TAKE A PARTNER. j THE If you were offered a partner who, while AUSTRALIAN BANK OF COMMERCE LIMITED. providing guarantees of his stability, would Authorised Capital - S5.000.000 Capital Paid-up and Reserves • £3.305.130 devote himself to safeguarding your money, Aggregate Assets at 30th June. 1927 (I8.3CC.297 Directors : Silt MA UK SHKI.OON. K.B.K., Chuit-muu ; make it earn profit, and demand nothing in FKANK N. YAKWOOIJ: H. R. LVSAOHT. O.H.K : GKOKGK J. SI.Y. LLD.: LUCUT.COI- T. L. F RUTI.KDGK. return, wouldn't you accept ? JAMES KKLL. Goncral Manager: C. M. C. SHANNON. Chief Inspector: W. G. HOI.u Of course you would and — you are offered such a partner. Head Office, Sydney (Corner George and King Streets) HKANCHKS AND RKCKIVINO OFFICES AT I3H A Savings Account will do all this for I'LACKS IN NICW SOUTH WALKS. UR1SUANK:—261 Queen st. Chief Inspector for you, and yet allow you full control of the Queensland—L. AVKYAKD. Manager—G. K. AIJIXANI>EK. BRANCHK8 AND RECEIVING OFFICKS AT 27 business. FLACKS IN QUEENSLAND. M KLHOUKN K:—325 Collins-si. Manager—M. H. FINNKY. Open a Commonwealth Savings Account ADKLAIDK:—35 llnndlcst. Malinger—R. T. MOOIHK. FKRTH: -73 St. George s Terrace. Manager—A. C. DIBDIN The fJavy League Journal to day. LONDON :—B2 Hi-liopsgate K.C. 2 Managor—A. K. JKNKINS. AgenU throiighont llie rest of Australia. Tasmania and New Zealand, and at all Chief Cities throughout the World Vol.. VIII. No. 12. SVONKV, APRIL, 1928. PRICK 3n. Commonwealth JBank of Huslralia KVKltY DESCRIPTION OF HANKING HUSINKSS TRANSACTKD. (Guaranteed by the Commonwealth Government) BOY TRAINING. HILST incurring, perhaps, the risk of re- It must be remembered that when we reler to Witerating much of what has been already the question of boy training and its past establish- written upon the subject in the JOURNAL, it seems ment, H.M.A.S. "Tingira," we only speak of the necessary that we must once more advert to the system of training No useful purpose is served question of Boy Training for the Royal Australian in discussing at present the question of means and Navy. type of establishment, whe'.her shore or ship ; nor The view that the Federal Government should . does it concern anything that has been written on make arrangements for the training of boys as boy-training in this JOURNAL. speedily as possible has been endorsed by other BENEFICIARIES^ branches of the Navy League throughout Australia f In June of last year the " Tingira " was with- and also by other public organisations interested in drawn and the system of boy training abandoned are »af«guarded against the mismanage the safe progress of our Commonwealth. by the Government. In addition to the imperative practical needs of re continuance—and these, we inent, incapacity and inexperience of the W^^ Achieving In placing the whole position of the cessation of , unhesitatingly state, should be ample reason—it individual tru»lee when a Company which Beauty and Permanence training and its consequences before the public, would be a fine gesture on the part of authority if ensures security, experience and stability OMEBUILDERS everywhere are the Press throughout the Continent has done achieving permanent Ceiling some earnest of reversal to the well-tried system i* appointed Executor anil Trustee of a will. H beautyTTiIvmitv. hyv installing WnnderWunder-- yeoman service. In Sydney we have to thank in Art Metal Ceilings. Reasonable were given on Anzac Day. Our interesting booklet, telling you of the benefits grices and low cost of fixing place our particular the " Sydney Morning Herald " and the you can derive by appointing us to administer Ceilings within the means of "even the " Evening News," who have devoted leaders and modest Homebuilder. We owe a debt to those who were found so your Estate, will be sent free on request. important news-space in placing the facts before Send to-day for our free Catalogue M. 2 efficient on the day of trial and sacrifice. Many the public. Needless to say, much valuable help J. W. BARNES, Manager. WUNDERLICH LIMITED of these men received their first great lessons of Baptist Street, Redfern, Sydney has also been rendered by the chief newspapers in E. V. T. WHITTLE, Assistant Manager. discipline and service under the boy training other States. WUNDERLICH system on the "Tingira." If the Government Permanent Trustee Company Art Metal Ceilings It will be 16 years on Anzac Day since the in- re-adopts the old principle, what better day could itSs auguration of boy training in Australia, when on there be on which to announce a decision, the day OF N E.W SOUTH WALES LIMITED that day H.M.A.S. " Tingira" entered into her of grateful rememberance and the Anniversary of 25 O'CONNELL ST., SYDNEY. honourable service as the Alma Mater of the a system which has brought so much efficiency to Service. the personnel of our Navy ? THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. / THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. Famous Australian Sailing Ships. was claimed on the log that she was running between 18 and i?>% knots, although considerable No. 6. The Lightning. doubts have been cast 011 this estimate. With the Interstate Steamship Sailings One of tile best known of all the Australian old-fashioned stream log that was used in those sailing ships, and for long the pride of James days it was not at all difficult to add several knots Modern Passenger Haines' fleet, was the LIGHTNING, which was built to the speed by delaying the turning of the glass Steamers: by Donald McKay, of Boston, in the winter of and the checking of the line, allowing many fathoms Regular Passenger and Freight Services 1853, and was one of the first of the famous to run out at either end of the sand. Whether the ORMISTON windjammers which the astute Liverpool owner estimate of the speed is correct or not she certainly ordered of the finest of the American shipbuilders. KATOOMBA to all Australian Ports. made a wonderful passage, and in spite of the fact Of course there was a good deal of criticism of bis that she had been provided with the finest canvas ORUNGAL action at the time, but there is no doubt that the and gear that money could buy she carried away a CANBERRA BUILT FOR SPEED AND COMFORT. LIGHTNING and her consorts taught British ship- good deal. builders a good deal and led to an improvement in ZEALANDIA our design which soon surpassed the American Her rival on the Australian trade, the RED KAROOLA masters. JACKET, sailed from New York the day after the LIGHTNING left Boston and made the passage in BOMBALA Her dimensions were 244 feet overall by 44 feet FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO 13 days 1 hour, the best 24 hours run being 413 DIMBOOLA TELETHON! beam by 23 feet depth of bold, while she was given nautical miles. KANOWNA Adelaide Steam.hip Co. Ltd. • 22 Bridge Street, Sydney City 9520 very extreme clipper lines and at the same time A. U. S. N. Co. • -7 Bridge Street, Sydney B 790S rather unusual comfort below, a bead room of eight As soon as the LIGHTNING arrived at Liverpool Australian Steamship Ltd., Kembta Buildings, Margaret St., Sydney B 7811 feet being provided in the emigrant spaces which there were many people who were doubtful of the Mclhvraith, McEacharn Ltd. - 19 Bri ge Street, Sydney BW1047 in those days was very unusual, but which was safety of her hollow bow, and it was filled in to a Haddart, Parker, Ltd. • - 10 Bridge Street. Sydney BW 1441 fully appreciated by ihe settlers in their long certain extent with solid blocks of wood, much to Melbourne Steamship Co. Ltd., Cr. Clarence and Barrack Streets BW1S04 V J voyages out to Australia. Her tonnage of 1,468 by the disgust of old James Baines who had absolute the new British measurement immediately put her faith in McKay's design. However, one of these INSURE WITH THE into the front rank of the clippers and naturally wood cheeks washed away and the other was soon she attracted a lot of attention as soon as she afterwards removed. arrived in British waters. Her fine and hollow bow Under " Bully" Forbes with " Bully" Bragg as was her most daring feature, and while one admires mate, she left Liverpool 011 her maiden voyage to her speed it has to be admitted that this made her MERCANTILE MUTUAL Melbourne 011 the 14th May, 1S54, arriving in 77 extraordinarily uncomfortable and wet. days with a best day's run of 348 miles. Every INSURANCE CO., LTD. As was usual with McKay's ships she was ex- sailing ship passage was carefully watched through- An Australian Insurance Co. Established 1878 ceedingly lofty, her main truck being i64 feet out the whole length and breadth of Australia in above the deck before her skysail mast was those days, and such a run assured her of plenty FIRE, ACCIDENT, MARINE and lengthened to take the moonsail, which was one of of passengers on the way home. Eighty people James Baines' fads, although it is doubtful if it sailed in her and she had a million pounds' worth WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE made the slightest difference to her speed. She of gold dust in her strong room. She made the carried 13,000 linear yards of canvas. After he passage in 64 days 3 hours 10 minutes and her MOTOR-CAR, PUBLIC RISK, BOILER EXPLOSION, PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY, had paid .£30,000 for the ship James Baines round voyage having only occupied 5 months, 8 ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, LOSS OF RENTS, LOSS OF PROFITS, added most elaborate passenger fittings, so that she days, 21 hours, including the time spent in harbour, FIDELITY GUARANTEE, PLUVIL'S (RAINFALL) INSURANCE.
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