April 2015 Volume 31 Issue 4 Mustang Club Of Greater Kansas City President’s Pony Notes The April General By RJ Coberly Meeting will be held at 5:00 PM on Sunday, April 19th, at Bristol Hill United Meth- It’s April 1 st , but it is no April Fool’s that “Mustang Season” is now officially here!!! The odist Church at 4826 Coun- first MCA Na#onal Show of the season has taken place in Tucson Arizona, and congratula- ty Ln. Rd., KCK 66106. #ons to the Stegners, )oungers and Logans for “bringing home the ,old.” .ur rst 2011 The Board of Direc- Cruise Night is only 11 days away and we are now 22 days away from hos#ng the club’s 31st Annual Show. tors meeting will be con- ducted Wednesday, April The photo shoot at Sam’s Club, for purposes of crea#ng promo#onal material for our new 15th starting at 6:30 PM. It Cruise Night host and loca#on, was e4cep#onal with 30 cars in a5endance. Thanks to all who a5ended and to Sco5 Sha6er for the photography and resul#ng promo#onal material. will be held at Old Shawnee th Pizza, 6000 Rogers Drive And remember, April 11 is our rst Cruise Night of the season and our rst Cruise Night at (61st and Nieman) in Shaw- the Sam’s Club located at the Legends. Consider coming early to help set up. There will be direc#onal signs to place, sound e7uipment to set up, and traffic to direct and park. A8er nee, KS. the photo shoot, representa#ves of the Club held the nal pre-Cruise mee#ng with Sam’s Contact any Board Club personnel. They are eager to host us and are working very closely with us to assure the member for more info. Cruise Nights are successful in every regard. March is always “Parade Month” and this March was certainly no e4cep#on. Thanks to the COMING EVENTS members who a5ended either the Snake Parade or Brookside Parade for your par#cipa#on and club representa#on!! The overall planning for the Annual Show is complete, the sponsorship drive is con#nuing April 11th and the opera#onal aspects of conduc#ng the show itself are coming into view. No good Judges Clinic plan is ever accomplished without e7ually good e4ecu#on, and this is where the club as a whole always delivers a resounding performance. If you have not signed up for one of the April 11th opera#onal ac#vi#es in the show’s “Resource” notebook at the ,eneral Mee#ngs, I certain- Cruise Night ly encourage you to do so. “A5ending” and “working” the show is double the fun!! April 15th The KC Auto Show was a5ended by appro4imately 40 members courtesy of Ford and the Midwest Area Ford Dealers. Admi5edly, I never made it outside of the Ford/Lincoln display, Board Meeting and the Mustangs on display were e4cep#onal. The ,T310 “stole the show” but any of the April 19th Mustangs on display could have happily followed me home!! General Meeting Aell, I had be5er close and head to the garage. Something tells me there is a lot of clean- ing and polishing going on “out there” (can almost hear itC and don’t want to be le8 out!!! May 9th Cruise Night See you all at Cruise Night! “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry May 17th Ford Mid-America Mustangers ——-RD Annual Show /our 2014—2015 1oard of 2irectors President RJ Coberly 913-745-4016 Vice President Ed Mardiat 816-678-3021 Secretary Mark Raab 913-829-0249 Apr 17 Ervin .vorak May 1 Sherry Castellanos Apr 18 .arlene Bard May 4 Mike Gon4ale4 Treasurer Tom Younger 913-439-9232 Apr 20 Sheila .ickey May 7 Linda Bosky Show Director Jeff Daniels 913-397-0248 Apr 20 .enise .ye May 8 LB Fields Social Director Sally Dold 913-669-1953 Apr 22 .orothy Ragan May 8 Steve Givan Past President George Stegner 816-898-3225 Apr 25 ,im Truitt May 8 Linda Scott Apr 26 9ohn Godfrey May 10 Mark argadine At Large Doye Ewert 217-663-9440 Apr 26 Leonard Sparks May 11 9ustin .old At Large Rick Hernandez 913-221-4259 Apr 28 Carol Stowe May 11 9ohn olmgren Appointments Apr 29 Gary Colliver May 12 ank Skivers Apr 29 Avonne .elphia May 12 .ebi 9ones Club Sales Jack Bosic 913–631–2027 May 14 Micah .uffel Cruise Night Rick & Deb Lage 913–649–8356 Head Judge Jack Bosic 913–631–2027 Historian Scott Shaffer 913-244-8117 MCA Director Doye Ewert 217-663-9440 Membership Joy Stegner 816-806-0904 Email, .oystegner-hotmail.com Newsletter Lorne Willard 816-289-7377 Apr 16 .oug C Sandi Foust May 1 Linda C Fred Sauer Email, lornew-fairpoint.net Apr 17 Mike C Cindy Faltermeier May 4 Bob C Barb Brooks Classified Ads Tom Hoffman 913–461–8529 Apr 18 Blake C Amber Goddard May 6 Paul C Rhonda 0ojtowic4 Apr 20 .ebbie C 9eff Pavelec May 8 Alan C Tatiana Bargerstock Email, h1fam-aol.com Apr 22 Rick C .ebbie Lage May 12 Ervin C ,athryn .vorak Webmaster Lorne Willard 816–289-7377 Apr 28 Mike C Sheila ilker Email, lornew-fairpoint.net The Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City, Inc. is a non–pro<it organi4ation dedicated to the preser- vation and enjoyment of the Ford Mustang and Shelby Mustang automobile. Af<iliations include the Mustang Club of America and the Associated Daniel Hipsher Mark McCormick Car Clubs of ,ansas City. 502 East 5th St 19429 E 11th Terrace N General meetings are held on the third Sunday of Tonganoxie, KS 66086 Independence, MO 64056 each month, unless otherwise announced. The 913-207-7830 (Daniel’s cell) 816-804-2635 (Mark’s cell) time and place of general meetings will be an- [email protected] [email protected] nounced each month in the Newsletter. 2010 Coupe, Grabber Blue 2015 Coupe, 50th Anniversary Pkg, Compe##on .range The Board of .irectors meets each month on the 0ednesday prior to the general meeting, unless otherwise announced. All members are welcome to attend the Board of .irectors meetings. Newsletter material should be submitted by the )irst of each month. Social Report By Sally .old March KC Auto Show— March 1, Thursday, 9:00am. From what I heard, a good #me was had by all. Thanks to Sco5 Sha6er for coordina#ng for me. Snake Saturday Parade in NKC, Sat, March 14. I sent details out concerning #me and staging loca#on via email to everyone signed up. The plan is to meet at Saints’ Pub in Shawnee a8erward for lunch. Thanks to Pam Riden and Nona Hernandez for coordina#ng L geMng the decora#ons there. Brookside St. Patrick’s Annual warm up parade N Sat., March 14, 2:00 PM. ThemeO-”Forever Brookside” We had four cars par#cipa#ng. St. Patrick’s Day Parade , for conver#bles only for dignitaries on March 17 (TuesdayC. Three cars provided this ser- vice. April April 11—First CRUISE of the year! See you at SamPs Club by Legends. April 12—Breakfast with American Legion Post 370, followed by caravan out to the Arboretum , 179th L Hwy 69. The breakfast is made to order, so be prepared for a bit of a wait. I am S. looking forward to a yummy omelet!! *.TS of folks signed up; should be a wonderful day! May May 2 — Apple Blossom Parade in St. Doseph, M.. Details to come later. May 9 — Cruise Night—Sam’s Club at the Legends. May 31 — Show ‘n Shine at City Market , KC, MO. Details to come later. If you have ques6ons or to sign up for any e0ent. please contact Sally Dold. Email7 skrd8aol.com Cell number 1 396619 153 Judging Clinics Our <irst judges clinic will be held Saturday April 11th at 9:00 AM at R9Ds garage at 21028 0 81st Place, LeneEa, ,S. At- tending one of our clinics is a good way for new members who havenFt shown their cars to get some tips on showing their car. 0e need judges and writers 6scribes8 because we are hoping for a very big show and this will help you in judging or writing at a National Show. R9Ds Cell is 911-706-0744. 3n Saturday May 9th, we will have another clinic at George Ste- gnerDs garage at 12419 NE 115th Terrace, ,earney, M3, time to be announced. 0e will have a car on the lift. 5pcoming Shows 6 Cruises The Mid-America Mustangers will be holding their 14th Annual Show on May 17th at Gary Crossley Ford. They are also holding their cruise nights at their new location in North ,ansas City, M3 on the third Saturday of the month may through September. Minutes—March Meeting March 5. 20 4 at Bristol Hill Methodist Church. Mee6ng called to order at 5700 PM by George Stegner Past President: George Stegner N Pre- month. D Ed Mardiat N Always check our siding N Aelcomed our new Rice Presi- Eebmaster D Lorne Eillard D No re- ,oogle calendar on the club’s website dent Ed Mardiat to the Board of Direc- port. for fun ac#vi#es. If you know of any tors. Cruise 2ight D Rick Lage/Ed Mardiat that are not posted please forward that Membership: Joy Stegner- (AbsentC D Ae are looking for some members informa#on to Ed. ,eorge Stegner repor#ng: ,eorge rec- to help out with DD e7uipment, tables Road Trip Coordinator N Grace Bosic D ognized members a5ending their rst and cones set up for Cruise nights.
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