Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1979-1980 Eastern Progress 9-13-1979 Eastern Progress - 13 Sep 1979 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1979-80 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 13 Sep 1979" (1979). Eastern Progress 1979-1980. Paper 4. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1979-80/4 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1979-1980 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. % » 14 l»4»es Vol.58/No. 4 Official Stud.nl Publication of Eaatarn Kentucky' Unnreraity Thund.y. Saptm.bar 13. 1979 Richmond. Ky- 40475 College of Business seeks accreditation Faculty Senate approves phasing out of seven associate degrees B\ ROBIN PATER separate faculty would be too costly. inflated." Thompson told the Progress ratio of student credit hours taught per New* Kditor Thompson explained later Some students who take evening faculty member, explained Thompson Approval of the proposed phasing out Consequently, in seeking ac- classes - only one or two classes - In other business discussed at the of seven associate degree programs in creditation from the American never intend to get a degree, he added Kaculty Senate meeting, a request for the College of Business highlighted the Assembly of Collegiate Schools of "The students about half of them approval of a new associate degree in meeting of the Kaculty Senate on Business 1AACSB1. these programs would go ahead and get their degrees " quality assurance technology was Monday must be dropped in order to comply The total number of graduates from passed The degree, which involves a The action cleared the way for the with Ihe rules of accreditation that the the College of Business for last year, cooperative arrangement with the last hurdle for the proposal, which is AACSB has set up including the summer session of 1979. Central Kentucky Stale Vocational final approval by the University Board "The rule of the accreditation was 354 Only 76 from this total received Technical School, falls under the of Regents. association we are concerned with is associate degrees. College of Applied Arts and Or Howard Thompson, dean of the the inverted degree problem." said Thompson commented that students Technology The degree program. College of Business explained the Thompson •They 'the AACSB) do not who still seek two-year degrees in the however, must also be approved by Ihe phasing out of the two-year programs to permit freshmen and sophomores in programs to be dropped will have other Hoard ol Regents, the Council on the Senate and stated that the purpose junior and senior levels." choices. Higher Kducation and the Stale Board of dropping ihe degrees is to further The AACSB stresses general "There are enough two-year for Occupational Kducation programs available in the area . so enable the college to become ac- education first and then the major The Senate also approved the that students would not he denied an credited division courses Thompson said that following proposed policy which was The associate degree programs to be the association is trying to protect what education." he said approved by the Council on Academic Accreditation for the college, the phased ml after currently enrolled they call the "common body of Affairs: students will be informed in main point in phasing out those students have completed their degree knowledge " writing normally not later than Ihe associate degree programs, would be requirements in these areas are: The College of Business has already second class meeting of the course electronic data processing, financial completed a self-study on the phasing attractive and advantageous in many objectives and the procedure to he used institutions, management, real estate, out proposal In fact, before it was ways in determining grades for individual "It helps us to attract students who retailing, accounting and health care approved by the Kaculty Senate, the classes administration proposal had been approved by the are screening their choices of schools The policy was presented lo Ihe The four associate degree programs Council on Academic Affairs, a with accreditation." replied Thompson Council on Academic Affairs by Chris "To some extent, trial happens among that Will remain to be offered are ad- curriculum committee in the Depart- Kremer, student member of the < ouncil schools of business And sometimes ministrative office services, executive ment of Business Administration and and president of student Association. foundations or other institutions that secretarial, legal secretarial and by that department's entire faculty. In The proposal requested that as a provide outside fundings do screening medical secretary , addition, a curriculum committee for mailer of institutional policy, members Thompson reported to tne Kaculty the College of Business, as well as its too." he added. • of the la cully inform students in Senate that there were two options for faculty members, have approved the Uecruiting faculty is another factor willing, early in Ihe semester of Ihe keeping the degrees The first option, proposal which affects the desire to become objectives and procedures in deter- accredited "It's a quality measure and he said, would be to offer associate An exact figure on the amount of mining grades for the course degrees with "very little work in them" students who enroll in these associate standard." Thompson spoke of the ihat is. less fociis on Ihe major study programs is not known; however. accreditation process. Vice President of Academic Affairs area and more general studies ,,-. Thnrnp-nn i—pnrl*^ figjirtxi (or the 1978 "We will be visited either during this and Research. Dr John D Rowlett, Mmm. "which defeats the intent." said 79 academic year academic year or the next I'm not told the Senate lhal Ihe use of "second Thompson, who feels that this would In ihe spring of 1879. for example. IS6 sure when." said Thompson. "A , class meeting" in the policy is so that Sock reduce professional courses below an students were enrolled in these visiting team will come and check us Ihe term "early in Ihe semester" may acceptable level programs, said Thompson. Kor the, oul be defined nlore specifically t/uick reactions and a sense of alertness are obvious aids in Ihe sport "I ""re; The other alternative would be to complete year, however, only 31 were The AACSB looks for such specifics Tins pdicyNpill become effective as this youth learned when a Hying hall struck a not so spotting til >w MII ln» employ it new group of faculty mem- graduated from these two-year as appropriate doctoral coverage in immediately, providing the Board of lace The boy learned some of the liner points of Ihe game last week ilui Ingthi bers to work with students in these programs to be phased out compliance with teaching, the "com- Regents approves it at their upcoming Pee Wee Soccer Clinic held at the University tphotoln Brian Potts) programs This option of hiring a "Thai figure (156) seems •Wnewhat mon hudvof knowledge and overall, the meeting in October, said Rowlett. Hutch valued at $2400 'Woodworking wonders' refuse to sell their work By BRIAN HI.AIR Needless to say that a deal was never "If I worked for tliree weeks eight we did is sort .of like hie, I i,'. .i Features Kditor made hours a day. I could finish another stallion." Ball said "Kven Ihniii h • "" What we have here are the Wood- Hall, on the other hand, spent his one." said Howard, speaking of the tall off sometimes you've g"' IM !■■ working Wonders, starring Gary senior year of shop constructing a hutch willing lo gel back on " Bui the process involves more than And Rail believes lhal "• Howard and his sidekick. Gerald Ball cannon ball bed. total value ap- simply attaching flap A to flap B and on" is worth it in the end Background information on the pair proximately $1200 If nothing else. Ball slapping on a generous glob of Elmer's I look al that bed runs a little like this: said the finished product is a boost to (Ai They disagree on almost This is where Howard's shop talk •■Rial's good ' Yen know, i' .oil at his ego in the Itible. when (tint iitiKle. lite *«t • d everything that can possibly be "Yeah, it really is." he admitted comes into play This is also fertile ground lor lie looked back on it uutl said 'ti is disagreed upon - and then some. They "When I was a kid. I was always disagreements good ' And I wouldn't sell lhal In-*! lot ■ ■ even disagree on whether or not they curious I'd look at something like the A discussion arises concerning the million dollars." he said disagree Honest. design on a bedpost and say. 'I wonder i Ri Ball employs a touch of dry wit in strength of pine versus the strength of "You don I want lo sell it." s;iit. Only about a half-down homes exist in Madison County that utilise solar how they made thai''' walnut They battle over the pros and Howard After all. it's yours its all mailers; except disagreements And "And now 1 know So when people see healing units like the one pictured above (photo by Qian Kiaina) cons, but the dispute is never quite something you made " when Ihe wit runs dry. there is always a my bed. they'll say. How did you do 4 resolved. Ball grins, well aware lhal Ihe time is lighthearted simile just around the that?' And it seems like nothing to me." corner In short, comparisons are his In time, the topic of the frustration of ripe for yet another comparison lit In a way.
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