntled over the con­ gadgetry. See page 14. Jodaitis, water and sewer ad­ feet of the line may be involved, and during tense negotiations with the whether he would reconsider his tract proposal, calling for a 19.5 per­ ministrator, said. replacement could be costly. Somoza government. position that any further dispute cent pay hike over three years. Some Sports Town officials believe that the Jodaitis said that the start of “Zero” said he expected to leave must be submitted to binding arbitra­ isolated wildcat walkouts already problem may have been caused by repair work will be delayed until at for the airport about 9 a.m. (11 a.m. tion — an indication he also is have occurred. Jerry Fay’s pro sports career construction work completed last least Monday. ’The problem has not EDT) and take off shortly afterward. keeping his options open until lear­ ' Nor was it clear whether all the un­ higblij^ted in Herald Angle ... year in the area by Cobra Construc­ worsened since Wednesday but “Everything seems to be going all ning of the AWPU vote. ions would honor picket lines in the Defending champions ousted in tion Co. The problem worsened probably will need to be repaired right, and if there is no obstacle at After being approached by Vacca, event of a wildcat strike — in viola­ Manchester Class B Slow Pitch gradually and was noticed this week.
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