'■'VT' , . ... ^ ^ MARY CHENEY LIBRARY WCDl^SDAT, T>ECI:M ^ S, l U M Utmrifpater IcwMitiig IfsraUi Ihn WnstlMr , m A T «n c« D bOt N tt PrcBt Rnn FatMMt at P. fc Wannim Wat Iho Mantk of Nevwabm, IBU Fair fUa a^nMMB- and nBa||^-^ 9,635 to 10 degreea colder tlina 4U} aftemooa; fair aal cold taBlght and VZiddjr* ManeheMter^'A City of Village Charm ■MwdMnoiiH MANCHES^R, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1948 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR C ilttS VOL; LXVnL, NO. 59 AdvertWng «B V*B<B Id) Admit Communists Tearful Runaway' News Tidbits Accused of Slipping Called Froia yP) Wires Britlali Army annoimccs it Is Inflict Casualties sending Seinforcementa to Hong Kong "in view of the deteriorat­ One-Time Red Agent ing situation in China.” . Bat­ tleship "Missouri’’ heads Imprsa- On Three Armies slve fleet that wUl put to sea niext January on (Caribbean training cruise . Representative Dingell Government Sources in (D-Mlch) predicts that more than Government Papers Solons Scan half of members of American Nanking Say 16th Medical association will Vefoae to contribute to fund to oppose gov­ Former State Depart­ Army Group Virtually Aid Spending ernment health insurance pro­ gram. Chief Investigator ment Employe Pat* W ip^ Out; Reorgan- lAtter from President Traman at typical ward low pricesi iaed Groups Trying to Ptroposed Expenditures haa resulted in "200 per cent” Ita- n f w- unOn sianaStand min ViOngres-Congrea- SAVE 4.00. REG.10.95 provement for 15-year-old New LADIES' WHITE ELK FIGURE SKATES Break Through Reds For Marshall Plan Jersey boy, critically burned by Before tvrand Jury spy Heannga; OPEN THURSDAY and SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. Will Be Scrutinized 50,000 volts of electricity, accord­ ___________________ !1_ Tadleigh Refuaea to- Closed toe style shoe with high white elk-tanned top grain leather uppers. Nanking,' Dec. 9.—<ff)— ing to his nurses . Mercury Say Whether He Ever Long arch supporting inside counter, leather outsole, tapered high heel. Buy now. VE. • 8kids to 20 below zero in Montana Stripling Appears at Government military sources Washington, Dec. 9—</P)—Pro­ and Wyoming and big chill heads Questioned • Reg. 14.96 Ladies’ Pro Style Figqre Skates. endorsed by Donna Atwood, Ice Capades admitted today Chinese Com­ toward* central states . Detec- Gave ^Restricled’ Doc­ inquike a b o u t w ards convenient m o nthly terms . and our la y a w a y plan, to o i posed aecond-yeer spending for Suiprise W”ifne*a To­ S t a r . ............................................................................................................................................. 9-99 munists have inflicted heavy the Marshall plan—estimated at Uve U . David Kerr, head of uments to Chamhers casualties on three encircled Cleveland police Homicide squad, day; \^/eiif on In­ around 14,500,000,000—gets ita says women criminals are hardest vestigation Progress Army groups on Nanking’s first scrutiny today from bl-psr- to get confessions from. Washington, Dec. 9.—(flP) approaches. They said the tiaan foreign policy leaders in More than 1,000 workers in —Henry Julian Wadleigh, a 16th Anny group was be­ 0>ngress. grqater Cleveland area have been New York, DecN9.—(^P)— former State department em- lieved to have been virtually Senator OonnsUy (D-Tex), who notified of layoffs. , Big, raw- Robert E. Stripling, chief in­ s e n TOi Hociunr s k a t u ;)Ioye, waa put on the stand wiped out. once again will head the Foreign boned American wartime para­ vestigator for. the Houafes^n- n the congressional spy The 16th and the two other Relations committee, and Senator trooper who punched hole in Soviet proups garrisoned Suchow until Vandenberg (R-Mlch), tbe retir­ blockade "Just to visit my girt in American Activities commit­ learings today and accus^ 4 9 7 tere 9S.M last week, when they withdrew ing chairman, arrang;^ a meeting Berlin.” winds up In U. 8. Army tee, appeared today as a S' of slipping secret govemment (11 a. m. e.8.t.) with budget ex­ aouthward in. an effort to relieve Flve-year-old David Garland tearfully clings to trainman John J. Jail b^ause he had no military prise witness before the spy- papers to a onq time Red Top grain leather up­ the trapped 12th>Army group in perts of the Economic Coopera­ entry permit. American gov­ probing Federal grand jury. D A IN TY GIFTS I tion administration. Mill, after the yonngster ga%e op his plan to make a trip alone to agent. pers, nlckel-ptated steel the Suhslen sector. visit his Bister in Camden, Me. David boarded a train alone In Port­ ernment is cautiously ensi^ 1^ Stripling’s name had not been The accusation came when Rep- akates. Whole sizes T The military soureea said the The best available spending sa- restraints on trade with 'Yugo­ reoentative Nixon (R., Cklif.), to 11. Reg. TJ5 , (groups had reorganized and now tlmate for the year bei^nning July land, Me., but his youth led railroad officials to question him in Water- slavia to give Marshal n to some mentioned in the list of wit­ TRICOT RAYON is about |5(K),000,000 less than vUle, Me„ and trainman Keating won detaUed to escort the lad back slight help in his struggle to sur nesses scheduled to go before the read hitherto secret teatimoay hr are resuming attacks In an at­ to Portland. (AP wirephoto). WThlttaker Chambers, ooofaaeed tempt to break through the Reds. the present $5,055,000,000 appro­ vive against Russian opposition. jury on the fourth day of ita re­ former courier for a Oamaraiilaft DRESSY SLIPS They described the Communists priation for Bkiropean recovery. Ku Klnx Klan will hold public newed investigation of alleged spy ring. But the figure ia neither offi­ initation ceremony in Macon, Ga., (^mmimist espionage. as suffering heavy losses also. He appeared the day after a Wadleigh himself refvised to ziw Much depends upon whether the cial nor final. Officials said it is city auditorium tomorrow and whether he ever gave "restricteff* simply "as close as anybody’s officials say several hundred are committee member had declared former Suchow garrison can Join Arab Arguments Over In Washington that indlctnunt of documents to (jhamben dr to Al­ SID lUCRMAN POOftAU the 12th at Suhslen — 45 miles guess right now.” expected to take oath.. Govern­ ger Hlaa. fc', i south of Suchow—and both forces If econmnic aid to China is in­ ment hearing into proposed amend- Whittaker Chambers by the Jury Chambers, the House Committee SAVE 1.00. WARM 0^ g j I'* ;v \ creased and lumped with the Eu- m e n t s to Federal-StatS milk would make it Impoaaible for the 4 7 7 Reg. SJS NYLON SLIPONS ARI tA V I ON MOULAR 1.49 12 7 fan back to the new Hwal river inveatigators to get a t others in on Un-American Activltiea haa 2 9 8 dsfenas Una. lOB miles northwest ropesn spending, the total will Palestine Flare Anew marketing orders shifts to Albany diaeioaed. has namad thrae 91 OAUOl NYLONS | COAT SWEATER j L rise. Alao, ECA expects to take after tumultuous session in New the plot. p «n a FOR oim of the Chinese capital. Chambers, confessed one-time men aa soureea of secret doen- Uiieggo Deen " 1* ALL-WOOL WORSTED V nird of Streagth Poat over from the Army the adminla- York city, . Dr. Leon Lieber of meat Quick-drying,' noth-resistant nylon; She’ll treasure their sheer beauty . ; ; Santa, these are irresistibly tratlon of Korean relief, which Sydenham hospital tells greater Communist courier and now a Model. Top gram eow> Neutral military observers estl- Issue Resolves Into Dis­ senior editor of Time magazine, T h ey "'^ Hlaa, who has denied warm but light. Paetela. Sizes 34r-40<, . costume blending shades! 8H-10H. Reg. 3.98. For the comfort lover. Springy- trimmed with lace, flirt a 5 ' mstsd the former Suchow garrison now runs shout $100,000,000 a Israel’s Bid New York dental meeting about it; Wadleigh. and a man wboea hide wvar, doaUe knit yams, reinforced seama. 3 colors, year. new technique that, he aaid, may touched off the relnvigoratsd probe has lost one third of its strength pute Between Pales­ by both the Jury and the HouSe name haa n ^ y e t been made pob- lining. gome with slppera. ruffled hem! Fine quality run- aince abandonipg the base to the ' Chnnally indicated to a reporter reduce tooth decay by 00 per cent. Uc, ^ in advance of today’s talka that tine Arab Government, Russia, Britain and U. S. dele­ committee with new accusatlona I'aaMe to Ffod TMrd proof tricot rayon, all they Rede Dec. 1. The three groups have Seen Doomed laat week. .% waoaa (aWva), wka gave I been reported to em b^y a com­ they would be concerned more Palestine Congress gates In Australia argue over The Houae g ro u p ^ ^ bean try- with how Orngress ehould hantUe 1947 economic survey by secretar­ Identity of today’s jury witnea- uame to reporters aa Bnolce A. g to locate the thud maa and need after a wearing is a twirl bat atroigth of llO.OOO, although ses had been cioeely guarded by Uaeolm was queeHeaed behlad the garrison — including roar EXiA’s money problema than with ApplicRtion for Mein iat of U.' N, economic commission government sources who also were auqzoena him ae a wtwapA bat the Buma involved. Cairo, Dec. —Smoul­ for Asia and the Far East . closed doora by tbe Hoaae Coos- haa been unSbIe to flod i through suds and a flick of the echelon personnel—waa placed at silent on progress of the Investiga­ mtttee im Va-Aaserlcaa Aotivltira 25a,000.
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