40S Individual

40S Individual

Citation b. c. 1945, by Bull Lea (Bull Dog)-Hydroplane II, by Hyperion Lifetime record: 45 32 10 2 $1,085,760 Own.- Calumet Farm Br.- Calumet Farm (Ky) Tr.- H.A. Jones 14a51- 7Hol fst 1Ê :46_ 1:10æ 2:01 32Hol Gold Cup 137k 10 6 3æ 1Æ 1æ 1_ Brooks S 120 w 1.35e 94-10 Citation120_Bewitch108¢Be Fleet122› Ridden out 10 4a51- 7Hol fst 1Œ :46_ 1:11 1:36 1:48Æ 32American H 56k 5 5 5ÆÁ 4& 2$ 1Á Brooks S 123 w 1.75e 98-07 Citation123ÁBewitch106ÆËSturdy One112Ë Driving 8 14d51- 7Hol fst 1 :23Æ :46æ 1:10_ 1:35_ 42Handicap 15000 3 3 3› 1$ 1Á 1Á Brooks S 120 w 1.95 98-10 Citation120ÁBe Fleet123ËSturdy One110Á Driving 5 30b51- 7Hol fst 1Î :22Æ :45 1:10› 1:42 32Argonaut H 30k 6 5 5…Á 4_ 2_ 2æ Smith FA 121 w 1.45e 95-08 Be Fleet118æCitation121&Sturdy One111Á Closed well 10 11b51- 7Hol fst 6f :22› :45Æ :57æ 1:10 32Premiere H 18k 3 8 8©Ê 9©Ê 8_ 5ÆË Brooks S 120 w 11.15 93-12 SpecilTouch122&Mnyunk114›ÊBullrghJr.110› Closed ground 10 26e51- 8BM fst 6f :22æ :45æ 1:09_ 32Alw 3000 2 5 5| 4æÁ 3æ 3ÆÊ Brooks S 120 w 1.60 97-10 Pancho Supreme118›ÊA Lark118›Citation120æÁ No excuse 5 18e51- 8BM fst 6f :22æ :45æ 1:09_ 42Alw 3250 4 3 4© 4æÁ 3Æ 3› Brooks S 120 w 1.55 98-13 A Lark109¢Pancho Supreme120›Citation120ÆÊ Good effort 6 24d50- 8GG fst 1Ê :45› 1:09›1:34 1:58› 32Golden Gate H 57k 3 2 3›æ 3® 3_ 2æ Brooks S 126 w1.20 105-12 Noor127æCitation126›OnÁ Trust103Æ No excuse 5 17d50- 8GG fst 1Œ :46æ 1:09æ1:34_ 1:46_ 32Forty-Niners H 10k 3 2 2›Á 1$ 1$ 2& Brooks S 128 w 1.50 104-08 Noor123&Citation128æRoman In111Æ Outgamed 5 3d50- 8GG fst 1 :22› :44› 1:07æ 1:33æ 32GG Mile H 23k 6 2 2Æ 2Á 1$ 1Ë Brooks S 128 w 1.60 104-08 Citation128ËBolero123|On Trust116& Driving 6 17b50- 7GG fst 6f :22 :44Æ 1:08Æ 42Alw 4000 4 5 5| 5ÆË 2›Á 2Ë Glisson G 120 w 1.25 99-10 Roman In120ËCitation120›ÊBlue Border117æ Forced wide 6 4f50- 7SA fst 1Ë :47_ 2:02æ2:27› 2:52_ 32S Juan Capistrano H 64k 8 4 2$ 1$ 1$ 2¢ Brooks S 130 w 1.60 127-06 Noor117¢Citation130›ÆÁMocopo107$ Just failed 8 25g50- 7SA fst 1Ê :46Æ 1:11 1:35› 2:00 32S Anita H 135k 5 7 6_ 3ÆÁ 3Æ 2›Ê Arcaro E 132 w 1.35e 105-11 Noor110›ÊCitation132›Two Lea113& Close quarters 11 11g50- 7SA gd 1Œ :47› 1:11æ1:37Æ 1:50› 32San Antonio H 60k 7 4 3| 2Æ 2Á 2› Arcaro E 130 w 1.45e 91-17 Ponder128›Citation130ÁNoor114Ë Forced wide 9 26h50- 7SA fst 6f :22æ :46 1:10_ 42Handicap 6000 4 1 4ÆÊ 3›Á 2$ 2& Brooks S 130 w 1.25 93-15 Miche114&Citation130æÁHuon Kid107Á Close quarters 6 11h50- 4SA sly 6f :22æ :46› 1:11Æ 42Alw 5000 3 4 3æ 3›Á 3& 1›Á Brooks S 124 w 1.15 90-19 Citation124›ÁBold Gallant112&Roman In116æÁ Drew away 4 11i48- 7Tan gd 1Ê :48 1:13 1:37æ 2:02_ 32Tanforan H 54k 2 2 1Á 1›Á 1æÁ 1| Arcaro E 123 w 1.05 103-12 Citation123|Stepfather110ÆÁSee-tee-see117Æ Easily best 7 3i48- 7Tan my 6f :23› :46æ 1:12 Alw 5000 4 5 2›Á 2$ 1›Á 1›Á Arcaro E 126 w 1.10 95-23 Citation126›ÁBold Gallant112ÆBarsard109| In hand 5 29k48- 6Pim fst 1Ï :50_ 1:15Æ1:42› 1:59_ 32Pim Spl 10k 1 1 1 1 1 1 Arcaro E 120 w83-11 Citation120 Breezing 1 Walkover 16k48- 7Bel fst 1‰ :48 1:38›2:03_ 2:42_ 32Gold Cup 111k 8 3 3æ 1Æ 1_ 1Æ Arcaro E 119 w 1.15 90-19 Citation119ÆPhalanx126|Carolyn A.123ÆÁ In hand 9 Geldings not eligible 2k48- 6Bel fst 2 :48 2:29_2:56Æ 3:21æ 32J C Gold Cup 108k 7 1 1| 1™ 1™ 1® Arcaro E 117 w 1.30 96-09 Citation117®Phalanx124›ÆBeauchef124$ Easily 7 Geldings not eligible 29l48- 6Bel fst 1 :22_ :45Æ 1:10› 1:36 32Sysonby Mile 29k 6 4 4© 1Æ 1Æ 1æ Arcaro E 119 w 1.10e 94-14 Citation119æFirst Flight123&Coaltown119_ Eased up 6 28c48- 7Was fst 1Ê :46Æ 1:10 1:35æ 2:01æ American Derby 88k 1 1 2›Á 1›Á 1$ 1› Arcaro E 126 w 1.10e 95-10 Citation126›Free America118›Volcanic118Æ Driving 5 21c48- 4Was fst 6f :22æ :45 1:10_ Alw 4000 4 3 2Æ 2› 1› 1ÆÁ Pierson NL 120 w 1.20 93-09 Citation120ÆÁKing Rhymer114›ÊSpeculation117©Á Easily 4 5a48- 7AP fst 1Œ :46_ 1:10_1:35_ 1:49› 32Stars & Stripes H 56k 6 5 5æÁ 3Á 1›Á 1Æ Arcaro E 119 w 1.30e 100-07 Citation119ÆEternal Reward116&Pellicle106$ Driving 9 12d48- 6Bel fst 1Á :48Æ 1:12æ2:02æ 2:28› Belmont 117k 1 1 1$ 1_ 1| 1™ Arcaro E 126 w 1.20 97-10 Citation126™Better Self126ÁEscadru126| Much the best 8 Geldings not eligible 29b48- 6GS fst 1Ê :47 1:11æ1:36 2:03 Jersey 61k 4 4 1$ 1æ 1™ 1›› Arcaro E 126 w 1.10 108-11 Citation126››Macbeth114ËrBovard114Ë Eased up 5 15b48- 6Pim hy 1Ï :50Æ 1:16 1:43 2:02Æ Preakness 134k 4 1 1›Á 1Æ 1ÆÁ 1|Á Arcaro E 126 w 1.10 70-43 Citation126|ÁVulcan's Forge126æÁBovard126& Galloping 4 Previously trained by B.A. Jones 1b48- 7CD sly 1Ê :46æ 1:11Æ1:38 2:05Æ Ky Derby 111k 1 2 2© 2Á 1Æ 1æÁ Arcaro E 126 w 1.40e 80-22 Citation126æÁCoaltown126æMy Request126›Á Drew away 6 27e48- 5CD fst 1 :23 :46 1:10æ 1:37Æ Derby Trial 12k 2 2 2Á 1Æ 1›Á 1›Ê Arcaro E 118 w 1.10 92-23 Citation118›ÊEscadru118ÁEagle Look110Æ≥ Easily 4 Previously trained by H.A. Jones 17e48- 6HdG gd 1Î :24 :48æ 1:13Æ 1:45_ Chesapeake 29k 4 3 3› 1› 1æ 1_Á Arcaro E 122 w 1.20 84-16 Citation122_ÁBovard119|Dr. Almac119© Easily 4 12e48- 6HdG my 6f :23æ :47 1:12Æ Chesapeake Trial 12k 6 1 4›Ë 4›Á 2Æ 2› Arcaro E 126 w 1.30 88-27 Saggy122›Citation126_Dr. Almac122›Á Carried wide 6 28g48- 6Hia fst 1Œ :46Æ 1:10æ1:35_ 1:48_ Flamingo 62k 4 4 1$ 1$ 1æ 1© Snider A 126 w 1.20 97-09 Citation126©Big Dial118_Saggy122› Easily 7 18g48- 6Hia fst 1Œ :45_ 1:10 1:35Æ 1:49 Everglades H 10k 1 2 2æ 1Á 1› 1› Snider A 126 w 1.15 96-11 Citation126›Hypnos109_Silverling112 Easily 3 11g48- 6Hia fst 7f :23Æ :46 1:10› 1:23 32Seminole H 12k 8 2 2$ 2$ 1$ 1› Snider A 112 w 1.40e 97-16 Citation112›Delegate123&Armed128Æ Drew out 9 2g48- 6Hia fst 6f :22æ :45_ 1:10Æ 32Alw 5000 2 7 2$ 2$ 1$ 1› Snider A 113 w 1.20e 96-10 Citation113›Kitchen Police110›ËSay Blue107›Á Handily 7 8j47- 5Pim my 1Î :23_ :48æ 1:14 1:48_ Pim Futurity 48k 4 2 3›Á 2$ 1Á 1›Á Dodson D 119 w 1.40 74-41 Citation119›ÁBetter Self119™Ace Admiral122Æ Ridden out 5 4k47- 4Bel fst 6Áf-W :22› :44_ 1:09Æ 1:15_ Futurity 106k 14 4 3›Á 1æ 1æ Snider A 122 w 1.85e 93-10 Citation122æWhirling Fox114&Bewitch123› Easily 14 Geldings not eligible 30l47- 4Bel fst 6f-WC:23æ :45æ 1:11 Futurity Trial 10k 2 9 7› 6›Ê 1› Snider A 116 w2.10 86-16 Citation116›Gasparilla116&Up Beat116$ Drew away 14 16c47- 6Was fst 6f :22æ :45 1:10Æ Was Futurity 78k 5 3 4_ 4® 3© 2› Brooks S 118 w 1.20e 97-07 Bewitch119›Citation118$Free America118Æ Good effort 10 30a47- 7Was fst 6f :22_ :45æ 1:10æ Elementary 24k 10 5 2›Á 1Á 1› 1Æ Dodson D 122 w 11.40 97-07 Citation122ÆSalmagundi110¢Billings113& Going away 10 24a47- 5AP fst 5f :22æ :45æ :58 Alw 4000 2 4 4Æ 4æÁ 3Æ 1Á Dodson D 117 w2.20 102-12 Citation117ÁKandy Comfort114›ÁQueen Hairan114Æ Driving 8 21b47- 5HdG gd 5f :23 :46_ :59› Alw 3500 1 4 2Æ 2æ 2Æ 1›Ë Snider A 119 w 1.40 99-18 Citation119›ËLittle Tony113™Grand Entry116æ Going away 6 3b47- 4Pim fst 5f :23› :48› 1:01› Alw 3500 1 1 1› 1$ 1Á 1æÁ Snider A 119 w 11.00 95-19 Citation119æÁNewsweekly119›Still Champ119& Going away 6 22e47- 3HdG sl 4Áf :23 :48Æ :54Æ nMd Sp Wt 2 2 3| 3æ 1Á Snider A 120 w 11.60 93-07 Citation120ÁSunday Beau120&Brass Band120¢ Driving 11 Copyright Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved..

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