Parietals- an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Maey's 258 soldiers Six million dollars on trip home perish during presented by Kroc plane tragedy for peace studies Spedal to The Obeerver Kennedy Institute of Politics at Har­ vard, was appointed by President GANDER, Newfoundland- A DC-8 The University of Notre Dame has Jimmy Carter In 1977 as ad­ charter full of U.S. soldiers returning received a $6 million gift from Joan ministrator of the Agency for Inter­ from the Middle East crashed and Kroc, widow of Ray Kroc, the national Development. He has been exploded yesterday near Gander In­ founder of the McDonald's res­ on Notre Dame's faculty since 1979. ternational Airport, killing all 258 taurant chain, to establish an In­ Among other activities, the new aboard and scattering gifts and stitute for Peace Studies. The institute will establish peace fellow­ weapons across snow-covered benefaction Is one of the largest per­ ships for young scholars of several woods. sonal gifts ever received by the Uni­ nations Including the Soviet Union Families and friends learned of the versity. and the People's Republic of China; disaster as they assembled for a The announcement of the award consolidate existing courses Into a brass-band welcome at the was made this morning. comprehensive program of peace headquarters of the to 1st Airborne Father Theodore Hesburgh, studies for Notre Dame under­ Division at Fort Campbell, Ky., but University president, said, "In her graduate students; develop a multi­ carried on with plans for a Christmas bold efforts for the cause of global disciplinary research program to music concert as a tribute to the peace, Joan Kroc displays an en­ explore specific aspects of the dead. thusiasm harmonious with Notre relationships among human rights, Airport employees recalled Dame's deepest institutional aspira­ justice and peace; attract eminent hearing the exuberant Americans tions. Her generosity will invigorate scholars to lecture, write and guide singing carols as they crowded into and dramatically expand several in­ the work of peace studies graduate the duty-free shop. itiatives already underway here to students at Notre Dame and develop "Just about every one of them promote peace in both the academic a series of lectures and seminars. bought some little thing to take back and policy-making worlds." In announcing her gift, Kroc home," said cashier Cynthia The institute endowed by Kroc's noted, "Father Hesburgh knows that Goodyear. "They were just so happy gift will be directed by John Gilligan, peace on earth won't come through to be going home." former governor of Ohio and now a quick technological fix, but by Cause of the 6:45 a.m. ( 5:15 a.m. Francis J. O'Malley University dealing with the causes of contlict: EST) crash remained under inves­ Professor at Notre Dame. Gilligan, injustices of all kinds, ignorance, tigation, but the White House said who has been a fellow at the poverty, hunger and disease." preliminary reports showed no in­ Woodrow Wilson International dication of sabotage or an in-flight Center for Scholars and at the John F. see KROC, page 3 explosion in history's eighth-worst aviation disaster. The charred cockpit voice and Suspended Santa flight recorders were recovered and Santa Claus seems to need to do some light eating for the Government approves will be taken to Ottawa for analysis, holidays as be is shown stuck in a fireplace made by residents of Alumni Hall. The Christmas stockings bung with care are among see CRASH, page 4 many holiday decorations found throughout the campus. temporary funding bill A.llsoclated Press work on the spending cuts. But ot­ hers said agreement would be dif­ Rhodes quest continues for three WASHINGTON Congress, ficult, since many of the proposed unable to agree on a multi-billion cuts involve domestic programs. By MARY HEILMANN the University in the state competi­ who received state interviews were: dollar funding measure for the full A compromise bailout for the Asslstont News Editor tions, Hatch said. Greg Dingens, an arts and letters fiscal year, whisked through a stop­ Farm Credit System also was on a "It's probably as intensive an in­ pre-professional and history major; gap bill yesterday needed to tide short list of year-end legislation. ·Three Notre Dame seniors have ternal process as exists in any Carl Krill, a physics and philosophy many federal agencies over for the Weary lawmakers looked forward been selected as regional finalists in university," Hatch added, explaining major who also was nominated for weekend and prevent disruption of to the end of the session as Reagan, the Rhodes scholarship competi­ that the endorsement committee the Marshall scholarship; Dava New­ government services. acting without ceremony, signed tion, one of whom also has won the wanted those students chosen to man, an aerospace engineering At the same time, administration landmark legislation designed to Marshall scholarship. have the best possible chance for ad­ major; and Sean Reardon, a PLS and officials reported progress in their force a balanced budget by 1991. Greg Abowd, a math and physics vancement in the competition. math major. efforts to cajole Republican law­ That bill was cleared by Congress on major from Michigan, was given a After students are endorsed by The University has received no makers into reviving proposals for Wednesday after months of wran­ Marshall scholarship, one of only 30 their universities, their applications word as yet on Newman's and Krill's major overhaul of the tax laws - the gling. chosen nationwide, following his in­ are sent to their home-state's com­ status in the competition. top item on President Reagan's But the controversy lingered as terview last Monday. Abowd wa,a. mittee, which chooses 12 students The Rhodes scholarship was es­ second-term domestic agenda. Even O'Neill blistered the plan as a "fake also named a regional finalist from for Interviews. From these 12, the tablished when Cecil Rhodes, a so, Representative Richard Gep­ and a fraud" that would harm the his state for a Rhodes scholarship. state committee endorses two, who successful South African colonist, hardt, D- Mo., told reporters, "The poor, and Representative Mike Also advancing to the regional advance to one of the eight regional sought to bring people from the bill's not dead yet, but the patient is Synar, D-Okla., filed suit in U.S. Dis­ competition were Theresa Doering, competitions. These regions then British commonwealth to Oxford, on the table and dying." trict Court challenging a provision an English and German major from select four Rhodes scholars from the his alma mater. It grants two-year fel­ The stopgap spending· measure that could lead to automatic spend­ South Bend, and John Beretska, a 12 students sent to them by the lowships which enable scholars to replaced an existing bill due to ing cuts. science pre-professional major from states. pursue a second undergraduate expire at midnight, and was ap­ The bill signed by the president Minneapolis. "It's a great accomplishment in it­ degree or a graduate degree at Ox­ proved first by a voice vote in the also raised the debt limit above $2 "We're very excited about the self that each of the students en­ ford University in England. House. The Senate quickly followed trillion in time to avoid serious dis- success of the students," said Nathan dorsed by the University received a suit, with Senator Mark Hatfield, R­ Hatch, director of the Institute of state Interview," Hatch noted. "Each Like the Rhodes, the Marshall Ore., chairman of the Appropria­ ~CONGRESS, pageS Scholarship in the liberal arts, and state accepts 30 or 40 applications, scholarship provides for two years tions Committee, saying that the one of the faculty members who was but only chooses 10 to 12 students of study, but It Is applicable to any alternative could be the involved in the application and en­ to interview, so in a sense you've British university. "furloughing of federal employees" dorsement process for the Univer­ made a big cut there," he added. If he decides to accept the Mar­ if the federal till ran dry. Until 1986 sity. Abowd echoed this feeling, shall scholarship, Abowd will study With the end of the congressional Although Santa's Workshop i! Hatch said the University saying, "I think It's important to mathematics at Cambridge Univer­ session clearly in sight, House and just beginning operations, The contacted those students in the top stress not so much the fact that I sity. "I'd have a hard time choosing Senate negotiators also made head­ Observer production is closi~g ten percent of the senior class won one of these, because that in­ between one or the other (the way on a compromise long-term This will be the last issue of The during the first week of school and volved a lot of luck. I think someth­ Rhodes and Marshall scholarships) farm bill, and labored on a measure Observer before semester break invited them to participate in the ing more commendable was just but it's a decision I might not have to to cut federal deficits by as much as The newspaper will resume competition. Of these students, 29 receiving the interview, because make," Abowd commented. $80 billion over the next three publication on Wednesday, Jan completed applications, which were that's a great accomplishment itself. Abowd and Doering will be inter­ years. 15. The Observer staff wishes all examined by a team of four faculty My luck shouldn't be blown out of viewed for the Rhodes scholarship Senate Majority Leader Robert students, faculty, and staff a safe members who chose 14 to inter­ proportion." in Chicago this Saturday, while Dole said it would be an "abdication and happy holiday season.
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